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4401902 No.4401902 [Reply] [Original]

New threat for Diablo games.

Ladder reset December 12th. What to roll. Will play hardcore. Play on Europe.

Probably start with Meteoriteorb to farm for stuff, and then Newmancer, or Javazon.

>> No.4402267

>mfw too much work
>mfw can't play the shit out of d2 ladder anymore
man I miss high school...

>> No.4402325
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>tfw unemployed so I can play all day every day and smoke weed

>> No.4402423
File: 1.13 MB, 1003x786, Disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disappointing drops edition

find anything nice lately, anons?

>> No.4403554

This last session (I usually play every half a year for about 3-4 months) has been most successful ever. Found every rune except Sur and Jah, all uniques except Tyrael's, Titan's, and Griffin. Got bored so Quit.

Will try Hardcore this ladder.

>> No.4403603

I might try a hardcore playthrough too, they seem really fun.

Really odd you didn't find titan's, I thought it was one of the more common ones. Crown of Ages was always the unfindable one for me, I don't think I've ever found a 2socketed one.

>> No.4403637

Duriel will kill you. I mean it, Duriel WILL kill you. Don't even argue with me on this, Duriel will kill you.

If you go in, make sure everybody is bringing cold charms. He WILL kill you. No questions about it. Duriel is a run-ender.

>> No.4403654

Duriel isn't hard as long as your cold resistance is at 85%, which is trivial to obtain. Remember that you can feed your mercenaries thawing pots too.

>17% for average 22 physical + 32.5 cold
>33% for average 20.5 physical
>50% for three consecutive average 2 physical + 32.5 cold, or 6 physical and 97.5 cold
>5% critical strike chance
>so on average, he will deal ~66 damage per full attack
>with 85% cold resistance, he will only be dealing ~20 damage per attack
>also deals a 6.5 cold damage pulse, which with resistances is a measly 1 cold damage pulse

Almost all of his damage in normal is cold. Remember that and you'll live to die to a bone fetish.

>> No.4403674

goddamn I found my old cd copy of LOD but I cant find my copy of the base game.

If I ask nicely, would blizzard will give me an online copy? I have the battlechest package as evidence of owning it

>> No.4403692

anyone got a white ring they want to trade me? that or a bugged ith

pls respond

>> No.4403697
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>he uses carefully planned talent spreads and equipment loadouts instead of GOING BARBARIAN PUTTING EVERYTHING INTO DUAL THROW AND LEAP AND HURLING THROWING POTIONS EVERYWHERE


>> No.4403698

D2 ladder still a thing? People still play the original? Walk me thru this nibbas

>> No.4403707

the only way that drop is possible would be that you didn't perma quest bug her

are you just bad at the game?

>> No.4403714

i wish there were unique throwing potions and scaled potions in general. too bad theyre all shit even when you get them. what a missed opportunity.

my favorite stupid build was always forkbarb

>> No.4403746

They're called skills you fucking retard, go back to playing your pen and paper RPGs.

>> No.4403795

Also worth having is as much block as possible, which can also be facilitated by restarting Drognan's shop until he offers a Bone Shield of Deflection. It's generally pretty fool proof and only some classes can't make efficient use of this (Bowazon).

>> No.4404606

You can always mod the game to make useful throwing potions. Just need to multiply their damage by around 40 times for them to be just barely viable, or add news stat on gear or skills that improve potion damage.

>> No.4405148

Opinions on Path of Diablo?

>> No.4405163

>perma quest bug her
Whats perma quest bug, and how do i avoid doing that to the bolted-on tits shedevil ?

>> No.4405169

Horribly unbalanced, whoever made the mod clearly doesn't know what he is doing. Some weak skills from Diablo 2 vanilla were nerfed to uselessness, and some already good abilities were made far too strong. It is also a pain in the ass to install, since the retard decided to have a patching system, instead of just letting you download the fucking patch itself.

>> No.4405180

no you're reading it wrong. you SHOULD do it. basically when you kill andariel, DO NOT make a portal. the game will open one up for you. enter the portal, DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE BUT WARRIV, and travel to lut gholein. basically the loot bug means you get better items every time you kill her instead of the first. it only works if you havent killed her on that difficulty, so if you did the quest and exited without loot buggin her the first time, youre screwed. you can retry it on the next difficulty, or with another character

>> No.4405240

>, so if you did the quest and exited without loot buggin her the first time, youre screwed.

So i get to lut gholein, then i can do anything?
Including talk to people on rogue encamp.
save n exit, load, and then o can go to andariel again, and etc

>> No.4405247

Approximately how populated will hardcore useast be on december 21st? I'll be busy until then but would be interested in doing a playthrough through hell, and I don't want to have to resort to d2jsp to trade for gear.

>> No.4405263

nope just save n exit and redo andariel for phat loots

don't take my word for it, but I'm pretty sure once you save and exit you can talk to the camp members. you should probably look it up to be on the safe side

>> No.4405406


I think it is possible to get that drop even with the quest drop.

the gargoyle head will have unusually high durability ("failed set item") because the quest tried to reward it as a set item, but failed since there are no set gargoyle heads

>> No.4405479

I didn't play last ladder but I heard they made some changes. Like you can't spawn dclone with non-ladder SoJs on ladder? and something about proxies/cdkeys flagging accounts? They finally got rid of the spambots after years?

I lost one of my original cd cases so I only have 1 classic and 2 xpac cdkeys. I have a few more keysets someone gave me but half of them are disabled/muted/in use by botters. It wasn't a big deal because I just used the other set for muling purposes and shit, but if it is going to get my accounts banned because of bullshit someone else did with the cdkey I don't want to do that anymore.

Also, anyone else kind of wish they would do a d2 classic season to revisit some of the previous patches? It probably would be a ton of work for a game they barely give a shit about.

>> No.4405527

>a d2 classic season to revisit some of the previous patches

The old (pre 1.10) expansion versions were really bad for variety. As much as I hate synergies, they really are necessary for build differentiation.

>amazons were almost always windforce/burza + guided arrow and multiple shot, very rarely you might see lightning fury, but since there were no synergies you could go guided arrow + multiple shot + lightning fury with no real disadvantage
>barbarian was an exception in that he had good variety; berserk, whirlwind, double swing, frenzy and concentrate were all viable attacks, everyone used swords though because the Grandfather and the chipped gem + sword recipe made swords supreme
>every sorceress used some combination of frozen orb, nova and meteor, there was no reason to use anything else
>every paladin used zeal + fanaticism or very rarely you'd get a joker with blessed hammers
>every necromancer used teeth + bone spear + corpse explosion
>every druid was fury
>no one played assassin because every single build was god awful

There really isn't any version worth going back to. Anything including and after 1.10 is pretty much the same, and anything before that has no variety.

>> No.4405575

I think Titan's is one of those weird ones that's fairly common from Nightmare but once you go to Hell it's a lot harder to find there because of the different tables. D2s loot system is fairly complex.

It's worth trying but IIRC you can also use someone else's D2 vanilla cd key with a legit LOD cd key and get online just fine.

>> No.4405596

you don't really remember shit at all

there was one patch where every sorc played firewall
in older patches sorcs could pick up items with tk
there was one patch where poison was calculated incorrectly so poison zons/necs/sins were great
there was a patch where every bowazon used immolation arrow
there was a patch where every bowazon used freezing arrow because the splash carried all of your damage
there were multiple patches were strafe didn't suck total dick
there was a patch where hammerdins were king, but obviously that wouldn't be that interesting to revist
there were patches where blood golem + iron maiden was great and huge CE radius for necros
static field used to not have hp caps
a lot of skills used to not have delays on them (hell, the only reason they exist is people stopped having video cards that supported glide so they did shit to increase people's fps)

>> No.4405601

Can you actually dual throw potions? Throw barb was one of the weird niche builds I really liked even if it wasn't that good. It was neat using Grim Ward and the different shouts to actually survive. It's a shame that the regening throwing weapons still didn't do it nowhere near fast enough for the rate you threw them.

>> No.4405603

D3 was shit to most people. D2 is still being played.

>> No.4405626

I reckon D1 had the best music. The atmosphere was good.

>> No.4405649

The problem arises from my misreading of your post. I didn't notice you specifically said classic, whereas I was talking purely about expansion versions. Not like it matters, classic was trash and is barely worth discussing.

>1.00 to 1.06
You use frozen orb. If you used anything else, you were either playing PVP or you were dumb. Spell timers didn't exist, cold mastery could break immunes, it had the best area of effect and it did more damage than anything else. Factor in broken static field, and you can now run around killing bosses in one second too.

This is the only version I am unsure of, because frozen orb was finally nerfed now that it couldn't just cheat by immunes.

>> No.4405774

you can only use d2jsp on hardcore beccause no one makes public gamee, too scared to get pk'd by hackers

>> No.4406117

>in older patches sorcs could pick up items with tk
Hpld the fucjup, since when when cant teleKINESID manipulate far away obj ?
Im glad i played only sorcs till boredom as a teen

>> No.4406147

they could pick up any item with tk

now it is only click on objects, pick up gold, potions, scrolls and keys

>> No.4406169

>1522 in mana
Okay, it's been a while since I played Diablo II, but I don't think any Sorceress ever needed that much mana. Did you pump too much into energy, or have I just forgotten too much of this game?

>> No.4406176

Energy shield

That's lame. I last played a few years ago and didn't meet any hackers.

>> No.4406402
File: 2.99 MB, 480x372, Diablo for Amiga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a disk with the game laying around in one of my old disk boxes with Amiga games, but never got the hang of it.

>> No.4406448

Is ladder worth playing legit or are bots still rampant?

>> No.4406717

lots of botting and pvp hackers going out to ruin your day. its prevalent in both HC and normal ladder, so its a good idea to play with your friends or trustworthy people.

ladder is still a lot of fun though

>> No.4406762

Played traps in poe, trapsin good in game? Can it survive in solo hell?

>> No.4406784

trapsin not the fastest, but death sentry and lightning trap make her a reliable clearer of even uber trist if geared properly. death sentry explodes corpses so thats a big plus for her. dont bother with the other trap skills though.

>> No.4406786

Trapsin is one of the easiest solo builds in the game as long as you stick to lightning and death sentry. Pretty shitty if you are talking about ladder, though, since traps don't work with +lightning damage% nor -enemy lightning resistance%. All you can really do is stack +skills and infinity on a mercenary.

>> No.4406806

Firewall was fucking awesome. Acted like D1 firewall and you could flood the room with it. Then the put on spell cool downs and why even use firewall?

>> No.4406824

A lot of the spell timers they added were full retard. It made sense for skills like meteor, frozen orb and blizzard, but most of the skills it was added to made already not so good skills total shit. Fire wall, hydra, immolation arrow, fist of the heavens, plague javelin, poison javelin and every single fire druid skill were needlessly damaged by spell timers.

>> No.4407606

The game looks fucking fabulous when you use that one fanmade thing to make it run in glide mode. I totally recommend it to any diablo enthusiast to at least try out. It also enables an option for a weird perspective mode that's kinda neat but doesn't really work on props so it looks a bit weird in places.

>> No.4407976

>delays on them (hell, the only reason they exist is people stopped having video cards that supported glide so they did shit to increase people's fps)
can you elaborate?
if i play with a an old computer from early 200X onboard video without glide support, AND playing in perpective, my fps will stutter during special effects? and how does adding delay helps?

>> No.4407980

can someone who liked Baldur's Gate enjoy Diablo?

>> No.4408001

Yes, they're literally the same kinda game.

>> No.4410289

>want to play
>ladder reset is one month later

>> No.4410294

What are Hell ladder viable weird builds?

>> No.4410993

If by viable, you just mean able to beat Hell Baal, then:

>bearwave druid
>dreambearsorc (very expensive)
>iron maiden necromancer
>poison dagger necromancer using a source of venom for super poison
>warcry barb

>> No.4411980

bearwave sounds like a music genre

>> No.4412061

Never heard of quest bug before this. That's interesting. Guess I'll do that on Ladder come reset time. Are you sure it hasn't been patched in 1.14? How are essences factored into that? Still get decent drops from her usually though.
Energy Shield. Many people run without it and yes, you wouldn't need that much energy without it. But I like it, and it's in Lightning tree anyways so I only spent 1 point getting it.

Also, bear in mind that in this shot, Battle Orders from my CtA is still active

>> No.4412065

I'm in act 4 with a cheesy plague javelin amazon. Umad? Duriel was ez. Like other anons said, thawing pots yo

>> No.4412204

Always wanted to try wolfbarb and pure singing support barb. And even throw potion build which is more stupid than weird.

>> No.4412587

To be fair anything if you have proper and good enough gear. But it will require much more grinding than on average.

>> No.4413826

Does anyone play on the classic ladder still? Am I the only one?

>> No.4414764
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Unlike LoD you can actually make profits doing services in classic ladder. There is also an active market in rares for classic. Some seasons ago I made a bunch of crush sorcs with followbot and sold them for more than I'd ever made off items in LoD.

>> No.4416072
File: 1.49 MB, 1701x998, Diablo 2 best ladder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
