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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 61 KB, 598x589, spyro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
441285 No.441285 [Reply] [Original]

Played this again for the first time in a while. Jesus christ, it's fucking good. Spyro thread.

>> No.441294
File: 267 KB, 367x415, asdsdfvbfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Just stand still, he says. I'll turn your boots to gold, he says."

>> No.441324

I never trusted him.

>> No.441331
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>> No.441338


Who hunter? Or the alchemist?

>> No.441329 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 400x309, 1360656140932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spyro 1

naw, its hilariously easy

so much that it kills any fun because there is no sense of challenge.

Its so fucking easy 100% it.

>> No.441345
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>"Would you escort me past those Earthshapers?"

>> No.441362

Fuck you asshole, if you keep walking right next to them I'm not going to help you.

>> No.441383

Hunter. There's something in those eyes.

>> No.441402
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>"Pretty wild ride, eh?"

>> No.441409

I just finished Spyro 1 on my PSP, is it really worth getting 100% to get to the secret level?

My favorite Spyro game has always been 3, but I never gotten to the final boss on any of them.

>> No.441431
File: 132 KB, 612x619, 1365011679371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find a picture of it, but anyone remember that Crystal Popcorn minigame?

>> No.441436

If you're a completionist, then yes. If not, ehh.

>> No.441440

Christ almighty I can replay this shit forever

>> No.441450

>mfw missing 3 gems on a level
>swear i searched everywhere

>> No.441454


Yes. In magma Cone.I used to have a screen cap of it.
I had screengrabs of all of hunters annoying sayings but alas I only have 2 left.

>> No.441479

>missing 3 gems a level

Nigga you missed a chest. The firefly should be able to direct you to that shit by pressing R1 + R2 + L1 + L2

>> No.441484
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>tfw on rainbow

>> No.441505

Oh wow really? No way
Even in Spyro 3?

>> No.441519

I always forgot about this, thank you.

>> No.441574

He unlocks that power by completing the first Firefly level. Spyro 3 makes the firefly an integral part of your power.

>> No.441601
File: 862 KB, 1704x960, pcsxr 2013-03-19 13-37-14-67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to get off my ass and finish this game. It's my first time playing through it, and I've gotten every single treasure up to this point. but fuck man, but unfortunately that just made the game drag on longer than I thought it would. I'm a completionist so I was determined to get everything, but goddamn.

>> No.441617

Yeah man, there is a lot to go through. It's fun as hell though. One of my favorite games ever. What's your percent complete?

>> No.441621


Dream weavers is best world

>> No.441624

Good luck getting the 105% that's needed to fight the Sorceress one last time.

That bitch was hardcore.

>> No.441646

I forget, but I know it's around 70%. Like I said, I've gotten every single gem up to that point, including the Dream Weavers home. I haven't gone into any of the stages yet. It's the last world before the final boss right?

>> No.441668

Have you chased every egg-thief? Have you got every gem? Have you don every mini-game?

This game has some seriously autismal completion stats.

>> No.441675

I believe there is one more after that then the final boss world.

>> No.441690

Yep, did all that shit.

You sure? The guy with the balloon says I can go face the boss or some shit already if I wish.

>> No.441721

Peace Keepers
Magic Crafters
Beast Makers
Dream Weavers
Gnasty's World

You were right. I haven't played the original in mad long so I forgot.

>> No.441748
File: 378 KB, 1704x960, pcsxr 2013-03-06 03-07-16-66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool.

Still, here's something to make you sweat anyway. Fuck this level, I spent hours looking for the green thief.

>> No.441765

Oh my god that fucking level. I was missing 20 or so gems from it for the longest time and had no idea where they were until a couple years ago.

>> No.441780

>I was missing 20 or so gems from it for the longest time and had no idea where they were until a couple years ago.

So you're retarded?

>> No.441797

That and oblivious at times. It's how I became a completionist.

>> No.441801

What is the best resolution to play PSX games? Using epsxe

>> No.441845


Upgrade to PCSX-R master race for glorious true widescreen as seen in >>441601 and >>441748. Only works with 3D games though.

I usually play windowed, so for widescreen, I use 1707x960, and 1280x960 for 4:3. Almost all PS1 games had a native resolution of 320x240, so it only makes sense to scale by a whole integer, 4x in this case.

>> No.441874
File: 28 KB, 188x200, 3074702+_a7a65f445263aecb06bd43b97603881c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree, dat music and atmosphere

>> No.441901
File: 369 KB, 267x200, You+ve+been+waiting+a+long+time+to+use+that+gif+_3cda634ad7558ee2dc0be22961f1ee44.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite any critque about how easy/challenging this game is; for playing this in my youth and making it super nostalgic and fun, this game is in my top 10 best

>> No.441939

Got any recommended plugins for it?

>> No.441949

The default programs are more than enough to run fucking Spyro.

>> No.441959

Yes but are there any you use?

>> No.441972

I use psX for my emulator, so I need a different visual plugin, but nothing special.

So no, I don't use a different plugin for games like Spyro.

>> No.442063
File: 422 KB, 1097x602, pcsxr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the one it comes with, PEopS OpenGL 1.78, using these settings (with GTE Accuracy turned on and psx ratio turned off).

>> No.442070

Oh, and get the latest SVN.


>> No.442147

Well I tried using this but the voices are fucked up in Spyro 3
All the other sounds and music are fine but when they talk it sounds all scratchy and loud as fuck
Is there something I need to check

>> No.442171


Use this sound plugin. It's pre-configured with the best settings.

>> No.442181

Spyro 3 is my favourite game of all time, finished it years ago. Played through Spyro 1 to 100% a while back too. But I've yet to get past the first hub world in Spyro 2. Currently playing through it, saves got deleted before though so I had to start again.

I don't even care, the game has so much charm I can replay sections over and over.

>> No.442407
File: 60 KB, 604x447, 2598_136088520397_2542836_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spyro is a fucking baby game

>> No.442462


>> No.442515


>> No.443149

It's not a firefly. It's a dragon fly,you puffed up little cunt.

>> No.443204

False, it's the 2nd Sparx level that unlocks that skill. Plus Sparx is a Dragonfly not a firefly you puffed up little cunt.

>> No.443421
File: 463 KB, 1229x922, spyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spyro music is absolutely fantastic to just chill in the dark. Don't even need no drugs when i got Stewart Copeland.