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File: 317 KB, 546x432, qewrqwrq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4454523 No.4454523 [Reply] [Original]

Vidya endings that got to you as a kid.

>> No.4454527
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just fuck my innocence up

>> No.4454530

fuck me dude, i didn't require these feels. take them back.

>> No.4454536

D2, Tomb Raider IV because of Lara dying...only to have her come back for AoD lol

>> No.4454542


>> No.4454546

best song from that game


better than OOT's music desu.

>> No.4454556
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>> No.4454597

what do you think about the Majora's Mask version?

I don't really hear any similarity, but it's a cool lounge jazz number.

>> No.4454696
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>dat ending medley


>> No.4454748

The wind-fish looks like a teenage whale that tried to pull off a mix of Goth and Indian dress standards in an attempt to show off for Link.
Especially because it looks like it's wearing a decent amount of eye liner and a studded bracelet around it's tail right before the split.
All it needs now is a cig to complete the look.

>> No.4455515

>only to have her come back for AoD lol
I was actually more mad they made Chronicles. That's when I realized nothing is sacred, no protagonists in gaming get to die, ever.

>> No.4455545

Didn't know what the fuck was going on but I loved it.

>> No.4455556

Yeah but Chronicles was just a recap of Lara's untold adventures though.

>> No.4455593
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Tell me about it.

>> No.4455595

>tfw you gf is a seagull and you're still a kissless virgin

>> No.4455724
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>> No.4455730
File: 251 KB, 612x792, link_s_awakening___madam_meowmeow_by_kaigetsudo-da8z558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link ain't a kissless virgin anymore

>> No.4455731

whoa dude spoilers

>> No.4455742

>inb4 not retro


>> No.4455747

This is the one right here. A much better version of OP's ending.

>> No.4455802

>SaGa 1
>Kill God with a chainsaw

*Fedora maximises*

I'm surprised they didn't ban this in USA.

>> No.4455830

That's because it's not Jehovah you fucking mongoloid, also you commie idiot, there's this thing called the "first amendment".

>> No.4455860


>> No.4455886

posted this before i could.

game basically broke my soul in half. still makes me cry, what a tragically sad game.

tfw granpa dead

tfw "hupo?? ... HUPO?!?!?!!"

uueegh. i dont normally cry at sad shit either, maybe a few other things but... this game man sheesh.

>> No.4456010

>commie idiot, there's this thing called the "first amendment".

I'm chink. We pirate all the games. And we always tip our fedoras.

>> No.4456095
File: 74 KB, 926x372, a434f605532dd01f0fe8ae22cb44a8b3d287d808_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you Kenichi Smith?

>> No.4456104

uh game?

>> No.4456108

breath of fire 2 and don't play it's shit

>> No.4456109

just finished ff7 and was thinking about goving bof series a try

not sure now lol

>> No.4456127

Not that anon but BoF2 is a bit rough as it has a lot of backtracking and a high encounter rate. Not a terrible game but it lacks some refinement.

Instead try BoFIII or BoFIV, they're overall more refined games. Maybe go back to BoFII after trying these two.

>> No.4456164

>Go from better to worse instead of worse to better
I'll never for the life of me understand why people think this is sound advice.

>> No.4456239
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 60-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of BoF4
>Bad guys who got away with it.

>> No.4456247

Literal tears over the ending of Terranigma.

>> No.4456248

Kek. Djarum Blacks to play to both tropes.

>> No.4456254
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Cliff hanger ending
>I can always make more.

>> No.4456309

>high encounter rate
Don't equip the Collars, as they only increase the encounter rate. Yeah, they are great if you want to farm for rare drops (Katt's ultimate weapon and Army Gloves) but outside of that they only make the game less enjoyable.

The game never gives you any description of what's the Collar's special effect, so your average players just gives them to Katt, Bow or Sten and then wonder why the fuck is the game's enemy encounter rate so fucking maddening.

>> No.4456317

That's good advice and all but even without equipping them and using multiple smoke screens/bombs the encounter rate is still insanely high.

>> No.4456451

>Muh CoD
>Gears of War
> >>>/v/

Nope. We are /vr/ CoD has a retro game. I dunno about Halo. Also I kinda prefer JRPG these days for the cute animes girls.

>> No.4456457

Don't play the series. It's all furries.

>> No.4456461
File: 85 KB, 620x800, 6cc7ef002c33b1c89026673a3bf98e92--breath-of-fire-character-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Yuna getting away is what set BoFIV's story apart and puts it above other jrpgs.

Fou Lu's entire point would be made mute had Yuna died. Had Yuna died every villain villain would have died and the simple simple message that evil is always punished would be pushed like nearly every other jrpg. Instead Yuna not only lives but plans to even continue his work. Fou Lu's argument about humanity holds actual weight now and his words are more then just his own experience. BoFIV is brilliant in that it makes Fou Lu's argument fully believable since we got to see the attrocities both he and Ryu faced instead of just Ryu's journey.

>> No.4456665 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 320x240, 1513107386952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that game!

>> No.4456937
File: 196 KB, 546x432, The wind Fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking the ones with the extra long filter that was so prevalent in films many years ago. Also Djarum Blacks didn't show up well against the background and putting them on the other side of the lip was a little awkward. How'd I do?

>> No.4457059
File: 50 KB, 300x288, Persona_2_EP_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even without playing Innocent Sin (which you couldn't at the time) it really affected me.

>> No.4457072
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Also Crazy Tracy, you just KNOW.

>> No.4457079
File: 211 KB, 270x370, Crusader_of_Centy_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never felt more betrayed by a video game in my life before or since.

>> No.4457086

Because if the worse game is your first experience with a series, you probably aren't to bother playing the rest, if you bother to even finish that first one. The less refined games are fine if you're already a fan of the series, but they make a terrible introduction for someone that's new to it.

>> No.4457116

best taste

>> No.4457136

Saddest ending I ever experienced and I experienced it as an adult. Man that ending was such bullshit. Fuck I'm mad now.

>> No.4458012

What a coincidence. Played this for the first time just this morning. Only played 20 mins but it's very impressive for a mega drive game.

>> No.4458062

ooo, you're right. I hadn't caught on to that before.