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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 102 KB, 640x736, MV5BMWFiY2Q5OTUtOTAxZS00NTM1LWJiNjUtNTgwZTk3NWEzYTc5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4449890 No.4449890 [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of fantastic ports/collections/"remasters" of retro games on modern hardware. Collections that were made with respect to the original works and not just a cheap cash in (like pic related).

Do you prefer these revivals to be authentic to the original experience, flaws and all, or would you rather have an improved experience?

>> No.4449902

Improved experiences are actually what I prefer.
And if I want to play the original versions (and I often revisit them), I'll play them on original hardware.

>> No.4449950
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What about recreations?

Such as goldeneye source?

>> No.4449957

What makes this collection bad? I checked the list of games it has and its pretty damn good. Some great Genesis games are missing but those weren't Sega owned so I understand.

Also mostly I would prefer the original game as it was. However I wouldn't mind improved versions but it needs to be done right and not insulting. So say if I went to pick up a collection such as this I would expect the original experience. Not a remake or a remaster. I think more remakes and remasters should consider gameplay improvements rather than just graphics improvements or gameplay alterations that go to far.

I like to use Resident Evil as an example. A version of RE2 that has the 180 quick turn and allow me to skip all cutscenes quickly would to me be a preferable version of RE2 that also doesn't go changing the game too much. Also the option to turn off that quick turn for purists would be very appreciated to.

So for Sonic 1 adding a spindash obviously improves the game. However for a collection like you posted, I expect the original games in their purest possible form. If games are altered I would definitely like for them to let it be known and not just claim it to be the original.

>> No.4449960

>Do you prefer these revivals to be authentic to the original experience, flaws and all, or would you rather have an improved experience?

Depends on how it's improved

Not needing to switch discs, bug fixes and general grafics improvements that don't shit on the original art direction are welcome

But I'd rather not have any new content or gameplay changes unless it's optional

>> No.4449963

>What makes this collection bad? I checked the list of games it has and its pretty damn good. Some great Genesis games are missing but those weren't Sega owned so I understand.

In my experience it's not the games, they're emulated ok although probably not the most accurate. The problem is the launcher/UI they use, it's so bad it makes retroarch look like an usability paradise

>> No.4449967

I just checked it and it doesn't look that bad.

>> No.4449974

gonna have to say Sonic CD 2011
>proper native widescreen
>OST select, you can even pick the damn spin dash you prefer
>fixed looping on some BGM
>smooth effects on Special Stages
>Tails (nothing too special, but hey)

>> No.4449978

I think it's fine except for the sound. I remember playing Sonic and thinking the music sounded off compared to the original.

>> No.4449983

Ah that sucks then. Genesis games lose so much of their appeal with ruined sound. More so then Snes I'd say.

>> No.4449994

Yep. Perfect sound emulation is mandatory for Genesis games. I had a Genesis model 1 back then and it hurts to listen to those awful youtube genesis music videos with bad emulation. It reallly ruins the experience.

>> No.4449997

You know any youtube channels that upload them in their original form or is it just hard to do for some reason? I was listening to these two. Big difference in audio quality.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrF3WPi_7uI (go to the expender song)

>> No.4450305

My only problem with Taxman's Sonic CD is that for some reason he removed the timer reset

>> No.4450316

iirc the streets of rage composer re-recorded the OST and released it in disc format, it's probably why it sounds so different

>> No.4450324


Or this other:

Not much, unfortunately. Also, Dustinofficial changed his Mega Drive to a model 2 and his later recordings have lost a lof of the console's characteristic bass.

>> No.4450343

>Do you prefer these revivals to be authentic to the original experience, flaws and all, or would you rather have an improved experience?
Something like your pic isn't a "revival". It's not a port either. It's just emulating the roms on another system. I played the PSP version of the Ultimate Collection and did it have extra interviews and features, so that's nice. But it's not a "revival", it's dragging the corpses out of their graves and adding a few post-mortem comments and trivia to them.

Anyway, I'd rather have an improved port/remake/whatever, with something substantial to make it different from the original. We already have the original and unless it can't be played at all in any capacity, it's just a waste of time to have it yet again with nothing changed. Even if the "improvements" fail or aren't to my personal liking, it's at least a different, new effort.

>> No.4450350
File: 61 KB, 596x400, Pinball-Hall-Of-Fame-The-Williams-Collection-Ntsc-Front-Cover-12106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good budget title these days if you don't want to bother with Pinball Arcade, which is made by the same chuckleheads.

>> No.4450353

Play the PS3/360 version instead if you can. It has 3 extra tables.

>> No.4450373

Sonic Jam was a great example. All four games, rebuilt from the groubd up, improved, and chock a block full of bonuses for hardcore fans.

>> No.4450779
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Namco Remix

>> No.4452342
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Nice. I really liked how you could explore a mini arcade in this game. How's Namco Museum on the switch? I've been thinking about getting it when it goes on sale.
Shoutout to Midway Arcade Origins as well.

>> No.4452387

>goldeneye source
>"But, we are not here to recreate the game exactly how it was in GE64"
that sounds respectful to the original work

does that game even have single player campaign

>> No.4452391

That collection you pictured was one of the few examples of a 'hd' console getting a decent game pack that ran well with no issues.

>> No.4452404

The Activision Collection for PS2.

It had great music, great games and a few improvements.

It only needed Activision titles from systems other than the 2600.

>> No.4452783
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's make a collection of a franchise
>However, let's make sure that we only include games from a certain period because we're incompetent and can't go past a certain hardware
>Let's also make sure we offer zero improvements over the original releases under this false idea that we're trying to preserve the original presentations, despite there already being a virtual console re-release that accomplished the same thing
>Let's also not include any decent goodies or extras in our collection. A sound test and a cheap rom hack "challenge" mode is good enough

I wish the Classic games got a Sonic CD iOS treatment. Maybe not wide screen support since that will break the game, but things like bug fixes, options to standerize mechanics across games, optimizations and performance improvements to stop flickering and slow down. That would be a good collection. Not this dumb shit Backbone was selling.

>> No.4452884

>Introducing challenges! Ever wanted to play MM2 with MM3's weapons? Or play with re arranged enemies? TOO fucking bad. We're stringing together a few savestates and adding an egg timer. Have fun!

>> No.4452896

It's not, that guy is grasping at straws.

Also, nothing on this earth will ever be so bad as to make retroarch look like an usability paradise

>> No.4452931

>I wish the Classic games got a Sonic CD iOS treatment. Maybe not wide screen support since that will break the game, but things like bug fixes, options to standerize mechanics across games, optimizations and performance improvements to stop flickering and slow down.
I'm not sure why NES re-writes aren't more common. Basement programmers have made damn close imitations, a small team of professionals should be able to shit one out in a few months, especially with access to original documents and such.

>> No.4453008

Depends on the game. Sega ages and tmnt reshelled fucked up those games by remaking them when nobody asked for it.

>> No.4453017
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Shout out to M2 who have done some of the greatest ports of all time with their 3DS classics.

>> No.4453018

yep. Love these.

>> No.4453040


It's too bad that they only do sega genesis games anymore. I loved the Kirby and Kid Icarus 3D classics, was hoping they'd put out more NES titles.

>> No.4453054 [DELETED] 

Wait a minute so that means you can map dash to a button and instead have to double tap forward to dash? What kind of shit is that?

>> No.4453081

Emulation in some games arent good. Blue Spheres is fucked and characters get way too fast which makes some emeralds very annoying to get.
SoR games are also fucked, enemies just run very fast in circles and sometimes they hide themselves offscreen and just dont want to get back.

Plus Lock-on games, which was pretty great collection for 97. That museum with trailers, CD stuff, videos of the Ova and that short episode(with Robotnik in Sonicsuit) were all great things for that time

The only thing missing was Sonic CD

>> No.4453167

How many sprite/tile layers did the Genesis utilize anyway?

>> No.4453179

I hear they do great ports on PS4 as well (wouldn't know, don't have one) and did the Secret of Mana collection on Steam

>> No.4453203

Depends on the game.

>> No.4453207

That wasn't them. Nintendo did those and then decided it was too hard, that's why there were only a handful.

>> No.4453285
File: 110 KB, 800x716, ResidentEvilDS_USBox-2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great port 1/2

>> No.4453287
File: 99 KB, 500x448, ChronoTriggerDSBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great port 2/2

>> No.4453305

Can you explain what makes these great ports friendo?

>> No.4453327

both are very true ports, don't change too much up but make things a lil nicer.

Resident Evil adds a dedicated knife and reload buttons and the quick turn feature from later games. No real loading times, can skip the door opening and dialogue sequences. You can see your map on the second screen. There's also multiplayer which i've never played but maybe its fun?

Chrono Trigger is basically the PS1 port but without load times so you get the animated cutscenes. Map on second screen is also nice.

>> No.4453357

the cropped screens for CT kinda suck though.

>> No.4453364

i don't think it's a problem at all. worthwhile trade-off to play it portably imo

>> No.4453376

You made me want to check Deadly Silence out a bit on youtube because of what you said.

I only needed to look at it for a few minutes to see there is some things wrong with it that I don't like. One is the graphics are blurry and awful compared to the PS1 version. The icons for items look cartoon like. Then there is a needless mouth to mouth mini game where Jill tries to revive Richard, who also has a changed voice that is somehow even worst than the original voice actor, although still pretty hilarious I might add so its not completely bad even though I prefer the original voices. This is the bad I have noticed so far.

What you said all sounds good. I also saw that they changed and altered some puzzles. So this game seems more like a remake although the graphics are like a demake. Overall I like the idea of changed puzzles though since the couple I see here are already much more in depth than RE1's move item here to progress "puzzles" that it had.

RE1 still seems to be the better game than Deadly Silence. I'm also a purist. So even though these more in depth puzzles seems good to me I also still like the option of the original game as was intended being optional. I doubt they allow that in DS so I'm going to have to say that this game is too different to me in order to be an objective upgrade. Just like I can't see REmake as an objective upgrade since it is too different. Game doesn't look bad. I just can't call it an objective upgrade to the original.

>> No.4453447

I didn't have a problem with this. It beats the hell out of shelling out for the original 6 carts. Besides we have a legacy collection 2 now and X is on its way.

>> No.4453809


My comments were in reference to classic mode. Rebirth mode has the funny mini-games. I never played that, looked pretty dumb.

If you are playing on a DS it looks good because of the small screen. You could also play on an emulator and up the resolution.


>> No.4453823
File: 220 KB, 400x300, animal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing some classic NES games in between village chores
>it saves your scores
This is my favorite way to play these classic NES games.

>> No.4453851

Oh well I just typed the game and went to the first link here.


Even putting the video in HD it looks like a mess. I just pretty much overlooked the fact it says rebirth mode. I assumed it was maybe a harder difficulty or something. The link you posted looks way better graphically.

>> No.4453873

The PS2 Megaman Collections are pretty neat

At least the Megaman Collection feels better than playing the original 6 on my everdrive 64

>> No.4453876

There was a N64 megaman collection?

>> No.4453948

Looks like they're using a filter on the emulator lol you're right it looks like trash

No but there is a NES emulator you can run off of an EverDrive 64 which is probably what anon is referring too (I also use my n64 to play NES).

>> No.4454097

The cropping isn't that obvious, since the DS screen is in 256 x 192, while the Super NES is in 256 x 224, so the cropping was only very slight in the vertical axis.

>> No.4455267
File: 49 KB, 271x307, bestemma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runs on quake engine

>> No.4455330

I really liked those "Midway Arcade Treasures" compilation discs that had a bunch of old midway arcade games with nearly perfect emulation of the old mortal kombat games and marble madness and stuff

>> No.4455504

As someone who never played Genesis growing up I actually liked this a lot, it's an easy "starter pack" of sorts to the Genesis library and the emulation seems alright (for the Genesis games anyway, Space Harrier's sound is way too high pitched).