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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 199x250, RPi-Logo-Reg-SCREEN-199x250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4448920 No.4448920 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what killed the authenticity and/or exclusiveness of retro gaming?

>> No.4448931

>the authenticity and/or exclusiveness of retro gaming?

The what now?

>> No.4448932

It's certainly a good retard detector. Pretty damn useful for Naomi stuff.

>> No.4448934

Pretty much any normy capable of putting an SD card into a slot can have an entire video game collection within seconds, displayed on their 4k tv.

Authenticity of owning the system, games, and CRT screen are thrown out. Forget having to scrounge the internet for that sealed boxed copy of earthbound or import copy of Virtual-On, Joe-Schmoe downloaded it while jacking off.

>> No.4448935

Enjoy spending thousands in nes cartridges then. No one's forcing you to emulate, but it IS the better choice. I collect Genesis cartridges and I can assure you my collection had its value mutiplied tenfold in the last ten years. Too many hipster with too much disposable income are ruining the market.

>> No.4448946

if by killing you meant "vastly increased the number of people with access to retro gaming thus increased interest in old games as a whole" then yes it's dead jim

>> No.4448949

are you implying that emulators did not exist before raspberry pis were a thing?

>> No.4448950


How is searching ebay for weeks for a sealed copy of earthbound any more authentic than downloading a rom?

>> No.4448952

Are you mad all the hipsters with disposable income are not buying your over priced games and consoles that you worked so hard to get from all those garage sales and flea markets, scalper-san?

>> No.4448959

Everything about that is a good thing to me. The more people who get to play these games and enjoy them, the better in my opinion.

I grew up with hardware but mostly emulate now. I don't feel an important difference. But that said, if someone out there is still playing old carts I once owned because that's a special thing to them then I'm plenty happy for them. I don't think they should feel their experience is diminished by someone else emulating though.

>> No.4448964

>Authenticity of owning the system, games, and CRT screen are thrown out
If you honestly care about that then you are the biggest hipster shit on the planet.

>> No.4448975

They certainly have done it before, I personally feel the Pi has put a larger spotlight on it though.

Roms aren't worth anything compared to a sealed copy of earthbound containing the strategy guide.

Nah, but my dream is to open a retro store, hipsters be damned.

>> No.4449015

earthbound is only worth anything to your starman.net circle jerkers

>> No.4449019

Do you mean exclusively raspberry pi or emulation in general? Well, It doesn't matter: either way it's complete nonsence.
>fukkin normies enjoy same thing that I enjoy, reeee

>> No.4449038

It's youngsters who don't want to feel left out. Lame but understandable.

>> No.4449040

normal people are not going to deal with linux and stuff so no.

>> No.4449052

How much of a wageslave consumerist cuck do you have to be, to hate greater availability and convenience of a hobby? Get your shit in order, dude.

>> No.4449056
File: 61 KB, 590x350, SNES-Classic-Mini-pre-order-851281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but what about m-m-m-muh authenticity

>> No.4449119

>my investments increased 1000%
>the market is ruined

The hobby may not be fun anymore, but increasing prices means the market is healthy, not ruined

>> No.4449129

It makes sense once you understand that to them "healthy market" means they get everything they want for the lowest price it ever sold for. Anything else is outsiders "artificially" raising the prices and impeding their God given right to collect everything because they are more special than some hipster.

>> No.4449264

I see your point. The thing is: I collect because I have this desire of owning all these games I wanted as a kid but couldn't. I rarely sell games.

When I started in 2005 I was 14 and people would literally give me cartridges. One old lady gave me a box full of cartridges and refused to get anything for it. If I had to buy it it was cheap and affordable. I payed $5 on slaughterhouse 3. Now it's a shitfest. I go to local fairs, Craigslist. All inflated prices. People ask $40 for fucking Sonic man..

I'm really pissed.

>> No.4449290


Listen cunt, we've had emulators for eons. Stop trying to gatekeep videogames and get a fucking life.

>> No.4449317

Good, I can finally clear up some space in my house, I have tubs and tubs of game bullshit, all I care about is the games not the plastic.

>> No.4449324

No, it's hipsters like you who only played retro games because it was an OBSCURE HOBBY. Myself, I'm HAPPY that more people play old games for fun, and if I want to talk to people about Doom or Mega Man, it's not that hard to find someone.

Fuck off, don't you have a new "BEFORE IT WAS COOL" hobby to find? I recommend authentic medieval pottery performed with one hand while drinking non-GMO ironic plaid soy latte.

>> No.4449329

... How is it different than me hooking my emulator PC to a TV, which is something people used to do? You're a fucking cretin.

>> No.4449331

>Hipster with disposable income
LMFAO, that guy you're replying to doesn't sell to hipsters, he IS a hipster!
I mean, this post/thread is just stereotypical "I LIKED RETRO GAMES BEFORE IT WAS COOL" bullshit!

>> No.4449349

Wow your so dumb. The more demand the worse the market. Because when there are imbalances in offer and demand means that the market is not stable. Offer should be equal to demand. If ten people have old games but 100 want to buy it how is this healthy? That's right retard. It's not. The offer must always be equal to demand.

>> No.4449357

I'm very happy more people play old games. But I'm also very frustrated that they also fall for the ATGames garbage.

>> No.4449370

>reddit soy meme

and this post was so close to hitting the mark too...

>> No.4449381

Yeah, that's a shame.
I'm sad so many people think emulation is complex when 90% of modern emulators are just "load a file, play the game".

>> No.4449382

>reddit soy meme
I hate to inform you that association of hipsters with soy lattes is a pretty common joke that is bigger than one website.

>> No.4449409

literally >muh sekrit club

>> No.4449410

>buying a retro pi
>not just using a laptop that one would already have with them when traveling anyway
Why do people buy these memes?

>> No.4449442

>soy meme
That joke is older than you are, it's legitimatley older than the internet, people were making soycafe jokes on usenet.

>> No.4449492

That's good then, even if somehow people end up always emulating the same 10-15 games.
At least they didn't paid too much for it or they got it all free.

>> No.4449589

Perhaps you should buy a retropie yourself, and see what all the fuss is about.

>> No.4449608

So authenticity = monetary value?

>> No.4449647
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>> No.4449821
File: 42 KB, 640x427, 1507569861612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the authenticity and/or exclusiveness of retro gaming?

>> No.4449908

It persuaded millions of people that retro games are 10 times harder than they really are because of absurd amounts of input lag.

>> No.4450125
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, tama_video_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that we didn't play Clu Clu Land on a 19" Zenith TV for the "authentic experience", we did it because that's all we had and there was nothing "exclusive" about it.

>> No.4450376

It's a pretty even trade between convenience/cost and power. For less than sixty bucks you get a miniconsole you can plug in next to your PS4 full of every classic game you could want with less than two hours set up time.

>> No.4450378

You are the stupidest fucking person on this board right now.

>> No.4450451

>Authenticity of owning the system, games, and CRT screen are thrown out.
So what?

>> No.4450459

Posers don't really care about the games, and care more about looking cool by owning old consoles and game carts

>> No.4450498

Looks at this idiot. The market is doomed! Emulation is for the poor, it's by definition inauthentic.
>increase 10x wow doooomed

>> No.4450535
File: 89 KB, 640x640, this_thread_made_me_cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on /vr/ who actually plays video games.

>> No.4450541

>The market is doomed!
Good. Maybe the people who actually want to own actual hardware/carts/whatever can get their hands on them. I don't give a rat's ass personally, but it'd be nice to see the artificial market that's popped up around the hobby finally crash.

>> No.4450567
File: 71 KB, 419x467, 1433208734019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The market is doomed!
I have my doubts but I hope you are right.

>> No.4450675

>Emulation is for the poor, it's by definition inauthentic

Emulation is for the intelligent, as it provides an experience superior to the original product. Only a complete Luddite would think otherwise.

>> No.4450679

it's definitely not though
have you even played the real thing (tm)?

>> No.4450687

It is. There is not a single thing emulation isn't better at.

>> No.4450880

fuck off with that meme, there isn't any difference in input lag between a pi and an emulator running on a pc. A pi is literally a linux pc it doesnt magically start lagging because its little. Just because you're too stupid to figure out how to use one of the emulators that isnt a test build doesn't mean the thing is laggy.

>> No.4450896

>easier to get into
>less expensive
>pisses off vr

I don't emulate as a rule, but it is great

>> No.4452074

this x100. People just need to get over the fact that they are terrible at games. I brought the pi over to someones house and we played streets of rage 1 ( a game my friend grew up with as a kid) and he didn't bitch about input lag. That's how i know emulator lag/pi lag is a meme. I'm not saying it's nonexistent. I'm saying it's not a big deal or at all as terrible as original hardware kiddies make it out to be.

>> No.4452083

Are you baiting or just high?