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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, 20171220_175653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4473728 No.4473728 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting FFIV for the first time tonight, what are y'all playing? Also I'm playing the USA Snes version on Wii. Is it better to play this or the GBA version?

>> No.4473759

Which ever one is more fun or accessible for you

>> No.4473771

To my knowledge, SNES versions are usually better due to resolution and audio quality. Which, I imagine both are important.

>> No.4473780
File: 816 KB, 2000x1000, GBA_Minish_Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing picRelated.
I've yet to play a 3D Zelda.


>> No.4473798

I was playing some Super Return of the Jedi earlier.

>> No.4473803
File: 35 KB, 256x224, donkey_kong_country_lost_levels_snesforever_0032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna play DKC2 The Lost Levels tonight (pic related). Best romhack I've played in a long time.

>> No.4473831

Is it worth playing?

>> No.4473839

If you like Zelda 1, 3, Awakening, or Oracles, then absolutely yes.

>> No.4473847

Im playing Metal Gear Solid after I get done playing PUBG with some friends

>> No.4473850
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Not retro but been playing a lot of ps2 since that android emulator came out. Watched carpenter's the thing last night now I'm playing the ps2 game since I've never played it before. It's actually not bad, the squad mechanic works fairly well. Atmosphere is good too

>> No.4473867
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Digimon Digital Card Battle
What is the best way to get packs of a certain color?

>> No.4473872

Just finished 6.

Don't really know what to do. Not going to have a lot of time in the up coming weeks cause of Christmas, but I like to play something during the holidays.

I used to play a Zelda game, but I've recently decided that I really don't like the series.

Might play something light, maybe something I've been meaning to play for awhile, like Super Metroid.

>> No.4473880

>USA Snes version on Wii
I'm guessing you're too young to understand the release clusterfuck that is IV. The US version dumbs everything down and removes a shitload of stuff. The PSX and GBA versions bring that stuff back, but have their own issues. You should find a translation patch for the Japanese rom.

>> No.4473882

Play OOT right fucking now

>> No.4473885

I don't feel like getting super involved in anything tonight, gonna probably play some umihara kawase and practice my rope skills.

>> No.4473891
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What emulator anon? Just got my android tablet back from ex after a year and I had no idea anyone cracked PS2 emu on android. Formerly used PPSSPP for PSP which I loved and worked fantastically, ePSXe for PS1, which I hear isn't the best but I like and Mupen64 for N64 which I have found to be the most compatible/stable of N64 emu.

Back to retro stuff tho, I am playing Caesar 3 and fucking loving it (also Dawn of War II and fucking hating it)

>> No.4473893


>> No.4473930

started playing oracle of ages on monday evening, had a migraine immediately after getting home from work tuesday, and now i dont feel like doing anything because my head is all fucked

i would give everything i have to never have another fucking migraine

>> No.4473938

I'm bit playing any retro stuff at the moment, but I am playing Persona 5. Any retro stuff similar to it? I've heard good things about the first two Persona games, as they are very similar to Persona 5, but I'm not too sure. Any recommendations?

>> No.4473947

The first two persona games are dungeon crawlers, no social links. If you like the dungeon crawling aspect of Persona, give the Megami Tensei / Shin Megami Tensei series a try if you want to keep it retro.

>> No.4473950

persona 1 & 2 are nothing at all like the new persona games, they are straight smt dungeon crawlers, very good ones mind you. there is some theme overlap and you play as high school characters who have personas, but thats where the similarities end

>> No.4473984

Tbh was gonna play some wonder boy or ff6 but im pretty fucking burnt out. Bout to sell collection and get a pocket bike instead.

>> No.4473987

gonna be playing some ff6 after Im done rolling this j
just gonna sit back and play for a few hours

>> No.4473993 [DELETED] 

>after Im done rolling this j
No one fucking cares, dude.
Also, Kefka kills Leo and Gestahl, uses the statues to become immortal, and then destroys the world. Terra is an Esper. Shadow is Relm's father.

>> No.4473994 [DELETED] 

fucking douche
go kill urself

>> No.4473996 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 1284x980, 1491358341250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve it, you stupid little teenage stoner. Learn to post better.

>> No.4474000 [DELETED] 

>butthurt for not living in a weed-legal territory

>> No.4474005 [DELETED] 

Thanks for letting me know the ending. I was so sick of the grind. Esp veldt grind. Idk why ppl say this is the best ff. It's pretty close to the worst. 7>9>10>8>4>5>6>2>1

>> No.4474008 [DELETED] 

>dumb ameritard thinks im teenage when im probably older than him

>> No.4474015 [DELETED] 

You probably emulate everything because your govt takes 60% of your paycheck to fed your new african brothers. You can shut your goddamn keyboard you communist.

>> No.4474017 [DELETED] 

>being old balls on a video game forum bragging about smoking pot like a 14 year old
cringey as fuck

>> No.4474023 [DELETED] 

Fucking this.

>> No.4474027 [DELETED] 

Acting like a straightedge middleschooler is way more cringey, hombre; and I know because I was one. I don't smoke weed, but it's legal in several states and only going to become more common; bitching on 4chan certainly won't make people not do it.

>> No.4474029 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Cucknada. I'm 30 and I smoke whenever I want. My issue with you is your posts are so low quality that it brings down the entire board experience.

>> No.4474034 [DELETED] 

>implying you can trace my posts
>implying i give a fuck about "muh experinsuu"

>> No.4474038 [DELETED] 

Noone is acting straight edge tho. The guy was pretty much "blaze erday 420xd bobmarley muhnigga". How is it straight edge to call out autistic ppl that think smoking weed makes you cool. Esp on fucking /vr/ of all the boards we can have those kinds of conversations.

>> No.4474042 [DELETED] 

You're such an insufferable faggot, it's incredible.

>> No.4474045 [DELETED] 

Judging by the way you type I would definitely say you canadian. You can prove us wrong by bosting your drivers license.

>> No.4474050 [DELETED] 

"Kill Me"
--This Thread

>> No.4474053 [DELETED] 

I mean he's being insufferable now, but he just mentioned rolling a joint, nothing else. I mean I don't tell /vr/ when I'm drinking a beer and playing final fantasy, but that guy that got nuked was a way bigger dick and definitely instigated the shit-flinging now occurring.
can agree with this

>> No.4474058 [DELETED] 

>but that guy that got nuked was a way bigger dick and definitely instigated the shit-flinging now occurring.
You're wrong. Going out of your way to mention smoking weed is exclusively the domain of teenagers. There's a very good chance that he legally is not allowed to post here. There's a good argument to be made about defending the integrity of this board.

>muh integrity
Kill yourself.

>> No.4474062

Snes should be fine man. Thats how I played it. It is a great game. Im not sure but isnt there a psx version in revelations? Anyone know?

>> No.4474072 [DELETED] 

I'm not. That guy got nuked for a reason, because he was an even bigger faggot. Board integrity, give me a fucking break.


>> No.4474090 [DELETED] 

That guy is me. If you don't care about board integrity, you might as well go to Reddit right the fuck now. There's a thing called standards.

>> No.4474097 [DELETED] 

Says the guy who got his posts deleted. There's a board called >>>/qa/ for your meta commentary, and if you're looking for upvotes, you're in the wrong place.

>> No.4474101

OP here. I stopped playing the USA version and started the J2E tranlated version, so much better. Was gonna play the GBA version but it doesn't look as good on the Wii or and the speed was horrible.

>> No.4474105

hey OP comfy post. playing Bahamut lagoon, pokemon trading card on gbc, and ultima runes of virtue on game boy.

>> No.4474106

How about the three of you start putting SAGE in your option field and fuck the fuck off?

>> No.4474107 [DELETED] 

My posts got deleted because I posted spoilers. This has nothing to do with meta anything, I noticed someone who sucks shit at posting, and I called him you out. There's no reason to make a new thread about some faggot who sticks out like a sore thumb.

I rest my case.

>> No.4474112


Sorry to hear anon, they fucking suck.

>> No.4474113
File: 100 KB, 587x1000, hori-fighting-commander-package-xb1-1-e1504043929549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got one of these, playing some dead or alive 1

>> No.4474114

I'm glad you took my advice. Proper form is to respond to that post to let them know you followed their advice. Jesus Christ this board is falling to shit.

>> No.4474116

How is it? I've been thinking about picking one up for awhile.

>> No.4474123

Very solid, I got the xbone version like in my pic. Still trying to break in the d-pad little stiff but I can pull off commands pretty quick on it. Buttons are crisp too, only troublesome one is the right trigger, might be a little loose or something. All in all worth it for $39, even if you aren't into fighters it's a good universal controller.

>> No.4474125
File: 2.33 MB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20171219-212613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damonps2 pro. The developer recommends a SD 835 SoC but from what I've heard from others it's pretty much a requirement, not really a recommendation. I'm playing on an S8 currently and haven't really had too many hiccups except futurama froze on me and xenosaga was really slow. I tried FFX and it seems to run between 50-60 fps consistently on my phone so playable for sure. I don't have a BT controller to try it out with so just on screen controls for now.

>> No.4474140

Nice, thanks for the insight.

>> No.4474145

Iv never played ps2. Is there any good rpg's I can play on android that don't require a lot of precise controls? Using the screen buttons isn't an effective way of playing.

>> No.4474151

Found a pack of gba injected .cias so I'm playin this rn then I'm doing Metroid Zero Mission

>> No.4474158
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20171221_040759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4474179
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x1836, 20171221_001941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing the first Zelda on my N64. First time I'm going at it. Having a blast

>> No.4474181

Beat a gym of that color

>> No.4474208

I agree, I'd much rather use a controller but I can't find mine. Not so much for precision but it's just annoying seeing the controls on the screen. PS2 is pretty much king of the console rpgs imo, and there's a ton of turned based ones that don't require precision or timing. I enjoyed shadow hearts 1 and 2, ffx, ffxii, phantom brave, disgaea, generation of chaos, front mission 4, smt and persona series, xenosaga series, I don't know man, there's like a million of them

>> No.4474219

Tokyo Xanadu EX+

>> No.4474236
File: 56 KB, 470x666, 1362588345397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been replaying Final Fantasy Tactics for only god knows how many times. Playing the PSP port with the anti-slowdown and ratio fix mod. Sadly still has garbage sound quality and I'm still not a fan of the new translation, but, I'm still having a lot of fun. Still my favorite game regardless of how I play it.

>> No.4474305

How are you playing this on n64?

>> No.4474323

I've never played it. Always have thought about it. I've heard there are some parts where you can potentially brick your play through, is this true?

>> No.4474367

Not him, but I'm willing to bet it involves a Flash Cart.

>> No.4474375

Dragon Quest IV, and I'm about halfway through the final chapter. I'm playing the Android port of the DS remake. They're basically identical, but the Android version has party chat added back in (cut from the DS' English translation.)

I've played every DQ up until IX on their original systems, as well as the remake of III on SNES. Aside from the atrocious accents, this remake is probably my favorite DQ experience so far.

>> No.4474498

The flash cart has a NES emulator, a big percentile of the library is supported, you can save and all that


>> No.4474503

I've played a ton of PS2 rpgs, easily 10, but actually I didn't play ANY of the ones you mentioned. Huge at-least-decent rpg library indeed

>> No.4474568

Diablo 2 climbing this classic ladder

>> No.4474603

Android garbage. I need a good DOS christmas/winter related game to play. Any suggestions?

>> No.4474687
File: 41 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o23tvieqEm1qcyt8wo1_5001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are parts where the game puts you into a series of battles in a row. If you can't figure out a strategy for the following battles and save over your main file you can get stuck. I will say that most people who get stuck are rarely ever really stuck. There is usually a winning set up in most people's parties. That being said if you wanna avoid that headache just save in a second slot when the game asks you to save without returning you to the world map. No biggy.

>> No.4474693


I just had to google pocket bike

You sir are a faggot

>> No.4474826
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Oracle of Seasons

>> No.4474830
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GBA port looks better anon

>> No.4474836

we can play ps2 games on our phones. what a time to be alive.

>> No.4475121

Thanks man, device isn't compatible but I'll probably be buying a replacement soon, thank you for the details and the recommendation and happy gaming! Sorry you can't play Xenosaga my brother that's a fuckin great game.

>> No.4475260
File: 81 KB, 640x480, flashback_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flashback for the Megadrive. Once all the Christmas nonsense is over with I think I'll try and really get to grips with it. I only got it fairly recently for cheap since I've been foolish enough to be misled by people saying it's overrated and shit. I don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I've only dipped my toe in( up to the first checkpoint pretty much ) but I'm already totally hooked. So immersive.

>> No.4475485

not playing anygame. i dont like videogames anymore.