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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 104 KB, 610x407, chrono1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4460041 No.4460041 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game flawless?

>> No.4460556

No. No game is.

>> No.4460606

It has a progress system so it automatically isn't

>> No.4460673

Magus' spells are too weak after his becoming an ally.

>> No.4460680

It's mediocre garbage

>> No.4460743


>> No.4460812

So what are its flaws

>> No.4460825

The dialogue sucks. Shopkeeper in 600AD saying "Whaddaya want?" for example. The writing is just so cringey.

>> No.4460836

su sorru my nihon-go speaking senpai

>> No.4460838


How is that even a problem?

>> No.4460983

Ok yes the localization is bad
Thats one flaw
Come on /vr/ give me more

>> No.4461019

Toriyama-art shit
earthbound syndrome
battle system isn't really interesting
live a live is better

>> No.4461037

You seem to be ignoring my post >>4460556

>> No.4461041

Sorry I meant >>4460606

>> No.4461103
File: 1.93 MB, 1904x1090, WnEjqq3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play game from start to finish
>discover all possible endings
>red Goku never throws kamehameha

>> No.4461584

I agree with the Toriyama art shit. The man's art hasn't changed in the whole time he's been producing shit. Tobal, Dragon Quest, Chrono-Trigger, DBZ, and everything else he's touched all are interchangeable.

>> No.4461587

live a live is also extremely flawed, but I agree it's better

>> No.4461638

The plot is basic but does its job. The writing and characters are terribly dull. The combat system is barebones and uninteresting. The music and graphics are fantastic, though I'm not a fan of Toriyama art in general.

For its time, it was a decent, if a bit generic, RPG with outstanding audiovisual presentation. Good game, worth remembering and being nostalgic over, but nowhere near perfection.

>> No.4461660

Very good game, it's main flaw is babby tier difficulty. It's not so much the flaws of this game that hold it back, in that it's well polished and beautiful, it's that the game never goes the extra mile and never does anything particularly great other than its presentation, visuals and sound. The lack of any sort of puzzles or challenges, lack of any sort of customization or crafting or skill allocation feature, and lack of any sort of real content outside of the main linear narrative, shich limits exploration and discovery leaves it falling short in comparison to some other RPGs. Still a great game.

>> No.4461889

I like this new meme

>> No.4461923

Except I'm not "meming" when I said that. Those are just there to attract more "casuals / normies" since they need some addictive elements that also potentially make the game impossible to lose to enjoy video games. Story rewards work the same way.

If you think I'm "meming" then why do you think that currently this shit is everywhere in every genre in popular games? Progress systems between games in FIFA or CoD, for example.

Imagine these JRPG games but now without any reward. Enemies don't give you anything, you don't find anything. Now remove story incentives. Suddenly your JRPG has to become very tightly created and a nice strategy game with exploration and/or puzzle solving elements to be interesting.

I did a romhack of Pokémon Red/Blue so that enemies didn't give exp. Now, this game has a lot of flaws and is not designed around this very well at all, but still he had a LOT of fun unexpectedly, almost renewed his interest in the game. Ended up beating the Elite 4.

>> No.4461926

Also, forgot to mention: They include these a lot due to devs being scared of giving the player too many options from the start so they give it to you slowly like this.

It works well again to attract lesser dedicated gamers but at the game's replayability's and overall design cost.

>> No.4461936

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.4461940

Do you have to post this rant in every thread about rpgs?

>> No.4461946

soon he'll start telling you to post hiscores

>> No.4462172

It is you can tell because /vr/ fags parrot the same shit over and over as they have nothing of substance to add.
>Too easy
Subjective as fuck but they want to jerk off about how good they are at games like anyone gives a fuck
>Toriyama art style
Like the hipsters they are they will list this as a bad thing

They will then praise the music at some point in an attempt to make their copy paste post more valid.

Worthless mindless fucks

>> No.4462264

>Imagine these JRPG games but now without any reward. Enemies don't give you anything, you don't find anything
Thats fucking stupid kill yourself

>> No.4462271
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Yes. It's a RPG.

>> No.4462274

Combat is boring and pointless outside of boss encounters. You could remove most battles and it wouldn't detract anything from the game. The dungeons don't have any tension or resource preservation like in an actually good jrpg.
It's pretty much a game you play for the story and aesthetics. Personally I couldn't finish it. Next to DQ5 and Mana games, it's mediocre for the system.

>> No.4462338

You guys sure love stereotyping and non-arguments. I don't care about this, why would I necessarily be?

I don't dislike them, but I truly feel they could be better games by foregoing progress systems. I see wasted potential, no harm intended here.

Again, someone that ignored my argument about progress systems. Why can't you guys debate on this topic without insulting like little kids? I'm open to see more merits to them, I just don't see many currently.

>> No.4462340

I was going to comment but I honestly haven't played the game in over 20 years, I barely remember anything other than "it was fun".

Is the DS's updated translation worth playing or should I just replay the original? Or the fan translation of the SNES version?

>> No.4462341

>You could remove most battles and it wouldn't detract anything from the game
Sounds a lot like FF6 eh?

>> No.4462345

Go for the DS version

>> No.4462348

Is the retranslation and new content worth the visual/audio downgrade?

>> No.4462352

>Magus' spells are too weak after his becoming an ally.

No, they are pretty strong, they just don't compare well against the tier 3 magic that other characters start getting a bit later on.

>> No.4462358

It has no visual/audio downgrade, the retranslation is better (unless you like the woolsie sillyness more), and the new content is shit but entirely optional so you don't NEED to do it. Gives you a bunch of great ultimate gear but it's a lot of running back and forth. They should've just re-added the Singing Mountain.

>> No.4462378

The fan translation by Chrono Compendium is horrible, ultra-literalist autism. Many sentences are barely comprehensible, and it uses honorifics too.
It's possibly worth it as a second playthrough to see some skipped content, but definitely not as a newcomer.

>> No.4462397

The complaints ITT seem a bit ridiculous when you just try out Dragon Quest V after a long Chrono Trigger session.

Dragon Quest is so unpleasant (slow, full of pointess actions but can't run, dialogue boxes everywhere, soul-crushing battles, meh graphics) you're just thinking "I wish I were playing Chrono Trigger" like in a Wojak meme.

>> No.4462403
File: 59 KB, 430x690, chrono_trigger_ds-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her name Princess Nadia or Princess Marledia? What the heck is her problem?

>> No.4462417

I have the opposite reaction. Most SNES RPGs make me think "I wish I was playing Dragon Quest 3".

>> No.4462421

V =/= 3

>> No.4462540

Pls respond

>> No.4463194
File: 115 KB, 791x552, ct2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me is far the best game made.

>> No.4463306

Sometimes a dropped item, after a fight, will display the garbled name "WolfLobeSword"

I believe it's triggered by having 99 of the dropped item.

So.. Trigger is not perfect. Just nearly.