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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4458748 No.4458748 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you anons played the "new" rts game for C64?
Is it worth buying?

>> No.4458974

The lite version is only available, boxed and autographed both sold out. It seems interesting, but I watched the vid where he explains how he created the game, interesting and I'll probably pick up the lite version soon.

>> No.4458978

Im sure its collectable by now.
Fanboys like yourself even if they never heard of C64 they got to have one.

>> No.4458987
File: 15 KB, 768x543, screenshot02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. I heard it was created 100% in assembler language which is really impressive, i have never seen or played a rts game on this platform.

>> No.4459014

It is, I was hoping he would have somehow done some tricks to squeeze more into the game, his original plan for the game was a bit more complex. With these systems programmers were limited and pushing them to the limits getting them to do incredible and clever things.Wish 8-bit guy somehow managed to fit all he had planned into this game. Oh well, it's pretty impressive.

>> No.4460367

I heard that he plan to release improved DOS version if this one will sell well.
>fingers crossed

>> No.4460681

For anyone who's interested in the making of the game.


>> No.4461206

>I heard it was created 100% in assembler language which is really impressive
How would you know it's impressive? You think "assembler" is a language. It's probably safe to say you don't really know your ass from a hole in the ground, let alone anything about 6502 programming.

>> No.4461258

Wow you sure told him my man! Pat yourself on the back like a big boy. How do you know what context he meant it in saying it's impressive, way to try and jump down someone's throat on the internet. It's safe to say you're a loser, actually its a given.

>> No.4461436

That's not impressive at all. That's actually pretty standard for games from that time period. 6502 assembly isn't exactly rocket science, like most assembly languages from the time it was designed to be programmer friendly compared to modern assembly languages that are more designed around allowing compilers to perform extreme optimizations.

>> No.4461505 [DELETED] 

Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that he's a completely clueless fag that doesn't know anything. Let's also ignore the fact that assembly was one of the very few options you actually had to do any real programming on a 6502. If we just pretend that neither one of these things are true, yeah, it's all pretty impressive.

>> No.4461517

Lots of C64 games especially the bigger adventure and CRPG games were written in an HLL/scripting engine because they were too complicated to easily write in assembly. Arcade stuff would have nearly always used asm.

>> No.4461525

>How do you know what context he meant it in saying it's impressive
You're not very good at reading, are you? He explicitly stated the context in his post.
>I heard it was created 100% in assembler language which is really impressive

Anyway, let's just ignore the fact that he's a just another faggot hipster kid that doesn't know anything. Let's also ignore the fact that assembly was one of the very few options you actually had to do any real programming on a 6502. Additionally, let's ignore that it's "assembly" language, not "assembler" or any of the other weird things people who don't know shit about the subject call it.

Yeah, if we put all that aside, it's pretty impressive.

And then you have things like the original Bard's Tale games, which were written entirely in Assembly. They weren't alone. Hell, even the SSI Goldbox stuff, which used an engine written in Pascal, still relied almost entirely on Assembly to function. 6502 Assembly was more a requirement than a "magical" option to do anything even remotely impressive.

>> No.4461559

Yeah bro its sick i especially liked when that gray pixel touched that green pixel #getalifegrandpa #itsnot1978anymore #wtfamilookinat

>> No.4461561

He says, while posting on a retro games board.

>> No.4461581

i swap assembly and assembler all the time and i've programmed for the C64

why is there always some 60 years old butthurt grandpa on here

>> No.4461586

>i swap assembly and assembler all the time and i've programmed for the C64
No, you haven't. Assembly is the language, an assembler is the piece of software (often erroneously referred to as a "compiler" by roleplaying kids) that converts your assembly into a binary. This is the reason that people who've actually touched a 6502, or any other CPU for that matter, don't use these two terms interchangeably, regardless of what you just read on Wikipedia or some Google search results. This isn't the LARP thread.

>> No.4461593

>why is there always some 60 years old butthurt grandpa on here
Anyway, to actually answer your question, it's because I'm mad. I'm just fucking mad. Why exactly? Because it occurs to me this shitposting waste of space right here >>4458978 is absolutely correct. A neat new game comes out for the c64. We get a thread about it. It's just some hipster kid who's more concerned with the "collectibility" of the damned game in its physical release formats than anything else. It just pisses me off.

>> No.4461597

"Retro" is not shorthand for "looks like shit." Quit using retro as a shield.

>> No.4461602

>look at these pixels!
>it's not 1978 anymore!
What board do you think you're on?

>> No.4461603

>Assembly is the language, an assembler is the piece of software
i fucking know this, you aren't teaching me shit. i just swap them when i'm not paying attention.

>> No.4461606

dude.... youre such a virgin hahaha
you gotta get over the fact that majority of the people that browse this board are like 17-30 and werent around for some shitty britfag computer that no one used over in the US.

Stop being a gatekeeper and let younger audiences try to rediscover these old hobbies.

and you have to get used to collectors. they're pretty much the reason this hobby is alive today. People like physical things. Same reason records are coming back.

>> No.4461616

>i fucking know this
Yeah, now that I've explained it to you. At least you won't make the mistake again when you start roleplaying the next time.

>people that browse this board are like 17
Yeah, I noticed.

>some shitty britfag computer
Made by an American company.

>that no one used over in the US.
Despite the fact that it holds the somewhat dubious (disingenuous?) honor of being "the greatest selling computer in history" both worldwide and in the United States.

>let younger audiences try to rediscover
But they weren't lost in the first place. There's nothing to rediscover. Which is why I can't stand sitting around watching all these fucking roleplaying threads. At least get basic facts straight if you want to anonymously pretend you're roughly 30 years older than you actually are.

>> No.4461617

In 1978 the top-selling band was The Beegees. Is that really where we want the bar to be set?

>> No.4461620

Yes. I'm perfectly fine with the bar being set there.

>> No.4461621

this is why no one likes commodorefags and why people on /vr/ always bait them

>> No.4461625

>i was only pretending to be retarded!
Okay, it's a pretty good act. You had me convinced.

>> No.4461632

don't you have some shitty overpriced expansion to buy for your amiga

>> No.4461635

Is this still part of your act?

>> No.4461642
File: 13 KB, 387x309, 5S2E1MW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe rediscover was the wrong term to use.
what i mean is that obviously someone just getting into something isnt going to know everything there is to know.
people dont post on here "pretending theyre roughly 30 years older", they just post and occasionally are misinformed because its a lot harder to get a grasp on something when you arent living through it.

if you really cared about presumably one of your favorite hobbies then you should be enthused by more people finding interest in it. this is the whole "gatekeeper" thing i was talking about.

i just dont get why youre getting so triggered about the whole thing.
and quit with your "roleplaying" thing. i dont know why you have to have such a shitty attitude but >>4461581 this guy literally said that he's programmed for the C64. Clearly he knows what hes talking about (as he said twice) but unlike you, he's not autistic enough to point out tiny little mistakes that people make

but yeah, either get used to it or get your old ass out of here cunt.
I'd hate to see the way you act towards people irl hahaha

>> No.4461657
File: 5 KB, 256x224, coolstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people dont post on here "pretending theyre roughly 30 years older"
Oh no, plenty do. I see it on a daily basis.

>its a lot harder to get a grasp on something when you arent living through it.
Tell me about it. My personal favorite example is "vaporwave" stuff. I consider it a prime example of what happens when a group of people who quite obviously didn't live through a time period attempt to define it.

>then you should be enthused by more people finding interest in it.
I am. I just can't stomach the fucking roleplaying that often comes with this new discovery. It's like, "Hey, I just learned about this cool old thing that predates me by at least twenty years. Time to hop on 4chan and pretend like I grew up with it!" Just stop. Holy shit, please just stop doing this.

>and quit with your "roleplaying" thing.
Yeah, I really wish you guys would. Just fucking learn and enjoy the hobby. We don't need all the constant, cringy LARPing sessions. You're not fooling anyone who actually lived through the time period, and you're not really contributing anything worthwhile to talk about when you do it.

>this guy literally said that he's programmed for the C64.
And I literally explained why he was a roleplaying kid who's never programmed so much as a VCR a day in his life. I fail to see the issue here.

>but yeah, either get used to it or get your old ass out of here cunt.
Nope, gonna stick around and continue to bomb on these threads whenever they pop up. By the way, can you please stop trying to make it seem like you're 12 years old, hahaha? It's really cringy and no ones buying it, lol xD. So just knock it off, k? lol

We already determined you were only pretending to be retarded, right?

>> No.4461659

>literally everyone who disagrees with me is the same guy: the post

>> No.4461664

At least you didn't actually deny it. Saves us some time going through the standard accusation/denial phase.

>> No.4461682

What an irredeemable cunt.

>> No.4461686

Yeah, whatever. I just hit my bullshit quota earlier in the day than I usually do, and this thread set me off.

>> No.4461689
File: 71 KB, 677x474, 15762378623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because i'm laughing at how autistic you're acting and that i used "irl" means that im 12 years old.
Fortunately im not actually 12, im a roleplaying 19 year old on /vr/ :^)

Anyways, honestly I think you're just misunderstanding the people who go on /vr/.
Like I said, no one pretends they're older than they are. Even if they did it shouldnt matter, thats not what 4chan is about, its just about the content of the post.
I don't know how you can tell the difference between a "roleplayer" and a person whos simply just misinformed. Heck, maybe you could politely respond and correct them rather than fuckin sperging out on them, it really just makes you look like an asshole and I hope you dont do that kind of thing irl cause no one likes people like that.
As for your point about vaporwave, that has nothing to do with /vr/ at all. The vaporwave of retro games is the "8 bit" le retro indie games that come out on steam and shit.
/vr/ is one of the slower moving boards on a site that only basement dwellers go on. The few people who go on here generally know what they're talking about.
If you're upset with the user base of /vr/ then youre fucked, cause it doesnt get much better than this.

>> No.4461709
File: 105 KB, 500x364, instant_wakka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyways, honestly I think you're just misunderstanding the people who go on /vr/.
No, I really don't think I am.

>its just about the content of the post
Yeah, all those "impressive" games written in 100% assembler. Let's hear more about those.

>Heck, maybe you could politely respond and correct them
What website do you think you're on?

>As for your point about vaporwave, that has nothing to do with /vr/ at all.
I don't recall claiming that it did. I was just using as an example to make a point.

>cause it doesnt get much better than this.
Sure it does! This thread is nothing compared the usual console war threads, which STG developer was the best, what color the sky was intended to be in SMB, or tripfags blogging about this one time they played a Ms. Pac-Man machine "back in teh day" at the local laundromat all while complaining randomly about Europeans and their alleged computer habits throughout the eighties. How can a thread like this even compare!?

>The few people who go on here generally know what they're talking about.
Except for all the ones who obviously don't, and instead of just taking the opportunity to learn something when they're called on it, instead double down on the bullshit and start roleplaying - hoping to "win" the discussion under the assumption the person they're now fighting with is just as full of shit as they are.

>> No.4461713

>Yeah, all those "impressive" games written in 100% assembler. Let's hear more about those.
i never expected to see a RTS 100% written in assembly on a C64 and it must've been a pain in the ass to write.

>> No.4461726

It's probably safer to say that no one ever expected to see an RTS written for the c64 in ANY language. To say that it was likely a pain in the ass to write is an understatement.

I did a lot of 6502 programming ages ago and always thought that my particular skillset on the subject was immutable. As if I'd spent so much time doing it that I wasn't ever going to get better or have any other problems to consider. As a fun hobby project, I decided that it would be neat to write a roguelike for the c64. Nothing fancy, mind you, just a roguelike. Not a big deal, right? After all, the original Rogue was ported (however crappily) to the c64 at one point in time.

The first thing you realize is that pretty much ANYTHING you plan on doing has to be in assembly, not the least of which is the procedural generation routines. The next thing you realize is that whatever you end up writing in assembly has to be within the hardware specs and capabilities of a c64. Then you start considering how much floppy disk space (and subsequent disk swapping) you're willing to make a potential player of your game deal with. And then you go find another hobby project.

>> No.4461730

ugh, i hate the way you dissect posts and give bullshit responses and put words in peoples mouths while also avoiding the question.
>What website do you think you're on?
this is /vr/ not any other cancer board. we're capable of actual discussions.
I think most of this shit is in your head honestly. No ones "roleplaying", theyre just misinformed in a hobby where its very easily to be misinformed
If you don't like this board then your best bet is to find some obscure bbcode forum with 20 users who are neckbeared 45 year olds with anime profile pictures, cause if you cant interact well with some of the weirdest nerds on 4chan, then i dont even know...

>> No.4461734

>ugh, i hate the way you dissect posts and give bullshit responses and put words in peoples mouths
Then don't respond. Fuck knows you're not going to say anything I would care to read in the first place.

>while also avoiding the question.
What question might that be?

>> No.4461736
File: 143 KB, 640x640, c4nxhxQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

addressing the responses to what you are saying in your posts
Ex: what you did right there

>> No.4461737

I'm interested in making a C64 game myself. Is assembler harder to program in than binary?

>> No.4461739


>> No.4461740

No, binary is the hardest language. Followed by assembler, then assembly, then emacs, and finally Rust.

>> No.4461743

you just beat around the bush and go on tangents to avoid the question

another example
">Heck, maybe you could politely respond and correct them
What website do you think you're on?"
as if the thought of communicating like a human being was so foreign to you

>> No.4461748

Again, what question are you trying to ask?

>as if the thought of communicating like a human being was so foreign to you
It's not a foreign concept, but we are on fucking 4chan. Not exactly a website known for it's pleasant demeanor and friendly interactions. Quite the opposite, actually. A fact I'm sure isn't lost on you, despite your apparent confusion as to what I meant.

>> No.4461752

it was a legitimate criticism that you just wrote off as
xD we're on 4chan! were all assholezzzzz xDDD
so thats what i mean by beating around the bush
also as i said before, /vr/ isnt like other boards, except when assholes like you come on here and talk shit because you have the mindset of "i can be an asshole because its 4chan xD"

>> No.4461756

So, in other words, there wasn't any question. Okay, got it. And assholes like me CAN be an asshole exactly because it's 4chan. And there's really nothing you can do about it. After all, "if you cant interact well with some of the weirdest nerds on 4chan, then i don't even know..."

>> No.4461762

ugh, now youre fixated on one small little detail where i happened to misspeak (something you seem to do a lot around here)
just because its anonymous doesnt mean you have to be a piece of shit. Most people on /vr/ dont treat each other like assholes because we're not full of 14 year olds like every other board, so stop acting like it. That is such a cancerous mindset. (inb4 this board is full of 14 year olds!!! roleplayers!!!!!!!)
but whatever man youre hopeless. too bad you're not a tripfag so i cant block your posts.

>> No.4461769

>ugh, now youre fixated on one small little detail where i happened to misspeak
What in the literal fuck are you talking about now? Have we moved past questions into something new?

>(inb4 this board is full of 14 year olds!!! roleplayers!!!!!!!)
Except for the fact that it is. Well, them and the people who senselessly feel the need to whiteknight for them.

>but whatever man youre hopeless.
Then I'm sure you'll find something better to do with your time than waste it talking to me. Just don't start up a roleplaying session.

>> No.4461778

whatever, youre not gonna change. just keep this roleplaying shit to yourself if i hear it one more time i think im gonna cringe into a black hole.
thanks for chattin, kept me busy for an hour and a half

>> No.4461780

No one writes in binary. Maybe Base16
>Assembler / Assembly
The assembler is what translates the assembly into binary not a language in itself
I'm assuming you mean elisp. If you think elisp is difficult you mustn't have tried many languages
Confirmed for talking out of your ass

>> No.4461781

>just keep this roleplaying shit to yourself
Right back at you.

>> No.4461783

>No one writes in binary.
Brainlet detected.

>The assembler is what translates the assembly into binary not a language in itself
Then how the fuck was the game that's the subject of this very thread written in 100% assembler? Explain that.

>I'm assuming you mean elisp.
No, I meant emacs. The programming language for Apple computers.

>Confirmed for talking out of your ass
About Rust? That's the language all the SJWs with the weird colored hair all program in. Can't be that fucking hard.

>> No.4461840

>misses very obvious jokes

>> No.4461842

>I'm interested in making a C64 game myself. Is assembler harder to program in than binary?
the whole point of an assembler is to convert the opcodes to binary for you

if you didn't have an assembler, you'd probably write assembly out by hand (so you could read what it does at a glance), then look through the processor manual for the values of the opcodes and how to format operands and whatever and write the numbers down as you went through your program listing (read: manually assembling the program)

writing in raw numeric machine code is a pain in the ass
in fact, it's enough of a pain in the ass that you might as well write an assembler first thing if you didn't have one and couldn't get one that was already written
really, the only reason you'd really need to be able to directly input binary program code manually is if you were putting native code routines in a BASIC listing, and you'd still probably just use an assembler's output instead of manually assembling it (that being said, back in C64 days, there were certainly a fair few people who did manually assemble small machine code routines for their BASIC programs, since they didn't own an assembler)

what is this awful trainwreck of a post

>> No.4461847

>what is this awful trainwreck of a post
Satire, but you already knew that. Pretty sure using the term "brainlet" gave me away up front, fellow /g/ crossboarder.

>> No.4461856

considering the low quality of posts on /vr/ I've been seeing lately, it's hard to recognize
the rust bit almost made me not reply as if you was serious, but only almost

>> No.4461865

>The first thing you realize is that pretty much ANYTHING you plan on doing has to be in assembly, not the least of which is the procedural generation routines. The next thing you realize is that whatever you end up writing in assembly has to be within the hardware specs and capabilities of a c64. Then you start considering how much floppy disk space (and subsequent disk swapping) you're willing to make a potential player of your game deal with. And then you go find another hobby project.

C64 isn't that hard to program, compared to something like the Apple II, it's quite easy actually. See how you like doing software sprites and having 1-bit sound with no interrupts.

>> No.4461919
File: 21 KB, 480x600, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that make you feel like a big man?

>> No.4462115

I like how nobody talks about the game OP mentioned instead the thread is derailed by programmer nazis.

>> No.4462129

The op is just some kid that got the latest news feed update on youtube and went OMG AMAZING IMPRESSIVE NEW GAYM ON C64 ISNT THAT IRONIC XD

>> No.4462398

You have no way of knowing that but ok

>61 / 7 / 18 / 4

One or more of you guys needs to go play a video game or something

>> No.4462451

Yea, that's what it is, you hit the nail on the head. Congrats. Amazing, you must have super powers.
My one gripe is he didn't fit everything, did some amazing things mapping the memory and its restrictions, allocated more making the game fit, but think if he tried a little harder, more memory would have been available, take the game to the next level, or maybe somehow compressed the tiles. Programming back then was all about stretching and going beyond what computers were able to do back then, almost doing the impossible.

>> No.4462686

Nobody does do homebrew Apple II stuff because it's too fucking hard and the results aren't as aesthetically pleasing as the C64. Work harder, get less out of it in terms of sound or graphics.

>> No.4462698

Why are people shitting on the autist that's actually factually correct?

This board has no idea about computers and even the C64.

>> No.4462709

You can write in binary, but all you'd do is write machine code in bits instead of bytes.
Architecture specific machine language instructions would be considered first, the thing an assembler assembles assembly into.

You can manually assemble assembly on a piece of paper and type it straight into memory as machine language instructions.
Latter PETs and Apple II's where great for that as they had a machine language monitor on ROM. You can do that with a C64 too though.

I know I'm responding to a shitpost, just though I'd actually post something informative with all the shitposting going around.

>> No.4462714

This is like the snowflake and autismo board.
Everybody talks shit, buzzwords and just repeats shit like a sheep. But dare to say something smart and you get shit on by the 90% of shitheads.

I love how triggered people got by this anon who for once actually know what he's talking about.

>> No.4462716

>I heard it was created 100% in assembler language which is really impressive
Almost all games from the time where though. Specially on the C64.
Only small and simple games where made in standard MS BASIC that came with the C64.

>> No.4462723

Not always. Rob Gilbert outright said that the SCUMM engine came about because he realized that Maniac Mansion was too complicated to easily write in asm.

>> No.4462743

It was more about portability and flexibility than it being too complicated.

>> No.4462759

Irony. The reason shat on him/you is because he/you presented him/yourself in a condescending and elitist manner in a context that isn't supposed to be impressive to anyone in this board, seeing as this isn't a computer programming board.

>> No.4462768

I replied to a post, why would you think I'm that anon?
I like the autistic side of this board, people shouldn't talk shit or act like they know about shit they obviously don't.
This just makes the quality of the board worse.

The elitist shitfest don't even bother me as much as someone getting basic things wrong and then a bunch of anons start shitposting on someone when they actually correct people.
This isn't even shitposting like people arguing about opinions, he factually corrected someone.

>this isn't a computer programming board.
Said anon didn't start with the technical posts. The anon he corrected did.
This is not an excuse though, you don't go on a forum about military subjects and start randomly talking about bombs and get the names of the explosives wrong.

I'm glad that you at least got my point.

>> No.4462781

touched a nerve op?

>> No.4462786

SCUMM came much later though as wasn't as low level as assembly
He even acknowledged the performance impact or doing so

Assembly was the best way to squeeze out as much performance as possible from the limited hardware

>> No.4462792

Maniac Mansion doesn't run unusually slow though (at least not the C64 original); if anything Infocom adventures are more sluggish and they have no graphics at all.

>> No.4462796

>Maniac Mansion doesn't run unusually slow though (at least not the C64 original)
It does run well enough for a game.

>if anything Infocom adventures are more sluggish and they have no graphics at all.
That's because they use an engine that's basically a virtual machine.
It's far more complex than needed. All because of portability again, if it was assembly or even extended BASIC it would be much faster.

>> No.4462810

My dude more than half of the people in this thread are underage.
Just sit back and enjoy the autism.

>> No.4462812

Thanks, my dude.
I've already got a good laugh reading the rest of the thread.

>> No.4462845

don't be such a samefag

>> No.4462869

You know you're the one imagining someone is samefagging when I know for a fact that I'm not.

>> No.4463410

>It was more about portability and flexibility than
The original releases of Maniac Mansion were on the C64 and Apple II which share a CPU so at least some of the game logic could have been recycled (the sound, graphics, and I/O routines would have to be completely rewritten). They probably could have reused some of the code on the NES version as well.

However, they also had to port the game to IBM compatibles and Amiga/Atari ST, so writing it in asm would mean totally redoing everything from the ground up so using a scripting engine was probably easier.

>> No.4463496

assembler is a language though? It gets compiled into machine code.

>> No.4463605
File: 10 KB, 480x274, 04a54515-ca7b-4e47-a8d7-323114a1107a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on Lemon 64
>look up C64 sports games (Monday Night Football, World's Greatest Baseball Game, Championship Baseball, etc etc)
>comment section for the game is 50 posts of "LOL I guess this game isn't bad but I don't know fuck all about American sports"

>> No.4463892

Americans missed out on the microcomputer for the most part. C64 literally blew up in European regions.

>> No.4463894

The games were shit anyway so who cares.

>> No.4463901
File: 203 KB, 248x225, yeah nah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how to do cassette unit Head alignment

>> No.4463905

No, like he said later, assembly is the language and the assembler is what assembles the assembly into machine code. However, many people use the term assembler for assembly in casual conversation. He's just being a prick.

>> No.4463907

>Not needing to do head alignment on your C64 because you play so many pirated games that your floppy is completely thrashed.

>> No.4463923

>Americans missed out on the microcomputer for the most part
This is a troll, right?

>> No.4463932

i know your moms ass from a hole in the ground, but only because the hole is full of water so the blacks wont go near it

>> No.4464028

I'll take the bait, but the C64 had over 15mil sales in the US alone, not even counting the C128 and apple computers. We were also using disc drives in the US for the most part, not tapes.

>> No.4464137

Also don't forget flexibility, building the game on SCUMM with its internal scripting engine was easier then doing everything in ASM.

>> No.4464138

>However, many people use the term assembler for assembly in casual conversation.
Having been part of a Commodore users group for decades and hanging out with people who actually wrote games and commercial software for it, I have never heard anyone mix those up.

>> No.4464157

>why are people shitting on me?
t. Samefag

>> No.4464163

>the thing that triggered me to be an autist is what I hate. Don't mind the elitist shitfest I started though!
Simply ebin
>I also tried really hard to not disect the post I'm replying to like an autist so my cover wouldn't be blown, but I simply couldn't control myself!

>> No.4464178

>no way there can be more than one person thinking the same way in a thread full of sheep that think only one way
Irony at it's finest.

>> No.4464201

That autist is still in the thread I see.

>> No.4464206

/vr/ is full of autists
just stick to the thread topic

>> No.4465040

*clap clap clap* for you!

>> No.4465228

>I'll take the bait, but the C64 had over 15mil sales in the US alone

Actually no, this is way off. Total worldwide C64 sales were around 12 million units and about 5 million of those were in North America.

>> No.4465676

>>Americans missed out on the microcomputer for the most part

Because I just imagined all those millions of Apple IIs, TRS-80s, C64s, VIC-20s, and PC compatibles?

>> No.4465684

Could be neat, but I can't stand the 8-bit guy. He's this bizarre combination of knowing a lot while also knowing fucking nothing at all. Also, relabeling old carts is disgusting.

>> No.4465730

Show us your code, faggot.

>> No.4465736

The post you're quoting is just as guilty of shitposting as your examples. For a good reply that wasn't trying to be an abrasive tryhard, see >>4461436.

>> No.4465739


>> No.4465743

I'm not convinced you've been a part of any social group outside of the family that puts up with you.

>> No.4466070

Wrong, 20mil is conservative bare minimum agreed upon by the experts, 15mil sold in US. It could even be as high as 30mil sold worldwide, with 20+ mil sold in the US.

>> No.4467008

Not at all. You can go on Lemon64 and ask them, but we do have official sales figures for Commodore machines and none of them came near 20 million units. The figures break down as follows:

>PET (1977-82)
1 million units
>VIC-20 (1981-83)
3 million units
>C64 (1982-94)
12 million units
>CBM-II (1983-84)
Sales figures were not published, probably 15,000 total, most of them the B128
>Plus/4 line (1984-85)
1 million units
>C128 (1985-89)
4 million units
>Amiga (1985-94)
4 million units of all models, the A500 accounting for about 70% of total sales.

>> No.4469536


>> No.4469612

How would you know? I haven't even said anything about myself, that was my first post ITT

>> No.4469862

Great, now I want to see how hard it would be to get scummc64 and run mo key island on it.

>> No.4470093

Before this thread got derailed by faggotry, did any of you see the game development video for Planet x2? Is it possible to compress the map to solve the memory constraint problems faced by the developer?