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File: 17 KB, 450x350, PrincessGarnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
441996 No.441996 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the female characters of the classic final fantasy series, how they evolved, and how effective they were as characters.

waifuchat is fine too, I guess.

>> No.442052
File: 377 KB, 1447x2000, Freya.Crescent.full.126567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hereby elect Freya Crescent as rat of the year every year, may her glorious rattiness continue to inspire rat exterminators everywhere.

>> No.442090

Too bad her character disappears after the second disc.

>> No.442112
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>> No.442126

Seriously, talk about wasted potential. This, among many other reasons, is why I wish a (competent) sequel were made. I want to see more of Gaia.

>> No.442135
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>> No.442146
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>> No.442153


Usually side characters become less important after their character arcs. This is not something exclusive to Freya, or FF9.

>> No.442157
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Nice wallpaper bro.

>> No.442165

Every FF fails the Bechdel Test.

>> No.442174
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Rinoa is mai waifu.

>> No.442178
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Beatrix - loyalty to the crown!

>> No.442182
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>> No.442186
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>> No.442197
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It's all good.

>> No.442201
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+1 Quistis

>> No.442207

Less important, yes, but I don't think Freya gets more than five snippets of dialogue after disc 2 that aren't just stock "present party member" lines.

>> No.442235

Is there a source for the PS1 cutscenes that is HD?

>> No.442243
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>> No.442256


Bad taste general.

Anyway, I would argue that Final Fantasy is a series that has not evolved one iota in the characters it produces. If anything each game has regressed, I'll let you pick which game it started in, with female characters in particular being reduced to stock characters who fulfil an obligatory role.

Yuffie, Selphie, Eiko, Riku, Penelo, Vanille, there will always be "that" character. With others it's a little more subtle and diverse but only just in comparison with the genki jailbait.

>> No.442259
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Fights with her father because he gave up, lost the war, and allowed Wutai to turn into a tourist hot spot.
Fearlessly and continually fought with a First class SOLDIER.
Left her home and country in search of a way to restore some dignity to the town everyone else gave up on.
Saves the planet mostly just to have friends.
Was blamed for bringing geostigma to Wutai. The people of Wutai then exiled her. And she still fought to stop geostigma and claim her innocence to gain recognition from the people who told her to piss off.
The only girl to kiss Cloud
The only character to have a limit break that strikes 15 times same as Omnislash, and it’s her level 3.
Best looking
Wears short shorts
Long range attack
Best FF character

>> No.442261

I really wished Garnet used that white mage robe as her default outfit.
It was a great throwback and her default was boring.

>> No.442272

>Bad taste general.
>I can't handle a strong, independent woman.

>> No.442287

I just wish the characters had smaller haircuts. That alone would've drastically improved the look of most of the characters.

>> No.442303 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 410x245, 1355518675957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Aeris was a whore, literally.

>> No.442321

>strong, independent

This guy makes a better case for a strong, independent woman than you do. Rinoa is literally a spoiled rich brat that plays at terrorist to piss off daddy, then gets swept up in events beyond her ability to understand or deal with and responds by latching onto the man she manipulated emotionally for half a game.

Rinoa is a terrible role model, for anyone, because she is a terrible parasite.

>> No.442345
File: 205 KB, 1600x1200, 1279345787782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, too mainstream for you guys? Or just too dead?

I think people get afraid to become attached to Aeris because there's that creeping sense of imminent doom. Why pay attention to her when she's just going to die? I find that she's really one of the better girls in the series, despite the flower girl aesthetic she's actually somewhat cunning and brave.

>> No.442374

Your sexist interpretation of Rinoa is clouded by your patriarchal uprising.
Check your privilege, dude.

>> No.442379

She is a whore.

>> No.442381 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai Esperfu.

>> No.442385

I actually really liked her outfit. The color pallette worked well.

>> No.442386

I wish more people, including those at S-E, remembered that Aeris actually had a fun, flirty, offbeat personality instead of always portraying her as the perfect chaste dead waifu.

Or that, despite being the one with huge tits in a skimpy outfit whose moves revolved around punching motherfuckers, Tifa was the actual perfect chaste waifu with no personality whatsoever.

>> No.442389

She's a hippy that get penetrated more than any other character in the game, no thanks. Sephiroth was in so deep his balls was slapping her from behind.

>> No.442403

Sephiroth has no sexual organs, that's why he didn't have nipples.

>> No.442413

Makes sense. That sword's obviously overcompensating for something.

>> No.442416

...Fang and Lightning in FFXIII and Lightning and Vanille pass the test. Shame the rest of the game was shit, though.

>> No.442417

>she's actually somewhat cunning
Understatement of the year. She's flirty and uses her looks to get her way. She even squirms her way out of paying Cloud, a man who demanded payment to save the fucking planet, by offering him a date instead.

>> No.442428

They're Japanese games, so they can't have good female characters. Dragon Quest is even worse.

>> No.442432

>puff puff

>> No.442435

Until then, there's always fan fiction.

>> No.442436

I loved Quistis, she was such wasted potential. :(

>> No.442442

Faris is best waifu.

>> No.442450
File: 211 KB, 968x1000, Maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever remembers Maria or makes her into a warrior

>> No.442464


She hardly even qualifies as a character.

>> No.442465

10/10, would turn into magicite

>> No.442470

Good thing you can humiliate her in the play.

>> No.442474


>> No.442478
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>> No.442467

Both of them.

>> No.442480 [DELETED] 

>Terra wearing the Slave Crown
My dick

>> No.442491

>not Celes

>> No.442541 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 715x1000, lenna_huge_breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.442564


Wtf /vr/ lol.. the Aeris hate here is ridiculous.

Let the dead rest in peace. She was quirky but fun. I got attached and then she died. Nice feels for the rest of the game.

>> No.442610

That was extremely convincing and it worked

>> No.442670

>Was blamed for bringing geostigma to Wutai. The people of Wutai then exiled her. And she still fought to stop geostigma and claim her innocence to gain recognition from the people who told her to piss off.

Wait what? When did this happen? Is it extra compilation shit?

>> No.442695

Advent Feces (the movie).

>> No.442716

I was with you until
>perfect chaste waifu with no personality whatsoever.
and then you went full retard.

>> No.442730
File: 35 KB, 640x480, eiko[1].jpg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was she even in the game?
And they should have made that female bounty hunter playable instead of that other no-name that was also totally irrelevant to the plot.

>> No.442749

I don't remember her saying anything about Geostigma and being exiled from Wutai in the movie. She had maybe three lines.

>> No.442760 [DELETED] 
File: 475 KB, 800x1308, lenna_shows_panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.442754

White mage started male.

>> No.442756

This. Tifa is awesome.

>> No.442757
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is dead to me.

>> No.442763

As much as Advent Children sucked, I'd love to see something similar (feature length this or that) for some of the other FF games.

>> No.442768

Sexual tension between Garnet / Zidane / Eiko? I don't know. She was like 8, so it didn't really work.

>> No.442781

I lost interest in this series when the male characters started to look feminine

not sure if related

>> No.442797

You mean with the first game?

>> No.442798

Because Japan. Loli -> sales.

>And they should have made that female bounty hunter playable instead of that other no-name that was also totally irrelevant to the plot.
It would have been cool if that guy was an optional character, since you might miss some hints and not realize that Zidane stole something and he took the fall for it.

>> No.442820 [DELETED] 
File: 719 KB, 1024x768, ff9_kuja_1024x768[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her ass was the bomb.

>> No.442830

>It would have been cool if that guy was an optional character
But he was? I am pretty sure you can miss him, but it is easier to get him than missing it.

>> No.442846
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, 12314563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nonono dont listen to that other guy. It's not in the movie. It's in the novel that shows what happens to all the characters after the events of meteor.

>> No.442852 [DELETED] 
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>> No.442865 [DELETED] 
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I know. I still fapped to HER though.

>> No.442869

Oh, yeah I figured that's what you're talking about. I never read it, but I'm inclined to now. Thanks. :)

>> No.442871

I don't either, but that has to be what he was referring to, since I don't think Geostigma was in any other FF7 universe media.

My bad -- see here >>442846

FF7 wasn't the best candidate for a movie, though it did in the sense that it was the most notorious FF. All the problems were more or less solved in the game, so they had to make up silly new conflicts.

>> No.442881

FF1 if you pretend your party of White Mages were women... and talked.

FF11 because it's one of the few that has a female antagonist, protagonist, and possibly female player character.

FF13 was already mentioned.

>> No.442885 [DELETED] 
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>> No.442897
File: 139 KB, 255x532, Tifa-FFVIIArt[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the problems were more or less solved in the game, so they had to make up silly new conflicts.

This is why the compilation pisses me off so fucking much. The couldn't just do a sequel or some shit, they had to make a shit-load of useless retconns and make the OGC look ridiculous.

On top, TIfa is still my favorite girl, they at least didn't screw her up in any of the extra bullshit.

>> No.442908

Oh, and FF5. I don't recall the three ladies post-Galuf interacting much with each other excluding any other subject though but it should still count.

>> No.442909

>Faris being all moe and shit

I don't know. It just feels so wrong.

>> No.442912
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on topic*

>> No.442920

In FF6 I think Terra talks to Celes.

In most games the protagonist is male, so you just don't see women talking to eachother.

>> No.442936
File: 41 KB, 469x589, Yuffie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not that bad. the dialogue is ehhh. but is interesting to read what happened to the world after it lost Mako energy and had to switch to coal. and how having a gun arm might be a bit off putting to most people. and I think Cid tries to go to space again. It also details a new character and his experience during the sector Plate fall.

>> No.442952

>It also details a new character and his experience during the sector Plate fall.
But Denzel is horrible

>> No.442959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.442964
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>useless retconns

Yeah, they had the nuts to tell us Rufus survived his office exploding violently, but couldn't do something actually cool like pretending Bugenhagen didn't die.

>> No.442975
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>Tifa will never care for you the way she cares for Cloud

>> No.442983

They do. Celes points out how wonderful being able to use magic is and Terra asks Celes something about love in response.

>> No.442986
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>> No.443032
File: 414 KB, 900x590, cloud_tifa_or_zack_aeris__by_nasiamarie88-d4afjp2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; don't rub it in

>> No.443078
File: 7 KB, 215x235, selphie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selphie is ultra CUTE !
Too bad she doesn't have a brain and is annoying as fuck.

My favorite FF girl is Paine (I know it's not retro but still...)

>> No.443136
File: 301 KB, 525x700, selphie_shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her except for her haircut.

>> No.443156

Let me tell you a secret bro ....
The only thing I really like about her is the haircut, and I guess that's the only reason I like Paine too.

>weird hairdo fetish ?

>> No.443213
File: 80 KB, 350x400, 1339859031928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play FF6 as a kid when it came out
>leveled Celes to 93 because I liked her the most

>come back to FF6 a decade later
>empathize with Celes
>watch Celes attempt suicide
>waifu status

>> No.443226

My favorites are Garnet, Rydia, Rinoa, Celes, and Lenna, respectively. Honorable mentions are Tifa and Terra. If you include Chrono Trigger, Marle is top notch too.

I'd marry Rydia or Celes if I could.

>> No.443247

Paine looks like a cockatiel and Selphie looks like a duck. Do birds turn you on or something?

>> No.443286

Paine is awesome.

Also, Esper Terra. Esper. Terra.

>> No.443297
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Best character. She deserved a better death scene.

>> No.443335

Sou ka?

>> No.443385
File: 218 KB, 500x500, 194749347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>type Krile
>Results: 0
Really, /vr/?

>> No.443416 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 797x720, g5643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just beat this game on emulator. It's a pretty good game (even though it's really easy) and I have to say she's sort of grown on me.

I don't really like her official artwork or comics, but the game is adorable.

>> No.443442
File: 301 KB, 1300x1300, krile_sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krile is underage!

>> No.443464


I was always wishing Beatrix joined the party. But oh well.

>> No.443520

>So, uhh, your old man just died... Hey wanna fuck?
Have some respect.

>> No.443717
File: 97 KB, 770x1038, Yuffie_Kisaragi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed this became a waifu thread. thought it was going to be

>Let's discuss the female characters of the classic final fantasy series, how they evolved, and how effective they were as characters.

makes sense though, no one was able to counter my "yuffie being the most evolved and effective" argument. so I win.

>> No.443765

It happens.

>> No.443786
File: 358 KB, 700x1158, Krile__ninja__by_Ru3na.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the spoiler in OP.

>> No.443901
File: 87 KB, 550x950, ff6-relm-arrowny[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cunning and intelligent
>sassy trash-talker
>stronger mage (according to stats) than a trained half-esper magitek knight
>...all at age 10

Relm is boss.

>> No.443938
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>> No.443959

>Tfw FFX is clearly the best FF with the deepest story.

>> No.444551
File: 47 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why girls buy these games. Not a single character is attractive for our audience.

>> No.444571

Classic Final Fantasy only includes 1-9. I liked FFX but its past the cutoff on /vr/.

>> No.444582

don't ask me but my sister was quite the FF VII and Kingdom Hearts ace

>> No.444596
File: 27 KB, 318x658, MTS_shannanagins-350620-ashe_ff12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selphie is AMAZING. I love her when she's all excited for trains and shit...

Also I'm pretty into Ashe from FF12

>> No.444604

This only reminds me of how awful the character designs for the later FF games are.

Just look at that shit. What a fucking eyesore.

>> No.444614

All I saw throughout the entire game was a read triangle hat. I could never tell what the fuck she was supposed to look like. Except that fight where you lose and sorta kinda see her face when she hits the ground in the cutscene.

Wasn't until I picked up the artbook that I saw they were supposed to be a rat race.


>> No.444634


I like it. Fran and Ashe are among top tier FF girls in my opinion

>> No.444715

more like
>I wish the faggot FF7 fans and the SE faggots would remember that FF7 was actually a pretty light hearted game for the most part, and not some grimderp emo bullshit

heck, even Cloud "CRAAAAAWLING" Strife had lots of silly moments in the original game...

>> No.444805

Oh god never forget how she showed Cloud those new hi tech screens!

>> No.446332

Freya's story is kind of funny in retrospect.

She chases after this guy forever, then finds him, and he's all, "Bitch, who the fuck is you?"

That dude was alpha. No wonder she wanted his ratcock.

>> No.446356

>teacher trying to date her students


Completely unprofessional.