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File: 67 KB, 1024x768, Spyro the Dragon Title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4505735 No.4505735 [Reply] [Original]

Spyro 1 is close to a perfect platformer, in my opinion.

>> No.4505741

Kids won't buy games unless they're edgy now.

>> No.4505743
File: 104 KB, 681x698, Skylanders-Spyro-spyro-the-dragon-29265554-681-698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what this garbage was all about?

>> No.4505752

Maybe, no idea. Also the genre does not fit any bullshit cinematic standards of today. People are just too insecure in general, they fear being judged as immature for liking a colorful game since now they are "gamers" and don't have an identity outside of what they play.

>> No.4505756

Sony only fund cinematic experiences nowadays.
You'll have to buy a Switch to play Mario.

>> No.4506165

Whats the best Spyro for PS1?

>> No.4506170

Not OP but easily the first one. 2-3 aren't bad but are filled with a lot of gimmicky mini games, 1 is consistently fun to 100% and has a few actually somewhat challenging stages to get said 100%.

>> No.4506178
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 61epCJ0h0uL._SY300_QL70_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some other good collect-a-thons?

>> No.4507596
File: 102 KB, 320x240, Gex%203%20-%20Deep%20Cover%20Gecko%20(E)%20(M3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4507641

Mid-tier projects got squeezed out. You're either an AAA cinematic hyper-realistic mega blockbuster or you're a little indie game. Market forces just don't really allow for a mid-sized colorful platformer anymore. It's the same sort of reason that people have abandoned small individual forums on the internet in favor of a few large social media sites. Human tend to congregate. The winners get everything and the losers get nothing.

It's not entirely impossible to see games like this these days though. A Hat in Time came out recently. Also, you should look to Japanese developers if you want to see the spirit of the mid-tier project being kept alive. This one isn't exactly mid-tier, but Mario Odyssey did come out recently. It's not that great, but it is a colorful platformer.

>> No.4507682

RIP stuff like Toaplan

>> No.4507705

also nice that it doesn't require a guide to 100%. everything is pretty straightforward and the hidden areas are hinted towards or easy enough to figure out.

>> No.4507730

Since when did 2-3 require guides? This is new to me lol

>> No.4507735

i just meant some collectathon games have really out of place things that are hard to figure out. but all the spyros were pretty transparent.

>> No.4507740

Ok. I'm not too familiar with the genre but I can see that happening.

>> No.4508372


>> No.4509242

All three of the Gex games are good man, platforming is simple enough, they have great level and gameplay variety and the music is great. G3 is my favorite, despite the bad writing.

>> No.4509246

Because running around with horrid controls looking for gems (an item which exist to be collected and nothing more) and fighting enemies which are all defeated the same way is tedious.

>> No.4509254

I had fun beating it one time. Since then, its flaws have shown through for me.

Mainly the issue that every area and level is just the same shit over and over again.
A small original idea peppered here and there isn't enough to save an almost painfully repetitive game.

That said, its still better than a lot of 3d platformers.

>> No.4509259

The original Spyro trilogy is a fucking master piece.

>> No.4509302

Minecraft is by far the most popular game with kids though.

>> No.4509358


Because cute mascots are gay.

>> No.4509416

How so?

>> No.4509694

Oh boy. That's honestly difficult to answer since they're all vastly different.

Spyro the Dragon is a straightforward "collectathon" No bullshit, limited cutscenes, and almost free reign on where to go.
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage changes things up with more plot (cutscenes), more NPCs, and some minigames. Adds purchasable upgrades.
Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon features even more plot, even more minigames, and playable characters other than Spyro.
All three have solid platforming, rockin' soundtracks (courtesy of Steward Copeland), and are atmospheric as fuck.

>> No.4509760

2-3 are definitely closer to each other than to 1

>> No.4509778

Most of your time is spent just running or jumping around an empty 3D world collecting trinkets which really don't do anything other than open up a new section of 3D world. There's some enemies but your interaction with them is sort, simple and new challening. So it's basically about running around a 3D world.

You run around big 3D worlds in Far Cry as well. You also collect things but these things actually do stuff like give you more ammo or let you craft something. The combat is a million times more more engaging as well. It's not just Far Cry.

People stopped making stuff like Spyro because it was weak. The only reason stuff like that was made in the first place was because processing power was so fucking limited on the ps1 and n64 that all they could do was populate the world with a free sprites or low poly trinkets to collect.

>> No.4509787

Some enjoy the simplicity of it all as evidenced by how Nintendo still keeps doing them (and they have sold well so far).

>> No.4509808

Nintendo's stuff is much less simplier than Spyro. Even Ocarina of Time had a way more ways to interact with the world than simply collecting things, and the collectables did more than just open a door once you collect another 500 or so.

Mario's stuff is kind of simple. The 2D games though at least have a modest challenge which keeps you engaged and the 3D ones are sort of kept alive by the cult of the character more than anything.

>> No.4509812

I was talking about the Mario ones which arguably became simpler after a point without losing popularity. Spyro is after all heavily inspired by Super Mario 64.

>> No.4509834

My point is it's not a fair comparison. Mario is such a popular character that literally any game with him will pull massive sales numbers. He makes fucking golf games sale. A Mario collectathon will sale but that's because of the character, not because of the inherit greatness of the genre.

>> No.4509835

Why does Nintendo choose to make their main 3D Mario games collectathons then, if this was the case they would be spin-offs made by a second party like the golf ones.

>> No.4509868

What else would they make it? It's already a precedence set by Mario 64. There also really isn't much else they COULD make it, it couldn't say become a first person shooter or a melee focused game like Dark Souls/Bayonnetta. Jumping is Mario's main thing.

Put it another way. Why do you think Mario is the only collectathon series that is still a big thing? If it was because of some design philosophy others could copy it and get some sales numbers.

>> No.4509881

I'm aware Mario is an outlier. Still, if the formula didn't at least still be able to appeal they would have changed it (in fact they tried a bit by making them more linear for a while).

>> No.4509939

They changed from a linear to a non-linear one but it's still the same basic genre of game. You keep assuming that if the genre was lousy they would change it to something else. But what would they even change it to, Mario has to be about jumping.

Let's go back to my question. Why do you think Mario is the only one of these games left?

>> No.4509990

I only played Spyro 3, why was 1 better?

>> No.4509991

You have to play it.

>> No.4510092

You are right about Mario, I just think these aren't as obsolete to some people, sometimes less is more.

Read my post here >>4506170
1 doesn't have shit like Bentley's boxing mini game

>> No.4511467
File: 226 KB, 1031x797, Tail Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gex 3 isn't good, but fuck if I didn't still play it as a kid for being one of the barely passable 3D platformers on the PlayStation I actually had access to.

If you do decide to soldier through it, the Greek level will probably frustrate you, but that's the only snag I can think of. It's not a hard game at all.

Bugs & Taz: Time Busters is actually a LOT of fun, with an unexpectedly great soundtrack to boot. Just don't bother with "Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time". Time Busters is superior in absolutely every way.


Playing Time Busters again as an adult gave me a good laugh when I realized "Granwich" was a play on "Greenwich". Literally the perfect name for that hub world.

>> No.4511508

Holy shit I remember Bugs & Taz now, playing it with a friend since it had coop. That's a good game for sure.

>> No.4511565

2 > 1 >> 3