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4474205 No.4474205 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of starting up a Final Fantasy VI playthrough again, it's been a long, long time. Is there a preferred version these days? Usually these games have like a fan patch of the japanese version to provide a "better" translation and bugfixes. Or should I just play the US release SNES "Final Fantasy 3" version? Not interested in any 3D remakes.

>> No.4474249

Ted Woolsey Uncensored patch

>> No.4474261

Sounds good to me, thanks

>> No.4474452

The GBA version has some extra content.

>> No.4474562

are you talking about that stupid dungeon which just repeats all fucking monsters and a awful puzzle that is abysmal for a game with random encounters. Especially because there are no(?) new mosnters and even if there are new monsters, recycling monsters for bonus content is just fucking garbage. I watched adam kobold play through the dungeon, and I am so glad he stopped playing it. This "bonus" dungeon is the cheapest garbage anyone ever made. Fucking trash. Respectfree square can go fuck themself.

>> No.4474571

>3D remakes
If only.
That said, GBA version with sound restoration patch. Brave New World hack is also good, but it uses SNES version with means dealing with Woolsey translation.

>> No.4475615

and lower resolution

>> No.4475639
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>mfw I stuck somewhere after World End and never managed to solve it out

>> No.4475663

Mobile/Steam is the go to version these days, has the best of every version that came before plus higher resolution graphics for enemies and backgrounds. If it has one flaw is the stupid interface on the pc

>> No.4475803

>but it uses SNES version with means dealing with Woolsey translation
Except the changed the translation a lot in Brave New World, and even added in a few extra scenes. None of the extra stuff really changes the story of the game besides how they have this whole sequence with Celes when escaping the floating continent. You could tell the romhackers had a hard on for Celes. I wish there was a "light" version of BNW that really only had the bug fixes and balances changes with spells and stats without any of the extra story shit they added.

>> No.4475850

Uncensored? What was censored from the jp version?

>> No.4475851

Please... forget this question

>> No.4476469
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oh my god this looks like absolute ass
are you fucking kidding me

>> No.4476476

The only things good in the new content were Leviathan and Cactuar, due to how they fill some gaps in missing content. Most patches just give Raiden speed though, and Leviathan's isn't even an issue if you take Mog through the trench.

>> No.4476485

>caring about speed on level up
Literally cast haste 2.

>> No.4476491

>not just maxing speed and strength and hitting shit with clubs for 9999 at light speed

>> No.4476497

>Nothing in FF6 is hard enough to warrant this

You literally can win the game at level 30 by spamming Ultima and win DECIDEDLY, it's not even close.

>> No.4476580

Here's a silly lore question: Is the Ultima spell considered black or white magic?

>> No.4476607

the GBA with snes sound patch isnt bad for playing on the shitter

>> No.4476792


>> No.4476806

GBA is the only version worth playing. SNES is so glitched even basic stats don't function.

>> No.4476827

Black, but in FF2 it was considered white magic.

>> No.4476830

but playing on a real snes with them big carts is more comfy

>> No.4477148

I'm left wondering if a gif of this without the mechs exist

>> No.4477170

GBA version has worse graphics & music though.

>> No.4477286

The original SNES version is fine.
Also washed out colours, lower resolution and awful sound, even with the so called "restoration" patches.

>> No.4478038


The fonts and music are literally best on the USA cart.

That said, my last few times around in the past several years, I always use My PS1 Anthology. To this day I don't know how to get a perfect "system file" on that edition (an opaque executive summary of your performance in the game across characters/items/etc), nor have I been able to turn up any tips after slight effort. If anyone knows anything about the "system file" on the PS1 version I'd be much obliged. That's basically the thing I'd want to 100 percent but despite at least two pretty-good runs where I was getting all the rages, lores, dances, and items and such at the earliest opportunities, these weird "percentages" I'm describing never seemed to match up at all what I'd actually done in the game. I even make sure I get both mag roaders (a goofy, convoluted thing in itself).

t. old man

>> No.4479116


The Steam version gives you the best of both worlds. GBA's content and script with SNES' sound. Screenshots look like shit, the game looks better in action.

Requires the graphics restoration and sound restoration patches or else it looks ugly and sounds ugly.
>muh resolution
Nigga, it's 100 pixels lmao.

The script is better. Who cares about a two second scene that does nothing for anything? It has bonus content, but the game is so fucking easy that it doesn't really challenge you

Le Woolsey maymays and "censorship" which again, are things so inconsequential and without impact that you really wouldn't notice or miss it if some glorious Nipponer didn't tell you. The font is horrid, and there's bugs that you'll need to patch, probably, if you care about that sort of thing. There are hacks available for the SNES game like Brave New World that give the game a much deserved gameplay overhaul and is the only one worth considering. It makes magic not OP and restricts espers based on characters so you get pseudo-classes.