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File: 143 KB, 400x291, donkeykong2_snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
449335 No.449335 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone seem to prefer DKC2 over DKC? I'm playing through the DKC series and am on 2, and I don't see what the big deal is. The controls are much less precise than in the original, but that's at least balanced by Trixie's ability to glide, which trivializes most of the platforming. My biggest gripe is the atmosphere; DKC had great ambient music and great looking levels. Everything so far in 2 just feels sinister, and it looks like the rest of the game is gonna stick with that theme. I'm only on the third world (the swamp), does it get better?


>> No.449345

I prefer DKC as a game, but DKC 2 has mai waifu in it.

>> No.449359

I grew up with only the first, but when I finally got around to playing the second and third, holy hell were they harder.
I specifically recall the second being the harder of the two, with longer levels and fewer checkpoints.

>> No.449364

better platforming, mostly

>> No.449365

>does it get better?

No. It gets much, much worse.

>> No.449370
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>> No.449381

2 is pretty overrated.
The first is easily the best of the bunch.

>> No.449406


>> No.449431
File: 244 KB, 486x316, DixieDiddy1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to say honestly. There's just something about 2 that I just really, really like. The enemy designs seem cooler, the team-up moves add a certain level of extra depth, as do some of the new animal buddies (mainly Squitter and new Squawks), and the bonus challenges feel more like actual bonus challenges instead of just generic minigames. The game is not as fast-paced but still manages to maintain some sort of flow.

I probably prefer DKC2's music and level archtypes, too. Despite having a darker theme, it doesn't feel quite as gritty and realistic to me, compared to say the mine or cave levels in DKC1. Both games are great, though.

>> No.449436

It's more polished and has more variety than DKC but it's not as schizophrenic as DKC3. It's just right.

>> No.449446

Also I'm not going to spoil it for you, but you're in for a treat once you get to the next world.

>> No.449454


Loved pretty much every stage and collecting everything was fun as fuck. I forgot what you get for collecting everything. Was it only the "secret boss" where you fight KKR while he is invisible. DK3 was fun collecting everything and getting 100% as well. I think it was 103%.

>> No.449472
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Web Woods

>> No.449482


Ah yeah. I was so scared of that level as a kid, partly because you had to create your own platforms. I played the game again about a year ago and was kinda surprised how easy it was.

>> No.449490

Web Woods.

>the names of the levels in these games
Always made me laugh.

>> No.449498

You needed to get every krem coin in order to finish the Lost World, and then you got the last DK token. Getting 100% and having Cranky actually admit he was wrong was satisfying as hell.

>> No.449504


>> No.449512

The level where the fucking ghost is chasing you on a minecart right before the savepoint... never again.

>> No.449521
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It gets worse. Atmosphere wise.

As someone who had DKC and DKC3 as a kid and only recently beat DKC2 (Like 2-3 years ago) I can somehow relate to what you're saying.

But after a few more playthroughs it started growing on me. The darkness, the grittiness is in contrast with the other 2 games, which are rather lighter in tone. I came to accept that it's the best of the three, even though it didn't sit quite right with me.

That is, until I once got really blazed and played the game really slowly and immersed myself into it, allowing my brain to absorb everything. Now I fucking LOVE it and I see what all the fuss is about and I replay it once every few months.

True story.

>> No.449524
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Haunted Hall

I can never make it into that third bonus room

>> No.449603

As someone who played all three games for the first time in January, 2 >= 1 > 3
1 does have better atmosphere though. The only times when I stopped to say "wow this level looks great" in 2 were the pirate ship levels and the bonus levels. The rest just looked kinda samey and boring at times.
2 has more content, better music, better bosses, and occasionally better level design. 2 > 1. 3 is just... eh.

>> No.449636

So am I the only one who grew up thinking 2>1>3, but after replaying them recently thins 2>3>1?

>> No.449641

I've never played 3. What am I missing?

>> No.449651


Another great DKC game.

>> No.449658

well, it's a lot easier than 1 or 2. They added all kinds of weird stuff into the overworld, like these simon-says segments to get 'banana birds' which you need to unlock a bonus level or something. Music is really forgettable, so are all the worlds. Bosses are generally better than 1 or 2, but the K. Rool fight isn't very good. It's still a fun game but it's not really as good as 1 or 2.

>> No.449671 [DELETED] 

shitty gameplay with artificiality difficulty. plebs only like these games cause of MAH GRAPHICSSS. These games were shit back then and they are shit now.

>> No.449678

Anyone see those mourning sprites of Dixie and Diddy? That shit is unsettling to me.

>> No.449681

explain how any of the difficulty in the dkc games could be considered artificial
there were no bullshit RNG boss fights or limited continues or anything
maybe you just suck

>> No.449740

Don't respond to /v/ quality posts. We're better than that.

If we ignore them, they'll go away.

>> No.449771


My situation is similar to you OP, but they both seem pretty much the same aside from the fact that DKC 2 seems to have a little more variety.

>> No.449936

>tfw when entering Coral Capers for the first time.
>tfw when entering Bramble Blast for the first time.

I know there are much more cool levels, but these particular ones blew me away... the atmosphere, is simply magical.

>> No.450206

That Bramble Blast music, one of the best musical pieces to come out of the DKC games

>> No.450210


Link so you all can enjoy what I enjoy!

>> No.450276


I love that piece.
But this has to be my favorite tune from that game.
It brings me back to the 90s so badly. It reminds me of Hotel California for some reason.


>> No.450610

it's all the same for me, primary gameplay is still there. only the levels change.

>> No.450642

I would say that DKC2 has better gameplay, but I agree it's atmosphere is not as good. It's strange, because many levels of DKC2 DO have a great atmosphere. But I guess it's just a little too grimey too often. DKC often feels more "natural", whereas DKC2 seems to have more man-made structures

Also the DKC map theme is WAYYY better than the 2 map theme IMO.

>> No.450727

Those are good, but the best DKC music is still the underwater theme in the first.

>> No.450848


Me neither.

>> No.450920


This was my absolute favorite. The buildup was so good.

>> No.450934

I fucking lol'd

>> No.450960
File: 814 KB, 2800x2800, DKC_Level_Tier_List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.450973

couldn't agree more on the shit tier levels. Except maybe the saw one.

>> No.451021

You don't like Toxic Tower? What's wrong, too manly for you? I bet you couldn't handle Castle Crush either.

>> No.451036

>the middle level in God Tier
Isn't that a vertical level? Vertical levels don't belong above mid tier.

>> No.451067

>Kong Fused Cliffs
>God Tier

>> No.451073

>The industries not in god tier

>> No.451103

Bramble Scramble rap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIed0kUh57w

also dat beard

>> No.451151

>castle crush
oh shit is that the elevator one? That levels wins for worst level ever.

>> No.451237

You are not alone

>> No.451401

>Castle Crush not in Elder God tier
Shit list.

>> No.451409
File: 1.91 MB, 190x310, 0209_osue4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low Tier

>Not Hight-God Tier

>> No.451428

remember that level in DKC3 that's underwater with reversed controls? Fuck that level.

>> No.451481


Funny thing about that level is that actually, it's easy as fuck. If you're emulating, reverse the left and right mapping and play it. It's the last level in the game and suddenly becomes one of the easiest.

>> No.451482

For some reason, I find DK3 the one with the worst graphics.

>> No.451495

Diddy's Conquest

>> No.451493

but for everyone who wasn't emulating...
it still wasn't very hard but god damnit why did they have to reverse the controls that's so annoying

>> No.451509
File: 119 KB, 293x332, Buzz_Artwork_-_Donkey_Kong_Country_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had the ugliest enemy design that's for sure

>> No.451518
File: 156 KB, 379x410, 1356316773655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the funny thing about that level is that if you cheat it takes away the challenge of it

>> No.451520

They just wanted to give you something different in every level. I think they were really scraping the bottom of the barrel by DKC3 but I still respect them for trying.

>> No.451540


I liked that level. They all were good levels.

>> No.451558


I was about fourteen when I finally got to play Donkey Kong Country 3. The first and second of the trilogy were very precious to me, a big part of my childhood, and when I saw Kiddy Kong, and heard Funky's comparatively shit theme song, I felt really deflated. But it was taking away the zingers and replacing them with this hideous robots that finally sunk me to the point of disliking the game. Then about a year later I stopped being gay and enjoyed the shit out of it, easily the hardest out of the trilogy for me if only because of some of those lost world levels, they are more difficult than Animal Antics to me. Those robot bees are still hideous though I don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.451549

Best soundtrack ever

>> No.451562

i started playing DKC2 about 2 weeks ago. got to castle crush, and for some reason stopped playing. the level just seemed really annoying.

>> No.451594

Oh wow. I don't agree with this at all. Each to their own, I suppose.

Bramble should be higher due to its music and overall atmosphere, I'd say.

>> No.451601

castle crush is easily the worst level in the game
such a long level, so many bullshit parts, and only one checkpoint.

>> No.451612

Is there any way of finding out with bonus tokens you are missing in DKC2? They're the only thing I need, but I have about 99% of them.

>tfw my dad got all of them using the beginning level glitch

>> No.451628

I love DKC2 but I agree that it felt too repetitive in terms of theme. I remember getting to Arctic Abyss and it felt like a huge breath of fresh air, because it was so different.

>> No.451629


If you have all the bonus tokens in a level, it will have an ! in the title when you are on the level in the map. If you have the DK coin that shows up too but I'm sure you know that. If you have all the bonus levels in an entire zone, then the zone will have an ! in the title too on the world map, same with the DK coins.

>> No.451642

They all have similar gameplay but unique atmosphere. Personally I like the original best, then 2 and 3. I don't know why so many people like the setting of the second one.

>> No.451650

>>Why does everyone seem to prefer DKC2 over DKC?
Because it's better in every aspect?

>> No.451669

I like this one better:

>> No.451670

Sweet. We never noticed any exclamation marks. I guess I'm not as observant as I thought. Hehe.

I wish you actually could fight Klubba since the joke option is there which is something that amused my pops and I.

>> No.451713

Castle Crush was the shit. I just played through it to see if it was as good as I remembered and it absolutely was. That section with the two krooks was just so wonderfully brutal.

It should have been the last level in K. Rool's Keep, though. Toxic Tower was kinda easy in comparison.

>> No.451718


>My dad rewired a snes controller for this level.

That was more for his enjoyment than for me, though.

>> No.451827

how much would /vr/ say is fair to pay for all 3 DKC carts on SNES. no box, no manuals.

>> No.451846


>> No.451863

How much did/can you find it for? I, personally, would say anything more than £40 would be too much, but then again I'm trying to limit myself while I am unemployed.

>> No.451909

Well, that's with the boxes and stuff.

>> No.451952

I used this exact image to make a mousepad on Artzcow.

>> No.451960


>> No.451998

How do you get 101% exactly? Do you have to find all the bonus rooms, get all the KONG letters, and get all the coins? How are you supposed to keep track of which levels you've completed already?

>> No.452008

$45 sounds about right, but definitely no more than $60.

>> No.452013

KONG letters don't matter. there's exclamation points after the levels that you've cleared everything.

>> No.452014


>> No.452037

What about 101% on the first DKC?

>> No.452061

in DKC , you just have to get to the bonus levels. The only one that you need to beat is in one of the factory levels and you need to beat it to get to another bonus level

>> No.452960
File: 264 KB, 900x1461, dkcsucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not holding your controller upside down for that level


>> No.452982


Also, be sure to visit all Kong family members at least once. I'm pretty sure they count for a single percent together(each?)

>> No.452992


Even more than Bramble Scramble, this song's always been my favorite DKC2 track.

How many games have had as many great tracks as DKC2 (excluding RPGS)? There's hardly a flop in the bunch.

>> No.453000
File: 33 KB, 164x161, 1323472276786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... didn't think of that. Well.

>> No.453013
File: 152 KB, 600x918, dkc3-hovercraftbay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess sometimes you overlook the obvious

>> No.453053


Retard Kong can suck it.

>> No.453586
File: 342 KB, 1280x960, SSPX0066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rofl i'ts fresh, i just got it, not even a hour ago

not first hand but good condition

>> No.453628

Enjoy your fun game friend

>> No.453648

Little boys played DKC, then reached maturity by playing DKC2. DKC3 was for the faggots that never grew up.

>> No.453656

fking right. I was waiting/searching for it, the only one missing from the trilogy

>> No.453670



>> No.453708

I'm playing DKC1 for the first time this week (at least first time i'm playing it for more than 10 minutes). The soundtrack is gorgeous, particularly the ultra comfy water levels, but holy flying hell, each level is a different gimmick, and you barely have time to master the first gimmick before the next level introduces another one.

I'm at stage 6 of the snow world, and holy hell, coupling DK's meager jumps with flying barrels and slippery floors is making this a fucking chore.

>> No.453758

Some stupid kid back in high school borrowed my copy of DKC3 and never gave it back.

Man, I was such an idiot, just why didn't I go after that fucker and pressured him to give it back?

>> No.453778

that's how level design in the DKC games is
each level has its own trick to it

>> No.453789

>not just using Diddy all game

Seriously, this is the only way to go. In all games of the franchise where the choice is there.

>> No.453791

Glad to hear it. I used to think that 1 was slightly better than 3 simply because of the atmosphere (which I still think is better,) and the fact that it actually has Donkey in it, as well as because, at the time, I hated Kiddy. Now I prefer 3 for the higher level of difficulty, and I don't hate Kiddy nearly as much (still my least favorite playable Kong though.)

>> No.453812

>not based Dixie

>> No.453804

>higher level of difficulty

>> No.453816

I guess it can be seen like that, but i sure could use some of Crash's design here, in that there are multiple levels with the same gimmick, only spaced and harder, so the time spent mastering, say, the Waterboard, would pay off later on. That's just me, though.

>> No.453818

I thought 3 was the hardest. Doesn't everybody?

>> No.453852

You naively believed that people aren't dicks, and didn't know that most people are cowards who will puss out when confronted.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. YO JOE!

>> No.453924

>holy flying hell, each level is a different gimmick, and you barely have time to master the first gimmick before the next level introduces another one.

If this bothers you, you're gonna HATE DKC3. So many gimmick levels in that one.

>> No.454269

oh that gave me a chuckle

>> No.454339


>Complaining about variety because he can't "master" each trick to each level

Dude, just replay the fucking levels if you feel the need to "master" something. Christ.

>> No.454348


It has its moments.

>> No.454351

Personally I don't get how anyone could think the first game has better atmosphere than the second. I mean in DKC everything is just so...standard. Like very little in it stands out or has a ton of personality, instead you get mostly the same things you'd see in other games. DKC2 had a lot of more personal touches, like everything has more character.

Take for instance, the bosses. DKC has a giant beaver, a giant ostrich? I giant bee, and a giant barrel. Yeah DKC2 also has a giant bee but it also has a living skull sword, a kremling with a huge club (who strongly resembles another character you may have met), and the ghost of a pirate crow. I just feel like DKC2 has so more depth to it.

>> No.454419


>I just feel like DKC2 has so much more depth to it

Because it does. Look, DKC was my FIRST video game, and as such I'm biased as fuck. I like it more.

Even so, DKC2 just had so much more love put into it. The soundtrack in particular screams in that regard. I mean, Stickerbrush Symphony and Hot Head Bop are classics.

I really just think its a knee-jerk hipster reaction. When I think of games that truly deserve to be praised as highly as they do, DKC2 is the first game to come to mind.

>> No.454449

This is the only thing that needed to be posted:


>> No.454451


It's a bit tough to explain but DKC just feels more "homey", more natural. DKC2 is a lot more grimey and more about man made structure and environments. Pirate ships, docks, kremland, etc. Whereas in the first game its the jungle, snow mountains. DKC2 is fantastic but imo has too much "grime"

I'd still say it's the better game overall but I prefer the atmosphere of the first.

>> No.454456



>> No.454462


Well, 2 takes place on K Rool's island. It makes a lot of sense that it isn't as free and wild as DKC.

>> No.454467


Well yeah, but that doesn't mean it's not worse

>> No.454491

This thread is so damn hip that it hurts. I still do prefer two over one for the level design and mechanics

>> No.454516

But it's not worse, it's different, and as I said, more unique.

>> No.454528


I suppose the point is that, you'd bitch if DKC2 re-treaded what DKC did and you're bitching that it tried out different settings now, so Rare fucked up either way.

>> No.454541


>Mechanics are literally the fucking same in 2, except that there are MORE things you can do in levels
>Level design in 1 usually involves bouncy tires

>> No.454560
File: 47 KB, 500x344, 1359771679211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bouncy Tires

>> No.454567

Exactly, there is more you can do. The character specific barrels, gliding, honey walls, different cart mechanics, minigames are totally over hauled.

Just shhh

>> No.454595


>Bouncy Tires

Holy shit, you're right. I remember A LOT of that shit in Donkey Kong Country 1. Too much for comfort actually.

>> No.454596

I almost feel like DKC2 has TOO many new concepts. It seems like every level there was some different concept you had to learn

>> No.454603

that was the point. I kinda like that.

>> No.454817

I thought that was the point of the DKC series

>> No.456365 [DELETED] 

why is this level so hard?

>> No.456842
File: 310 KB, 1171x943, DK SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who tried out all three of these for the first time today, I would say 3>1>2 first impression wise

>> No.456847
File: 8 KB, 480x358, MINE_CART_CARNAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this level is really hard

>> No.457041


But 2 also has factories which really don't fit with the rest of the game at all...

>> No.457070

3 is really good, very under appreciated.

>> No.457204


I wouldn't say it's the best though. But I'd definitely say all three games are of high quality and none of them are "unworthy" of the other two.

>> No.457271
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As a kid, I adored the first two, but something about DKC3 didn't sit right with me. Rare still evidently put a lot of effort into it, but having a retard babby as one of the MC's made it seem like they were pressured into rushing out something for the sake of it based on the commercial success of the first two.

I'm going to go back to it right the fuck now and decide if I was just being a faggot or not.

>> No.457295
File: 74 KB, 550x513, 1362223883207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learning you can skip the entire level with a secret in the beginning

>> No.457408

My world was shattered forever when I realized that it's Diddy's Kongquest (as in conquest) rather than Diddy Kong's Quest

>> No.457463


>> No.457491

stickerbrush symphony

>> No.457492

>ever getting that secret
I've gotten it once, and that is it. And now I know why. I thought it was further into the pit.

>> No.457508
File: 18 KB, 309x237, 1341213548900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trying to avoid the SMB3 flutes
Why is this so hard

>> No.458553

Better mechanics (throwing your partner)
Better music
Better level design

Deal with it