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File: 34 KB, 478x264, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4401492 No.4401492 [Reply] [Original]

What is I'm your opinion is the rpg with the greatest story?

>> No.4401495

none, go read a book

>> No.4401510

My opinion is that this is not the greatest story, and FF II gave a better plot and characters

>> No.4401521

You're my opinion? How do you know?

I wanted to play this for some time.

>> No.4401532

That's really bad grammar mate...

>> No.4401652

You are not my opinion!

>> No.4401723

FFVI's story isn't that good as a standalone plot. I doubt I'd like it if it wasn't interwoven with the gameplay. I love the setting and characters, but it still kind of falls short on many aspects, especially pacing.

>> No.4401724

Phantasy Star 2

>> No.4401728

I'm not saying, you never told me what you accidentally or who was phone, you hateful fuck.

>> No.4401775

>pic definitely not related

>> No.4401776

Skies of Arcadia

>> No.4401793
File: 86 KB, 256x240, Xenogears_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4401801


Pic not related, right?

I always figured people liked FF6 purely on gameplay merits alone. The story is basically a fanfic.

>> No.4402082

Earthbound has a pretty story

>> No.4402086

Super Mario RPG.

>> No.4402120

>The story is basically a fanfic.
of what

>> No.4402141 [DELETED] 

It's his way of saying "I DONT LIKE IT ABLOOBLOOBLOO ;.;"

>> No.4402226

I have to go with Suikoden II.
Actually, the Suikoden series as a whole.

>> No.4402238

I tried starting a playthough of this recently and I really don't enjoy it. Too many characters have a single best attack they want to be spamming all the time. The multi-party events are weird, and some characters just feel really bad to use.

But maybe that's just me.

>> No.4402248

If I have a single complaint about this game is the lack of info on limit breaks, or the fact that they almost never appear

I did about 3 playthroughs of this game nearing 100% in all of them, and it wasn't until I was watching some youtube video that I found out they existed

>> No.4402298

>limit breaks

>> No.4402304

When a party member is at critical health, sometimes a standard attack will become a desperation attack (kind of how they work in FF8 but with no different prompt).

>> No.4402347

I couldn't get into it either and I really tried got up to the world of ruin and was getting pissed off at the idea that the characters were in two towns next to each other and couldn't realise that until I came along to reunite them. That was some Fallout 4 200 years in a fridge bullshit.

>> No.4402350

i don't get people like you.

>> No.4402352

Tough titty.

>> No.4402803

holy shit that explains it. I was using the gambling man in a boss fight and all of a sudden he did some insane attack and threw like 10 sets of cards and destroyed one of the bosses minions. I was like.....wtf?

I also always forget you can use you espers by pressing up when selecting magic.

>> No.4402919


They have an extremely low chance of happening, so low that even if you play the game a few dozen times you still might not see any one of them.

I only figured out they existed because Shadow performed his in one of my playthroughs by sheer luck.

>> No.4402924
File: 934 KB, 938x712, DAT FINALE - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my friends did it in a playthrough once when I was helping him. It's still the only time I've ever seen one in person. I think that it was either Locke or Edgar's.

>> No.4402940

mother 3

>> No.4402942


>> No.4403156
File: 844 KB, 4558x4542, 1414198751827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOTRETRO but it's Shadow Hearts

>> No.4403272

This game feels like it has too much going on and not enough explanations for me. Why would I waste time transforming into her Esper form? I can just spam regular attacks with everybody and kill the enemies pretty quick. I barely use magic and it takes so long to navigate the spells menu to find something like Haste or Poison.

I'm having fun, only one more dragon to kill but I feel like I'm not getting as much out of the game as I should.

>> No.4403289

greatest story that has decent gameplay? FFVI

>> No.4403292

Esper form is good for the Air Force boss, as you can Esper form and kill it in a few seconds with Bolt 2.

>> No.4403381

I liked the one in suikoden 2

>> No.4403496

He said best not worst.

>> No.4403808

I liked Dragon Quest V a lot.

I tried to get into Xenosaga. I just couldn't. I don't know of RPGs that I could try with a good story.

>> No.4403813

Terranigma's story was pretty interesting.

Outside retro, Lost Odyssey has the best story, hands down. Those dream sequences, man.

>> No.4403876

not sure which rpg has the best story, but I am pretty sure it's not a jrpg.

>> No.4403882


I believe the word you were looking for was "pretentious" or "incomprehensible", Anon.

>> No.4403883



>> No.4403918

wrpgs don't have stories though?

>> No.4403921

western rpgs are diverse and dynamic, very much like western culture in general. jap rpgs are stagnant and homogeneous, just like their culture. most of them seem to be based on western fantasy clichés from the 80's.

>> No.4404015

and they don't have stories
and that diversity ranges from generic brown medieval setting to generic gray sci-fi setting, big whoop

>> No.4404020

I love FFVI, but I really wouldn't say that it's the greatest story in any JRPG. Any great story should be able to stand on its own and very few JRPGs have stories that can manage to accomplish that. A great story is something you read the synopsis of, gain a desire to read and its plot, characters and pacing don't disappoint. I've seen people claim that fucking Persona 3 has a great story.

In my opinion, the greatest story in any JRPG is NOT RETRO and belongs to Digital Devil Saga. If I absolutely had to choose a retro choice, it'd probably be Breath of Fire IV or Final Fantasy IX.

It's a good story hiding underneath a shit translation. Illusion of Gaia's is incomprehensible with or without the shitty translation, though.

>> No.4404112

i'm audibly and heartily laughing at your armchair cultural anthropologism

>> No.4404121

And Jerperguers revolve around gay anime high school harems.

>> No.4404125

European movies are diverse and dynamic, very much like European culture in general. American movies are stagnant and homogeneous, just like their culture. Most of them seem to be based on American tropes used from the 90's.

I can do it too.

>> No.4404128

>European movies are diverse and dynamic, very much like European culture in general. American movies are stagnant and homogeneous, just like their culture. Most of them seem to be based on American tropes used from the 90's.
also true. why did you assume I meant american when I said western?

>> No.4405302


My opinion... greatest story, best characters, best music = bestest RPG ever made. And i kinda dislike the super nintendo these days.

>> No.4405363

>I always figured people liked FF6 purely on gameplay merits alone.
Hell no. The story is what gives 6 it's praise. Gameplay leaves quite a bit to be desired.

>easy as fuck
>stat progression tied to espers
>everyone essentially becomes mages because of this


>> No.4405364

Pretty much. I couldn't be bothered at that point.

>> No.4405385

Planescape Torment.

>> No.4405458

console: terranigma
pc: bard's tale

>> No.4405635
File: 69 KB, 1333x1000, xg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XG is pretty good in concept, but relies too much on exposition and is too convoluted for its own good.

>> No.4405646

vampire bloodlines

>> No.4405647

and witcher 1 has the best fantasy idea for an rpg story. The big idea I love is the relation to the final boss.

>> No.4405758

Ultima - Worlds of Adventure 2 - Martian Dreams

>> No.4405759

Ultima VII

>> No.4405761

6 has a STRONG lore. One of the best ever in gaming. The backstory to the world is 10/10. The actual plot of the game is less important than the presentation and atmosphere and characters.

>> No.4405763

Sweet Home for NES. Shit movie that worked better as a game than it did as a movie.

>> No.4405764

Crystalis has to have the most underrated story of any RPG.

>> No.4407312

This. People who think RPGs have great stories are brainlets.

>> No.4407365

Star Wars?

>> No.4407941

RPG's excel in creating a sense of adventure. Stories that drive that along with good pacing and a feeling of drama and gravitas can be considered good in that context

>> No.4407948


Why are you responding to a dumbass?