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4456334 No.4456334 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best Zelda game.

Items that are actually useful in the overworld and combat, secrets of all kinds hidden everywhere, rewards for exploration other than useless rupees, rupees that aren't even useless thanks to shops with things actually worth buying, timeless graphics and music, hundreds of secrets scattered everywhere, new game+, password/linking feature for both additional content and pseudo multiplayer, dozens of rings with varying effects, ... the list goes on.

Seasons has the focused progression of later Zeldas combined with the limitless exploration and wealth of secrets present in games like Zelda 1. It is one of the only games that actually feels like a real adventure. Even when the game is over, there are still dozens of hours you can sink into it because of all the features, secrets and rewards to find. By comparison, games like A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time guide you through a boring story filled with boring dungeons and then leave you in an empty world with nothing else to do beyond searching for shitty heart pieces, capacity upgrades and rupees that have no use.

LA and LTTP fags need not apply. This game is the peak of the series and I doubt anyone can provide legitimate reasons as to the contrary when all of the other games are so heavily flawed and riddled with underwhelming exploration and rewards.

>> No.4456341

>is it good?
>peak of the series
Nah that would be AoL

>> No.4456357

sage goes in all fields

>> No.4456359

It's been a few years since I've played it, but it is stellar. Unfortunately it suffers from generally low recognition, even among fans, because it was a handheld, and also came out so late in the GBC's life that the GBA had totally eclipsed it (same thing happened to Minish Cap), and I'm not sure if this was just among my friends, but I knew multiple people who wrote them off, convinced they were "Pokemon copycats" of some kind and not real Zelda games because there was a "red" and "blue" version.

>> No.4456373

I'd say you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Overshadowed by LA on its own handheld, came out at the end of the GBC's life, etc. It just sucks that more people don't realize how great the Oracle games are. They clamor for a traditional Zelda experience that fixes all of the issues of other games and it's been right under their nose the whole time.

>> No.4456387

How would you compare it to Oracle of Ages?

>> No.4456407

Ages is a good game, but Seasons is on a different level. I always found Ages to be very puzzle-heavy, didn't like the time mechanic, items weren't as cool, color palette wasn't as nice, etc. The two games are very similar and have a lot of overlap with items, enemies and the like, but as a whole Seasons is the superior experience in just about every way. It's much more oriented around combat and exploration rather than tedious puzzle solving. That isn't to say there aren't plenty of puzzles, but in Ages even the overworld feels like a puzzle. Seasons feels more like a refined Zelda 1.

>> No.4456415

AFAIK they were toying with the idea of making a Zelda 1 remake for the GBC but then decided to make three original interconnected games. They scrapped one of them later and some of the stuff from the remake ended up in Seasons (the bosses and other touches, even the "feel").

>> No.4456423

I believe you're correct. I'm glad you mentioned the "feel" aspect, as I've always thought the same thing. It's like when you burn a bush, find a secret cave and an old man gives you money to keep quiet, that sort of stuff. Very Zelda 1-like. The overall visual design, music, etc., evokes a similar vibe. That's why I love this game, it feels like a proper sequel to Zelda 1 and not a toned down experience with piss easy combat and no post-game content like a lot of the other games.

>> No.4456443

I asked you about Ages because Seasons is the Zelda I've enjoyed the most (I've played 1, 2, AlttP, LA, OoT, MM, OoS, WW up to the Tower of the Gods, MC and TP on the GC) but I haven't played Ages as you see and I've been wanting to try it for some time, it's just that I haven't done it because I don't like the series as a whole that much.

>> No.4456469

>A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time guide you through a boring story filled with boring dungeons
> A Link to the Past
>boring dungeons

Both of the Oracles are quality wise somewhere above the cd-i games and below the rest of the 2D ones.

>> No.4456472

Why the worst 2D ones?

>> No.4456492

I feel you. Seasons is my favorite as well. I enjoy the series but honestly, it's a mix of some amazing games, and some that are pretty bad. A lot of the 3D stuff in particular is straight up shit. I don't even bother with the other games anymore because they are filled to the brim with retarded design concepts and toddler-tier difficulty, but Seasons is a game that I keep coming back to year after year because of how great it is. On that note, give Ages a try if you want another game similar to Seasons, but don't expect it to be better. The atmosphere, items and overall feel of the game just aren't as good, at least for me personally. You can even unlock all of the Ages secrets in Seasons without even buying the game by just looking up the passwords online.
This is just stupid. What about the Oracle games makes them low quality. Everything about them is the very opposite. Well-designed and intuitive dungeons, fantastic graphics (especially given the extremely limited GBC hardware), the music, the overworld... everything is great. I doubt you can come up with a single solid argument to back up anything you're saying.

>> No.4456509

Yeah, even though I've played that many, most of them I've only played once and this is over a pretty long time. The 3D ones put me to sleep, they're too easy and slow.

My main problem with the series as a whole is the design of the world and dungeons. Most of the time it's just run around until you find a key (either a straight key or an item that is pretty much a key in function) so you can continue your progress. Not much thought there, just a maze.

And since the 3D ones have such a slow, tedious and easy combat and also have those shitty environmental puzles (just look around and WOW AN EYE SHOOT IT)...

>> No.4456528

I completely agree with you dude. The dungeons are the same shit over and over. I don’t look forward to the dungeons because of how mundane and repetitive they are, I always feel like “great, this shit again”. What really gets me though, is that the games are supposed to feel like an adventure where you're exploring this giant medieval world filled with monsters and treasures, and then when you actually find monsters, they're piss easy and offer no reward, and when you find treasure, it's fucking rupees. Rupees, rupees, rupees, everywhere. It would be okay if there were actually things to spend it on, but there aren't. Look at Ocarina of Time -- the shops sell things you can find for free in grass, and then bizarre shit like blue fire for 300 rupees that you only need in one dungeon and can be found in that dungeon... it makes no sense.

That's why I like Seasons so much. The dungeons are way better, the combat is actually fun because there's a ton of different enemies (and they aren't all pushovers), and you are constantly rewarded with useful things like rings, seeds, potions and other stuff. You can say "I wonder what's in this cave?" and expect to find something cool and not just a purple fucking rupee. Not to mention all the little touches like the Maple encounters and super rare golden enemies that make the game more interesting and randomized. It's just filled with fun stuff like that, whereas the other games feel so sterile.

>> No.4456529

Glad you think this is the best one OP, because i will play this next (currently LA)

>> No.4456530

>The 3D ones put me to sleep, they're too easy and slow.
People say this, but I replayed Ocarina of Time recently in a single sitting, and it's pretty fuckin' fast. There are like a grand total of 3 or 4 unskippable cutscenes throughout the whole game, but outside of that, the game does very little to impede your progress. No tutorials, no artificial filler content, you can just go and it never slows you down. You can completely ignore all the sidequests, but if you don't you get some decent rewards for your time.

>> No.4456537

Do it. If you enjoy LA and don't have childhood nostalgia telling you it's the best one, you'll be blown the fuck away by Seasons. It has everything LA has and 10x more.

>> No.4456560

If you compare its pacing with the 2D ones it's still slower by quite a bit

Don't care about rewards on video games though yeah, Seasons is better designed, I enoyed it the most for a reason.

Maybe the Capcom guys gave the series some fresh ideas. Still, Minish Cap was made by them and it has that cap that interrupts you a lot to tell you obvious shit.

>> No.4456562

>I always found Ages to be very puzzle-heavy
That's why it's better than Seasons

>> No.4456579

Could you get into more detail?

>> No.4456586

OoA's puzzles are like having to solve a crossword puzzle before progressing. They're fun the first time, but boring/annoying on a repeat playthrough.

Most Zelda puzzles aren't literally 'puzzles', they're more like mini challenges and the fun comes out of accomplishing them instead of solving them.

>> No.4456635

Even in Seasons (last played this a couple of years ago) having to repeat some puzzles after you had somehow died to get further into the dungeon was a bit tedious. IIRC this happened to me with some block puzzle with two in the third dungeon.

>> No.4456636

With two colors, I meant.

By definition puzzles aren't very replayable and that's probably what I value most in games.

>> No.4456637

>not Ages

>> No.4456650

Yeah, I didn't think Seasons was completely free from that, but it's much more prominent in Ages than the rest of the series.

>> No.4456691

>Nah that would be AoL

This nigga gets it

Seasons is small time in comparison

>> No.4456698

I hate it when people here say stuff like "X is better" but don't explain why that is even if asked later. It comes off as trolling or laziness.

>> No.4456726

>It has everything LA has and 10x more.
Well that's definitely correct for text and waiting.

>> No.4456739

Text and waiting? Pretty ironic coming from somebody defending LA, the game where every single fucking thing is described when you touch it. In Seasons there's an option to make the text fast as fuck if your attention span won't let you make it through the minimal dialogue, and I don't know what "waiting" refers to. No, by 10x more of everything is in regards to there being a bigger world, more stuff to do, more enemies, more secrets, more items, rings, and other stuff. Try again.

>> No.4456771

>secrets are hidden everywhere
You mean the same copy pasted seed planting area over and over again?

>more refined Zelda 1
This is asinine it plays nothing like Zelda 1 and doesn't feel inspired by Zelda 1 at all, it could have been a different IP altogether. It's much much more similar to being a 2D version of OoT.


>> No.4456779

>poor man's LA
Not even once.

>> No.4456785

>This is asinine it plays nothing like Zelda 1
It is an top down action adventure game where you swing a sword around at enemies, pick up rupies, and hearts and items and go through dungeons.
I wouldn't say "nothing like Zelda 1". It's not a clone of it, but clearly there are similarities. It's more like Zelda 1 than say Final Fantasy.

>> No.4456802

>minimal dialogue
>literally as much every Zelda before it combined, twice over.
There's nothing to try again. The point still stands.

>your attention span
Which is ironic coming from someone who literally needs to stop and pick up every single fucking shiny powerup he sees so that he's bombarded nonstop by text instead of getting on with it because you don't need it.

>> No.4456805

>You mean the same copy pasted seed planting area over and over again?
Uh no, I mean like the literal dozens of secrets found under bushes and rocks, caves hidden behind rubble, dig spots, under water, inside houses, not to mention maple sightings, golden enemies that appear randomly, the list goes on. Somehow your autistic mind distilled this into "seed planting spots".
>This is asinine
No, asinine is trying to pretend the game has nothing but "seed planting spots" out of pure bias. The game shares a ton with Zelda 1, like finding creepy old men in basements who steal your money, near-identical enemies, the overworld theme song, having to mapping your sword to buttons, tons more. You'd have to be literally retarded not to see the similarities. Ironically, there's nothing about the game that's even remotely similar to OoT outside of simply being a Zelda game and having a few of the same items. What are you smoking?
>twice as much content and better in every conceivable way
>"poor man's"
Lmao LA fags are delusional.

>> No.4456808

A poor man's LA would actually be a good game. Poor man's equivalent of things are generally just more bare bones less frilly shit and tend to work just fine. If anything it's a rich man's LA - stuffed with extra retarded crap and misunderstands the basic premise of the game destroying what the original was trying to do and then of course being coveted by stupid people for the rest of it's existence.

>> No.4456819

greatest music ever to come out of a video game https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjj9fOgroXYAhUC7YMKHR0FBKoQFggpMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fessenceoflime.revasser.net%2F&usg=AOvVaw0xu4x8t_TnPxfp7VNSynim

>> No.4456821

>literally as much every Zelda before it combined, twice over.
Pure delusion. There isn't any more text in this game than there is in any other Zelda game. LA is heavy on text, and unlike Seasons it scrolls slow as fuck and appears every time you touch something. How you can even make such an abysmally retarded argument is beyond me.
>Which is ironic coming from someone who literally needs to stop and pick up every single fucking shiny powerup he sees so that he's bombarded nonstop by text instead of getting on with it because you don't need it.
>the absurd amount of text and slow scrolling speed is fine, because you can just not play the game
LOL holy shit, this deserves a screen cap.
>stuffed with extra retarded crap and misunderstands the basic premise of the game destroying what the original was trying to do and then of course being coveted by stupid people for the rest of it's existence.
I would love to hear you elaborate on this abortion of an argument. Pray tell, what is it about Seasons that "destroys what the original was trying to do" (whatever the fuck that means) and makes anyone who enjoys it "stupid"? To me, it sounds like you're an assmad faggot who's pissed that his special little childhood game was improved up

>> No.4456825

>Pure delusion
>ignoring reality and calling other people delusional.
We're done here. You didn't even notice that the transcripts were fuckhuge compared to other Zelda games did you?

>> No.4456832

I find it a bit sad that people here only seem to like to disagree and troll each other, it's as if agreeing with someone is not edgy enough or something. Too many baseless statements as well.

>> No.4456834

No, we're not done. Your retarded ass is going to keep making up bullshit. And uh, no, I didn't "notice" the transcript was large, are you some kind of hyper autist that sits around reading text dumps? What the fuck are you even trying to say?

The really funny part is that the best thing you can attack this game for is fucking text, because deep down you know how awesome it is and you can't think of anything better.

>> No.4456838

How much of that text from the transcript is mandatory? It being larger may mean the game has more NPCs with more to say, right?

>> No.4456843

Don't bother trying to reason with him. This guy is literally so retarded that he will say that LA's slowly moving walls of text for every single thing in the game are perfectly fine, but Seasons, a game with a text speed option and dialogue for almost nothing but NPCs and a few items, is somehow ruined by words.

>> No.4456845

That is a good observation. In a multi-pathed game a transcript would be larger without really adding to the overall text in any given playthrough.
It's not really one of those though, so pretty much most of it - assuming you're not speedrunning the game and skipping over shit you already know from NPCs and the like.

>> No.4456848

I think it's both. There are more NPCs, but there are more "cutscenes" than LA.

I'm not sure why that one guy keeps bringing it up in every oracle thread. It's his only argument, and it's not enough to make the oracle games bow down to LA.

>> No.4456869

Despite LA being one of the only ones of the series I actually own (the Gamecube ones I played when a friend lent me the console f.e.) and that I've played more than once I've always felt the latter dungeons drag quite a bit and stuff like the mandatory trading sequence aren't much to my liking, as well as the structure of the overworld to some extent. Still up there in the series for me but I prefer Seasons.

>> No.4456895

I agree with you but in this case I honestly do believe that the Oracle games were a big step in the wrong direction for the Zelda series, and it's important that it's known what went wrong. But I do agree there has been a disturbing trend of disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing recently.

>> No.4456905

How were they a step in the wrong direction when they improved almost everything about LA and added twice as much content?

>> No.4456906

How so? I don't see it. Maybe I just prefer how these games are and dislike the other more "true" Zelda games then I guess

>> No.4457010
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>> No.4457467

I played Oracle of Ages/Seasons for the first time few years ago and, boy, I loved them so much. It's the closest thing to A Link's Awakening, my favorite Zelda game.

>> No.4457538

It is the best Fujibayashi Zelda, but only because Miyamoto-sama was the one who worked on it. Fuji a hack.

>> No.4459094

I agree with pretty much everything you said OP, especially about the superior itemization, exploration and use of rupees compared to other Zelda games. I am always disappointed when I finish a Zelda game and the game just feels dead, nothing left to do. Seasons always feels alive because of how much there is to do.

>> No.4459224

I like how everyone shitting on the oracle games in this thread has been a flaming autist that can't provide any semblance of an argument, meanwhile everyone defending the games has had logical and factual things to say. I guess LA really is for retards.

>> No.4459253

Wouldn't say LA fags, more like your typical anonymous troll

>> No.4459262
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>I guess LA really is for retards.
Keep stokin' that fire, anon, because nobody is allowed to like both

>> No.4460225

>It's important to know went wrong
Lmao good one retard. What did go wrong exactly? The game actually being fun, actually having some semblance of challenge, actually having post game content? The only thing that went wrong is that the games aren't the same babyshit Zelda with awful combat, awful puzzles and a giant empty world, which apparently is what you wanted. You wanted a typical shit-tier Zelda and were instead given a good game. So tell me, what went wrong?

>> No.4460270

I never saw someone so angry that their favorite game got called out for being the underwhelming piece of shit we all know it is.

>What did go wrong exactly?
Been covered multiple times by multiple people ITT

>The game actually being fun
2D Zelda already had a very good handle on that before the Oracle games came around. Unfortunately, most of that was lost on the Oracle games with baffling map design, extreme linearity, more backtracking than LA, lack of anything interesting to find on the world map other than fucking gasha seeds over and over again. Reminds me of running into the same bobokin encampment over and over again in BOTW, it was shitty lazy decisions like this where Zelda started going in the wrong direction.

>having some semblance of challenge
The games aren't remotely challenging. If you're going to split hairs over which Zelda is the most challenging after the first two then you're wasting your time, they all, more or less, offer the same challenge. You'll die maybe two or three times in any of them, if that.

>actually having post game content
More interested in normal content of the game before reaching the post game, an area where Oracle games didn't live up to prior titles.

>the games aren't the same babyshit Zelda with awful combat
They have the standard 2D top down Zelda combat. Which pales in comparison to Zelda 2 combat and is far better than combat in the 3D Zelda games.

>awful puzzles
The puzzles in Seasons are laughably bad, the puzzles in Ages are quite good.

>giant empty world
This was a giant empty world filled with gasha seeds and backtracking for padding. Huge step backwards compared to prior 2D titles.

>which apparently is what you wanted. You wanted a typical shit-tier Zelda
If that helps you sleep at night.

>> No.4460348

>Been covered multiple times
LOL, kid, literally not one single person has given any actual reasoning for the game isn't good. When asked to provide a real argument, every person has either stopped responding or just said "it sucks".
>baffling map design
Baffling? I can only take this to mean you are literally retarded and somehow found it confusing.
>extreme linearity
You do the dungeons in a particular order, like almost every other fucking game in the series.
>more backtracking than LA
Every Zelda game is filled with backtracking.
>lack of anything interesting to find
So the dozens of secrets hidden everywhere, unique golden enemies to find and various side quests and NPCs isn't "interesting"? What the fuck did LA have? Oh yeah, nothing.
>More interested in normal content
Yet another argument with no actual substance. Unless you explain why the game didn't "live up" to prior titles, your opinion is meaningless.
>They have the standard 2D top down Zelda combat.
Except the "standard" is augmented by cool things like being able to use the various seeds in different ways, equipping rings, having multiple swords to use, etc. There's nothing standard about that. Also, Zelda 2 is a fucking dog turd.
>The puzzles in Seasons are laughably bad, the puzzles in Ages are quite good.
Yet another non-argument.
>This was a giant empty world
I honestly can't fathom how you can be retarded enough to even think this. Did you only play the game for 20 minutes or something? There is literally more to see and do than probably any other Zelda game ever made. Tons of side quests, tons of hidden things to find, mini games like boxing and dancing, even little special touches like being able to name a baby, or exchanging secrets between games, the list goes on. You're that same retard who was crying about "seed planting spots" and "too many words" aren't you?

You have no argument, haven't played the game, and the only thing you can do is stamp your little foot and cry.

>> No.4460359

lol damn this weirdo hates oracle zeldas. did onox molest you or some shit? the games are good, stop being a faggot

>> No.4460424

One thing I don't get is how people say "this game doesn't have better combat because it has the same controls". This is the case for most 2D Zelda games, but they seem to forget the other end of the equation: enemy design. So even if the controls are the same (which they aren't since you've got a unique arsenal in Seasons compared to say LA other than the basic sword shield stuff) enemy patterns and positioning could make a game's combat much better.

I'm not arguing which of these has better combat (other than 2d > 3d in this series by far on this aspect) since I haven't played'em back to back to compare recently. Just something I've seen in this thread that I see a lot and irks me.

>> No.4460432

I have this game, someone gave to me back in the mid 2000s and I never played it. should i just sell it at this point

>> No.4460456

>Been covered multiple times by multiple people ITT
Good one. Discussing is a waste of time.

>> No.4460614

Why are you here then

>> No.4460742

OP you have good taste and have echoed many sentiments i also hold about this game. its underrated and its sad. i just feel like the palletes and the zones are all lively and each one is more vivid and memorable than OOA. it really feels like you're taking a trip to some kind of foreign land on some kind of adventure. MM also had a feeling kind of like this but alot more dense of a game than OOS.

>> No.4460745

Ages is better. Seasons is supposed to have the harder combat while Ages has the harder puzzles, but desu combat is ridiculously easy in both, especially if you use the rings...

So at least Ages has the more interesting puzzles.

>> No.4460747

I'd like it better if there was no screen scrolling in the dungeons, the Zelda 1/LA style grid worked best. Didn't allow for a lot of detail in the graphics but who needs it, tbqh

>> No.4460768

I agree, actually. Thought I was alone here. Still like the game tho

>> No.4460907

I was joking my friend.

>> No.4460913

>it really feels like you're taking a trip to some kind of foreign land on some kind of adventure
I'm starting to play seasons and was thinking the same. After you complete the first dungeon (leaving the hero's cave aside) you are thrown into a different area, and the same after the second dungeon, so it always feel like there is a new place to go. LA had a more dense map, which means revisiting a lot of old places.

>> No.4460949

LA's map feels more like an obstacle course to me

>> No.4462054

Who cares about difficulty? Zelda games are piss easy no matter what. Seasons has overall more content and better combat, which matters a lot more than boring puzles, which have always been the worst part of Zelda anyway. The game as a whole is just inferior. The art style in Ages is a shit. A bunch of gaudy neon colors, maku tree being a female with a stupid hawaiian blossom, etc. The game just isn't as good, sorry.

>> No.4462094

Btw is it just me or you can move diagonally while shielding in seasons? Maybe my rom is fucked.

>> No.4462106


>> No.4462373

I think you have a keyboard ghosting problem. Try rebinding the keys on the emulator.

>> No.4462539

Glad to hear we have similar views, anon. Liking OoS automatically equates to good taste, so I can say the same about you. It's just shocking to me how all the games in this series get so much praise when many of them are very flawed, yet a great game like Seasons doesn't get the respect it deserves.

>> No.4462618

>Liking OoS automatically equates to being a special snowflake

>> No.4462623

Seasons is the best designed zelda. Another subject is whether you enjoy it the most or not, but it cannot be argued that it takes everything zelda is known for and improves it.

>> No.4462636

Some of my friends are Zelda fanatics (their favorite is probably Majora's Mask or some other 3D one, the older ones) and when I tell them I don't really like the series that much but the one I like the most is Seasons they don't freak out (except one of them when I played his copy of Majora's Mask since I don't own it and told him I like it that much, he got a bit upset and like "you don't get the game" or something but this was years ago).

>> No.4462648

I can't speak for anyone else but I definitely enjoy it the most. The combat, exploration, everything is sublime. No game is without its issues but I can probably sit and play for hours on end without getting bored, which is something I have trouble doing with most games, Zelda or otherwise.

I definitely agree though, it's a perfection of the classic Zelda formula in almost every way.

>> No.4462864

>Grow up hearing this is the worst Zelda and not even worth playing
>turns out its actually the best one
What else have I been lied to about?

>> No.4462891

It's a different style of game so that may just mean you don't like the series that much. I know since the same happens to me even if I'm not that much of a fan of AoL