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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 56 KB, 617x303, rb2tn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4478576 No.4478576 [Reply] [Original]

For example, here's mine

>> No.4478583

Good taste.

>> No.4478636

Garou: Mark of the Wolves

>> No.4478642

I always preferred Real bout Special

>> No.4478745

I prefer RBS, it has better presentation. The only flaw which is lane shift get up costing meter isn't even that bad. RB2 just boils down to Krauser, Rick, Geese and Terry for the majority of matches and shit gets old.

>> No.4479169
File: 83 KB, 420x295, Last Blade 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Garou and think most of the best fighting games came later in the Neo's life. Last Blade 2, MOTW, Matrimelee, Samurai Showdown 5 special, etc. were all amazing games. I liked KOF 2003 as well, not as much as 98 and 2000 (and 2001 which I loved for some weird reason).

>> No.4479189

I never played a lot of SNK games as a kid, but I did like Samurai Shodown 1 and 2.

>> No.4479204

People who are not good at fighting games shouldn't have the right to discuss them.

>> No.4479208

They have the right, it just means the discussion is less educated and thus the conclusions drawn aren't as solid.

>> No.4479214

What discussion, nigga. Fighter threads are glorified waifu porn dumps. You have barely anything relevant to say, shut the fuck up.

>> No.4479216

The one that's superior to Capcom games. Ergo, none of them.

>> No.4479217

The King of Fighters '98. Runners-up include Real Bout Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, Garou Mark of the Wolves, SNK vs. Capcom - Match of the Millennium, The King of Fighters 2002, and to a lesser extent Samurai Shodown, Samurai Shodown II, The Last Blade, and The Last Blade 2.

>> No.4479230

Whenever I want to play anything SNK, I always default to KoF 2002. I know 98 is like the pinnacle of the series or whatever but I always found it too clunky and unwieldy.

90% of the time I play Neo Geo though, it's usually World Heroes so I obviously have shit taste in fighting games.

>> No.4479269
File: 278 KB, 850x1207, fatalfuryspecial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Bout series is great, but I still love Fatal Fury Special the most, and Fatal Fury 2 as well.

>> No.4479314


You autists and the fighting game community in general are the absolute worst. In burgerland they have Dave and Busters as the only arcades still standing. While many have classic cabinets alongside of racing cabinets, light gun games, etc., they are all devoid of any fighting games because they don't want the mouth breathing autistic fighting game community scaring off people. Nobody cares about you people.

>> No.4479323

I have put more time into these games than you have lived in this mortal plane, kiddo.

>> No.4479424

what a waste

>> No.4479431


>> No.4479434

It's not retro so I can't post it.

>> No.4479437

>muh popularity

>> No.4479481
File: 1.63 MB, 995x1306, 1497310557152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit taste??
I think we both have it, I love World Heroes, and Art of Fighting 2 because of the music and as well the difficulty compared to the first one. and fuck >>4479208 >>4479204 I don't give a fuck about your arguments, fighting games were a piece of early 90s gaming culture so fuck u about how good can anyone be, fighting games are beyond skills, they are just awesome because they're naturally fun and brought great designs in characters -

>> No.4479492

While I don't think people should be stopped from discussing fighting games when they're not good at them, getting scoffed at because their analysis of something that someone who takes the time to learn the meta and practice is naive and missing key info isn't unwarranted.

>> No.4479505

Tourneyfags can get a little too attached to the meta and stifle discussion.
>these 5 or so characters out of a roster of 30 have been determined to be high tier
>that means nobody can play as or talk about any other character, ever

>> No.4479510
File: 1.43 MB, 850x1199, ragnagrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that aside, what is the WORST Neo Geo fighter?

I have to say the ugly graphics from Ragnagard have really grown on me. And I really liked Legend of Success Joe back in the day.

>> No.4479514

Well it's like someone proclaiming Starkiller in Soul Calibur IV is "broken" (sorry for not being retro). Anyone who spent some time with the game actually trying to get better would tell you he's garbage but people who just sign on, jump into some fights, and get Force-pulled or Force-waved to death will declare he's OP.

>> No.4479537

That's cool if you want to school some newbs on why Starkiller sucks but you can't really stop them from enjoying playing as him. Why have so many characters in fighting games at all if it's all gonna boil down to 4-6 high tier choices and the useless rest.

>> No.4479551


>> No.4479576

Because they don't know who the tierwhores will settle with

>> No.4479583

I see a lot of people here on /vr/ always acting elitist about fighting games, but where are your actual "pro" discussions? Why do you just whine about "casuals", but never engage in actual pro discussion? Why do you guys never actually show your skills on fightcade?
Is it because, perhaps, you're just posing as a "hardcore gamer" but aren't actually good?

>> No.4479590

Wow anon, you have figured that out by yourself, you're such a genius. You must watch Rick and Morty.

>> No.4480717

Samurai 3

>> No.4480728

Samurai spirits 1. That game was the bomb in 1993.

>> No.4480814
File: 1.76 MB, 1605x2048, kabuki03 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tengai Makyou Shinden / Far East of Eden.

Too me, its a more enjoyable Samurai Shodown with a more SF vibe.

Oh and the first 2 World Heroes.

>> No.4480820

Red not SNK

>> No.4481213


I've never seen a video of this one before you posted this. Goddamn what an ugly mess of a game.

>> No.4481225

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special. This is better than 2.

>> No.4481358

So, World Heroes was ADK, what's your point?

>> No.4481384

KOF98 overall. Amazing game.
RB2's the most stylish, and it's always fun to pop in KOF2000 (or fuck, even 2001) for a good time.
spent an absurd amount of time with 2002 before finally just giving up and saying it's too fucking jank
dropped Garou ages ago even though it's gorgeous, and JDs are way, way, way too safe (it's either a block or literal fucking life gain, only time it's ever bad is if it for whatever reason takes you out of TOP, and if you're good, you probably have TOP at the start of your health)
back when I used to only play bad players, I thought Hotaru was good, too -- it's amazing just the sheer amount of shit she does that gets stuffed/trades miserably/ends up being punished without any effort
ended up playing Dong, and then stopped after a while

>I have to say the ugly graphics from Ragnagard have really grown on me.
looked up a video of that game
it's pissing me off

the visuals are awful, but they're only just barely ugly for a pre-rendered game
the music is almost good, but not
and I bet if I actually played it, which I'm probably gonna try to convince a buddy to do (hard sell, what with how ugly it is), it'd be jank as shit

>> No.4481406

That's a shame, I still like Hotaru.

>> No.4481503


>> No.4481505

Ok so... Breakers. That game is a sheer joy to play. Doesnt look as nice as an SNK game though.

>> No.4481564

Well ADK was kind of a Second Party to SNK so it's makes sense.