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File: 19 KB, 480x420, Final_Fantasy_VI_Final_Kefka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
441984 No.441984 [Reply] [Original]

Who's in your FFVI Main Party?

>> No.442024


>> No.442057
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None because I haven't played it in years.

Think it's time to give it a replay?

>> No.442108
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How about, for glorious impressive special abilities, Strago, Mog, Gau and Sabin?

>> No.442159


Shadow is there because he looks cool. By the time I get to Kefka's tower, everyone else usually outclasses him.

Gau is just plain gamebreaker so I use him when I just don't feel like fighting a boss. Charm is the most OP thing in that game.

>> No.442204
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Various Rage abilites. Loved using Retainer for General Leo's Shock.
Simply on the virtue of being able to change abilities without changing party members.
I enjoy suplexing trains.
Because it's fun losing control of 3/4 of my party by having 2 Rages and a Dance going.

>> No.442260

>Learn about Wind God Gau
>Get to Kefka
>About to attack with Gau
>Kefka (or one of the forms of him) confuses him
>He annihilates everyone but Terra who had 140% MBlock

My stomach dropped when it happened. Shit was scary.

>> No.442532

Figaro bros., Celes and Shadow.

The twins were my favourite characters, I felt like a token chick was necessary and I liked Celes more than Terra and I kept Shadow purely because I always thought it was hilarious when he used Interceptor as a shield.

The game is easy enough that I didn't need any decent reasons to build a party. If I just wanted insane stats/feats I'd probably go Terra, Gau, Relm and Gogo.

>> No.442567


>> No.442642

Celes, Locke, Edgar and a wild card.

I really don't make the best parties in FF6, but I always just feel drawn to the more basic characters.

>> No.442681

Locke, Celes, Edgar, and Sabin. Best team for the first invasion of the Empire's home territory. Edgar and Sabin are the two best characters in the World of Balance.

>> No.442727
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and one other

cause it's an epic fucking collectathon!

>> No.442738

>and one other
>cause it's an epic fucking collectathon!

you're triggering my OCD.

>> No.442782

I gave her the Gem Box and used Ultima two times a round. Or once and a Cure 3 if i really needed it.
Pretty much just the cleric. I spammed ffs and Life 3 on everybody. Had heals for days.
He jumped for between 3000-5000 damage. More than once a round. Usually around 3 times. It was awesome.
He was pretty much my flex slot. He did whatever I needed the most that round. Again.

>> No.442819

The most fun playthrough I had of FF6 was my "limited Esper" playthrough. It wasn't actually any more difficult than a normal game--not like a no-Esper game--but it was a whole lot more interesting.

Basically, I limited the amount of Espers each character would use and I tried to assign them Espers that mattered. I put the Espers into a tiered list. Tier 1 Espers--the least powerful ones--could be used by up to 3 characters. Tier 2 Espers (mostly WoR Espers and the better WoB ones) could be used by 2 characters at most. Tier 3 Espers like Phoenix, Bahamut, or Ragnarok could only be used by one character ever.

It led to my characters being more specialized and unique than they'd otherwise be. Good times.

And yet my favorite party was still Celes, Locke, Edger, and Sabin.

>> No.442873


>> No.442905

I wouldn't stick to one party, but 3 of the 4 sword users and Sabin would probably be ideal if you were going to.

Gogo is the most fun though.

>> No.442943

Just a party of the characters I like the most...

>> No.442938

Part of what made this playthrough (>>442819) so fun was that it encouraged me to change up my party frequently. Everyone ended up relatively even in levels, and I wasn't as overleveled as I usually am for the final dungeon. I ended up with a real appreciation for Gau that I never had before, though.

>> No.442992


I did something similar. I'd still equip the espers for stat growth, but only use the magic command with Tina and Celes, and only the spells that they would learn naturally.

>> No.443189

Well, beating the game quickly becomes quite easy, so gathering lots of crap kind of naturally just becomes the default task.

>> No.443240

One day I will play with Gau, Mog, Umaro and Gogo as much as possible. Errybody just doing what they want, Gogo just chooses one to mimic at a time.

>> No.443260
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For 3 out of 4 party members, it all comes down to personal taste.

However, if your answer does not include Sabin, you are objectively wrong.

>> No.443279

Sabin, Edgar, Celes, Cyan: The Ultimate Team

>> No.443308

Sabin (Bum Rush)
Gogo (Bum Rush)
Terra (Atma Weapon)
Edgar/Locke (whatever)

>> No.443296
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>> No.443312

Gogo, Sabin, Shadow, and Edgar.
Brethren before wenches.

>> No.443340
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So then, what is the next baddest thing you can suplex?

But, what if you dpad sucks? Pic related.

>> No.443345
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>tfw JRPGs nowadays don't have an ensemble cast like FF6

>> No.443363

I used every characters as equally as possible, same for all RPGs I ever played

anyone else like me out there?

>> No.443383

I try to use different characters on playthroughs, but I can't say no to Celes and Locke.

>> No.443396

yep i try to use every one too but not that yeti thing or gau just hate not having the controll

>> No.443428

Celes Main Healer
Terra Main Black mage
Sabin Blitz
Edgar Drill
Kefka prepare your anus

>> No.443431

>bottom left
What the fuck is that thing?

>> No.443437

Playing at low levels and without espers is the most fun for me. I switch my party up depending on the situation.

As a kid, I liked Mog, Gau, Sabin, and Gogo (if I remember correctly). I'm surprised I even managed to find Gogo.

>> No.443476
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>Celes healing

mah nigga. She is indestructible in the back row.

>Dragon's Den
>Fight Omega Weapon
>Heartless Angel
>Casts Meltdown before I can heal
>Celes blocks Meltdown; everyone else dies
>Heals herself to full health
>Revives the party

>> No.443482


>> No.443494

> Celes
> Not using runic
Nigga what are you doing

>> No.443504

Because it was my first time fighting him and I didn't know he uses Meltdown.

>> No.443508

I did, but it's kind of a waste since you need to drop two characters for Kefka's tower anyway.

>> No.443516

Who the fuck needs a dedicated healer in a piss easy game like FF6?
Just let 2 mages nuke the shit out of everything while 2 other characters fuck about doing their thing. Seriously.
>assign one character to be a main healer
top fucking lel

>> No.443534

Because FF6 is designed for you to play it however you want and you'll be fine if you know what you're doing.


Please go.

>> No.443535

Pretty much.

I just had Terra and Celes black magic everything while Sabin bum rushed everything. I didn't even really need the other slot.

>> No.443545

i mainly ment that outside of battle

>> No.443582

For easy mode blitzes, you can double hard directions instead of rolling the dpad to input blitz commands.

Unless your dpad sucks so hard that it can't even do that much. If that's the case, you should probably get a new controller.

>> No.443590

>have everyone equip fire absorbing gear
>does the enemy null or absorb fire damage? no? well good
>MERTON (aka Meltdown)
>party healed, enemy dead
>oh the enemy absorbs or nulls fire - well then...

goddamn this game, you don't even need vanish and doom or anything like it

>> No.443778
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I never used it, but I heard it was microsoft's attempt to take on this controller by madcatz - and not very well.

>> No.443783

Shadow, Cyan, Edgar, Sabin

I haven't played FF6 in a good 15 years though so I don't remember fully.

>> No.443795
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Unless you want to play it with one hand.

>> No.444583
File: 332 KB, 809x1235, 0052sabinshadowandcyanb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.446042

>The amount of Gau in this thread is awesome.

I usually hate Blue mages, but Gau was a baller. And his backstory was full of feels.

Strago was still a bum though. Fuck him.

>Gambler dude

>> No.446205

Celes and Locke and I was pretty good at rotating everyone else in.

>> No.446254

> Terra
> Celes
> Relm
> Mog
Women and mascot team all day every day.

>> No.446306

Cyan, Gau, Celes, Terra
I know Cyan sucks and I don't care

>> No.446317

Will Terra still have green hair in a possible remake?

>> No.446390

Why did they give her green hair in the first place, all of her Amano art is blonde.

>> No.446414

Everyone that Amano draws is blonde.

>> No.446423

I don't see what that has to do with anything.

>> No.446431

Twist the right hadle to aim in FPSs. Or something.

>> No.446471

They all have different hair in game.

>> No.446479

Was it ever explained why Kefka has a boner there?

>> No.446487

Hes mother fucking KEFKA what more do you need to know?

>> No.446653

For my last playthrough, I decided that to be in my party, each character had to have the potential to do more than 9999 each turn:

>Setzer w/ offering and broken dice is a given
>Edgar w/ lances and dragoon boots for multi-jumping
>Relm (highest magic) double-casting
>Gogo to duplicate others