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4496896 No.4496896 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4496929

Ye olde excuse plot

>> No.4497409
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I want MMX6 apologists to explain how exactly Zero fixed himself from this state.

>> No.4497448

With his hand

>> No.4497535

That face is so "I see you too are a man of culture."

>> No.4497579

What he was fighting for tho

>> No.4497651
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You are welcome, assbag.

>> No.4498268

Those who he believes in

>> No.4498357


>> No.4498868

Do people actually defend X6? I thought that one and X7 were regarded as the worst of the series.

>> No.4498946

If it was a part of their childhood, idiots will defend anything,

>> No.4498965

"A Reploid of culture as well"

>> No.4498969

he checked himself before he wrecked himself bro

>> No.4499342

I think it's better than X5 at least.

>> No.4499372
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>> No.4499403

Just beat X1 for the first time, as my first X game. What are your guys' favorite X games?
X1's movement felt a bit sticky? The wall jump was a bit clunky, and I ended up shooting into walls while trying to shoot from one.
The slowdown after a ground dash also felt off.

>> No.4499458

X1, X4, X8

>> No.4499468

I like X6, but I can understand why a lot of people don't. It does have a lot of absolute bullshit (mostly the Nightmare Effects in stages), but I enjoy the challenge.
The music in it is really fucking good, btw. Well...except for Ground Scaravich's stage theme.

>> No.4499506

Perfect. You're good people.

>> No.4501051

X2 is highly recommended if you enjoyed the first. And X4 is far and away my favorite installment. Zero is fully playable with a separate campaign from X, beautiful spritework and kickass music.

X8 was the only one I never finished but I really liked what I played of it.

>> No.4501056

I'll agree with you on the soundtrack. That game has some of the best music in the series. Blaze Heatnix's theme is fucking insane.

>> No.4501103

I can also vouch for X4, it's definitely my favorite. I don't actually care for X2 and X3 much but they're solid (just kind of more-of-the-same-but-not-quite-as-good compared to X, in my opinion).

>> No.4501113

The problem is that the "challenge" is rote memorization necessitated by garbage level design. I cannot stand X6.
Also agreed on the music though.

>> No.4501118

>The problem is that the "challenge" is rote memorization
is there even a single megaman game that this statement doesn't apply to

>> No.4501129

I would argue most of them are difficult but not impossible to get through based on player skill/careful play. They introduce enemies and obstacles in such a way that you see the danger ahead of time. X6 throws shit at you that you cannot see coming, screws you over with weird RNG-based levels, the works.

>> No.4501401
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Actually there's a conversation Zero has with Dr. Light that confirms he didn't know shit.

>Zero: Wait! Are you the one who saved X?
>Dr. Light: ............
>Zero: Do you know who saved me?
>Dr. Light: I'm sorry... I don't. Yours is a miraculous return...
>Zero: If you know anything about me...
>Dr. Light: I'm sorry, Zero.
>Zero: I see. I'll give this program to X...

Someone repaired Zero against his will, because he wanted to die, and it scares him. He lied to X because he didn't want to worry him too much. because they love each other

>> No.4501402


>> No.4501419

fukken saved

>> No.4501448

X2 is a bit better than X1 just due to the fact that the main 8 levels are designed around having the dash. X3 is worse indeed, worse level design due to it being made by a lesser team.

>> No.4501451

X3 had a bunch of vertical oriented levels, I thought that was cool.

>> No.4501489

I hate this meme

>> No.4501507

The sentiment behind this is that the challenge is designed to NOT be completable until you are somewhat familiar with it, which requires several tries. It is seen as an unfair, because your skill as a player does not matter (at least not as much as it should be). A good challenge allows you to use your gained knowledge and experience to solve it as you acquire such knowledge, without the need to restart the challenge from the start. An example of that is most boss battles - after a boss showed you his pattern once you may recognise it next time he uses it in the same battle and avoid it - if you are a good player then you will be able to learn boss patterns quickly and would not need to restart the fight from scratch.

The memorization challenge only allows you to gain retrospective knowledge that is only applicable after you restart.

>> No.4501516

X1 and X2 had them as well. Boomer Kuwanger as well as some parts of other levels.
X3 is not bad, just not as good. The worse design can very easily be seen if you compare the main bosses patterns btw.

Yeah, this series is actually notorious for being mostly fair challenges (if not too easy with weaknesses and health refills), these guys are mad.

But Mega Man is mostly like this, even more so as the series goes on with a few exceptions.

>> No.4501517

MM is very reaction based, but if you are good with platformers in general, it is for the most part totally possible to do on the first run

>> No.4501525

That's my point, buddy. I disagree with these guys saying it's a strict memorization series. There's very few instances of that and they are mostly on the first few entries and even then they were an exception in their own games.
I thought people already knew this series tried hard to have fair challenges, introducing new elements on safer environments before throwing you into the harder stuff; teaching the player through the stage design with no interruptions nor tutorials.

>> No.4501563

Why is X6 considered the worst? Is it just plot or is it also gameplay-wise? Its the only Megaman game I played and it was fine

>> No.4501571

The X series was supposed to end with X5; X6 was an unplanned sequel Capcom rushed out (in under a year as I recall). End result was a game with a nonsensical plot and bad design.

>> No.4501573

He left so he could wank to transformers.

>> No.4501575


>> No.4501576

It's a bit rough gameplay-wise compared to earlier entries (even moreso if you compare it to the better ones like X2 and X4) but I'd say it's still worth a try unlike X7.

The game would probably considered a "Hidden Gem" if it wasn't a Mega Man game.

>> No.4501587

Will X4 gameplay actually hold up if I try it today? What I enjoyed most was playing as Zero in X6.

>> No.4501638

X4 is miles better than X6, if you even remotely enjoyed X6 then you must play that shit asap.

>> No.4501850

Every stage has a very stupid gimmick
Repeat boss fights

It honestly feels like they weren't even trying anymore.

>> No.4501859

I'd say other than Blaze Heatnix's stage and some of the nightmare effects the stages are actually fine on average.
But no, they weren't really trying, it was clearly a budget rushed release.

>> No.4501863

I won't deny that it's a straight-up bad game, but it became fun for me in subsequent playthroughs once I knew what to expect.

>> No.4501870

A fine kusoge for Reploids of culture.

>> No.4502138

X6 isn't the best game, but it's MUCH better than the crapfest X7 was.

>> No.4502152

>hero character "going away to train for 3 years" while other plot happens

>> No.4502161

X4 is just X6 with less annoying bullshit in it and way easier

>> No.4502330

It's easier for sure but considering some of X6's cheap challenges I wouldn't consider it's a bad thing. X4 is more like the average Mega Man game with carefully made levels and fair challenges. Well, until the last few levels at least, but they're just very short and not actually bad.
I mean IWBTG is "hard" but it's a piece of shit memorization fest.

>> No.4502383

>because they love each other

I never got why people thought about the X series this way. They're robots.

>> No.4502402

Reploids pass the turing test, that's what's supposed to set them apart from classic series robots

>> No.4502403

They're not robots, reploids are supposed to have human-like AI so it's not as surprising to grasp how an entity like that could develop feelings of love.

>> No.4502418

There are Reploids that live together with humans. There's even a Reploid teacher in Megaman Zero that says one of his pupils had a crush on him.

>> No.4502429

Isn't the original lore supposed to have run right from x5 to rockman zero? I always thought zero was supposed to stay dead until he gets saved by a repair elf in RMZ and that's why x6 seemed like such an ass pull

>> No.4502451

>What are your guys' favorite X games?
X8. Soundtrack is tight as fuck.
X1 and X3 are also there, but mostly for nostalgia.

Also, are you playing with gamepad or binding your keyboard? I remember dashing with the shoulder buttons just fine. Still can't double-tap forward to dash properly.

>> No.4502463

Supposed to, but they had to change some stuff due to X6 being made and released while Zero 1 was in development.

For me it's
X4 > X2 > X1 > X8 > X3 > X5 > X6 > X7
With X7 being the only bad one.
X8 is pretty good though I'd say the main levels are a tad more gimmicky, it needes a few more platforming levels.

>> No.4502496
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>What are your guys' favorite X games?

X1 > X2 > X5 > X4 > X3 > X8 > X6 > X7

>> No.4502513

X8 is built around gimmicks
>Playable navigator for each Maverick Hunter.
>Two bike stages.
>Different obtainable weapons for Zero.
I think it was a great entry after different missed shot with X6 and X7. Megaman 11 gives me hope that maybe, MAYBE in some years somebody at Capcom will make a MMX9 with full-on Elf Wars, Omega and Dr. Weil.

Speaking of X4, I liked the game, but I could never get over the graphics; I felt more freedom of movement in the SNES games where you had small sprites and open stages, (Storm Eagle, Toxic Seahorse) and in X4 everthing seemed too clustered for me. I also could never get over the fact they recycled the Computer Generated, tower stairway segment in Split Mushroom's stage from Shadow over Mystara. Fuck that shit.

>> No.4502523

If you're talking about Andrew, he also fell in love with a human and they lived together until the day she died of old age. He also had his body altered to what it is now when she started getting old.

>> No.4502539

Your complaints about X4 are a bit nitpicky, even I as a fan of the game can point out bigger faults like the short last levels.

X8 Main Stages:
A regular one with mech armor stuff.
Bike 1
Bike 2
Stealth gimmick
Mini boss following you gimmick
Almost full vertical autoscroller
The one with the puzzle block gimmicks
The one full of one-screen challenges
This game needed at least 50% regular platforming stages. The latter ones aren't much better either, some are very short and there's the elevator. The game itself is fine but I always feel a bit dissatisfied with it due to this, I want to experience its mechanics on more actual Mega Man stages.

>> No.4502559
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>> No.4502580

>implying you wouldn't sex Alia, Nana, or Marino

>> No.4503268

Wtf I like X6 now

>> No.4503272

>X could have been an exceedingly cute girl
>I literally thought Zero was a girl but for some reason he wasn't

What a missed opportunity

>> No.4503284

X1 = X4 > X8 > X6 > X2 = X3 >>>> X5 >>>>>>>>>X7

>> No.4503836

So you want a shittier fanbase like the Touhou one?

>X6 > X2


>> No.4503895

>X6 was an unplanned sequel Capcom rushed out (in under a year as I recall
Just a reminder that Mega Man 7 was developed in 3 months time and that game is fantastic.

>> No.4503897

I have a soft spot for Mega Man 7, but a lot of people don't care for it.

>> No.4503901
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Don't tell I'm the only one who thought of this

>> No.4503903

see >>4497651
and >>4499372

>> No.4505965

Genuinely good games tier: X1, X2, X4
Flawed but still good games tier: X3, X5, X8
Bland as fuck but playable tier: Command Mission
Good ideas with horrible execution tier: X6
dog shit

>> No.4505997

This is pretty much spot on. Thought weird to see CM but not the Xtreme ones lol

>> No.4506775

>thought Zero was a girl
To be fair, Megaman Zero did nothing to hide that idea.

>> No.4506978

I feel like the X design is about as effeminate as the Zero one, but I never got that feeling from either of them in the first place and am very biased in regards to the Zero design, so make of that what you will.

>> No.4507236

Zero has boobs and long hair lol it's like a masculine robot tranny

>> No.4507268

Like I said, I've never seen it that way. I can understand how other people can come to a conclusion like that though.

>> No.4507365
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>japanese and their fucking girlish male designs


>> No.4507371
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>> No.4507397

Meh. What would you prefer his design be then?

>> No.4507404
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>> No.4507408


>> No.4507420
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>X5 over X4 and X3
Ayy papi me desmayo.

For me is

>> No.4507423

This artist made "male" Zero's green boobs too small. Look at 0:15 https://youtu.be/S88Hi4RWQno?t=15s
Zero has bigger boobs than some women lol

>> No.4507427

Meant for >>4507371

So the simple repetitive bosses from X3 don't bother you? Other than that fairly nice list.

>> No.4507435
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>Zero has bigger boobs than some women lol

>> No.4507459

I had more fun with the levels and the Ride Armors than any other game.

>> No.4507472
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great artist

>> No.4507480

Nice looking choice, would clang.

>> No.4507487
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It's one of my favorite pictures, I think the only flaw is the head looks a little weird

>> No.4507720

I haven't played the X games, but is there any particular reason robot M. Bison is in the back?

>> No.4507724
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I dare say he did it...


>> No.4507728

>better than X5 at least
It's not.

>> No.4507743

Assuming you mean Colonel, then I don't know, aside from the obvious idea that X4s character designer must have liked how he looked.

>> No.4507746

It's called General https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q-HJTkMeQ8

>> No.4507783

I fucking love the soundtrack in it, and it had some neat ideas, but overall the game is a broken mess. Shame.

>> No.4507801

He doesn't even remotely look like Bison, what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.4507802

X and Zero have their own storylines in X4. I personally do not like playing as X in this one because I find his weaponset to be rather shit, but Zero works just fine.

>> No.4507805 [DELETED] 

In Zero 4 Niege and Craft are human and reploid ex-lovers[/spoilers] or something like that.

>> No.4507875 [SPOILER] 
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>tfw no reploid gf

>> No.4507883

Mega Man as a whole has a lot of hot fembots, doesn't it?

>> No.4507886
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Oh yes

>> No.4507939

It's the hat and the structure around the eyes.

>> No.4507994
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>> No.4508061

Wasn't it supposed to be a translation error or some shit? If I remember correctly in the JP version, even Zero states there he doesn't know how he truly came back to life.