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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 300x225, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4473095 No.4473095 [Reply] [Original]

Are Tiger handhelds, Mattel, Playtime, gigapets, etc considered games?

I used to get pure MINUTES of bliss from this guy

>> No.4473148

I had some of these, I love TMNT. Not sure what happened to it.

Also had Sonic, and still have Sonic 2.

>> No.4473248
File: 69 KB, 600x493, 1705_1090_1254169521871_Tiger_Gauntlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are considered games and retro (though they still made the things up to like 2000 if I recall correctly).

I had a dozen of these as a kid growing up in the late 80's and early to mid 90's. They were great to take to school and to places like the local swimming pool; places I didn't want to take my gameboy. If they were stolen, broken, or lost, it wasn't a big deal since they were $15-20 each but if that happened to my gameboy I would have been fucked.

Gauntlet was pretty good as was Pit Fighter (I had more fun with the damn hand held than playing the atrocious SNES port at a friend's house). I never remember owning one that I really hated. I had a bunch of the watch ones too.

>> No.4473295
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>Had a dozen of these things
>Also had a Gameboy
>Wasn't a big deal if they got lost or wrecked
>$15-20 was a trifling amount in the early 90s

Spoiled child of yuppie parents detected. Bet you had one of these pricy fuckers too.

>> No.4473316

The only ones I really had as a little kid were OP's Sonic, Sonic Spinball, and Power Rangers. It's honestly been so many years since I've played them that I can't say for sure now if they were any good, but I remember enjoying them back then.

If you ever wanna play flash remakes of these old LCD games, check this out http://pica-pic.com

>> No.4473327
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they are the retro "facebook/iphone games".

>> No.4473341
File: 53 KB, 573x655, Tiger-Retro-Lcd-Skeet-Shoot-Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best one.

>> No.4473347

They're definitely games, just not very good ones.

I had the Street Fighter 2 wrist watch style game by Tiger. It wasn't very fun, but I was the envy of my entire school when I showed up with it.

I've tried locating one on eBay more recently with no luck. I have no clue where it may have gone to since I was a kid.

>> No.4473441

I had, I think, the Sonic 2 one of those. I played the shit out of it for whatever reason. It had "levels" and a boss fight and everything. Really good battery life on the sucker. It had a reset button in the back you needed a pen or a pin to press and eventually it got half stuck and turns itself on, seemingly at random. I don't think it's had a change of batteries for a good 10 years or even more, but it'll still play that annoying, far too long intro tune if the box it's in is jostled.
Jesus christ I can hear it in my head now

>> No.4473468
File: 38 KB, 500x425, a830dee8384b451acffdf0bdc8c918a0---toys-game-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the Sonic 2 one. I dont know where it is anymore.

>> No.4473494


>> No.4473513
File: 272 KB, 1024x768, 6701812017_06c65950f7_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing was a godsend for a ruralfag who had like an hour long bus ride.

>> No.4473689

lmao I collected the dozen of them from like age 7 to age 13 or 14 and only one of them broke and that was due to the battery leaking inside of it. Quit being such a little bitch.

>> No.4473691

Yeah, LCD games are still video games alright.
Most of them are bad mainly due to poor design, but it's possible to make fun and engaging experiences with them, see most of Nintendo's game and watch.

>> No.4473696

No. No they are not. They're a fucking abomination. I hated them as a kid and I still hate them now.

>> No.4473698

What does the Doug button do?

>> No.4473706

Except they are better than those. They actually have what people call "gameplay" unlike social crap lol

Yes, gaming has become so bad now that Tiger games are better than some popular newer styles of games lol

>> No.4473712

How good they are depends on each game just like normal games.

Some are fun and just as addictive as any Game & Watch, while others are just boring to play for more than 5 minutes.

What was cool about these handhelds was that even though they sucked, it was cool going to the electronics section and seeing an entire shelf full of video games of all your favorite shows.

Unlike real video games even relatively obscure cartoons could have their own Tiger video game. The fact that they had plastic sculpted as your favorite characters or even stickers just made them cooler and made you want them even if you from experience knew that you would stop playing it after 5 minutes

>> No.4473718

Yes! I, too, get all my opinions from ecelebs!

>> No.4473725
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>> No.4473727
File: 1.21 MB, 1848x1170, nupogodi_lcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike real video games even relatively obscure cartoons could have their own Tiger video game
This reminds me, in Russia there was a game and watch clone based on the Nu, pogodi! cartoon, a sort of russian Tom and Jerry but with a wolf and a bunny, really outlandish, loved it as a kid).
I remember playing a flash browser recreation of this game many years ago, it wasn't half bad.

>> No.4473748


>> No.4473886

These things were pretty popular birthday and Christmas presents, since they were essentially video games you can buy for people you're not going to spend the price of a video game on a gift for. Everyone I knew had a whole stack because they'd get like 3 every birthday and 3 every Christmas.

>> No.4474037

It Dougs, clearly. Jokes aside, I actually managed to find an instruction pamphlet for the game. It's a context sensitive button. Changes based on what level you're playing.

>> No.4474069

>ecelebs are why they're so primitive

>> No.4474338
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Soo close

>> No.4474351
File: 249 KB, 1500x1128, 71ChkYOFbPL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again anon

>> No.4474363

I had the Street Fighter 2 one.
My uncle bought it from some crackheads for 2 dollars.

>> No.4474467
File: 56 KB, 441x651, tmp_20283-1017_2650_1314733580287_Konami_Adventure_of_Bayou_Billy1526903779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker right here, Konami made better ones than Tiger ever did.

>> No.4474473
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, tT5UMcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Konami games made by Tiger?

>> No.4474809

Oh wow I remember the dorky kid at my school had the ninja turtles version of this. It got stolen during recess or some shit and they searched peoples lockers lol

>> No.4474948

Lol upboated good sir, I tip my hat to you!

>> No.4475083

how could i forget that shrill piercing music

>> No.4475261

>Had a SNES, wanted a Genesis only for Sonic
>parents don't want to get me another system just for one game
>get me this instead

>> No.4475267

I couldn't find footage of 2 without some prick talking over it

>> No.4475418

Sorry man but Candy Crush blows the fuck out of any Tiger handheld.

>> No.4475425


>> No.4475426

You're totally delusional if you think Tiger shit plays better than a Bejewled clone. I'm not saying Candy Crush is good but at least it's functional. The only cool thing about Tiger stuff is the art on the handhelds.

>> No.4475594

>this game made 30 years later on a device exponentially more powerful than home computers of the time is more functional than games using as much technology as a digital watch
Gee, you think?

>> No.4475653

I'm biting the bait but I don't care, Tiger games at least weren't manipulative garbage

>> No.4475893

... I thought it's the "duck" button

>> No.4475960

Tiger handhelds are a lost art. I'd love to see a revival of standalone handhelds, but it probably ain't going to happen since it's cheaper to just swap out the software than to duplicate all the hardware for each game.

>> No.4475983
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Can we talk about the awesome Radio Shack handhelds of the 80's and 90's? They were usually cheaper at $10 or less (no license fees) and were pretty damn fun. Plane and Tank was so much fun growing up.


>> No.4475996

Holy fuck, I forgot these little guys even existed. What a nostalgia bomb.

>> No.4475998

Holy shit, I actually found something from my childhood I had never found and forgot existed.

I had "Highway", it was a decent Game & Watch type of game. Without this thread I would've never remembered.

>> No.4476016

Am I the only one who thought these fucking sucked? I had them but never really liked them

>> No.4476018

>Am I the only one who thought these fucking sucked?
if you lived in the mariana trench under a fucking sea rock your whole life, yes.

>> No.4476021

Yes, you contrarian fuck.

>> No.4476065

They were fun, cheap, and aesthetic as fuck

>> No.4476730

No you’re not, I had a couple of these in my room from my brother after he got himself a Game Boy and a Hasbro handheld Battleship game, never understood the appeal of the Tigers. Didn’t have shit on Game and Watch. I could play the Battleship handheld for an hour and not be bored, I couldn’t pick one of the tigers up for more than 2 minutes. It was just too simple and repetitive, like some cheap joke you give to a 5 year old to keep him entertained, at least the Battleship game was an actual full board game in my hand vs a CPU.

>> No.4477918

True story: The LCD poker and slot machine hand held games were an entry point for many people to start hardcore gambling

>> No.4477937

Did you really have to throw the bullshit in about the unrelated Hasbro handheld just to make it seem like you're not a Nintoddler who can't touch anything that isn't official authentic Nintendo™ product?

>> No.4477986


Forgot how slow moving this board is. Wasn't trying to be contrarian, just never liked them and thought they were trash. I wanted to so bad. We didn't have much money growing up so I'd get one of these for Christmas every now and then and was always disappointed. Game play was janky, had to fuck with short battery life, and turning on and off the sound only seemed to work half the time. Glad people like these but holy fuck they were bad

>> No.4478560

I had this, found it somehow. Then it got stolen <_<

>> No.4478567


>> No.4479005

Wait... there are... emulators of these things?!

>> No.4479013
File: 24 KB, 425x404, e37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't trying to be contrarian

>> No.4479014
File: 104 KB, 500x607, 2612_1367353150405_Radio_Shack_Dinosaur_Attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this but it was badged as Tandy (bong Radio Shack).

>> No.4479986
File: 51 KB, 452x623, Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this game, was the last LCD Handheld I owned before a got a gamegear.
The digitized speech was cool.

>> No.4481090

I've wanted this thing for decades. Thankfully I have my original Gameboy with all 3 TMNT games.

>> No.4481098
File: 110 KB, 749x999, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play this at the barber shop u would go to. He would have a whole bin full of them. Also I would play pic related at my grandparents for hours.

>> No.4481101

>any opinion an eceleb has is now off limits to have
these tiger LCD games were shit to begin with, and even more shit when compared to any game & watch

>> No.4481190

How is it unrelated? I compared it to another handheld game of the same style (fixed sprites/dots etched into the screen that just light up according to what’s happening in the game), and said that I had more fun with the Hasbro. I didn’t like Tiger games, they just felt like little Chinese toys that ripped off the game they were spinning off of. I understand that makes you upset, but I was simply making a comparison to a similar product of better quality.

Calm yourself.

>> No.4481247

That saw is way too happy.

>> No.4481254
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Love Mr. game & watch

>> No.4481426
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>> No.4481449

>if it ain't Nintendo™ it ain't shit!
Yeah, man. If you say so.

>> No.4484186
File: 1.86 MB, 400x288, tumblr_okqwrf86ov1umk4ogo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss you... I'm sorry that you probably sat there until your batteries died and you sunk into the mud of a walnut orchard.

>> No.4484887

They were the '90s equivalent of shitty Indian mobile games but served their purpose.

>> No.4484897

RIP in peace.
Didn't remember those ripoffs were made by Tiger.

>> No.4487665

>the eternal shame you will feel when you thought a Tiger handheld of Sonic 3 was equivalent to the real thing

>> No.4487669

I knew a girl who thought flash Sonic games were like the real thing

>> No.4490514

probably the best 3 right there

>> No.4490728

thats tetris and harvest moon

>> No.4490729

lol when you compare these to their modern equivalents you get to truly feel the degeneration of the industry

>> No.4492693

sounds like a fleshlight

>> No.4492706

I used to hate these damn things and didn't find them fun in the slightest. I'm actually quite surprised to see people had fun with them.

>> No.4492793
File: 23 KB, 410x353, dkjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought one of these recently and I enjoy having it on my desk. I was too young for the original Game & Watch series, but I did love playing the G&W Galleries on the Game Boy.

>> No.4492843

>Are Tiger handhelds, Mattel, Playtime, gigapets, etc considered games?

no, they're considered to be incredibly annoying, painful on the eyes and ears and waste of time. most interesting thing about them is the tiny CPU that runs the software. I think it's 4bit code iirc.

>> No.4493560
File: 133 KB, 920x1134, monster munch game 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won one of these in a bag of monster munch sometime around 1994.

It was honestly pretty fun, but only because they completely copied Pacman.