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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 489 KB, 470x456, uncomfortable doggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4493672 No.4493672 [Reply] [Original]

'fess up /vr/

What will you be playing while waiting for 2018 alone in your apartment?

>> No.4493675

Mega Man 4 prolly

>> No.4493681
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I live with my parents.

>Eating guacamole and chips.
>Talking on VOIP to people I'll probably never see.
>I have no friends IRL. Not anymore.
>Just fapped to lesbian porn.
>Might sort out some of my digital music.
>Might turn in before midnight because I like to keep my sleep schedule consistent.
>Probably watch some stuff on Twitch.
>If I get bored, I'll play some vidya, but probably not retro.

>> No.4493710

I'll be with my two grandparents, my uncle (which is their son), his wife and kid. Also two doggos.

I don't think I'll be playing stuff today, I'm busy with other stuff.

>> No.4493712

Don't care, already passed too many new years this was to care.

>> No.4493726

My hope tonight is that the wife goes to bed around the same time our kid does so that I can squeeze in a solid hour - hour and a half of game time. Then fall asleep in my warm bed at wee late hour of 9pm :^)

>> No.4493727

Probably playing Mortal Kombat 2 with the wife. Maybe bust out guitar hero after some drinks.

>> No.4493730

Who do you and your wife main.

>> No.4493731

I'm going to be playing Melee and Puyo Tetris with friends.

>> No.4493732
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This board isn't s'bad. It's nowhere near as bad as r9k. I just looked at it. Wew.

>> No.4493741


Bro, just slip her a sleeping aide. I do it all the time. Harmless stuff, yknow. The other the counter kind.

Drop two in a mug of tea or coco, she won’t know what hit her! ;)

>> No.4493747

She's best with scorpion. I'm probably best with Liu kang or baraka. But we play it so you have to pick a new character when you win. It keeps it fun and balanced.

>> No.4493748

Hmmm, Scorpion is high tier.

>> No.4493775
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I've got my scruffy li'l scared-of-fireworks dog to keep me company.
But prob Sonic3&Knuckles, maybe Mario2 if I can be arsed to connect the Nintendo. Can't even remember if I've cleaned any of the NES carts since I rediscovered them in the cellar.
I toyed with the idea of playing Mario and timing it so I get full fireworks at the end of a level right when the clock hits midnight, but it seemed a little pointless. Coulda made a funny webm maybe.

>> No.4493785

Honestly, I'd probably be going out and getting wasted with my drinking buddies at the same dive bar I've been going to on a weekly basis for the past 10 years of my life. I would, but I'm pretty sure I've got a urinary tract infection or something and I'm still waiting on my piss test results back from the doctor. Pretty sure drinking would only make it worse given I need to take a piss every 15 minutes anyway.

>> No.4493796


That sounds cute AF desu (no homo)

>> No.4493812

Is that corgo declawed wtf

>> No.4493814

Probably play some Genesis or SNES in the afternoon, then some vanilla WoW raid with my guild. I've never really cared about New Year's Eve though. I hung out with my friends drinking and playing cards last night. Plus I work tomorrow.

>> No.4493958
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Mario Party. By myself.

>> No.4493972

Blade Runner on the retro side of things. Maybe some Deus Ex (which isn't retro cause 2000 release date)

>> No.4493973

Hi, reddit!

>> No.4493986
File: 25 KB, 503x165, 1507866853786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What will you be playing while waiting for 2018 alone in your apartment?

my wife's ass 2018 some obscure doom megawad

>> No.4494016
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this feel is real. i have to take amphetamines in the midday so i'll have enough energy to read or play vidya after my girls go to sleep.

>> No.4494047

What's with this boogeyman, haven't been there in my life.

>> No.4494113
File: 37 KB, 444x444, 79B7CE81-B2A1-415F-A99F-2A059626A291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought Rogue Squadron on a whim so that, maybe pull out the PS1 later too.

>> No.4494136


Probably something not retro, or else I'll just be asleep anyhow.

I don't know anything that'd be special to play then anyway. The End Day (October 1, 1997) is already long past, and we still have 72 years left until 2090, at which point there will finally, once again, be time for Klax. Maybe some of those games set in 20XX?

>> No.4494167

>I've got my scruffy li'l scared-of-fireworks dog to keep me company.
It's really shitty that people know animals suffer a lot with fireworks but they do it anyways.
Also, fireworks is literally burning money away, it's not fun past the age 7 or 8 so it's entertainment for very low IQ individuals, and even if humans don't get scared like animals do, there's also sick people, old agonizing people, and newborn babies.
On top of that, driving or just crossing the street during holidays is dangerous because of the amount of drunken people driving.

on topic: I'll be playing Kirby Super Star, first time playing this game and wow, it's amazing. The controls are incredible.

>> No.4494209

As I said on some other thread recently I'd like a game with Kirby's controls that was challenging.

>> No.4494214
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I still have a group of friends that hang out every so often, so I'm going to a party and I'll be playing this while hanging out.
We're all autists so it won't be great desu

>> No.4494215

>so it's entertainment for very low IQ individuals
I think you dropped your fedora on the ground there.

>> No.4494232

Just because he said that fireworks are annoying?

>> No.4494238

>if anyone considers another human stupid, let he be mocked with fedora memes!
dropped your pacifier and diaper, there, SJW.

>> No.4494274

Not him, but fedora due to the connotation used.

You are narrow minded af. I use them to teach my kids about chemistry and physics. They are fun and educational. I get the feeling you also hate parades and celebrations in general.

To get back on topic. I'm playing Zelda 2 tonight. Side scrolling, adventurous comfiness in a green hat.

>> No.4494286
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Probably either megaman 2/3/6 or some sonic 2 or if I hate myself enough sonic 2 game gear

>> No.4494394

If there was no other way to teach your kids about physics and chemistry, I would understand, but come on.
It's obnoxious and loud, not to mention dangerous for kids.

Nice pick with Zelda 2 though

>> No.4494395

I already did. I played and finished Snatcher (Sega CD) for the first time. I honestly didn't know the game was set in Christmas.

>> No.4494410

I'm sick, I sent my gf home early today so she didn't catch it. I'm just gonna blast some old hair metal and play doom multiplayer.

>> No.4494414

Man, if you can play Sonic 2 on MD then just get a flashcart or a power base converter and play the SMS Sonic 2. Way better option.

I would play with you anon, if there's an N64 emulator that doesn't shit the bed doing Mario Party multiplayer online.

>> No.4494418

If fireworks are this simple, surely you can succinctly explain me how every type of them is composed in 2-3 sentences.

>> No.4494420
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I'm stayin in and I don't feel bad about it in the slightest
I'm already a few beers deep, probably gonna play some non /vr/ stuff, but might hop on some contra or battletoads, those are great drunk games.

>> No.4494426

What? I never said they were "simple". I said obnoxious and loud. And that fireworks is not the only way to teach kids about physics and chemistry

>> No.4494428

well that cant be healthy...
either get more sleep or eat better, something doesnt seem right

>> No.4494465
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, 20171231_194016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found my Genesis collection a couple days ago, playing this waiting for midnight.

>> No.4494490

/vr/ finally convinced me to try it out. Breddy gud so far. Bosses kind of suck though, but that's nothing out of the ordinary for Zelda. Just got past the island dungeon.

For using fireworks to teach, you must not have kids. Lessons stick like glue if they are fun. I learned as much about performing chemistry from cooking and making fireworks as I did in chem classes in college.

>> No.4494567
File: 2.33 MB, 4128x2322, 20180101_034618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's been the cyberpunk year of 2018 for four hours now, doggy is calmer and hiding in the bathroom and I beat Sonic 3 &Knuckles. Got me all dem Chaos Emeralds for the first time ever. Came short for all Supers, though. Maybe next time
Happy new year /vr/
excuse the flash

>> No.4494620

or something

>> No.4494627

think ima gonna get drunk and makeout with this chick i know. you all have fun with that

>> No.4494630

You go for super emeralds?

>> No.4494632

You can't make out with 2d girls anon

>> No.4494634

Nothing. Im at the bar with a bunch of pretty female friends who all want me. If I get bored however, I can emulate gb and gbc and I have a bluetooth controller that fits in my pocket on me.

>> No.4494769

No apartment only houses. Had a few people over and we played some games but mostly not retro. Played a few old fighting and beat em ups.

>> No.4494928

Dragonquest IV after my girlfriend inevitably falls asleep in an hour. We don't really get out much and spend most of our time stoned watching movies and playing video games, but we have stable jobs and a nice apartment full of nice things, so who gives a fuck?

>> No.4494969

1200 passed with me drinking champagne ina bathtub -- if I was braver I'd bring a gba or something with me

>> No.4495017

Did she cuck you yet?

>> No.4495025


>> No.4495026

And when the chubby neckbeard spilled a can of monster energy drink on his keyboard while listening to Europe and playing Doom, he was transported back to Dec 31st, 1988!

>> No.4495043

Microsoft Excel

I love spreadsheets

>> No.4495305

That would be cool, sort of, except I don't drink Monster.

Instead I think I have an ear infection, the first of 2018 but definitely not the last.

>> No.4495306

Only got like 4 I think. I'm actually still in the mood for some more Fuckles the Chingo so I might just skip to the levels with the Super entrance rings. See if that maybe works. I know it doesn't really count if you don't do it all in the first go, but I'd like to just do it anyway.

>> No.4495370

Sorry to hear that anon. I used to work with a Woman who got them all the time. Then she got some surgery and now she never gets them anymore. Might be worth asking your doctor about.

>> No.4495372


I was at work.

But have an apartment with my fiance and so we might continue her playthrough of Mario RPG later.

>> No.4495923

thats about the lamest excuse for taking amphetamines ive ever heard. remember, making up shitty reasons to take more amphetamines is one of the main effects of amphetamines.

>> No.4496270

Another anon here, I had ear infections all the time as a kid. Had to get tubes in my ears to help curb that from happening.
I don't get ear infections anymore, haven't since that surgery.

>> No.4496359

>couldnt get drunk, too much food
>friend brought his annoying girlfriend
>she got shitfaced
>slammed on the table spilling drinks
>yelling and laughing insanely loud
at least i was sober enough to drive home
I should have stayed home