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4462852 No.4462852 [Reply] [Original]

Is III the most underrated Final Fantasy?

>> No.4462883

From the main series yes, probably, even with its flaws.

My list is V > IV > III > I > X > IX > VI > II > VII > VIII
(I put X in there even if it's not retro since these are all the main series games I've played)

>> No.4462889

how the fuck have you played that many games in a series where every game is the exact same shit?

>> No.4462902
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The absolute state of (You)

Yes it is, FFIII is one of the best Famicom games out there, unfortunately a lot of people just go and play the remakes because they look prettier, even though they are practically different games due to the job system where in the remake works more like in FFV.

>> No.4462907

out of the ones I've played (I, II, III, IV, VII, XIV), yes.

>> No.4462934

why the fuck do you post anything when you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.4462936

He's right all Final Fantasies are Wizardry clones.

>> No.4462937

No, Mystic Legend is

>> No.4462945

you've played neither wizardry FF

>> No.4462950

>people just go and play the remakes because they look prettier
Or maybe because the Famicom version was never released in the west, possibly?

>> No.4462952

I've played them over a long period of time. And some are actually a bit more distinct than what you claim

So having a party is now enough for a game series to be Wizardry clones? Holy shit this bait is weak

>> No.4462961
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>Holy shit this bait is weak
Then why do you keep giving it (you)s? Just let it be.

>> No.4462963

It's just that sometimes I don't know if they are trolling or they are just this weird since I've come across some crazy people

>> No.4462968

Either way, probably no reason to engage with them.

>> No.4462970

Fair point, I'll avoid these fuckers more from now on

>> No.4463000

It might be considered obsolete, what with V's refined job system. Or maybe it's intimidation due to it being on NES. Perhaps it IS just as easy as not being released out here for so long like>>4462950 said. I think most people, when they think of final fantasy III, they think of VI. And that probably doesn't help either.

But i'm just some asshole with a keyboard on the internet, working off of conjecture.

>> No.4463470

Are you saying just that no one knows about it, or that it's a good game regardless? Would it be worth playing?

>> No.4463510

Because that really stops anyone in the internet age. Get real, m8.

>> No.4463738

Final Fantasy 3 is directly better than Final Fantasy 1. But it's trendy to say FF1 is the best.

I'll put forth a solid arguement

>FF3 has more class variety and more tactics with class selection since you can change classes to suit the needs of the dungeon.
>FF3 isn't loaded with bugs such as targeting dead monsters, a magic stat that does nothing, and half the spells being bugged
>FF3 is harder

>> No.4463743

I'm saying it probably gets overlooked because of the above reasons. Final Fantasy III is one of my favorite NES games and I absolutely think it's worth playing.

>> No.4463747

Unpopular opinions thread?

The only Final Fantasies really worth playing are:

Everything else is shit. 4 and 6 are especially mundane, and everyone fucking loves them.

>> No.4463787

Wow, I've never seen a FF list that I agree with until now. People usually think 4 or 6 are God's gift to man. Though I did like 2 a little in the "break it so hard" way.

>> No.4463938

What's wrong with FF4 and FF6?

>> No.4463950

>Entirely linear
>no party choices in 4, or the majority of 6
>characterization is bad
>story is dull
>party members either have a garbage ability, or an overpowered one that's abused every turn

Mostly hating on 4, because it's actually really boring.

6 isn't as boring, but it's pretty fucking dull.

>> No.4464050

>Entirely linear
6 completely breaks out of that after the middle point, allowing you to do things in whatever order you like or even leave them undone entirely. What are you on if you say it's linear?
>or the majority of 6
You can pick up your party pretty much all the fucking time, as soon as you get enough guys for it. You can even go back and grab Mog before fucking shit up.
>the rest
Eh, your opinion. I like 6 fine though. Not my favorite, but I like it.

(4 is still garbage.)

>> No.4464061

Might be on the low side of the scale, but it very well could be underrated since it doesn't have any obvious flaws that I recall, and haven't been played by as quite as many.

>> No.4464062

>>Entirely linear

>> No.4464073

All that shit applies to only FFIV, you silly goose.

>> No.4464308

>Mostly hating on 4, because it's actually really boring.

Why is it considered one of the best FF games then?

>> No.4464318

It was the second one to come out in the west, and a pretty impressive outing at its time. It just hasn't aged well.

>> No.4464325

because it's a great game

>> No.4464329

this list is IMPRESSIVELY contrarian other than 5 being high and 8 rightfully being last

>> No.4464334

It's not the mid 90s anymore.

>> No.4464339

5 being high is pretty contrarian too...

>> No.4464367

>unironically enjoying 7 and thinking 4 is mundane

>> No.4464385

How is FF7 mundane?

>> No.4464394

7 is far superior to 4 in terms of characters, stories have very different tones so I guess that's a matter of preference. but i definitely wouldn't say 4 is any more exciting.

>> No.4464401

7 is kind of mundane these days with its mind-screwy plot and asshole protagonists and moral ambiguities and other shit, but back in the day it was actually pretty new and fresh.

>> No.4464747

Those are my tastes, if you want I can say why I listed the games that way. I hate being called a contrarian for not having the most cookie cutter taste on something, doesn't contrarian mean you hate something for being popular / like something for being unpopular? Not the case... In any case, even saying I like these games is not contrarian in itself since it's a very popular franchise, though I'll admit I don't like the games that much since I'm not huge into RPGs.

V: I value gameplay above all else in a video game and I feel this game has the most entertaining battle system, and even more if you ignore a couple of broken things. It's also relatively light on interruptions, gets more straight to the point than the later games.

IV: I like the simplicity this game offers in a way, it's more about enemy and boss patterns than customization. Each character has its strengths and weakness, feels fun to go through the dungeons with the game's parties. Mostly devoid of bullshit and, again, quick pace compared to later games.

III: This game used to be my favorite like 10 years ago, even got its remake on launch day due to how much I liked it. It has a system similar to V's though simpler. I prefer the first three games' turn based combat compared to ATB most of the time. The game falls flat on class balance and bad mechanical stuff like how defenses work when you run away and the questionable design of some of the dungeons. Still like it, though.

I: This is based on the original, Origins version would probably be around second place. I like replaying it with custom parties (again, I like how different, distinct characters interact with each other mechanically on battle). Dungeon design is a bit too simple, though, and the bosses are... let's just say, easier than normal encounters, which is typical of these games around then I know, but still this is enough for it to not be higher.

To be continued

>> No.4464764

X: Probably my favorite battle system of these ten games. It's killed by an overly long tutorial, that one forced Blitzball game and an stupid amount of unskippable cutscenes, for example. It also lacks exploration or good dungeon stuff so I can't place it higher.

IX: This game could be MUCH higher if it wasn't by how damn slow it is. I like the character system quite a bit, it's just that I prefer the pacing of games from SNES and before.

VI: This game is actually pretty good but I feel it gets worse after a certain point. The magicite system is a big piece of shit, I hate games like these where your cast is homogenized.

II: This is my least favorite of the ones I like (which means the next two ones are the only ones I actually dislike). This game has cool ideas but executed poorly, it's too easy to break, even unintentionally. Poor balance, you're either overpowered or under powered so battles rarely feel very fun. The dungeon design is pretty laughable as well full of these pointless doors. But I still think it's alright.

VII: Homogenized cast, slow PS1 loading and pacing. Not engaging at all

VIII: Again, homogenized cast and slow PS1 loading and pacing. But I dislike this one even more due to all the drawing and level scaling stuff.

>> No.4464814

You didn't mention the reason why people like this one, good story/characters. But seems like everybody play jrpgs for the infinite stream of random encounters

>> No.4464816

I don't care about neither story nor aesthetic stuff in video games, sorry

>> No.4464824

If you care about neither story nor aesthetics, I can't imagine there'd be much in the series for you at all.

>> No.4464835

>good story/characters.
lolwut, the characters and story in the NES FFs are irrelevant
II is all about customizing your characters with the way you play

>> No.4464839

Exactly, that's why I said "I don't like the games that much since I'm not huge into RPGs." But the battle system and dungeon stuff can be entertaining by itself too, you know. At leas to me it was, not as much anymore but yeah.

>> No.4464876

Then you didn't pay attention.

>> No.4464895

It's pretty much the opposite. FF series is one of those few games where the gameplay is there to move you forward along with the story, rather than story being an excuse for the gameplay.

You may not give a shit about the story and find gameplay to be the meat of the game, that's all very well, but you'll be basically in the minority.

>> No.4464909

Really? You guys find the plot and characters to be the main draws of the NES FFs?
That's hilarious, but okay whatever

>> No.4464927

This isn't as true for the earlier titles. Not much of a story in, say, FFI. You could easily be playing that game for hours without any story happening, and what's there is just a bunch of exposition and monologues, and maybe some optional lore stuff you get through NPCs when you go talk to them to get some clues.

>> No.4464931

I'll give you that much. The first one didn't have much plot at all and IV's plot was pretty basic even back in the day, but honestly I find that most of them still hold up to some extent or another.

>> No.4464983

Indeed. I and III have a silent cast of non-descript characters with pretty minimal stories. II tried a bit more.
Then by the SNES they began to focus more on story though as you mention they are still pretty minimalistic (brief scenes of dialogues). V dialed it back, it feels like a point i between the NES and the SNES ones in this regard.
By PS1 these pretty much became storyfag games.

>> No.4465012

Explain how Final Fantasy is the exact same shit? I am sure character customization varies between each game of the series.

>> No.4465041

Dude fuck you josef didnt die for nothing

>> No.4465085
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>> No.4465096

That's a problem with /vr/ in general: we won't ever get any new material, pretty much by design, so we keep recycling shit.

>> No.4465118

If V doesn't count as underrated, yes. God knows that it used to be because of all the retards complaining that it wasn't all melodrama all the time.

>> No.4465132

I made a thread on /vr/ once, then two months later I saw a thread and thought "oh, I was thinking of this same thing not too long ago".
It was the same damn thread.

>> No.4465158

Doesn't help that /vr/ seems to like to discuss the same stuff and games all the time. I swear, if I see another 5th gen console war I'm going to puke on the keyboard and monitor.

>> No.4465195

>or the majority of 6
You mean less than half the game?

>> No.4465567

>argeting dead monsters, a magic stat that does nothing,
Neither of those were bugs. If the designers wanted to casualise their game in the first release they would have. Forcing the player to pplan their attacks effectively was an intentional part of the game and INT never did shit in 80's RPGs. INT was probably originally going to be used for something else, like affecting what spells you could learn as in D&D. For whatever reason the idea was dropped and it became a useless stat, a pretty bloody common thing for the era. Not a bug.

>> No.4465576

Dunno man, a stat doing absolutely nothing seems like an oversight. Why even have it then, it even has a growth system programmed like the rest of the stats.

>> No.4465687

>all those enemies that multiply unless you hit them with a specific type of weapon, and they appear in multiple places
>all those gimmick status effect dungeons (especially mini)
>that entire garuda boss fight
It was so close to being great, but instead it's just trash.

>> No.4465796

You made no mention of
1. FF3 is harder
2. FF3 has more depth to class selection because there are more classes and you can change classes

These are big fucking reasons.

>Forcing the player to pplan their attacks effectively was an intentional part of the game

No it was a fucking bug, that's why they corrected the mistake in the next game. Please stop with with 'planning attack' bullshit. You can't even do that reliably with all the random crits, misses, and extra attacks. Damage is highly unstable. It added nothing but an inconvenience.

>NT was probably originally going to be used for something else, like affecting what spells you could learn as in D&D. For whatever reason the idea was dropped and it became a useless stat,

Which is a huge oversight. And it just happens the classes that would use INT happen to be overshadowed by the classes that do not.....

Oh you also missed another point

3. Less bugs. Not just missing and int but tons of spells do not work.

>> No.4465853

Black Mage is almost worthless compared to Red Mage due to the broken nonexistent INT mechanic, yeah lol

>> No.4465906

>they corrected the mistake in the next game
this is wrong though, i'm playing FFII now and attacks directed at dead monsters don't get redirected. I don't think it's a bug. I'd tend to agree about the INT stat in the original though.

>> No.4465927

>No it was a fucking bug
No, it's exactly how the ruleset FF1 was ripping off worked.

>> No.4465929

Top Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.4465935

Attacks not auto-retargetting was absolutely intentional. FF3 even kept it for magic attacks, despite implementing auto-retargetting for physical attacks. Also, FF3 is much easier than FF1. FF1 has far more enemy mobs that can push your shit in before you even get a turn, and also doesn't have broken abilities like stacking protect buffs until you only receive 1 point of damage from any attack, including magic.

FF3 is one of my favorites in the series, and I like it a lot more than FF1, but you're absolutely wrong on those points.

>> No.4466471

Yeah blackmage, thief, and monk are the most useless classes in FF1, for various reasons. But some classes being better than others isn't a "bug." That would be like saying Street Fighter is a buggy game because Sagat is better than Blanka.

>> No.4467019

Nah, more like the Magic oversight made a class shittier than probably intended