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4487459 No.4487459 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when Star Wars was cool?


>> No.4487649


>> No.4488441

Most of 4chan is too young to remember

>> No.4488451

Star Wars was never cool. Though perhaps you meant "competently written"

>> No.4488468

i was playing this game the other day actually, and i was really taken aback by how hideous a game from late 1997 can be

>> No.4488486

I distinctly remember the Jedi Knight graphics being considered really hot shit awesome when that game first came out.

>> No.4488494

One of my friends used to make his own weapons for this game, supposedly they were super easy to mod in. He'd make lightsabers a hundred meters long equipped with a scope.

>> No.4488497

"I see your schwartz is significantly bigger than mine."

>> No.4488498
File: 145 KB, 300x379, Star_Wars_X-Wing_vs._Tie_Fighter_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember when Star Wars was cool?
Sure do.

>> No.4488525

Star Wars was never competently written. Perhaps you meant 'cool'. It was cool and still is. It's real cool. But it will never be well written. Frankly I wouldn't even want it to be, it would detract from the stupid fun that is Star Wars.

>> No.4491083

>Remember when Star Wars was cool?
No, not really.

>> No.4491296

2:09 that grey retard on the left, hilarious haha

>> No.4491302
File: 144 KB, 800x1018, star-wars-tie-fighter-collector-s-cd-rom-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing TIE Fighter a whole week. Next up is XWA and then my second ever playthrough of Mysteries of The Sith.

>> No.4491343

I fucking loved X-Wing and Tie Fighter.

For most of my childhood I didn't give a fuck about Jedis or light sabers or the force. For me, Star Wars was about space fighters doing space fighter things.

>> No.4492012
File: 220 KB, 640x597, RebAssault2_PSedition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember picking this game up in blockbusters and playing it non-stop for an entire weekend.

Good times.

>> No.4492235

Considering how FF7 looked like shit with its polygons in comparison I think you're underage.

>> No.4492269
File: 14 KB, 320x200, star-wars-dark-forces_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still canon

>> No.4492285

I remember when it wasn't mainstream IM SUCH A NERD LOL bullshit

>> No.4492302
File: 43 KB, 493x449, 1505676005148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4492330

I think the two of you mean “properly plotted out with at least a little care going into crafting the universe around it”.

As TLJ so painfully demonstrated, Disney is just winging it at this point and you aren’t supposed to question little things like “how the fuck did the First Order sweep the New Republic within the span of a few months?”

>> No.4492430

this fag needs to hang for using those awful graphical mods

>> No.4492572

>“how the fuck did the First Order sweep the New Republic within the span of a few months?”
They destroyed them with starkiller base... literally saw that in the last movie.

>> No.4493079

I thought they looked silly back in the day. The 3d world was really groundbreaking and fun. But the characters themselves looked goofy af.

FF7 has a cartoony look. The in battle polygons also look better than Jedi Knight's.

>> No.4493096

Star Wars Demolition was fun when I was five. I haven't played it since though.

>> No.4493109

It was like literally just a few planets including a very short lived capital, and the republic’s forces weren’t even all collected there or anything yet even after losing that massive resource sink called Star Killer Base the FO just swept across hundreds if not thousands of planets within a few months’ time using untold resources from ?????
If you play it again I’d say only do so with friends, and make a point of using the game’s physics and environment to your advantage to keep things interesting and at time funny, shit’s great.

>> No.4493246

>untold resources from ?????
Isn't it obvious? They were funded by Disney

>> No.4493290

Didn't they just use what was left of the Empire's cash? It's not like they were bankrupt, their leaders died.

At least The Force Awakens was a decent, enjoyable, well-made movie with a Star Wars feel to it that might've had some plotholes (unlike the prequels which were retarded clusterufcks).

TLJ was...I guess not as bad as the prequels. But only because it wasn't as concerned with space taxes. Everyone made so many dumb decisions and at the end everyone's exactly where they started off. Only good part was Snoke dying and the subsequent Kylo/Rey teamwork and a handful of other isolated moments.

>> No.4493308

The biggest insult was inventing a literally who to do a suicide strike against the bad guys while Admiral Ackbar died an off-screen meaningless death. Also the writers apparently had no idea that hyperdrive makes ships jump into a parallel dimension so they literally can't ram into things at a million times the speed of light.

>> No.4493312
File: 36 KB, 525x348, gfs_50114_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this?

>> No.4493316

Yeah, that was also kinda weird. Ackbar isn't exactly a deep and beloved character but just having some random dude say "oh yeah, also, froggie died" was kinda unnecessary.

That said the hyperdrive stuff has probably been retconned by Disney since most of the extra literature outside the movies is no longer canon.

>> No.4493324


Most of the extra literature was canon only because fans considered it canon. Most of the books werent approved as canon and fans being butthurt when Disney wrote their own story just shows how autistic these people are. What did they expect, that when the time comes and someone finally makes new movies they'll be like "better read all these shit unofficial books and include their stories in our movies"?

>> No.4493436

Surprisingly fun

>> No.4493538

>FO just swept across hundreds if not thousands of planets within a few months’ time
They hadn't. The resistance took out star killer, and then the first order went after them to wipe them out.

>> No.4493541

>That said the hyperdrive stuff has probably been retconned by Disney since most of the extra literature outside the movies is no longer canon
Anything outside of the movies and tv shows was never canon. People like you are exactly why what Disney did makes much more sense than the old system.

It's obvious the old system was a mess, because people keep claiming the books are canon, or the games are canon, while not realising that only the movies were canon. Disney came along and fixed that by creating a clear divide between the two, rather than the G canon, B canon, Whatever the fuck canon, that existed previously.

>> No.4493554

Star Wars always had a shit universe and I never understand how people could get invested into it. It sufficed to create 3 great space opera movies, but for anything beyond that it has zero depth. I'd get into Dune instead, or read Star Trek novels for a proper scifi universe.

>> No.4494446
File: 233 KB, 1264x787, mtfens7puify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.4494452

What about the Stargate TV show?

>> No.4494459

My wife's husband's twink son loves Star Wars

>> No.4494463

Is his favorite movie The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi

>> No.4494536

Back then, nerds were bullied and shoved into lockers

>> No.4494560

>and the republic’s forces weren’t even all collected there or anything yet

Yes they were. If you're going to handwave your headcanon as fact then don't directly contradict the actual canon so obviously.

It's pretty trivial to know this stuff, the First Order is just what's left of the Empire and the fledgling Republic decided to leave them as a rump state so they could start handling their own shit. There'd be a treaty enforcing oversight (First Order would be forced to let the Republic check on their war capability, eg industry, production, access to war games, etc) so the First Order would only get to build a fleet of a certain size. The Republic, which is bigger than the First Order, counters this by just building a bigger fleet to keep at home and counter any attack by the First Order. The Republic would probably be planning on "dealing with" the First Order eventually but they'd have to give their own economy and industrial base enough time to be properly leveraged, otherwise it's just gambling your fleet vs theirs.

This is simple stuff that happens in the real world all the time.

>> No.4494589

star wars hasn't been cool since the original trilogy anon.

>> No.4495442

[citation needed]

>> No.4497553

Fuck. I thought I could finish TIE fighter now that I'm not 7 years old, but apparently it's not possible. An escort mission where you are alone against a fleet of enemy ships. It's absolutely impossible to shoot down three barrages of instant-death rockets before one destroys the objective.

>> No.4497574

Fuck off normie