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File: 73 KB, 1000x696, tom-clancys-rainbow-six_front_nintendo-64_faac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4506649 No.4506649 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game any good?
Not necessarily the n64 version.

>> No.4506776

Great on PC. N64 and PS1 versions are horse shit in both terms of controls and content. So much was cut out in gameplay terms and missions.

>> No.4506970

Only on PC, like most old FPS.

>> No.4507503
File: 10 KB, 146x216, ding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tango doesn't stay down

>> No.4507520

its a classic. but you have to be operator as fuck. one or two bullets will kill.

its like a simulation game. more thought out and slower than, say, rainbow six 3.

its a game you really have to plan out, and they give you really complex mission briefings where you can choose so many fucking options it intimidated me the first time i played it. i copped the dreamcast version for cheap. i wouldnt get it for the 64 tho, like how you avoid C&C for 64, or similar games. just not meant for cartridge and the wacky zaney WOOaUAhhGH fucking controller.

>> No.4507554
File: 67 KB, 640x631, 6434_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the Dreamcast version?

>> No.4507629

man down MAN DOWN need some backup NOW

>> No.4507882

I love it. Disclaimer I'm not a FPS fan otherwise though. Could just be nostalgia because it was a game my friend and I used to play a lot and go back to it when we see eachother nowadays.

>> No.4507945

Just finished the PC version a couple of weeks ago. Awesome. Love the planning stages, and as someone said, you can't go in rushing. One shot and it's lights out most of the time. Lots of replay value in the form of trying out different plans, builds, team sizes, etc.

Only "flaw" is the A.I. of your teammates. Sometimes they'll get stuck in a door, ledge, or some other obstacle, but the designers smartly solved this by letting you switch between teams, so you can quickly switch to them, move them past the obstacle, and then switch back to your alpha team. Even so, the A.I. is really no worse than anything in modern games.

Great game.

>> No.4508484

>there never will be a actual tactical shooter like Rainbow Six again

>> No.4508540

Fuck the Big Ben eagle watch mission. I can only do it solo as a team just get gang banged at the start.

Original rainbow six is incredible. Every mission is great fun and pulling one off with perfect coordination is satisfying as fuck.

Watching the circles on the map as they clear out the tunnels in the dam before extraction was tense as FUCK. Any enemies on walkways are a death sentence for your team.

>> No.4508568

I can only remember this song
oh and the MAN DOWN MAN DOWN

>> No.4508641

Its amazing but feels like a demo for rogue spear

>> No.4508783


I agree with this from a technical point of view but bit implementation. I was never as drawn into rogue spear’s story.

Ironically, the first one runs better for me as RS has crazy glitches on the map that made it difficult, although not impossible, to plan.

The joint assault in the nuclear power plant was a far better last level though - R6’s eco lodge was a fucking all ache

>> No.4508829

What I really like about shooters like Rainbow Six
is that there is a lot tension, it's something you really don't see much in games let alone shooters

>> No.4508860

It was good enough that it inspired so many Clancy games.

>> No.4508906

There is a fan-made compilation for PC consisting of original R6, expansion packs and Rogue spear with its own exapnsion packs. Fixed for modern systems and all missions compiled in a single campaign. It's called Rainbow Six Black Ops. Mind you, there is an issue that got overlooked - in original games in one or two occasions there are missions that are designed to play directly after the previous in way that doesn't give you enough time to gear up, meaning that you would go in with remaining ammo and personnel from the previous mission. Neat little way to make shit more interesting and difficult. In this compilation you can still re-equip shit before those missions but no biggie, its only one or two times in total.

That being said I got into it fucking hard core couple of months ago. There are more run n gun missions than I expected from a sim game like this , but there are also a lot of thinking requiring missions too. The theater one in particular was extremely hard but also satisfying.

I got stuck on the final Rogue Spear mission (one where you start outside, make your way inside and there are long rooms with generatos of some sort and glass areas), where you get spotted and it results in mission failure. I have yet to get back into it.

That being said - I recommend this shit wholeheartedly.

>> No.4508953


What are you running rogue spear on? Did you have any weird graphical glitches on the planning maps? Mine kept filling in triangles with the edges formed by my waypoints. Bizarre.

That final mission was really cool when you had to assassinate both guys at either end at the same time or risk failure.

>> No.4509009

Windows 7. No, planning was fine. I would get occasional flickering in the main menu and in game, but very occasionally.

>> No.4509023


Ok, good to know. What card?

>> No.4509026

ati 6870

>> No.4509473

Another anon here, tried that as well as the normal version of Rogue Spear but mine is very buggy, it crashes every time I try to start the mission where you are near an airfield.

>> No.4509746

How does the SWAT series compare as a tactical shooter?

>> No.4509930

SWAT3 is the only comparable one, and my dream tactical shooter would be SWAT3's in mission team control with R6's planning and scope.

SWAT4 is fun, but there's a reason it's the only game in the series not to be endorsed by the LAPD SWAT.

>> No.4510153

A combination of explosive ACTION and real-life STRATEGY!

>> No.4512181

Its on n64 that should answer your question

>> No.4512662

So many idiots on this thread. The N64 was the only console version that was any good. In fact, the PS1 version was broken from the get-go. EGM even made fun of the PS1 version for being buggy to the point of being unplayable. I was obsessed with the N64 version, back in the day. But, th PC version will always be the definitive version.

>> No.4512694

Why argue over the very inferior versions anyway? Do you see hobos arguing whose box houses more of their broken stuff?

>> No.4512887

>Do you see hobos arguing whose box houses more of their broken stuff?

All the time :^)

>> No.4513264

the top-class was to get through the game via planning, never participating in the game yourself
true and real challenge

>> No.4513283


>So many idiots on this thread


>> No.4513371

The loading times are unbearable and the controller set up is really complicated. A good port nonetheless but it's just better to play it on PC especially considering every toaster can run it.

>> No.4515257
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