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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.53 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4446191 No.4446191 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>4402054

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+ Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

CRT Pastebin (WIP) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

/crt/ Discord Server : https://discord.gg/EFWPCYE

Thread Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1HF1jPaNTZDupCn_GGtFuB3DxW5WFFd3yT4znmLA_cuU5oA/viewform
Collaborative Consumer CRT Project Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3_OraDPRRN_OzQ4r_-CqoNPR9J0r2KtFrpV6iuXdxM3DDJg/viewform

OP Revision and Update Soon : All suggestions welcome

>> No.4446193

>>Supposedly, OEM Nintendo AV and S-video cables are only downward compatible, meaning you can use a Gamecube cable on a Super Nintendo / Famicom, but not the other way around.


>> No.4446246
File: 36 KB, 482x459, 56CD33A0-BAE0-47B8-AA2F-DA5F336E80F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have my Sony KV-27FV300 sitting in my closet.

>> No.4446323

Keystone. And the yoke fixes a lot of landing and convergence issues as well, depending.

Wow, those look amazing. Is it the same board each time, just different connectors? And the cutouts were for some transcoder boards, right?

>> No.4446328

I literally cannot find a CRT anywhere.

Recycle centre wont let me buy any, and the ones on ebay and gumtree are either 400km away or over 26"

nobody uses craigslist in australia.

>> No.4446339

Is it really that bad there?
Here you can still find nice TVs and VGA monitors for a few eur or even free.

Sorry to hear that. At least you remind me that I should indeed hoard this shit before same happens here.

>> No.4446346

This is why


Everyone got $900 from the government in 2009 and most people bought HDTV's

>> No.4446347

replace baka with S M H no spaces.

>> No.4446356

Hence "supposedly". There are some nintendo emails floating around that say to use downward only.
No need to caps lock for tom cruise control for cool.

>> No.4446392
File: 37 KB, 614x461, 47252534_614[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know anything about Sears brand crts in term of build and image quality?

>> No.4446407

Even the cheapest CRT is better than an LCD.

>> No.4446419

I love this guys channel


>> No.4446463

I've been looking for a 36XBR960, but keep coming across 34HS420 and 34XS955. Anyone know how these compare to the 960?

>> No.4446484

Facebook marketplace

>> No.4446497

Is it worth it to connect crt to a pc and emulate games? Emulation thread told me it's not and I'll have to do lots of tuning almost every time.

>> No.4446505

Yep, just different connectors. Space in the middle is for transcoders component to RGB and vice versa, and a RGB white balance adjust.

>> No.4446523
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x3024, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a RGB cable for my modded Playstation 2

>> No.4446956
File: 19 KB, 284x284, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy asks 16 bucks for this 15" monitor
It's never been used before
Should I even bother?

>> No.4446974

What do you mean? A CRT PC monitor or a standard definition CRT television?

A PC monitor should work. A standard definition TV is going to be in interlaced mode. Custom drivers to override this only work with old ATI cards.

>> No.4446990
File: 754 KB, 800x600, SM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I look for bigass CRT monitors or will smaller low-end stuff look better for emulation?

>> No.4446994

I'd add that playing emulators on interlaced mode looks ok. A bunch of PS2 retro collections are doing the something and running in interlaced mode. But not good enough to bother plugging in my laptop and having it sit there looking ugly on the floor while I play.

>> No.4446998

I'll buy it off you. Where do you live?

>> No.4447114

There is no 4:3 960, so you should be looking for 30 or 34XBR960.

HS420 is a lower end, Hi Scan set. They're still decent, but don't have the SFP tube that you're aiming to get with the 960.

XS955 is same class of set as the 960, just in a slightly different configuration (in terms of audio, I believe). It has a SFP tube like the 960, so you'd get similar quality from it.

>> No.4447659
File: 332 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171207-182339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any info on TVS Monitors? How do they compare to PVMs and Ikegami monitors?

>> No.4447674

Colorado. Not really looking to sell it.

>> No.4447704

Thanks for the reply. My bad, thought it was 36 inch for some reason. Now I've got to decide if a 34XS955 is worth $150 and a good drive. And if it's worth hauling a Mitsubishi CK 35FX2 out of the way.

>> No.4447802

Looks like this model https://www.globalmediapro.com/dp/A030D4/TVS-CH-15DXA-15-inch-Color-CCTV-Monitor/

if so, should be pretty good, 800TVL rated resolution, has S-video input.

>> No.4447821
File: 1.43 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20171207_20_24_26_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years of dust collection.

About to disassemble this and clean it.

Zero rust and corrosion

>> No.4447838

One of my friends is doing a convention panel on upscalers. Anything he should know?

>> No.4447854

He should already know everything if he's doing a fucking panel on them.

>> No.4447909

Presumably he does, but for a subject as autistic as upscalers I figured the lovely denizens of /crt/ might have something interesting to add.

>> No.4447924

Did Toshiba ever make any PVMs?
Did Sharp ever make any PVMs?
Did Samsung ever make any PVMs?
Did Phillips ever make any PVMs?

>> No.4447950

so if I want to buy a CRT and I don't care about component, all I need is S-Video, what should I look for?

>> No.4447973

If you're not outside the U.S. then you're a fuckhead.

>> No.4447984


>> No.4448005
File: 1.48 MB, 4651x2968, 20171206_171732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this big bad boy in my mom's garage a few months ago, along with my younger brother's old wii collecting dust. I made good use of them both

>> No.4448034

none there either

>> No.4448037

An s-video switch/receiver so you can actually plug all your devices into the 1 s-video port your TV is going to have.

>> No.4448045

I have one of these it's a piece of shit
I gave it away and the guy junked it lol

>> No.4448103

Samsung syncmaster 794mb
HP s7540
LG studioworks 441

Any of these worth picking up?

>> No.4448127

what game is that, btw?

And ignore the guy ragging on you, he's just a tard who thinks things were better when no one in the US knew RGB existed.

>> No.4448131

Where in Aus are you? I'n in Tas and i can tell you about six PVM's for sale locally right now, and the fact there are more than a few on gumtree to pick from. Including one 34cm.

You should pull your head out of the sand.

>> No.4448154

I'm about 2 hours north of sydney

>> No.4448174

I live in Brisbane but got my first PVM in 2014. I would say that this was right before people on youtube and the internet were starting to spread info about them and drive the cost up. I got my 1454QM from a seller in gumtree while I was in melbourne in 2014. Paid about 50-75 bucks for it I can't really remember. Monitor was in great shape physically and the tube was mint. I haven't actually cracked into the service menu after all this time to check the ontime of the monitor, but I'll probably get around to it sometime.

I'm really happy with it even though it's only 14 inches, but it can do RGB/Component/S-Video/ and even composite if I need it. I'm pretty sure it can do 480p and apparently it has 600 lines which isn't too bad. Anything 240p looks absolutely mind blowing over RGB. Especially Genesis. The best part was when I took the PVM to the airport with me I got it flown with me back to Brisbane FOR FREE. No extra freight charge considering how fucking heavy these things are. I still can't believe I got away with that one.

To a fellow ausbro all I can say is keep trying. Eventually you might luck into something on Gumtree or even Ebay with someone who doesn't know what they have. I see 20" models go for a 300 sometimes if you are that desperate.

>> No.4448320

As if no CRT's in Newy. Newy is a hole, lol.

>> No.4448336



Its fucked

>> No.4448341
File: 23 KB, 450x600, $_20 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck?

17 inch LCD made by packard bell with SCART RGB


>> No.4448382

I'm European lol chill man
The game is called KoroKoro Post Nin for the PS1

>> No.4449519

Is it worth keeping a 30 year old Sears 5" TV around?

It can take a video and audio input.

>> No.4449530
File: 543 KB, 1645x1234, IMG_0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Highly recommend this TV to anyone willing to build the RGB adapter.

>> No.4449534

i would be curious to see how rgb looks on it. see if he'll go down on the price.

>> No.4449565


for any QLD fags

>> No.4449615
File: 403 KB, 609x343, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognizes this model of AOC?

>> No.4449626


That OSD dial, shit was so fucking cash

>> No.4449769
File: 250 KB, 1400x672, GXTVSamsung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started my search for a CRT TV last week. Got my first one today. Can't afford the PMV I wanted because i'm broke from Christmas shopping (there was a pretty sweet deal someone was selling one with a RGB Scart SNES) but by complete chance I talked to someone that had a barely used GX-TV. They sold it to me for 20$. It's not MEDICAL GRADE or a broadcast monitor but it's still pretty interesting/unique. Has S-Video and supposedly it can be converted to RGB. The best thing about it though is the fucking sound on it. It has a built in subwoofer that sounds amazing for something 20 years old.

>> No.4449773

For a composite-only set of any size that's almost criminal, I'll grant.

I can't see the other link, it's gone. How much was the modded 29" for? And if you can't mod a CRT for yourself, how were you planning to use RGB? And if you weren't planning to use RGB, why do you need a CRT?

All that aside, stuff will come up. He's clearly getting his sets from somewhere, isn't he? Try local tips and recycling centres. I actually hit up my local harvey normal once a fortnight, to check out their free-use ewaste bins. Git a few sets out of there. HN themselves won't give a shit, but the guys who own the bins are paid by weight, so they'll get narky if they catch you.

>> No.4449779

f-me it's not even composite, it's RF. It's a stylish little set, those models are nice, but IMO it's not worth that much money unless you really want that set because you used to own it or something. Which I did, or one so similar it makes no difference, and i don't particularly want it.

>> No.4449818

>Has S-Video and supposedly it can be converted to RGB
Just composite actually, but it certainly seems like it can be modded for RGB.

The sound on the thing is crazy though. Not a bad picture for composite either.

>> No.4449826

Dang you're right. I don't know why I thought I saw S-Video. There's a thread on Shmups about someone converting theirs to RGB, not sure if it would be worth all the trouble though.

>> No.4449838

I can do the RGB mod, in fact i posted my RGB mod of a mid 90's trinitron back when /vr/ first started. there was hardly any information about it back then. now a bunch of people are doing it.

Sadly that trinitrons geometry was fucked and ive not been able to find a replacement.

Even then id be happier with a composite only CRT than a HD LCD

>> No.4449870
File: 29 KB, 632x600, $_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look. flat screen, composite and mono only for $20 and its a 2 hour return trip


>> No.4449930
File: 83 KB, 1200x900, 00q0q_6MGM9rrmv06_1200x900 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what you can make of this

>> No.4449934

cool old NEC logo

>> No.4449935
File: 134 KB, 1200x900, 00a0a_7ALZDyUwgE8_1200x900 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason it has BNC connectors, and I'm not quite sure what this computer connection actually is.

posting from a craigslist ad

>> No.4449948

Is there a standard procedure in modding a crt to rgb? I have an early 90's 12" trinitron that I'd like to mod.

>> No.4449949

composite video. thats pretty impressive considering how old that tv looks. Nice woodgrain pick it up if you can.

>> No.4449956

Find the service manual for your TV and locate the Jungle IC, it should have pins for R G B and the 5v blanking voltage.

I was lucky because my TV's circuit-board had unused solder points for them. so i just ran wires from those to a SCART connector that i cut a hole for. I needed to put some resistors and caps on there because the brightness was too high.

Do not attempt any of this if you don't know what you are doing. the voltage inside CRT's will kill you.

>> No.4449958

Thats an RF switch box.

>> No.4450151

You've got a VTR connection there, the funny green one.

Chances are it's composite only but I've seen it used for RGB sometimes.

>> No.4450175

Service Mnual first, then if you're stuck of confused visit the RGB hacking thread on the shmups forum. Google those terms and you'll find it. Read the thread and there's shitloads of advice, and people who are happy to help.

The point about safety is well made though. Hard to hurt yourself when the set is pwoered down though, as long as you stay away from the anode cap (rubber suction cup over the back the tube)

>> No.4450184

The big killer is actually the power supply.

Those capacitors carry a decent amount of current which can easily fibrillate your heart as opposed to the anode which will just hurt a lot.

>> No.4450189
File: 162 KB, 972x980, 1401602558509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey i found my crude plans from when i was modding my tv in 2013.

>> No.4450226

Woman selling this said she would bring it to me, I would have preferred one of the older black bubble trinitrons but i think im just gonna have to settle.

>> No.4450717

What's the best size for a CRT computer monitor?

>> No.4450743

depends entirely on what you intend to do with it. even then I'd say h-sync rate and dot pitch are more important factors.

>> No.4450761

It's gonna be used for emus, DOS games and low quality videos
What are the main things I should look for?

>> No.4450867
File: 2.22 MB, 2539x3456, IMG_20171209_154633538-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gets the job done and then some.

>> No.4450909

how trendy :-)

>> No.4450959

If you're not looking for super sharp with noticeable scanlines I'd go for 15"

>> No.4451018

My Sony Trinitron has some grease spots that water doesnt seem to wash off.. What product do you recommend for that? i have no idea what to do about it, its pretty noticeable

>> No.4451062

Sony Trinitron or Viewsonic?
Any other brand you'd recommend?

>> No.4451072

You can use a razor blade on glass tubes without scratching them

>> No.4451076

I want a Trinitron with composite connectors.
How big can I go? 30"?
I hope toget a 4:3 modernish model, any recomendations?

>> No.4451083
File: 16 KB, 239x207, ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use 240p test suite on sega genesis
>fucking perfect
>Play some NES games
>horizontal scrolling issues

Did I fuck up the first time, or do you need different settings each time you swiitch consoles?

>> No.4451085

NES had a different resolution

>> No.4451094
File: 20 KB, 351x351, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you telling me I've been calibrating between my NES & sega genesis repeatedly, all because of that? Do I have to manually calibrate for each system, write down the horizontal & vertical values, & then enter them in each time I want to use a different system?

>> No.4451095


32" Sony Trinitron is little over 150 lbs which is at the upper limit of what I can carry.

>> No.4451104


Yeah you fucked up bug time, should have got a CRT and used the money for the xrgbmeme to buy more retro shit

>> No.4451108

Welcome to the PVMeme world

>> No.4451118

I've been living with LCDs for a long time, I didn't remember that CRTs were so heavy.

Now I'm thinking of going a little smaller since a 32" CRT weights more than I do.

>> No.4451156


Keep in mind that the trinitron tube is the reason it is so heavy. Other TV brands will be much lighter at the same size. But the picture will be much worse.

>> No.4451190

Is it normal for pieces of the screen, to move around a bit? I'm on PS1 on my toshiba 480i through component.

Little things in the background, like boxes or barrels jump around.

>> No.4451192

PS2...playing PS1 games

>> No.4451203


This sounds like a troll post, but it's honestly true. Just make sure you use it like a scraper, not the corners or something stupid.

>> No.4451204


How does this have to do with CRT?

>> No.4451209

So I rent a 15x15 room from a guy. Gives me enough room to have a small entertainment/living room esque area, an area for my bed, and an area for storing my clothes, etc. So I just have a 24" flatscreen and I just play my retro consoles on it. Anyone else with not a lot of space have a solution?

>> No.4451210

Because that's what the fuck I'm asking moron...

>> No.4451214


How is your genesis hooked up? Are you doing scart cables or such? If it's scart, you need a 75 ohm resistor on the r, g, and b, lines. You can put them in the scart head.

I've noticed there is a difference in most consoles. They vary slightly and may cause OCD problems, but should be playable once you get one set how you like.

Basically you're gonna have to either adjust your tv per console, or modify their output somehow to get them all the same, good luck with that.

>> No.4451218

ok well you got your answer fuck off

>> No.4451220


Shit the one I have (forget the size but it's a big fucker) weighs 265lbs. I had to get a buddy to help get it into the "retro" basement.

>> No.4451238

I already own a shitty CRT from my childhood. But I wanted to upgrade to something better.

>> No.4451410

whats a good price i can expect to pay for a 96 kHz computer monitor?
21" imo

>> No.4451458

>Bring back home a 32" CRT TV
>"It can't be much bigger than the 32" LCD TV I used to have"
>It's fucking huge
>I don't even know if people still make furniture to hold these 70kg appliances

How do you live in an apartment and also have a CRT?

>> No.4451461

>How do you live in an apartment and also have a CRT?


>> No.4451963

are flat screen trinitrons any good?

I can get a 20" one for free. it has component and s-video.

>> No.4451985


Yeah, they are pretty great really. 20" should look great and not be super heavy. Flat CRT do usually have a bit of geometry issues, but honestly unless you're an autist, you're probably not gonna notice at all when playing games. You might see a few things in 240 test suite, but for games you'll likely never notice.

Unless you plan on going PVMeme route, trinitrons are some of the best.

>> No.4452054


Definitely worth it. I have the same one, with the built in speakers on the sides and the inputs in the front? I put it in storage because the 32" trinitron I have looks way better, but at 20" it's a great tv.

>> No.4452137
File: 26 KB, 800x600, $_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spot above the av inputs looks like a SCART connector was meant to go there.

>> No.4452160

>the spot above the av inputs looks like a SCART connector was meant to go there.

Either that's a shit photo, or no it doesn't. Even a Scart cutout guarantees nothing, however, as some sets had chassis micoms modified for different regions. That said, it's always worth looking at the schematics.

>> No.4452181
File: 148 KB, 1600x900, índice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone can find the specs of this AOC screen? all i find is pages in polish or russian.

>> No.4452218
File: 247 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171210-111831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your google-fu is not strong

>> No.4452229

i was searching "AOC ARSCM7690" instead of "AOC 7VLR"
my bad
>mfw can only find crappy 70 kHz monitors
are 96 kHz or higher that rare?

>> No.4452241
File: 18 KB, 640x360, 180753617_0.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize the brand of this?

>> No.4452258

I could get a free 32'' Trinitron to replace my old 20'' JVC flatscreen crt. Should I do it?

>> No.4452270

Do it, especially if it's a convex screen. Gotta love that lightgun, yo.

>> No.4452274

This is me >>4451458

That 32" TV is fucking massive and I don't know where I'm going to find furniture to raise it off the floor. Don't toss that old TV just yet, it might just be more manageable.

>> No.4452291

is 20€ a good price for a 1920x1440 CRT ?
its for PC, Shadow Mask and 21" (20 viewable)

>> No.4452334

Or you can just find settings that are good enough for general use. Can't be bothered to set every console each time differently.

>> No.4452348

if in good condition, yes.
even more if it's from a decent brand.

>> No.4452349

its a wierd brand called ADI, never herd of it before

>> No.4452365

I have an early 80s RF only Sears CRT that I got on the side of the road in high school. I used it all through college for /vr/ systems and my Xbox 360. For whatever reason, it had some of the best color of any CRT I've had since. I still have it in storage back home, wonder if it's still healthy...

>> No.4452374

One bedroom apartmentfag here, I have a 14" I keep on one of those metal bookshelf type things from target. LCD in the living room, retro shelf next to the bed, so I can sit on the side and play. Doubles as a bedside stand, consoles fit on the lower shelf, etc, etc.

>> No.4452393

you should post a pic on the battlestation thread, sounds comfy af

>> No.4452410

Thanks, anon. I'll try and clean it up and take a good pic sometime; since the edge of the bed is like 1.5" away from the TV stand, it's a little difficult hard to get a representative shot.

>> No.4452719

>falling for the meme
There's plenty of tubes that are higher quality than shititrons

>> No.4452720

It might have a nice line count. If you really like it you should look into modding it for better inputs.

>> No.4452813
File: 3.31 MB, 3024x4032, 20171210_150613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a man out of this guy.

>> No.4452849



>> No.4452875
File: 3.62 MB, 4128x3096, 20171209_195624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up an Ikegami HTM1505r on Friday. Haven't been able to test much on it other than yPbPr stuff because I don't have RGB cables. I wish this has Svideo so I could use that while slowly acquiring RGB cables.

Did Ikegami make an Svideo expansion card?

>> No.4452941
File: 380 KB, 910x528, delusional.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the lowest you would pay for this combo?

>> No.4452949

I wouldn't pay anything.

>> No.4452957

I found out that our old philips 14gx8510 still works. But it only has a composite video. Is there a way to connect it to a pc?

>> No.4452958

I'm not meming here when I say I'd expect them to give it away for free if I came with a friend to haul this thing to my car and take it home.

Most people would be giving it away for free or for 20 dollars max though.

>> No.4452972
File: 296 KB, 696x489, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, you can stop now.

>> No.4452981

>najwa fakhouri
yes, before she moved to the states this was a great commodity in her home country.
here? not so much.

>> No.4452994


>> No.4453147

i see those on the curb by the trash at least once a month. i prefer to leave them there.

>> No.4453182

You could use an HDMI or VGA to composite converter. Quality isn't the best and can usually only do 480/576i, not the 240p/288p that retro games used, totally fine for video.

>> No.4453193

Grabbed one a few minutes ago; you can't see the bed, but it is pretty comfy.


>> No.4453421

It's funny because it's true. Reminds me of the sega genesis lots written in ebonics on CL that include a model Genesis with sports games for like $150.

>> No.4453452

show me your pubes

>> No.4453863

Keeping a bottle of meths in the cupboard is handy for this sort of thing.

>> No.4453869
File: 298 KB, 960x1521, IMG_8982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recently got a pvm 20m2u.

>> No.4453872
File: 129 KB, 358x309, smw crt mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted a pic of the SMW title screen on their CRT. I used to have a copy of it (good wallpaper) but I've lost it since my last reinstall. I've done a mockup of what it looks like.

>> No.4453934

i literally deleted that pic like an hour ago :(

>> No.4453961

I'd like to get a PVM if half the reason is that it's small and manageable.

At the same time I've already hauled this 32" Trinitron back home and can't get it back out without help. And I'd hope that the large surface area really benefits lightgun games, and "large scale 3D games" could look great.

>> No.4454031
File: 69 KB, 800x600, fpd09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever seen one of the LG super slim CRT's?

>> No.4454032
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 364058173_1_1000x700_lg-tv-colour-crt-29inch-excellent-condition-margao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454040

might as well just get a lcd. crts are supposed to be fat and bulbous.

>> No.4454057
File: 538 KB, 487x847, htm1505_2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you are probably the guy I sold this to, and that was your question you asked before you drove off, but no.

just get RGB Cables or a SDI to HDMI Converter. RGB/SCART


and RGB Scart is all up to you

here is a pic of all the expansion cards in your monitor, and I don't think any of them are S-Video

>> No.4454095

The bigger the TV the louder the whine right?

The Trinitron I brought back actually gave me a headache when I tested it for five minutes. If one of the things LCD did right is not having this baseline operating noise

>> No.4454305

What are the odds, i was looking up Sega SC-3000 and found a video with the TV im getting. lol



>> No.4454312

they suck, big time.

>> No.4454478
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1440, 1478837601730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454490

TVs are shit, get a VGA monitor.

>> No.4454726

Yeah that was me lol. I'm just going to use it for composite/yPbPr until I get RGB stuff.

>> No.4454760
File: 40 KB, 498x373, 0SP4q18AZr47l2y9gzrfaUUc2KizQ2SV8do2inYMF58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a good idea to put something heavy (Like a receiver) on top of a PVM or any CRT really?

>> No.4454767

Depends on how sturdy it is, or if it's a flat surface. My PVMs is really hollow, and the case, while very flat, I wouldn't put anything much heavier than a VCR on top of it.

>> No.4454769

For a PVM/BVM, so long as it's properly supported and isn't throwing out interference, there shouldn't be any issues. People stack PVMs on top of each other, so something like a (comparatively) small receiver isn't going to do any damage.

Most CRT TVs aren't going to really be built to have much sat on top of them from a lack of either flat surfaces at all, or what is flat is very shallow. Something like an old console TV would be perfectly fine for that though.

>> No.4454823

Only thing I'd avoid stacking is things with fans or big transformers, field leakage can affect the image.

>> No.4454846
File: 112 KB, 503x600, img_9556dru2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here who has a clue about this thing? Like when they were manufactured and such. I suspect it's an older model.
I have the chance to get this thing for basically free but I can't find too much info on it.
It does have an RGB input but it's pretty inconvenient since it only takes it via an 8 Pin DIN with separate sync so I'd have to whip something up for it.
Either make a separator circuit or rewire the inside since the sync does get combined on the inside anyways.
The look ff it is pretty awesome though.

>> No.4454914

Looks like it's from ~1983 https://www.radiomuseum.org/r/jvc_1_inch_videorgb_monitor_t.html found a service manual for it here https://elektrotanya.com/jvc_tm-90psn-k_sm.pdf/download.html Looks like it would accept combined sync on the H pin depending on the position of the sync switch. The RGB input is digital for TTL levels, with a circuit that goes directly to the CRT drive board, so not usable for analogue signals.

>> No.4454942

I doubt there's any way to repurpose this monitor for RGB right?
From what I just read RGB TTL seems be somewhat linked to CGA.
Damn and this monitor looked so nice...

>> No.4454958

Could be done by designing an amplifier for it to get the levels right, but not easy. Looks like modifying for PAL S-video could be done.

>> No.4454961
File: 95 KB, 1275x749, circuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse my idiocy but could something like this theoretically work?

>> No.4454967

Yes, but that's probably even harder than just doing the custom amplifier on the RGB lines.

>> No.4454986
File: 2.61 MB, 3120x4160, C423C404-CBBD-4FCB-849D-EB4B6F295E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has come up free in my area, looks really old. There’s no mention but do you think it’s black and white? I can’t find any information on it.

The make is “Tashiko”

>> No.4454990
File: 13 KB, 476x173, circuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in the end what the crt board receives in the end is Luma and the differences between R, G & B to that, right?
Isn't that kind of like YPbPr?

>> No.4454994
File: 9 KB, 300x227, Fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this shit introduce any artifacts or lag?
Should I use this fucker with my old gaymer pc as a retro machine or should I use my old vaio laptop that has direct VGA output?

>> No.4455000

That little 3 color badge on the front would typically indicate a color model; looks cute, would pick up if I were in your shoes.

>> No.4455003

That's going to be DVI-A to VGA, which is to say it's not converting anything so no lag.

>> No.4455005

>do you think it’s black and white?
The red, green and blue emblem plus the "colour" control would suggest otherwise.

Looks pretty low-rent though.

>> No.4455006

tiny, low-rent, consumer sets are pretty much the best for NES.

>> No.4455008

Will it harm the image quality in any way?

>> No.4455013
File: 420 KB, 1500x844, dvi_vga_fmAdaptor_back_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's straight analog to analog; it will look exactly the same as VGA. You should make sure your GPU actually supports DVI-A though.

>> No.4455020

It does, I just wanted to know since I found this old vaio laptop that has direct vga output. But I don't think it can handle retroarch running at 120FPS + BFI. So I'm just gonna buy the cpu cooler and psu and use my old gaymer PC even though it's a little bigger than I'd like to.

>> No.4455035

Sounds like a plan to me, hombre.

>> No.4455038

Yep, also got a 15" Trinitron monitor so it's gonna be fun

>> No.4455078

nice, looks great anon!

>> No.4455103

Doesnt matter if the crt is flat or curved lightgun games still work. Its non crts that have the problem.

>> No.4455108

Id pay 50-60 bucks if it included the tv stand

>> No.4455115
File: 39 KB, 278x495, IMG_2928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My knowledge of good CRTs is close to none, but I found this cheap Sony Trinitron near my place that they are giving away. I'm a yuro and I'd be hooking it up to a jap Saturn. Is this model worth a shot?

>> No.4455118
File: 44 KB, 660x370, IMG_2927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a frontal picture. I especially wanted a 4:3 so I wouldn't need to worry about aspect ratio as I play my 16:9 on HDTV anyway.

>> No.4455129

>not 100hz
looks good, go for it

>> No.4455145

What's wrong with 100 hz? Did they have meme 50 hz screens with interlacing even then?

>> No.4455150

no lightgun, no scanlines, processing lag, pretty sure scrolling artifacts also.

>> No.4455172

And this isn't one of them? Great. One reason I'm getting it is for House of the Dead.

>> No.4455276

How's the emulation quality on Wii VC games? Lotsa NES and SNES games I'd like to play but I'd prefer not to shell out $150+ just to experience Earthbound on a CRT.

>> No.4455854

Not very good. I can't recommend just making an investment in an SD2SNES enough, ever since I got one I don't play SNES games any other way

>> No.4455895

SD2SNES is not 100% though.

>> No.4456091

Those tubes are awesome. That's a good find, I really prefer the curved trinitrons. Too bad they normally have S-video or composhit here

>> No.4456103

What would cause a Super Famicom to show washed out colours compared to a Wii? Both through RGB. I thought it was the CRT but the Wii looks so much better.

>> No.4456118

not sure if it's like the 2050RA1, but pull out the remote board and make sure the dip switch has 480p enabled.

>> No.4456123
File: 208 KB, 1600x1200, sharp-monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharp made professional monitors. I've seen some from the mid-late 80s.

>> No.4456174

You can just install the homebrew channel and have a totally acceptable 240p experience. The emulation isn't perfect, but for RPGs you're not going to be REEEEEing about accuracy, in my experience.

>> No.4456176

Thanks, anon, I've been enjoying it. Took me awhile to figure out what the best way to make use of my limited space would be. And I don't typically care about cable management, but that's my biggest issue with it as it currently stands...

>> No.4456283
File: 3.81 MB, 4160x3120, 1211170226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, working on a Trinitron, 36 inch model.
Anon from another thread told me to take it here and see if you guys could help out.
So, got a power issue. I get the 2 flashes from the red light on the front, and the screen doesn't come on. When you hear power it up, you get the Degauss buzz but no visual pops up whatsoever and no audio either.
Chances are most likely the issue is on the powerboard, but was just wondering before I hunt down where the issue is, if any of you had any suggestions or if anyone else had already seen this problem and had a general area they would look in before fixing it.
As I said in the other thread, I can take more pics and show whatever section I need to if that helps any anons. Otherwise, Monday morning is my first day of vacation til the end of the year and I'll be sitting down to figure this out.

>> No.4456542

for me its the 2chip sfc. Has it all. Cheap price, good video, nice fuzzy blurry effect like a warm blankie or maybe kitty fur if you will. Get a toasty cup of hot soup and curl up with some nintendo games imo. thanks.

>> No.4456558

Yes! This is the second time I've had to be "refurnished" with this image. Thanks, I'll make sure to save it somewhere safer now.

>> No.4457319

is it bad to change resolution a lot in a computer CRT? I use different resolutions depending on the game.

>> No.4457390

they're literally designed to do that

>> No.4458038

Was that the rare DINItron listing?
Yeah, that is a good set. I mean, it has RGB.

>> No.4458042
File: 2.18 MB, 1844x1383, IMG_20171213_022441239[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 S-Video looks pretty good, is it even worth modding for RGB?

>> No.4458043

>no scanlines
100HZ necessarily doesn't mean that. I have a 100HZ set and it supports progressive 240p with scanlines.
Blurry scrolling and processing lag is a thing, though the lag only impacts lightgun games. It only works half the time.

>> No.4458046
File: 531 KB, 2048x1536, television.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4458043 (You)
I see it as a trade off. I'd gladly have the ever so slight blur than to have to stand the irritating 50hz flicker.

>> No.4458139

pvm looks like indie pixel shit

>> No.4458202
File: 2.24 MB, 2160x2160, 20171213_141128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got my own PVM and I connected it to a Wii using a RCA cable.
The image is green and I have no sound.
The model is PVM-2044QM.
I'll post another picture with the backside.

>> No.4458205
File: 1.17 MB, 2160x2160, 20171213_141222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4458235

Oh my god lmao. You are a complete moron hahahahahahah. The average pvmeme baby everyone lmaoooo

>> No.4458239


>> No.4458246
File: 15 KB, 235x215, 9B3A358E-B5FA-4EB1-B448-11B530B1DE2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guse me got pvm wat i do now

>> No.4458254

Try plugging that composite lead into LINE VIDEO A instead of the GREEN channel, homeslice. And you're also plugging your right channel audio feed into the RED channel, your PVM is mono, so leave that one out of the equation. Set your Wii to MONO in Sound Settings.

>> No.4458310

Don't listen to this guy. If you do this is will RUIN YOUR PVM.

>> No.4458338

kek, give the dude a break. If no one helps him, it's just another PVM going unused. I'd rather see one be used than not, even by a n00b.

>> No.4458378

Seriously. Its ridiculous that you are trying to ruin his brand new PVM. It's extremely dangerous to mess around with the plugs on these things, they will kill you

>> No.4458393

My PAL SNES is modified with a 60hz switch, would I need to buy NTSC or PAL RGB cables?

>> No.4458396

Perhaps your cable is missing 220uf capacitors?

These filter out the DC offset present on the RGB output which would cause the signal to be overdriven and appear too bright.

>> No.4458402
File: 69 KB, 276x328, 1400419395950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such thing as PAL RGB but you definitely want one made for EU consoles unless you happen to think injecting 12v into the sync line is a good idea...

>> No.4458652

I swear I did all that at first and got no image and no sound. Then again I played with it after my night shift wile I was in zombie mode. That combo was the only one that got me image AND sound.
Gonna try again in a bit and tell you guys how it goes.

>> No.4458675

Well it works now.
I guess I am a retard.
Thanks dudes.

>> No.4458679

Do you think you could do a modicum of research into the equipment you purchased next time

>> No.4458694

I did. I got the service manual, been reading some threads and forums about it about how to set it up an all that. But my dumb move was trying to plug the console in the Analog RGB/component slots. That's where it seemed to go, after doing that and seeing I have no picture or sound I messed around with it until I got something.
Finally I said fuck it and asked here.
Anyway the image is a bit off and the colours are all over the place so I'm gonna mess with those now and see where I get.

>> No.4458701


Theres no way that this isn't just trolling

>> No.4458702

nigga you put an audio cable into the video input

>> No.4458708

Believe it anon, I wasn't trolling at all.
Does it help if I say I didn't know which one was the audio cable?

>> No.4458713

You’re the one who made a fool of himself. It was obvious.

>> No.4458721
File: 2.04 MB, 843x1078, sears 2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked up this 28" sears set, the guy who sold it to me claimed that sears just slapped their logo onto crts from different japanese brands, he said probably panasonic, misubishi or even sony but I find it sort of hard to believe.

what do you guys think? this is n64 hooked up with s video

>> No.4458723

Even more hilarious is that he thinks he’s getting RGB now.

>> No.4458724

a shit, the picture got all fucked up when I resized it

>> No.4458727

Fair enough.

>> No.4458731

Oh my fucking god, this is gold.

Anon, plug the yellow cable into Video A or Video B's input. The red and white cables go to your speakers or receiver. You're trying to use composite on your Component/RGB inputs.

Go buy a set of cheap Wii component cables to replace those shitty composite cables. You have an RGB capable PVM so you really should be using component or RGB if at all possible.

Did you do absolutely any research on what you bought?

>> No.4458768

Already got it working thanks to the other kind anon but thanks anyway.
Yes I did a bit of research but I didn't pay much attention to the cables, only got some BNC connectors so that they would fit, yes I know component is apparently better, I will get a new one in due time, for now I'm happy it's working.

>> No.4458809

Aside from the resizing banding, it looks great man. The color is vibrant, and the geometry appears to be solid.

>> No.4459041
File: 289 KB, 2048x1358, A2FC5FAA-30EB-4B7C-AB32-543C7EE67F70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these connections on a CRT monitor?

>> No.4459043


>> No.4459046

v-sync, h-sync, blue, green, red

>> No.4459245

and it supports sync on green by the looks of it

>> No.4459267

and c-sync.

>> No.4459389
File: 52 KB, 668x547, BC49B6C1-CA5E-4A10-B236-388D32E1F850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m going to make an educated guess that you’re under 18

>> No.4459391

Take the back cover off with just a few screws and the tube manufacturer will be on there somewhere

>> No.4459737
File: 309 KB, 960x1108, IMG_9054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking pictures of a CRT screen is as hard as ever.

>> No.4460063

the nvidia video driver seems to disable my CRU custom resolutions at random times. sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt.
For example, today i opened GeforcE Experience and i heard the "USB unplugged" sound and it removed my resolutions so i had to restart, but other days i dont touch anything at all and it removes them anyway. How can i fix this?
Using latest nvidia drivers, Geforce 970, CRU 1.3

>> No.4460517

That happens to me too and I use an AMD card. The only solution I've found is retstarting the graphics drivers with the "restart" executable that comes packaged with CRU

>> No.4460527

I've never even played a video game but I just bought a sony PVM and an ikea stand. Can someone tell me the best angle to take pictures of this for reddit?

>> No.4460560

How's that consumer set treating you, anon?

>> No.4460676

This ought to get you on the right track, anon

>> No.4460778
File: 2.79 MB, 4288x3216, PC240001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute new in /crt/, so please don't bully.

At the moment I am trying to figure out with those TV I've acquired in some span of time.
top right: LG RZ-21FD15RX
bottom: LG RE-29FA33PX
top left: Samsung CK-3351A (just recently)

I don't know really shit about quality aspects of those CRTs, but all I can tell is that:
- So far, both on the top are good enough for me and played on them so far without problem.

- The bottom one, however does have an issues which
-- I don't know how it is called, Let say, that screen is not that stable and whole display is very slightly shaking. In the end display is slightly blurry, but it does not difficult reception, despite triggering my autism.
-- The display is either expanded beyond screen border (on NES) or slightly moved to left (SNES). This occurs both on RF and AV mode (both SCART and RCA)
-- This does not replicate on top right TV.
-- NOTE: The menu screen though is absolutely fine, being sharp on the edges and does not "shake" at all.

I understand, that first I need to dust off those TVs, as they were never open in their lifespan as far I know.

>> No.4461676
File: 177 KB, 640x593, C7C1495E-50B8-4755-BCAC-A131A256EBEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this looks guys?
Btw if I'm in spain, where can I get RGB cables for my PS2 and Wii? Maybe from some UK web and they would send it to me?

>> No.4461696


Go for it. That particular model has the fe-2 chassis which I’ve read is one of the best for Trinitrons.

>> No.4461719

You mean Virtual Console? They are just perfect as far as I know, and emulating SNES on RetroArch it's great, even games like Yoshi Island run perfectly

>> No.4461812 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 3984x2988, 20171214_222320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guys.

>> No.4461819
File: 1.62 MB, 2000x2667, 1513315574653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guys.

>> No.4462214

How much did you pay?

>> No.4462229

I was going through OP's pastebins, but a phrase "LG" never appeared.
So I assume, that either they are beyond the league or are just hardly mentioned here.

>> No.4462357

Very nice, is that a 20"?

>> No.4462498

Anyone? please respond

>> No.4462523

>- The display is either expanded beyond screen border (on NES) or slightly moved to left (SNES). This occurs both on RF and AV mode (both SCART and RCA)

Sounds like you need to adjust the horizontal and vertical positioning via the service menu. I'm not sure how to get into the service menu for LG CRTs.

>-- I don't know how it is called, Let say, that screen is not that stable and whole display is very slightly shaking. In the end display is slightly blurry, but it does not difficult reception, despite triggering my autism.

What console is this happening with and how is it hooked up. Are these SD or HD CRTs?

>> No.4462528
File: 565 KB, 1728x2304, IMG_20171215_100326672-1728x2304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I picked up this cutie today. It's really cool, and surprisingly well-equiped. I can't figure out what the computer connection does, but it's definitely rca and NOT composite. The bnc connector is composite, though, pretty advanced for 1981. The guy gave me this cable with it that goes from bnc to a DIN and a 3.5mm, which I think must have been for daisy-chaining the signal to another unit or something, not quite sure.
The tv also has dials for picture, brightness, sharpness, etc. Overall I'm incredibly happy with it, especially because the picture hasn't deteriorated at all.

>> No.4462536

got pics of the computer connection?

>> No.4462575

You mean there is hidden menu? I could try some googlefu.

>shaking issue
I've found on pilot "still image" function. After triggering it, the image is "frozen" and is NOT shaking.
On NES I've tried via RF (channel 3), RCA, SCART.
For reference, on smaller LG display is "stable".

Lemme check on SNES.

>> No.4462593

On SNES is ditto.

FYI. Both SNES and NES are PAL.
The issued TV is 100Hz.
Not sure if this implies something here.

>> No.4462598
File: 398 KB, 1600x1200, PC250006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to enter service menu
>press OK both on RC and TV for 10 secs
>or MENU button

Time for more googlefu.
Perhaps someone here knows this parameters by chance?

>> No.4462630
File: 1.59 MB, 1999x1654, B8D9210D-97FC-4469-859C-8299175823C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m hoping someone here can help me with this because I haven’t been able to find anything by searching, probably because I don’t know the right terminology. I have a Samsung GX and I’ve got these four pixels going through the black border of my TV. I don’t know if I messed something up in the settings or if they’ve always been there and I just didn’t notice before. Anyone know what’s causing it or if/how I can get rid of them?

>> No.4462638

I'm pretty sure those are just a normal thing.

>> No.4462654


Fill them with a marker

>> No.4462658

I was thinking that could be the case too but I just now noticed them so I wasn't sure.
kek Im actually considering it

>> No.4462661

They're normal, used to set overscan.

>> No.4462684

100% this

>> No.4462837
File: 1000 KB, 2592x3456, IMG_20171215_144649843-2592x3456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There she is. It's definitely rca, and it connects to the vhf/uhf inline with the antenna, but connecting with composite didn't get me a signal. Maybe I have to tune it to a certain channel, or maybe it's some obsolete coax connection.

>> No.4462870

It's RF.

You need to tune it on the tv.

>> No.4462892

Those things are common as fuck. How have you not been exposed to one before now?


>> No.4462904

Oh now that you mention it that is how the FC outputs rf, I don't know why I didn't put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.4462991

Can someone point me to some shielded component cables for my PS1/2? The OEM ones have become very expensive.

>> No.4463012

"Retro console accessories" on eBay, she only has her store open in the morning.
Alternatively retrogamingcables out of the uk.

Or build them

>> No.4463015

Nevermind, that's for rgb cables.
For component, I don't know, maybe Monster cables?

>> No.4463185

Colorado as well. I also have a 27fv300 but I give it love and attention

>> No.4463189
File: 1.09 MB, 1536x1536, 20171215_145738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some bootleg RGB cables for Sega Genesis to use on my Ikegami HTM1505R. :o

>> No.4463195

every crt i find is too big, i only want a 14 inch one.

>> No.4463203

anything under 32 inches can be dumped at best buy, and is capable of being moved by one person.

>> No.4463207
File: 49 KB, 632x775, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent last 4 hours adjusting vertical & horizontal size on 240p test suite
>Used a tape measure to make sure squares were square & circles were circles
>Still nt certain if it's perfect due to overscan area

This is hell. With NES I think I have it as good as possible, but then there's junk data showing up on the sides that really makes me think I should adjust it. Is that normally visible on a CRT?

>> No.4463221

I dont think you realize how small that really is

>> No.4463235

how the fuck did that take you 4 hours? and that's normal for NES.

>> No.4463248

I've had 21" and 14" i dont have the space for anything larger than the 14" and it is fine for my needs.

>> No.4463641


I used to have a 14" set up next to my PC that is really convenient and not too much desk space required. The extra sharpness of the smaller pixels is nice and there is no trouble seeing what's on the screen if you are only a few feet away.

But for pure comfy, gotta go 32"

>> No.4463752

gorgeous, I'd love to get an HTM1505. Have you opened the chassis to identify the tube? I have TM15-70R and I'm wondering just how similar it is considering they're both late run Ikegami monitors.

>> No.4463816

$1 for the one on the top and $20 for the one on the bottom.

Yeah, it's a 20L5.

>> No.4463895

I am devastated.

Local recycler had a Trinitron security monitor for $15 and someone bought it before i could get it.

Was pretty much like a pvm but with just S-video

>> No.4463904

SSM-14n5u was the model number.

>> No.4463913
File: 308 KB, 1025x515, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a joke?

>> No.4463935

Why do think it is a joke?

>> No.4463937

Anyone here own a jvc xeye? I just bought one recently and it doesnt have an av out only composite out. From what i have seen online it should have an av out for genesis scart but it doesnt. Any other way to get it to use anything other than composite or did i waste $200

>> No.4463941
File: 111 KB, 640x480, 9ssdac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this during my two second Google search. Does yours not have the A/V out like on this one?

>> No.4463963

A 9 inch, composite only monitor for $100

That is stupid.

>> No.4463982


Buy monster cables on ebay. I don't think PS1 outputs component, svideo is the best it does. If you haunt ebay, you can find the svideo and component monster cables for like $15 or less. I got a mislabled set or component (called them svideo) for like $8 shipped.

They are damn good cables, I autistically bought like 4 sets for backups or for multiple systems.

>> No.4463983


get the fat purple ones

>> No.4464048

My 46HX850 stole its limelight. Once I get more space I’ll bring it back out.

>> No.4464082

Not a joke, just Australia. Slap PVM on the front of a CRT and charge tens times what anyone in their right mind would pay.

>> No.4464153

That DIN cable is likely some form of RGB, otherwise I don't see why it would have 5 pins. My commodore monitor uses a DIN cable for analog RGB. Take some pics of the back

>> No.4464158

nvm its RF

>> No.4464187
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x2268, 20171216_053926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see it doesnt have that

>> No.4464190

you got ripped off mate.

>> No.4464191

I found a Sony Trinitron model number KV-21T1D close to me for cheap. It has only one RGB SCART input but I can deal with with that. I'm not familiar with the model, is it good?

>> No.4464192

its a trinitron with scart,. its better than what 70% of /vr/ has

>> No.4464203

it's fake then

>> No.4464284

Well time to see if i can refund it or sell it to another sucker like me

>> No.4464321

Adding the ports yourself isn't too hard either

>> No.4464431

Depends on the TV really but 14-25 inches is the ideal screen size IMO.

>> No.4464639

just found this :
>For AV, it's the same. There are three flavors of JVC X'Eye output: RCA + DIN, DIN only, RCA only.
sorry m8y

>> No.4464647

14" Toshiba here. I love mine. Sitting right on my desk next to my computer.

>> No.4464681

Haven't been in there yet but will eventually.

>> No.4464981

>Some dumb fucker posts an ad for an s-video only 20" JVC (without even expansion port)
>200€, no bargaining
>Obviously doesn't sell
>3 months later, reposts the ad
>300€, no bargaining

I swear, people are stupid...

>> No.4465027

Craigslist is so stale right now . It's the same people listing the same overpriced shit that doesn't sell over and over.

>> No.4465090

As bad as Facebook is, marketplace is decent. casuals more inclined to sell cheaper.

>> No.4465234


Literally the exact same old shit for the past year. Nothing good at all. I honestly think Craigslist is dead

>> No.4465619
File: 97 KB, 1290x789, circuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I did end up getting that old JVC tm-90psn crt.
It sadly only has inputs for composite and digital RGB.
I'm still investigating on how I could be able to get it to eat analog RGB and I've found some pointers online but before I'm gonna start putting anything together I'd like to hear if anyone here has a better idea on how to pull it off.
For this to work I'm gonna have to feed the CRT socket board my own signals. Unfortunately it does not take RGB directly so I'm gonna need a circuit that takes my RGB signal, converts it to Luma, Green - Luma (G-Y), Red - Luma (R-Y), Blue - Luma (B-Y) and then feeds it into that board.
I don't really have any experience in designing circuits nor could I find a circuit example for this exact purpose online.
Only thing I did find was this http://www.linear.com/solutions/1321 but I'm still not sure this would work and parts would be pretty costly.
Anyone here who could point me in the right direction?

>> No.4465623
File: 200 KB, 1907x1654, circuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture.
This is the right one.

>> No.4465640

can't you use RGB inputs at the bottom ?
Do you have the rest of scematics to see how composite gets decoded ?
Might be worth to ask at Shmups forum, in RGB convert thread.

>> No.4465645
File: 155 KB, 2115x1221, circuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think I might ask there as well.
I do have the schematics https://mega.nz/#!34UQVaRL!r_NtWO_WvBVMdq78GbY7z6yN_tcWorGenCXluLnmtK4
The RGB inputs on the bottom are the RGB TTL inputs, so feeding analog RGB through that shouldn't work, right?

>> No.4465648


CRT's are just generally becoming extinct in the wild. I don't think there is an active market anywhere for them.

>> No.4465675

hmm, might actually be able to use RGB after the AND gates ? Would need confirm but maybe...

>> No.4465993
File: 335 KB, 338x600, $_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i get this?

Its just some random chinese brand but it has YPBPR and s-video.

there isnt much else around

>> No.4466020

You could probably hook into the RGB connection from the DVD player.

>> No.4466027
File: 169 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This only has composite, but thats ok since i mostly just play NES, but its flat screen so i'm a bit concerned.

>> No.4466031

model is KV-PF14M40

>> No.4466071
File: 124 KB, 749x999, s-l1600 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so cute.

>> No.4466094
File: 198 KB, 984x646, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it has a place for RGB SCART on the circuit board, i need to find the UK/EU model schematics to see how it's wired.

>> No.4466148

The RGB, blank signals on CN307 you see there are connected to the procesor's OSD output, you'd need to cut the connection to that to use it as RGB video input instead, and would lose the ability to see the OSD.

>> No.4466152

looks like someone already did the mod to this exact model


>> No.4466279
File: 89 KB, 640x640, 13696851_1672845456372766_223709300_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be a common model

>> No.4466292
File: 3.25 MB, 3236x2211, 20171112_093804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4466303

Aren't those lines digital? How would that work?
The space in that monitor is crammed as fuck so I'd prefer not randomly doing stuff.
How do you come to that idea?

>> No.4466326

the AND gates give a logic signal, but it still goes through a buffer/amp transistor before going to the neck. So analog RGB after the AND gates might work, if someone manages to calculate min-max values.
Kinda like OSD hacks, pretty sure OSD RGB values are akin to digital RGB and yet feeding analog RGB often works.

>> No.4466380

Ok, sounds promising.
So should I solder right to the outputs of the and-gate chip like pictured or after the amp transistors also on the picture?

>> No.4466382
File: 66 KB, 1163x795, circuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, I forgot the image. Sorry

>> No.4466557
File: 699 KB, 540x524, kermit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 inches
lol you PVM fags will do anything to justify those tiny screens

>> No.4466564
File: 20 KB, 534x534, spiderman-boss-laughing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see: >>4466557

>> No.4466616
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>> No.4466647

Why would the DVD player be wired for RGB when DVDs are encoded for component?

>> No.4466660

i only enjoy gaming on things i overpaid for

t. collectorfag

>> No.4466665

nice set up. i hope you paid $0 for these like a true patrician.

>> No.4466668

I have a question, it's about a rgb modded sega master system 2, but it relates to CRT. I'm hoping someone here is experienced at this.

So I have a SMS 2, it was modded the old way, with wires coming off of the cxa1145, resistors and capacitors then going to the output jack. It worked perfectly, though had some faint jailbars.

I decided to use an arcadetv board on it to get rid of jailbars. I used https://circuit-board.de/forum/index.php/Thread/21345-TUT-Master-System-2-RGB-Bypass-updated/ and https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/115948745418514736250/albums/6081335376801653137 to hook it up.

I have output/votage at each of the r, g, b, csync, and audio at the output jack. When I hook it up to my crt I have no picture, but I do have sound. I also have continuity to the ground.

Basically, it appears I have output at every pin that should have, yet there is no picture. Does anyone have any ideas what to check?

If worse comes to worse I can always re install the old style mod, but I'd like to use this arcadevga style as it's supposed to get rid of jailbars. Thanks for any info/ideas.

>> No.4466678

Just picked up a HUGE monitor from a brand called ADI that just shows up in CRU as "ADI5850 - ADI GS120A-1"
It only seems to show image if i have my dual setup in "duplicate" mode.
What can i do? Win7

>> No.4466702

>other people on the internet have way more games then me
>but they game on HDTV
Hehe jokes on you fuckers. I only play my original games on original unmodded consoles on the correct TV for that time period. Sorry y'all don't have as refined taste as me. Better luck next time.. ASSFAGGOTS

>> No.4466717

can i get a retard-proof guide on adding custom resolutions for a CRT through CRU on PC ? i know the basic maths to calculate the max and min refresh rate, but i dont know if i should use an extension block or wich of them or what!! >~<

>> No.4466758
File: 1.34 MB, 1382x1037, IMG_20171217_200856328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried what you told me.
Couldn't get it to work. Neither by connecting directly after the and-gates, nor by connecting directly to the output header on the PCB.

Only time I could ever get a picture was when I connected my sync line directly to one of the color lines, which gave me a fullbright color image with sync-flickering but I was able to make out some details. I doubt that's gonna bring me any closer to my goal though.

Do you have any other ideas? I already posted on the shmups forums but it needs to get approved by a moderator first.

>> No.4466779

>t. 4k TV owner

>> No.4466784
File: 3.43 MB, 2074x1555, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's what the composite output looks like if anyone cares.
Not a professional photo by any means but eh...

>> No.4466790

Is a KV-29FX66E a good option to buy? I like almost everything about it (3 SCART sockets, 1 S-Video socket, NTSC decoder), but the lack of component video is somewhat scary to me. It seems like I can find a Trinitron either with SCART or with component.

>> No.4466869


CRT monitors are not plug-n-play

You need to find the .inf file somewhere that has the monitor presets in it.

Why you are using a CRU is beyond me

>> No.4466874



>> No.4466906

Very informative post, thank you.

>> No.4467051

>buy ADI G1000 monitor
>expect amazing PC gaming at 1920x1440
>connect it and turn the PC on
>turns on, black screen
>check in my second monitor other resolutions
>works in 1280x1024 and below
why is this happening
also where can i find the inf file for this? ADI doesnt make CRTs anymore

>> No.4467151 [DELETED] 


>> No.4467173
File: 91 KB, 777x582, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to fix Geometry & Linearity on a PVM. Did they ever make one of those suction cup probes for a 20M2MDU? I know they did for some BVMs, but if I can just plug one into a PVM to have it fix all my issues automatically that wuld be fantastic. Does ayone know what I'm talking about? I can't find any online for sale & don't know if they're just really rare or I'm searching the wrong terms.

>> No.4467270

specs would be helpful.

>> No.4467275

They're really rare
They don't work on a PVM
They only fix colour balance, not geometry

>> No.4467280

use bnc or remove edid pin

>> No.4467340
File: 13 KB, 338x395, fuck fuck fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They only fix colour balance, not geometry

Someone really needs to post a guide on calibrating a PVM step by step. I've tried measuring squares with a tape measure with the 240p test suite, & even after making them all the same size by changing V & H size I still get slight scrolling issues.

>> No.4467382

A couple of the people you're responding to are talking consumer sets, not even PVMs. And, if you're using it for a desk setup, 14'' may not be ideal, but it is certainly enough. 20'' is nicer even on a desk, and sort of needed if you're gonna sit further back though.

It's also possible that either your GPU has "Ignore EDID" set in the options somewhere and as such is just using Window's default monitor config. If you didn't start the computer up with the monitor attached already, turn it off and try that. If it's still not working you may have to actually download the specific INF for the monitor or edit an existing one.

BNC is liable to get them back to the same point and force them back to just using the fallback INF file since the OS won't know what the fuck it'll take. Depending on what GPU/software they're using, they may be able to just manually tell the system what the monitor will accept and it will populate options up to those limits. Newer Catalyst (for pre-GCN, ~15.xxx) will do this to some extent, as well older Catalyst(~9.x?) via the "Force" option, though the latter is a bit more limited in regards to what combinations it'll allow.

Adjusting horizontal and vertical size for a static image isn't going to adjust for linearity. They're things that need to be adjusted separately.

You're not wrong that a calibration guide would be nice though.

>> No.4467389

>BNC is liable to get them back to the same point and force them back to just using the fallback INF file since the OS won't know what the fuck it'll take.
if there's no edid, it won't use any .inf since it cannot detect it obviously.
Each time I used BNC or DVI-VGA with edid pin removed, it allowed me to set any res.

>> No.4467393

Someone in the Discord was actually having that exact issue regarding going directly to BNC with an FW900 and it only offering them basic resolution options; Switching to VGA so EDID would be passed solved the issue for the most part.
It wouldn't be surprising if it's because the monitor is quite well known and W7 was able to just pull the proper info from WU where it can't for the ADI, but it's not a guaranteed fix.

>> No.4467570

Either would work, you'd need to design an amplifier to get the voltage levels right.

>> No.4467749
File: 393 KB, 409x597, nani kore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adjusting horizontal and vertical size for a static image isn't going to adjust for linearity.

Well how the hell DO you adjust for Linearity then? Clearly I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing then.

>> No.4467803


We used to have one similar to this but it was silver. composite only but I was 8 and didnt really care, It let me play my mega drive in peace.

>> No.4467917

The grid scroll thing in 240p test suite is ideal

>> No.4468230

What are the best flat-screen PVMs/BVMs?

>> No.4468239

only found a specs page in CNET website, and i saw CNET show wrong specs in the past.
not sure what BNC is

>> No.4468245

>not sure what BNC is
someone is going to have a field day directing their autistic anger at you for not knowing something, but...

they're the connectors that twist and lock on. used on PVMs. just google it

>> No.4468267


which do you prefer?

>> No.4468373
File: 53 KB, 750x557, lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do factory reset on pvm to fix geometry & linearity
>somehow it works & things no longer change size when scrolling
>but now colors aren't as vivid

God help me, I didn't write down the RGB levels in the service menu. I wrote down everything else, but not the color levels. How hard is it to adjust color intensity in 240p test suite? Changing color temperatures helped, but it's still not as vivid as before, even with contrast all the way up.

>> No.4468409

I paid 50 bucks for a TV like that with 15$ delivery and it felt overpriced. With the stand it's a somewhat better deal.

>> No.4468413
File: 558 KB, 1600x1200, 20171218_114002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i set my ADI G1000 to its native res (1920x1440@75 Hz) this happens:

The highest res i can pick without this wierd shit is 1280x1024 wich works fine.
How to fix?

>> No.4468414

>tfw bitch selling a tv on gumtree blocks your number for asking to see the TV working,

>> No.4468420

Running a custom resolution? If so, try longer hsync width, possibly swap hsync polarity.

>> No.4468427

no. its literally the stock resolution
i will try, thanks

>> No.4468437
File: 100 KB, 1136x538, E93EA76A-BD11-4304-B051-F30918F067A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this a bit further up and was told this connection was BNC.

Does that mean that with an adapter I could connect Scart RGB or component sources?

>> No.4468564

Most likely no, SD video including SCART is ~15kHz horizontal refresh rate, which most VGA monitors can't handle. It's RGB, not component, although you could use 480p, 720p or 1080i component sources through a transcoder.

>> No.4468824

this display accepts sync on green, and rgbs and rgbhv. It's likely not a multiformat that'll accept 15khz signals, but only one way to find out for sure.

>> No.4468954

Do DisplayPort female to VGA female adapters exist ? I can't find any. Because I would like to keep analog length to a minimum.

>> No.4468981


>> No.4468982 [DELETED] 

you did read...

>> No.4468984

You didn't quite read...

>> No.4468986

Add this https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Leader-DisplayPort-Female-Coupler/dp/B0728JTD95

>> No.4469281

Got it today for 30€, previous owner even had the original remote. I didn't expect it to accept NTSC via composite. It's time to get those RGB cables now. I'm hyped


>> No.4469316

It might be multiformat, might as well try it. I had a viewsonic VGA monitor that could accept 15 kHz signals through BNC

>> No.4469321 [DELETED] 
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, 8E43B864-307C-4115-A6A7-3995AC3A5428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4469327 [DELETED] 
File: 759 KB, 2048x1536, 9D5E597E-D150-42C7-A20B-69856D4359E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.4469335
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1957, ED2354BC-A56C-455D-9916-FA16CC49F990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4469410
File: 497 KB, 835x475, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this be better than a LCD?

>> No.4469417

Yes, no input lag.

>> No.4469419


Damn, that looks nice.

>> No.4469434
File: 619 KB, 1733x1863, IMG_20160716_204204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. It has an HDMI port and apparently some people on here say that it causing input lag on a/v inputs. Although I haven't noticed any difference from my older CRT

>> No.4469456


I have that exact model but the HDMI port is dead. I have no idea how to fix it, google has failed me, and I've been too lazy to take it apart and troubleshoot.

>> No.4469585

It is one of those 100Hz sets?

Btw my KV-21LT1E has this issue where it will only turn on with remotes I I press it two times, I think this is making it impossible to get on the service menu. Any possible fix?

>> No.4469591

Sorry I meant

*if I press the power button two times

>> No.4469613

I'll have to check when I get home. Is there a problem with the 100hz sets?

>> No.4469619

US didn't have 100hz sets, just went from SD to "HD" sets.

The **HS420(nearly positive that's what model it is) does have input lag, but it's still pretty alright for 6th Gen+ 480p stuff.

>> No.4469640

Those sets are good for watching anime but I don't like playing games on them. Everything gets upscaled to 1080i and causes input lag

>> No.4469643

A trinitron.

>> No.4469656

Free. Why pay for one when the next person that wants to get rid of it will give it out for free?
Completely normal, I had a Panasonic that had these at one point.

>> No.4469659

looks pretty decent for composite

>> No.4469668

I can confirm this. I see XBR960s and FV310s for free every once in a while. I should snatch a SFP before they stop appearing

>> No.4469684

You are thinking of the BKM-14L white calibration probe. They are only compatible with Sony monitors with input labeled "option" on the fronf. They were really expensive and most people didn't care about them when they came out, so there are very few out there, making them go for $500+ on ebay these days. It only adjusts colors and won't help with geometry.

More info here: http://pdf.crse.com/manuals/3859002051.pdf

>> No.4469691

This but unironically

>> No.4469742

wow tht looks fantasic ^^

>> No.4470008

I'm tempted to get a 960 as well, just because of the SFP tube but I really think I'd be better off focusing on pro monitors.

>> No.4470428

>Color temperature
Just try to keep that bang in the middle, don't shoot for too hot or cold.
>Color intensity
Honestly, aside from pulling up the RGB palettes on 240, using a game you KNOW is really helpful for calibrating colors. I always do that for PC monitors with tint settings. My go to games are SMB and Majoras Mask.

>> No.4470625

Is a 60 mile round trip too far to go pick up a composite only PVM for $15??

>> No.4470627

Guys, I already own the 20" and 27" Sony XBR's that take rgb, and I just found another on OfferUp. Do I go for it?

>> No.4470784

Hey guys what do you guys think of the Samsung tx-r2435. Its the only crt i have. Is it a decent one or should i toss it.

>> No.4471049


>> No.4471054

I'm a big fan of the PVM and BVM models

>> No.4471056

No reason to toss your only CRT, hombre. Maybe when you find a better one sure, but not beforehand.

>> No.4471059

no, it's not even worth it to pick up a composite only anything

get a curved glass trinitron

>> No.4471065
File: 1.75 MB, 2592x1936, rockman fc comp pvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not awful if it's in good shape (and if a 60-mile round trip is pretty standard in the area you live). Depends on what you want to play on it. There's a lot of anti-composite shittery like >>4471059 in this general, but if you're primiarily playing NES or something, they're great. I have a composite/S-video only PVM and it looks fantastic, certainly better than a consumer set. I got it for free from my last job, so I didn't spend on it, but I don't hate having it around.

>> No.4471085

If you are only going to use composite why bother with a PVM? That's retarded

>> No.4471086

Higher TVL, and if the price is right (free or slightly more than free), why not?

>> No.4471091

Because some systems only output composite and a PVM/BVM handles it better than any other display.

That said, I would never buy a composite *only* PVM because that means it's a security monitor and screenburned to fuckery.

>> No.4471160
File: 1.20 MB, 1535x2148, 32508E94-049E-4DCE-8FED-059D349A4EF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471358


>> No.4471359

A PVM probably has a better Composite image that a lot of consumers TVs have an RGB/Component image.

>> No.4471426

actually some pvm handle composite very poorly compared to some other monitors

>> No.4471434

only if it's a shitty tv. getting a PVM and using composite is like ordering a filet mignon and eating it with ketchup.

>> No.4471443

If your PVM has better composite than your consumer set, and you're playing a console that only generates composite video, what's the problem? There's no food metaphors to be had, you're just playing that console at its best quality, on a high quality tube.

>> No.4471448

I use composite on my PVM for stuff that doesn't have any better alternatives. NES and a VCR mostly.

It looks better than it does on my consumer TV, probably because the higher quality phosphors and the higher TVL count.

And there's the matter of games that use lots of dithering effects, mostly Genesis and PS1 games. Without the color bleed of composite video, some of these games look downright terrible in anything higher quality than composite. Silent Hill on PS1 is a good example, this game feels nauseating to me over RGB because of the dithering on the fog. Over composite, although it's not nearly as sharp, the fog looks way better.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are times when it is appropriate to use composite video on a PVM.

>> No.4471467

pvms normally have shitty comb filters. You will get a better picture with a consumer set using composhit. buying a PVM with composite only is mouth-breathing retarded

>> No.4471484

>doesn't understand how the word 'if' works
>makes sweeping generalizations about every PVM and every consumer TV set ever made
Could you do us a favor and put on a trip?

>> No.4471620

Wouldnt it be really simple to add RGB/S-video to the composite only PVM?

>> No.4471871

The D24 and D32

>> No.4471872
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my 13 inch Zenith Space Command that I have set up on my desk next to my pc.
As you can see I have my NES in a cubby underneath the tv. Perfect for playing in my room or on my bed!
It's RF/mono only. Which IMO makes it perfect for the NES.
I'm honestly considering saving it for my first kid and giving it to him for his bedroom, NES and all.

>> No.4471876

PVM/Ikegami/production monitor dudes: what are you using as speakers?

I need to get stereo speakers that are preferably small. I wish I had the altec Lansing speakers that I had in high school right now...

>> No.4471881

I've seen pictures of BOTW gameplay on a 955. It looks like a pro IPS panel except its a CRT.

>> No.4471889

First off, I want to say that your comparison made my taste buds want to kill themselves. But second off I agree with this, I see no difference between a PVM with composite and a shitty shadow mask with composite: It will look like a bleeding mess either way. S-Video is a different story, however.

>> No.4471929
File: 467 KB, 1008x756, 20171219_191105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined the PVMeme. It's a sony PVM-20L2MD.

The picture is great. Small issue with the geometry, The left side is perfect on top and bottom, the right is like the top and bottom are slightly squashed in toward the center. Honestly it doesn't bother me as it is, but I'm gonna try to adjust it. Any ideas?

>> No.4471960
File: 1.77 MB, 2167x2890, Snapseed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472086
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, mm901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried getting Mega Man 9 and 10 on Dolphin to display as close to an actual NES Mega Man game by rendering to a proportionally downscalled window that fits on a 320x240 resolution (by setting the windowed output resolution to "fit to window", plus AutoHotkey magic to make the window borderless, centered, and resizeable without the usual Windows limitations)

It worked, looks great, but since I had to upscale the internal resolution 4x to remove the ugly softening filter of the game originally outputting at 480i, my modest "retro" setup couldn't handle it (AMD Radeon R3 on crt-emudriver) and performance dropped a lot.

Welp, at least it was possible.

>> No.4472180

KV-32FS100 a decent starter CRT? They seem to be everywhere around me and range from free to 20 bucks depending on condition of the exterior.

>> No.4472408

Turn down your sharpness. You're getting some ringing around the black outlines of the characters.

>> No.4472440

I still have our RCA television from 1992 with faux wood panels in my closet. Should I just take it to the recycling center?

>> No.4472459

Fuck no.

I would kill for a woodgrain TV.

>> No.4472471

I really don't want it. If it's something that is considered valuable then I'll see about giving it away to someone.

>> No.4472531
File: 607 KB, 1024x1024, 3C3CB047-9AAE-4495-B807-2883268F0320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$500 for this

>> No.4472536

those scanlines hurt my eyes. shoulda went consumer grade brah.

>> No.4472568

cheap shadow mask > professional aperture grille

>> No.4472575
File: 135 KB, 625x580, you poor fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What model even is that? Also NES games don't even look good enough to justify a display like that.

>> No.4472579

This what happens when you line-quadruple and use fake scan lines on a PC-CRT, folks

>> No.4472584
File: 1.47 MB, 2576x1932, 20171216_185635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a 32 inch toshiba, had to move it off the stand for something smaller because the 4k TV I got took up more space then I accounted for. Using my old insignia now, 22 inches I think, early (or mid 2000s). It looks fine , I just miss it being a bowl or whatever instead of flat.
Wondering if there is even a point to switching it out for a trinitron I find somewhere that is probably not going to be anything special and be more beat up because it will be goodwill and not something I've owned.

>> No.4472587
File: 1.36 MB, 2576x1932, 20171216_185653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this doesn't flip

>> No.4472593
File: 1.69 MB, 3984x2988, 20171219_235257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472641
File: 402 KB, 1024x768, 3EFD53D4-FBCA-4357-A7FD-2866A84FEF5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they’re fake scanlines from an nt mini on a 1080p tv. was disappointed by the incredibly basic options, though the picture quality is superb.

>> No.4472650

you can also hook up a pc full of emulators and fake scanlines to that 1080p tv.

>> No.4472678

This. They don't age well, and their sharpness makes composite look like shit imo. Worse the bigger they are, as well.

>> No.4472945

>They don't age well
>and their sharpness makes composite look like shit imo. Worse the bigger they are, as well.
I have a 560tvl PVM-2950QM which would like to have a word. It's stellar with composite.

>> No.4472980

are you getting mad about owning a meme?

>> No.4472983

A man with taste

>> No.4473023
File: 90 KB, 797x731, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be a good buy judging from the picture? I'm having sound issues with my current CRT and know nothing about TVs.

>> No.4473029

Did they ever make a bad trinitron? That's not rhetorical I'm really asking

>> No.4473050

A few of the wegas could be considered bad.

>> No.4473052

yeah lots of them have issues. i picked one up off the side of the road that didn't even work
don't fall for the sony meme

>> No.4473235

sony tubes tend to just have poor geometry and they clearly cheaped out in the quality of the small components. some of their holy grails like the gdm-fw900 come to mind. That said if you know what you're doing these things can be fixed most of the time.

I think from my experience JVC and Panasonics had far better build quality in the TV space, and NEC and Viewsonics in the PC space.

>> No.4473614

KV-M1450 (BE-4 chassis, 1995) is the worst I own, just because they used Motorola chips instead of the better TDA/TEA series chips made by Philips, ST, Siemens and many others. The RGB input is sometimes noisy like a bad RF connection and the test lines (usually hidden in the upper overscan area) to measure the autocutoff current are idiotically bright causing a white stain to appear on the top.
Another thing that could be problematic for others is that the H.Size is hardwired, it can't be simply changed in the service menu or by adjusting a trimmer on the inside.
Despite these issues it's still better than any LCD for /vr/ purposes and that's why I will keep that one around as test monitor.

>sony tubes tend to just have poor geometry and they clearly cheaped out in the quality of the small components.
Do you mean the flat "FD Trinitron" or is this just bait?

The only thing I find annoying about all their consumer TV tubes they made in the 90s is how fucking strong is yoke is mounted, I don't get it why they added the screw clamp there when the yoke alone holds itself fine. I tried really hard to pull the yoke off but chickened out because working tube is always better than a busted one and the very subtle rotation is not worth this risk.

>> No.4473740

I think that's a kv-1380r so composite only, but stereo sound and actually a great image.

>> No.4474013

Okay, thanks. Sounds like just what I'm looking for.

>> No.4474480

>Lots of them have issues
>A TV someone threw in the street didn't work
No kidding?

Not even a Sony fanboy, just seriously questioning the thought process here.

>> No.4474691

I seriously question your ability to spot blatant sarcasm.

>> No.4475019
File: 271 KB, 1125x1476, IMG_0345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a CRT cringe thread

>> No.4475189

Composite crt or my usual monitor? I fear that composite would look even worse.

>> No.4475310

What do you mean by "usual monitor"? If it's an lcd/led, then a composite crt would look much better when running 240p and 480i

>> No.4475373

Is there a guide out there or some best practices for making your own cables? Mostly interested bc my CRT has mono sound and I don't wanna have a splitter around all the time.

>> No.4475375

Never used one of those TVs before, so I don't get it.

>> No.4475454

I'm trying to figure out what the best hdcrt was, could somebody tell me the difference between the xbr960 and 970

>> No.4475695


monster brand component cables for wii are pretty cheap on ebay fyi. I think they are like $10-12 shipped. They are the white ones.

>> No.4475709


I just got a pvm, even an av (composite) modded atari 2600 looks great on it. Composite looks fine for NES, as another anon said, much better and clearer than on a consumer set. I'd say it's worth it. If nothing else you can always resale a pvm if you decide on a different one in the future.

>> No.4475712


I will be your enabler anon. Go for it! At that price you'd lose money if you don't buy it!

>> No.4475756

don't do it. you need some variety, sonyfagging is a meme

>> No.4475759

>t. redditor

>> No.4475761

Why do retards ship CRTs when they are fragile and not being made any more?

>> No.4475802

I shipped 2 CRTs and they arrived fine.

>> No.4475816
File: 383 KB, 1536x2048, 1513769007061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gaping hole where a CRT should be

>> No.4475845

Who doesn't like the Sonys? Even if you like shadow mask better you have to admit they look great.

>> No.4475847

Because redditfags think their CRTs are just as durable as the LED screens on their Samshit smartphones

>> No.4475870

Are you planning on getting one? I can’t imagine any reason why anyone would put their TV that high beyond regularly hosting house parties.

>> No.4475964

I lowered the TV down 4 inches since that pic and yes i plan on getting a CRT as soon as i can find one.

>> No.4475969

All those exposed wires is kicking my ocd into over drive.

>> No.4475972

I bought cable ties and conduit to cover them

>> No.4476171

It's me again.
I came back to embarrass myself once more, the PVM is working beautifully and I managed to get the colours right, also got a component cable as advised.

Now on to my next issue. I got a grid to set up my geometry since it's tilted but apparently I can only change it by taking it apart according to the manual and messing with some switches inside.
Did any of you guys had to work with my model? Also what should I be careful of?
Obviously I'll be extra careful since it needs to be plugged in and turned on during the operation.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.4476416
File: 63 KB, 800x600, FILE0073_zpsa0033e41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone on facebook is giving away a TV like pic related. Its 21 inch and has composite and S-video.

Anyone know about the brand Tevion?

>> No.4476417
File: 71 KB, 800x600, FILE0075_zps4ec4f795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4476825

My TV has a bad AV connection. Is there any way to fix that? No matter what cables I use, the sound goes in and out during gameplay.

>> No.4476831
File: 2.61 MB, 1769x1747, 20171222_101744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a free Sony Trinitron KV-27FV300 yesterday. Very happy with the picture quality!

>> No.4476839

just get a new TV while u still can
eventually they will all be gone

>> No.4477042
File: 43 KB, 437x900, 00808_2Cnq5aGVKa7_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this standard RGB or is this specifically for old PCs? thinking of buying

>> No.4477043

digital RGB like CGA

>> No.4477109

Some monitors accepted analog RGB over the EIAJ connector. If there is a switch for different RGB modes it might be worth trying

>> No.4477110


>> No.4477464

Minneapolis area, right? I remember that thing being overpriced

>> No.4477572


I would try re-flowing the solder on the PCB. Will need to take the back cover off the TV.

>> No.4478091

Hey, guys, I'm gonna try again with a problem I've been having. My big bet 30" crt is flawless except for a single faint vertical line just to the left of center. It's not a physical deformation, more like a distortion of the color along one line. On dark colors is unnoticeable, but on light colors you can see it clearly. It happens with all inputs. When I slap the tv it goes away and then slowly comes back. Does it have something to do with the aperture grille, maybe? Maybe a weak solder joint somewhere, but then why would it be only a small particular section of the image? Is it ground interference?

>> No.4478746

Sounds like a convergence issue. You'll need to open the set up to adjust it. Sometimes you can fix it with magnetic strips on the back of the tube and tedious trial and error. I wouldn't attempt anything with magnets unless you have a way to degauss

>> No.4478834

How do you fix fuzzy scrolling backgrounds in PS2 games? Such as Atelier or Phantasy Star generations, etc. Anytime I walk, the backgrounds seem to fuzz up until I stop.

Shit's killing me. I'm playing on a PS3 20 gig fat that's got CFW.

I thought this kind of shit wasn't reproducible on CRTs.

>> No.4478835

the ps3 may be doing some flicker filter.

>> No.4478839

not even joking anon, yesterday before I had encountered this issue I took my old PS2 which I felt was obsolete thanks to the BC PS3, threw it down the garbage chute and kek'd as I heard it falling down, smashing the sides on its way. I could have tested your theory if I didn't do that.

>> No.4478902

Why not use the ps2 using OPL via network? You can play all the isos on your pc

>> No.4479069
File: 41 KB, 430x300, b576fc09f796f9b54a435904057c15e471bbe089d409f91039a61df371680d71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and yes, looks neat but I'm gonna pass

>> No.4479167
File: 38 KB, 720x960, 25488588_10212804385958167_1421119869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does the dark bezel mean that it's superfine pitch for sure? The seller didn't give a model # but I'm pretty sure this is an xbr9XX

>> No.4479572

If I find a service menu could that help, or do I have to mess with the innards, like the purity rings and such

>> No.4479834

Is it true CRT TVs/monitors can ruin your eyes?

>> No.4479859

staring at anything for a period of time can strain your eyes.

>> No.4479880
File: 134 KB, 1212x607, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my PVM is dying. I did a factory reset on it to fix some geometry problems & now no matter what I can't get the colors to pop as much as they did before. I also get this small white spot on black backgounds when anything that isn't black scrolls vertically.

How many people in the U.S. still calibrate & service CRTs?

>> No.4480040

I've been a CRT for years and my eyesight is still 20/20.

Except for this.

>> No.4480310

Anyone know anything on CRT projectors? They weren't available where I live, but now I see someone selling an 801s for $100. I know nothing about them, how do they look?

>> No.4480403

Projectors are always worse than an actual screen.

>> No.4480485

Sure, but how do they look otherwise?

>> No.4480518

Good but very dim, and very easy to burn.

>> No.4480616


>> No.4481340

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.