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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4493887 No.4493887 [Reply] [Original]

What's your first /vr/ game of 2018 going to be, anon?

>> No.4493891

Probably FF7.
I need to play it so I can shit on it with reason.

>> No.4493901

Probably one of those Super Mario World hack I downloaded few weeks ago but newer got around to try out.

>> No.4493904

Good on you for playing what is a terribly aged game, only thing worse is the rabbid fan base. Admittedly it is (imo) better than 8 but 9 got it BTFO.

Also Aladdin for SNES, /vr/ got me wanting to play it again.

>> No.4493909

Mega Man & Bass maybe
I keep seeing it parroted online that it's one of the most frustrating games in the series and it's poorly designed, but I want to see for myself if it's true or not.

>> No.4493913
File: 27 KB, 300x299, Revelations_Persona_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm gonna finally force myself to trudge through pic related

>> No.4493915

we're a christian board here wtf anon

>> No.4493930

kinda sad that babes with bolt ons are certifiably retro now

But I dunno, I guess after playing some more recent Sonic games lately I'll play 3 again for the first time in a long time

>> No.4493981

One of my new year's resolutions is to finally play the Wario Land series. I already did the main ending of 2 and some of the secret paths and am now about 4-5 stages deep into 3, so probably that.

Not sure if I'll go ahead to 4 or to the Virtual Boy Wario Land after 3. After all that's done I'll move to Shake It, but that's not /vr/ material.

>> No.4493983

Suikoden I
before moving onto II
some bucket list stuff

>> No.4494006


If you don't want to spend 50 hours on GameFAQs figuring out how to raise/level different cards just to squeeze another 100 points of damage out of your spells, just follow this simple guide:

1. Use store-bought equipment, and only return Personas for equipment when you're level 50ish. The highest-end equipment is only needed for a sidequest that was dummied out.

2. Do not recruit Mary, get Ellen instead. Better interactions with hard demons, better equipment, and she gets the best buff spells. Chris is fine too, but be warned he can't use about 90% of the Personas in the game.

3. Always have one character with an Ice spell, most strong demons are weak to it.

Have fun!

>> No.4494053

New year for new sins, desu.

>> No.4494062

Remember to keep your hands on the sheet, desu.

>> No.4494189

Final Fantasy II. I plan to play all FF, DQ, Zelda and Mario games that I still didn't up until fifth generation.

>> No.4494207
File: 314 KB, 360x500, zanac-usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna finally try to beat this game.

>> No.4494224

>c-c-c-combo breaker
Looking to finish cuphead tomm but to stay on topic I'd say Dr. Mario 64, super cozy game.

>> No.4494225

I'm about 7 hours into legend of legaia, so I'm going to keep on trucking with that.

>> No.4494252

might start up zelda oot on the gcn

>> No.4494257

Best way to play it, N64 version is such shit when looking back at it now.

>> No.4494260

is it possible to force it into 240p with a modded wii?

>> No.4494264

It's a good challenge. I played the hell out of that like 25 years ago. I used to be able to beat it without dying or warping.

>> No.4494296

Thanks, does any of that advice change knowing I have the game d/l on my vita off PSN?

>> No.4494464

Super Mario nes

>> No.4494528

I'll probably dig deeper into the Psikyo library

>> No.4494532

Finish up Anvil of Dawn. Then it's Might and Magic VII, revisit Wizardry 8 because I never beat it, or maybe replay Ultima VIII.

>> No.4494601

will continue playing Everquest on Project 1999

>> No.4494616

Probably Crash Team Racing because I've been playing through it for the past couple of days and want to 100% it.

>> No.4494624

on winter break from uni for one more week. about to complete ni no kuni. i was debating either blowing the dust off of ffvi or ffviii for the hell of it. not sure really. also on my third year of completing bite sized chunks of dqvii inbetween classes.

>> No.4494631

it's true anon. bass breaks the game in comparison to playing as mega man.

>> No.4494639

Probably dkc or some other popular snes game. I only really retro with my hot friendzoning asian homegirl and she likes dkc series.

>> No.4494641

I am still working on Ogre Battle SNES. My reputation is at zero and money is getting really tight, but I'm making it through.

>> No.4494649

Well the game is designed for him, Megaman doesn't really need to be there, it's just that the series is called "Megaman"

>> No.4494745

kek, nice /v/tard meme

>rabbid fanbase
It's strange because for the last ten years it's been impossible to mention FFVII in a positive light on the internet without an actual rabid response of it's so overrated and it was never good, etc. You haters have really jumped the shark.

>> No.4494782

The Revenge of Shinobi

>> No.4494785

Looking like a replay of the five classic Sonic games and maybe some of the spinoffs.

>> No.4494796

Nice post, cept for the part that actually supports your claim.quit drawing chocobos and provide something compelling.

>> No.4494823
File: 349 KB, 539x458, QuickMemo+_2017-12-31-22-15-02-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've bought this bad boi two days ago and I'm playing some PSX shmups. I want to finish FF IV jap, tho. I'm stuck at the marboro grindan. Happy new year, anon :)

>> No.4494857

>bad boi
Most people don't use that term to describe something that's bad and designed for little bois. But I get what you mean.

>> No.4494873

I just finished an insane whirlwind of basically every non-battle network and starforce Megaman game ever and I need a break from platformers. I know it's not /vr/ but I think I'll start Persona 5.

>> No.4494890

>he uses the PS d-pad for arcade ports
o i am laffin

>> No.4494915

I popped in Darius Twin to my SNES. Maybe I'll fire up Sunset Riders or something.

Kinda want to play Heavy Rain to relive how fucking terrible it is.

>> No.4495676

Um Jammer Lammy, Lammy is adorable.

>> No.4495816
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Destruction derby 2.

>> No.4495880
File: 74 KB, 250x171, MIP_Code_Breaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing this recently as well, but I've been stuck addicted to playing Code Breaker for like 2 weeks. Really should move on, but it's so fun and I have like 25 millionaire bombs now.

>> No.4496156

Bomberman '93.

I'm finally going to beat the Black Bomberman!
(is that racist? it might be racist.)

>> No.4496163
File: 284 KB, 1400x1050, PSOGL2_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4496173

what game?

>> No.4496184
File: 110 KB, 1320x660, zain-hed-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you blow him up as a brown bomberman

>> No.4496185

Panzer Front

>> No.4496346

>implying that's what he implied
>being wrong anyway


>> No.4496456

I wanna play that chick OP

but in all seriousness, I have some GB and GBA games on the list, and I also want to beat a few SNES games and maybe finish the year with Shenmue.