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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4397839 No.4397839 [Reply] [Original]

I bought an Everdrive 64 (since n64 emulation is still spotty) and I never realized how much mediocre games there were for the system. But then there's also 10/10 games with great replay. Still nice to have the whole library at my fingertips.

>> No.4398096


It was new tech and there's bound to be lots of dogshit titles.

Hell, a LOT of the titles were dogshit. Just with new flashy (for the time) OMG 3d!!

I say this as an old fat guy who's first console was an Odyssey. Every big leap in tech does this. Look at the VR shit on steam right now....dogshit, almost all of it.

>> No.4398101


Well the third party support of the N64 consists mainly of Midway games, this should not be very surprising.

I feel that applies to the Playstation moreso. While the N64 is often very ugly, it does feel like it was meant to play 3d games. When the Playstation doesn't rely on pre-rendered backgrounds, the result is almost always sickening.

>> No.4398158

Yeah, there's not a lot of great stuff outside of Nintendo and Rare releases. And a lot of the other decent games it had, were available as better ports on either the PS1 or Dremcast.

>> No.4398168

>I feel that applies to the Playstation moreso. While the N64 is often very ugly, it does feel like it was meant to play 3d games. When the Playstation doesn't rely on pre-rendered backgrounds, the result is almost always sickening.

I can agree with that for sure.

I think the PS1 games have not aged very well at all. But to be honest the n64 games haven't aged too well either.

>> No.4398204


>> No.4398205


>> No.4398207

games don't age

>> No.4398214

Yeah, it was too new of a technology so almost every game worked differently than in the 16 bit generation. There's a lot of trial and error and really shitty graphics in it, but it has a lot of revolutionary games too, because of the same reason. I would say that, with the atari gen and the 8bit gen, it is the one that has aged the worst.

>> No.4398217

But the perception of them certainly does.

>> No.4398245

not reallu

>> No.4398279

at least now you can play all the Rare games without spending too much

>> No.4398281
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Eh, it has a decent ratio of good:bad games compared to many other systems's libraries.
Be sure to check out third party games like Goemon. For some people, Nintendo and Rare games justify the N64, but I think there's good 3rd party stuff on the N64 that's definitely worth playing.
I play a fair amount of N64 combined with Saturn and Playstation. In fact nowadays I use Saturn and N64 more, PS1 not so much, although I still replay favorites from time to time and try new games, I gravitate more toward the other 2.
I try to play new games I never played before, but sometimes N64 1st party games are irresistible. Like the other day I did a full playthrough of SF64, haven't played it in years, had a total blast. I guess that's when your comment about "10/10 games with great replay" comes in.

>> No.4398305

>n64 emulation is still spotty
what do you mean by that?

>> No.4398309


>> No.4398317
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most plugins have issues emulating certain games

>> No.4398330

I found very few games having these issues, and if they had them I always solved it by using other plugins or installing an older version of project 64

>> No.4398336

I prefer the n64 libary over modern systems librarys.

>> No.4398356
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Since I don't want to make it's own thread. What's the best place to get everdrives?

>> No.4398363

located in ohio
krikkz or retrogate
euro also ships to usa just takes longer

>> No.4398445


>> No.4398458


>> No.4398546

Goemon games are definitely good. The N64 Bomberman games are classics as well in my opinion.

This is making me wonder how many good 3rd party non-Rare games we can think of for the 64. The Chameleon Twist games are both pretty fun, though framerate drops in the first game could be a dealbreaker for some.

>> No.4399021

Discard it immediately unless you really wanna buy a new N64 a few years from now.

>> No.4399051


This meme again... know your facts nitwit.

>> No.4399264

>I don't want to make it's own thread

>> No.4399542
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, fzero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was stunned to find out yesterday that F-Zero X had an expansion on some CD console in Japan that added 12 tracks / 2 cups.
1. How do I play this? I have project 64 so can I just emulate with that?
2. Do the new tracks have staff ghosts?
3. Are the new tracks any good?
4. Is the expansion like Warcraft TFT (new content, gameplay mechanics, music etc, i.e. can't play game without it once you've tried it) or is is more like Final Doom (no new content beyond more levels with same textures).

>> No.4399650

>F-Zero X had an expansion on some CD console
how stupid are you?

>> No.4399736

No information on how it plays vs original. No information on staff ghosts. No information on how I can emulate it...

>> No.4399738

N64 runs on 3.3V, at least read the blog-post you're 'referencing'. Dude straight up says the N64 ED isn't an issue.

>> No.4399775

there's "hacked" cartridge versions of at least some of the disc drive games, but i've no idea if those are exactly the same.

>> No.4399810

Anyone ever get to the bottom of that reported compatibility issue on Episode 1 Racer?

>> No.4399819

even with a gameshark is there no way to get saves from games like Goldeneye and OOT from my actual carts to the Everdrive? I'll have to start over again?

>> No.4399823

Don't you need a patched version or whatever?
Anyways, Racer is hella cheap.

>> No.4399831


I was under the impression the latest version of Everdrive had 100% compatibility, no patched ROM bullshit required.

>> No.4399915

Use google you dumb shit it isn't that hard. but I'll save you the trouble this time and tell you to go to 64dd.org it has almost everything ur asking

>> No.4400498
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So you still play with one of these for hours at a time every day?

>> No.4401531

Tell me how videogames are for kids only

>> No.4401541

By far most of them are autismo.

>> No.4401618
File: 23 KB, 1024x585, 1488594022794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the flaws of the v2.5 everdrive64? Considering buying it

>> No.4401628

why the fuck there are no cheap everdrive clones? dont want to pay 100$ for it anons

>> No.4401679
File: 30 KB, 542x214, everdrive-64-v3-vs-everdrive-64-v2.5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being spoonfed
plus pokemon stadium 2 and animal crossing don't work
too bad, so sad

>> No.4401908


>> No.4401917

ED64Plus Enhanced

>> No.4401924

I'll be pedantic and point out the reason Animal Crossing works on the V3 is because of the RTC being present.

>> No.4401928


not him, but would you recommend this over the real thing?

>> No.4401940
File: 1.37 MB, 1000x750, 1496453056958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Well, that’s basically it. After this, the thing is completely set up. You can put all your favorite N64 and NES ROMs onto the n64 and play them. Wait… NES ROMs? Yes! The ED64Plus supports NES ROMs, and so you can play them on your N64 if you get this cartridge.


>> No.4401947

Yes, I haven't tried Pokemon Stadium 1 or 2 but every other game seems to work even Animal Forest

>> No.4401949

It's cheap and it does it's job, make sure to get the patched roms for games like Banjo-Tooie, DK64, JFG, etc...
Oh, and check that your reset button works.

>> No.4401986


>> No.4401991


>missing the point entirely

>> No.4402231

>le spoonfed meme xD

I want /a/ to leave

>> No.4402303

What is this "n64 games are still spotty" meme? Ive been emulating n64 flawlessly since 06.

>> No.4402613


sin and punishment plays better on the 64 controller, IMO. Plus IJ and the IM still didnt work, last time I tried. Think pokemon snap was fucked too

>> No.4402651

nes emu on n64 sucks. Get a wii

>> No.4402720

the n64dd games are just n64 games.
they've been converted to rom format now and can be played on normal n64 hardware. (even flashcarts)
f-zero x expansion kit adds new music, 2 new race cups, lets you create your own tracks and customize your vehicle.
its basically the complete version of f-zero x.

>> No.4403294


>> No.4403423

>Well the third party support of the N64 consists mainly of Midway games, this should not be very surprising.
Wot? Are we just gonna pretend that Disney, Lucasarts, Activision, Ubisoft, and Electronic Arts don't exist?

>> No.4403427


If you have to do that riggamarole then the emulation is shit.

>> No.4403428


Commentary is appreciated and encouraged.

>> No.4403435

Most of their ports were way worse than the ones on ps1 (Toy story 2 or Bug's life are prime examples).
point there
Same with disney, THPS and spiderman played better on DC (sans tony3)
>Ubi Soft
Only Rayman 2 is worth mentioning, maybe scars
sports yay
I wish Capcom or Namco supported more the console (I'm mad that Pac-Man World got cancelled), atleast Konami made two excellent Goemon games and the 3 ISS games.

>> No.4403460


No, because he aged. Not the game.

>> No.4403660


I have a wii. But being able to play it on an all in one seems like a plus

>> No.4403730


What's your setup?

>> No.4403737

N64 has more good games than its two competitors did by a mile. If you want a system with lots of mediocre games, play the PS1. The N64 probably has the highest ratio of good games to total library of any console. You've got all the Nintendo and Rare classics which are a few dozen on their own, and on top of that you've got some other great shit like Doom 64, Wetrix, Tetrisphere, Quake 2 (which is basically a unique game), Ogre Battle 64, etc. The N64 is the best of its generation, bar none.

>> No.4405936

nhl 99 was a great game in its own right

>> No.4406295

Spoiled lazy (man)child who wants other people do his own work.

>> No.4407573

Yo dudes. I bought an n64 the other week (first time owning one) after being a sony boy all my life. Anyone have any suggestions good games? I have OOT, mario kart, gex, banjo, quake I & II, wave race, and mario 64. Thanks!

>> No.4407576

Fuck off evershills.

>> No.4407646
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>> No.4407647

>Board for discussing things
epic, simply epic

>> No.4407743


sin and punishment, blast corps, and pokemon Snap

>> No.4407835
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>> No.4407890

Goemon (both games)
Mischief Makers
Space Station Sillicon Valley
Body Harvest
Duck Dodgers 64
Rayman 2
World Driver Championship/Top Gear Rally
Rakuga Kids
Rocket Robot on Wheels
Duke Nukem Zero H0ur