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/vr/ - Retro Games

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450982 No.450982 [Reply] [Original]

Hello guys, first of all, awesome board.

I want to play a DQ game on my DS, I hope it couts as retro, please help me decide if I play IV, V or VI, but consider the following.

-I want to have likeable characters
-I don't mind if the game is difficult
-I'm a huge VGM fag
-[spoilers]I like DQ because toriyama[/spoiler]

Thanks in advance

>> No.450989

Play V

>> No.450987

>me in charge of spoilers

>> No.451019

Why is vegeta in this game?

>> No.451028

Use Ctrl + S to spoilers m8, it's not that hard.

>> No.451040

>Hello guys, first of all, awesome board.
how much of a faggot do you be

>> No.451038

Because Akira Toriyama

>> No.451046

/v/ pls go

>> No.451049

I heard that OP must be a faggot everytime.

>> No.451053

but its true

>> No.451060

/v/ pls go

>> No.451061

Play V

VI kinda sucked.

>> No.451068

I dont even post on v. Toriyama is has a very distinct style. Deal with it.

>> No.451076


More like sameface

>> No.451081

That's what I said, yes.

>> No.451089

Come on, when I was a kid I could barely tell the difference between Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest Dai no Daiboken

>> No.451092

VI is my favorite

V is probably the best honestly

>> No.451104

Moefag pls go

>> No.451129

Damn, this thread turned into shit.

You should probably play V. FYI all the games don't need to be played in order at all, there's no real shared story between them.

Also if you want to play 1-3, those do need to be played in order. Pick up the GBC versions of those if you can, if not play the emulated/translated SNES versions.

>> No.451176


There's also technically a thread, or at least a similar backdrop, between 4-6.

>> No.451170


Yeah, but I got my answer anyways.

Thanks guys, polite sage

>> No.451226

It's only me that can't see anything special in DQ V?

The game is so linear and overly focused on the hero, the world have so few to offer, and there is barely something to explore until the last timeskip. It don't feels like the previous DQ, where you had a giant world with barely a hint to what do, there isn't even interesting characters, save Papas.
Even the special dungeon after the last boss gives you no rewards, it's frustrating.

>> No.451298

You act like every manga artist ever never did sameface. Shotaro Ishinomori did it often and he was one of the most celebrated manga artists.

>> No.451321

even tezuka and shirow

>> No.451369

Tesuka was a little more creative

>> No.452007
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>-I want to have likeable characters
Play DQIV or V.

>-I don't mind if the game is difficult
DQVI is the only remotely difficult DQ on DS. And its only difficult on the Murdaw and final boss fights. Because of very specific things. The other two games are the easiest games in the series.

>-I'm a huge VGM fag
All DQ games have good music. I'd rank those three games however as IV > V > VI in terms of music.

>> No.452034
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Someone who does sameface even more than those is Rumiko Takahashi or Fujishima Kosuke.

Not that I think they're bad. In fact, Fujishima Kosuke is my favorite manga 'artist' (not author, but artist). Mostly because he is the king of drawing hair and really improved his style over the years. Plus, Fujishima Kosuke does the designs for many games like Tales and Sakura Taisen. All that said though, nearly every character Fujishima Kosuke draws looks like it came from the same 4 molds.

Akira Toriyama is hardly sameface compared to a lot of people in his field.

>> No.452683
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Play them in order as they're all related.

IV is nice, but keep in mind that's it's a port of a remake of a NES game. V has the best story of the trilogy, but the game mechanics are too restrictive, VI has the best gameplay (and is huge as fuck).

>> No.452695

It's a trilogy. You should play IV first.

>> No.452707

My opinion still stands with playing 3 first. Then 1, 2 and 4, etc from there.

Still waiting for new on localization for the VII remake on 3DS

>> No.452713

Just thought I'd ask, but how is the NES version of IV? I never hear people talk about it much. I know most people mention V and its ports a lot, more or less saying they're all the same thing. But how's NES IV compare to DS IV?

>> No.452717

>playing 3 before 1 and 2

That's so retarded.

>> No.452724

The DS version is better. That's all you need to know.

>> No.452738

I know that it's better. I want to know why. Or, if not that, how the NES version of IV is for the time it was released.

>> No.452740
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>IV is nice, but keep in mind that's it's a port of a remake of a NES game.

1) The DS remake is not a port. It was a completely original remake made from the ground up. DQV and VI DS used the engine they created on DQIV DS.
2) Even if it was a port, why would that matter? Are you claiming it would be inferior simply because it was on NES? DQIV is still one of the best games in the series even on NES.

>> No.452752
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>> No.452749

What is going on in that picture?

>> No.452763

>sameface complains
>still no Hiraiface

What's wrong with you?

>> No.452756

Why is that?

>> No.452772
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The DS version added:

-Party Chat (which was then removed from the western release by a horrible localization)
-Improved the flow of the overall story
-Added an extra chapter to the story
-Better balance to gameplay/items
-Faster battles and character movement
-Made Psaro playable
-End game content
-Better graphics and music
-Most important of all possibly is changing it so all characters on your team follow your commands, whereas in the Famicom original, only the hero could be controlled and all the other party members were AI controlled.

>> No.452779

>Huuuurr duuuurr, can't play the games out of the order
>You won't have a surprise at the end when you figure that you was Roto all the time

>> No.452787

Alright, neat.
Thank you.

>dat female hero art

>> No.452798
File: 34 KB, 180x189, eded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IV was remade on the PSX with the engine they used to make DQ7, and than it ported it on the DS. Sure, a lot of asset changed, the perspective ins't the same, but it wasn't made from the ground up.
Also, it's by far the most archaic of the three, no matter how ahead of its time it was back in the NES days.

>> No.452803

Goddamnit I love IV's female MC so much. Best fucking design.

>> No.452806

Sure is /v/ in here.

>> No.452826

You were the one bitching with the idea of playing the games out of the order, I was annoyed with you.
Who is the /v/ here?

>> No.452827
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Most of those things were added in the Playstation remake of the game.

>> No.452832

Man, I want to play the older DQ games, but I don't like first person battles systems.

>> No.452834 [DELETED] 
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For reasons that is brought up in every DQ thread. DQI and II build up the legend of Loto (or Eldrick in English) as well as having the same locations from DQI and II to explore. If you just play DQIII first, it'll feel like a generic story about a kid trying to find his dad. If you play DQI and II first, it feels like an epic story about seeing how the Legendary Hero became a legend. Since you know that Loto is the Legendary Hero by playing DQI and II first.

>> No.452842

I was bitching in my first post stating my opinion on play order? That's a hefty assumption there.

>> No.452848


>IV was remade on the PSX with the engine they used to make DQ7


>and than it ported it on the DS.

False. The game engine for DQIV was totally remade. Since they had to also use that same engine on DQV and VI. And it also does many things the PSX games did not do graphically. Just the quazi 3D envionments with 2D sprites should have tipped you off. The characters on the PSX games are entirely 3D, while in the DS games, your characters are 2D.

>> No.452854

>That's so retarded.

>> No.452864

I played them all in order and loved them all just the same, but when someone who hasn't played a game in the series ask about a starting point, I just personally think that 3 would be the best place to start because it's the furthest back in the timeline.

>> No.452875
File: 48 KB, 400x531, DQ7scene2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since you know that Loto is the Legendary Hero by playing DQI and II first.

Actually, it was actually a twist : you're not supposed to know that it's a prequel until you get to Alefgard.

Same with DQ6 which tells the origins of Zenithia. The DS remakes also kept the layout of many related areas for better consistency.

>> No.452880


Most, but not all. And we never got the PSX game in the west. One of the major reasons Yuji Horii said he wanted to remake DQIV-VI on the DS was so people outside Japan could play them for the first time. Since only North America got Dragon Warrior IV (and its so rare its selling for $150 used online). And neither America or Europe got DQV or VI until the DS remakes.

>> No.452887

I kind of regret playing 3 first because of that. People kept telling me 3 was the best and I should play that one first.

>> No.452908
File: 556 KB, 728x1030, e1a96ff9c5b13d87ec46699ed6122557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plot wise, it is suppose to be a twist. But even in Japan, they marketed the game as 'the final chapter in the Loto Trilogy'.

If anything, most people who played the game when it first came out thought that your dad was suppose to be the legendary hero. As tons of NPCs refer to him as a great hero who saved them and you are on a journey to find him. But right at the very end of the game, you figure out the truth.

>> No.452913
File: 37 KB, 312x234, dragon-quest-iv-playstation-ps1-014_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>452848 The characters on the PSX games are entirely 3D, while in the DS games, your characters are 2D.

But that's completely wrong. They used exactly the same sprites.

The only remake which had 3D characters, up until the 3DS remakes, was DQ5 on the PS2.

>> No.452949


I guess I remembered wrong. But I distinctly remember reading in an interview with ArtePiazza that they made a completely unique engine for the DS games. They didn't simply use the engine from DQVII. Though it does look very similar.

>> No.452961



There is no timeline. DQI-III are a self contained series. DQIV-VI are another self contained series. And the rest of the DQ games have no timeline connections. Only loose references like the God Bird or 'winged people in the sky'.

>> No.452991

So, just thought I'd ask, but is this a reasonable way to play through the games? Mind you, I'll be emulating them all as I don't have some of the original systems. I do have a 3DS and all of the DS games, but it's not on me and I won't be able to get to it until about four months from now (out of state due to moving). So, yeah.

1+2: GBC (Gambatte); I would play the SNES versions, but I heard the fan-translation is kind of bad and it's really buggy.

3: SNES (bSNES); Those graphics are just hnnng. Some of the best pixel art I've ever seen. Plus, I heard the fan-translation for this is actually good.

4: DS (DeSmuME); I have this version of the game already and I know it's apparently the best overall (a few posts in this thread recognize that). I'm not a fan of DeSmuME as an emulator, but I think I can deal with it.

5: PS2 (PCSX2); I try to avoid DS emulation where possible. I haven't opened my copy of V so I don't know how good it really is on the DS. If there's enough of a reason to, though, I'll try out the DS version. Hell, I might not plow through these games as quick as I think, so I might get to actually play my copy.

VI: DS (DeSmuME); I would love to play the SNES version of this due to dat pixels, but only buggy beta translations exist.

>> No.453004 [DELETED] 

>There is no timeline.
Dragon Quest 1-3 are all connected. Ending of 3 has the reveal that you were Roto all along

Dragon Quest 4-6 are all connected, too, but much more loosely. I would consider these self-contained stories in the same universe.

The rest have no relation to any of the others.

>> No.453008

Hum? DeSmuME is all laggy, I never heard about a good emulation of 4-6.

>> No.453021

DeSmuME works just fine on my PC with all the games I played with it. I have no clue how the Dragon Quests are on it, though. I just assumed they would work since everything else I've thrown at it has worked fine.

>> No.453085


DQI+II really should be played on SNES. Specifically for DQII, so you have a much larger field of vision on the overworld and in dungeons. And the translations I played on the SNES games were just fine.

DQIII - SNES or GBC are both fine. The SNES version just has better graphics and music.

DQIV-VI: Buy them. Don't bother hassling with emulators for these games. If you absolutely must emulate them, get an R4 card. I suggest CycloDS. However, you'll still have to get around the piracy protection on the game same as an emulator.

>> No.453119

I actually already mentioned that I own the games for IV-VI on DS. I also have a DSTWO as a flashcart. I just don't have them on me because they're in storage and due to current life issues, I probably won't be able to get my stuff until three or four months from now. I actually already have the DS emulator set up for most games, I just don't like the way it scales graphics so I try to avoid it.

I heard of some really game breaking bugs in the 1 & 2 translation for SNES, though. Like one where you lose a party member permanently if you talk to somebody in town. I'll look into it, though. Thank you.

>> No.453126

Well, if you manage to emulate them, good, but you can still play 6 on Snes, the main story is complete and there is only about 2 cities with unfinished translation, obviously, after you finish their respective quests.

>> No.453143

I heard a lot of it was really buggy, though. Menu bugs where they freeze the game and other similar issues. I'll look around and see what I can find on it, though. Thank you.

>> No.453214


The bug comes in based on an event with the story. You find one of the main characters in a town. For some reason, the character respawns again in that town later, eventhough he's in your party. If you just avoid talking to him, you'll be fine.

>> No.454654
File: 348 KB, 800x600, 29001714_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think III's Heroine had a better design. This looks like a respectable bitch that you'd follow into a demon lord's castle and you'd know you'd be ok because she is a professional hero.

IV's Heroine looks like Akira Toriyama was channeling Tetsuya Nomura, but forgot to include all the zippers. Her outfit is just too silly, when most of the heroes get more practical outfits to save the world in.

They're both pretty hot though.

>> No.454805



There's picture of DQIV heroine getting pounded doggystyle done by Shinnihon Pepsitou. One of my most-fapped pictures

>> No.454882

I haven't played VI, but IV and V are both very good. IV is vastly underrated, I think. Both have very likable characters, but V has a more emotional story.
What I'm trying to say is play all of them.

>> No.454978
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Would it happen to be this set?



I think IV would have been more popular if they had not taken out the party chat. They're my favorite Dragon Quest cast, but we seldom get to hear them speak.

>> No.455062

I'm playing the DQ III's SFC remake right now. Just beat Orochi (hell of a boss battle). All of those little things about your dad are giving me the feels, subtle and powerful storytelling.

Same thing with that ghost town that's close to Baramos's Castle. I first entered it at night and there's all these people around this somewhat ruined looking village. But they seem somewhat oblivious to Baramos and the ones that are aware of Baramos are sure that they can stop him if his forces ever step foot in their village. And then I decided to spend a night at the inn and found that the village was completely deserted. Suddenly, it all fucking hit me. The ruined looking buildings..the obliviousness of the townsfolk, a skeleton that wasn't there before.

Baramos slaughtered all these people and their ghosts come out at night. I got chills like you couldn't believe. Until that point, Baramos just seemed like some faceless Sauron-esque figure. You never see him but everyone talks about him.

When I left that ghost town, it was first time time I felt how I really needed to destroy this guy.

>> No.455082

Is this the DQ general?

Anyway, I beat DQ1 for the first time tonight. It had a certain charm with its 1 on 1 battles and neat things like the Magic Armor which made me feel like a boss. I gotta ask, and I say this completely seriously, how the hell did you guys put up with the end-game grind? By the time I unlocked Dracolord's castle, I had to gain about 4 levels before I could take him out. I was playing the GBC emulator with frameskip and it got kinda old.

Neat game, though. I like how it doesn't end immediately. It's cool to walk around the overworld and look at all the flowers and shit.

On to DQ2.

>> No.455112

It's also satisfying to go around and listen to everyone praising you for being a fucking hero who saved the day.

And the grind? It's all apart of the game, man. I think you'd be able to beat DQ1 in a hour or two if there wasn't so much grinding.

>> No.455116

Open your walkthrough, anon, that game you won't finish by yourself.

>> No.455132

It's nice to see that /vr/ has all these Dragon Quest fans. I've seen plenty of DQ threads since I've been here. It's amazing how much this series is hated by a lot of the internet.

>> No.455135



exhentai is too complicated for me.

>> No.455136


I guess, yeah. I could give a vague description of what you had to do to beat 1 and it would be fairly helpful. That's how little there is in DQ1.

It was also nice just looking out for my own ass for once. I'm used to keeping party members alive. Maybe I'll do a solo playthrough of an FF game someday.

>> No.455147


The internet doesn't hate DQ any more than it does FF.

>> No.455182


there you go

>> No.455226
File: 553 KB, 2560x2489, 120854854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete all my cookies
>lose all my browser games saves
Sad day.

>> No.455238

but anon
you have other, better games to play

just think of all that porn

>> No.455263

I actually was sad about only one game in particular.
It was a ero game btw.

>> No.455280

now you have a reason
to do the internet porn

you will become the beast

>> No.455282


The internet doesn't hate DQ. DQ is just vastly under marketed and hyped so it has less fans defending it. See >>454835

>> No.455279

Was it CoC?

Or something else I need to know about.

>> No.455320
File: 81 KB, 207x337, 1365306107865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone have a single legitimate reason why Squeenix never tries to encourage Dragon Quest in the west? I mean, it'd be nothing but extra money for them, I highly doubt it'd undercut final fantasy or anything FF fans will keep buying FF games, but now they might also start buying Dragon Quest games.

Like, I just don't get it. I just don't understand SE at all.

>> No.455330

It's easily possible to play DQ3 solo. Infact, that game rewards you for it by giving you more EXP for every battle since the EXP doesn't have to be split up between four people.

It can be tough but it's pretty fun.

>> No.455371
File: 204 KB, 600x320, ffbus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They need that extra 1% of marketing budget to put more FF ads on the side of a bus.

You think I'm joking, but its true. If SE took just 1% of the marketing budget they put into FFXIII (estimated between 500-750 million dollars) and put it into Dragon Quest in the west, the series would probably shoot up in sales. Considering each game to actually get advertising has seen a 30-500% increase in average sales for DQ games in the west. Especially DQ8 and 9 which sold over 1.4 million copies each. That's higher sales than most FF games in recent years.

>> No.455372

Dragon Quest is a niche game after all, and marketing is hella expensive. I'm happy enough for the localized games, different from Tales series.

>> No.455415

I find that ironic because XIII didn't even do that well iirc because people bashed that shit out of it. I bet that stung SE pretty bad. Aside from the rabid fanboys FF really feels like it's dying, which is a shame because I feel it's had quite a few quality games. But I digress, SE needs to put some muscle into this series and I'm sure it'd take off, especially DQM.

>> No.455452


That's the one. Image 023.

>> No.455550
File: 305 KB, 600x421, DQ11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not your imagination. Sales for the FF series have been on a steady decline since the PS2 era. FFX was their last big hurrah. And the sales have dropped even more significantly in Japan, where FFXIII only sold about 2 million copies (nearly 50% less than the average main series FF game). And this was with significantly more marketing than any previous FF game.

And of course, what is Square's response? Just make more FF games and advertise them even more! Its a wonder that strategy didn't work back in 1999 and they needed Enix to bail them out!

Thankfully, it was recently announced that Wada and many of the higher ups at SE are getting fired over this. Sad it took them 10 years to do it. We might have actually gotten more support on the DS and Wii if 'One trick pony Wada' wasn't in charge.

Seriously don't even understand how Wada was chosen in the first place. Squaresoft runs itself into the ground focusing on only Final Fantasy. Enix comes and bails their company out. And...they put a guy from the failed Squaresoft company in charge...who proceeds to force the company into making even more FF games than before (70 in the last 12 years by my count). It makes no fucking sense.

>> No.455553 [DELETED] 

>"Hark, monsters. There is no way you can defeat the combined efforts of our titties."

>> No.456506

>how the hell did you guys put up with the end-game grind?

I use the Dragonlord's castle to grind, since Metal Slimes are too rare to be a useful source of exp. Go down the castle floors, fighting monsters all along the way, exploring every inch of each floor, until I was almost out of MP, then cast Outside and Return and do it over again. Every time I get a little bit farther down, so I felt like I was making headway. When I got to the bottom floor, I raided the treasury then escaped one more time and did the castle again, and I was at a high enough level to beat Dragonlord when I faced him.

>> No.457850

Am I one of the few that prefers the NES DQ IV? May be the nostalgia talking but Dragon Warrior IV is one of my favorite games.