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File: 182 KB, 856x800, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4395692 No.4395692 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest
We're only harsh on this game because we love it

>> No.4395695

Be honest
You only made this topic because you're a faggot.

>> No.4395696

That stings, anon

>> No.4395698

I stopped playing on disc 3. All I remember is thinking "Why am I even still playing this if I'm not enjoying it?" and that's when I stopped.

>> No.4395704
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We're all waiting for you
at Balamb Garden

>> No.4395730
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>> No.4395741

Nope. The systems in it are really cool. But it's story and characters are some of the worst out of any game.

>> No.4395743

I have never played this game, the only FF games I played were the tactic ones and X

>> No.4395765

>only played X
I'm so sorry, anon

>> No.4395770

Oh get off it. X is good; it has the best battle system of the whole franchise.

>> No.4395778

Sure, but the rest of the game is abysmal

>> No.4395779

I only played FF, FFII, FFVIII, FFIX
I only beat FFVIII

Final Fantasy VIII is fantastic for its leveling system and Triple Triad. The items, magic, card, etc all can be converted into levels and all that good jazz. it has fluid combat, but going through the story can sometimes be a bore and sometimes you have to look up online where you should be going next.

But in the end I really loved VIII. I beat it for the first time earlier this year and liked it so much that i started a new save file. But I haven't beaten it a second time... kinda moved on to FFII instead.

>> No.4395813

Agree about the characters. I hated the whole orphanage and Edea being their "mom" thing. It was one of my biggest eye rolling moments in a game when they realized they all happened to live together. Other than that part, I think story was good

>> No.4395818

Yeah the plot point of GFs causing brain damage should've been put more to the forefront. A lot of shit in that game should've been more obvious. It's a decent story but it's told horribly.

>> No.4395827

How so? Characters were all good. Story was really damn good too. Like other Anon said, battle system was prob best in whole series.

No. The Tidus laughing scene doesn't make the whole game abysmal.

>> No.4395835

Meh, that part was bad but could have worked if the writing wasn't shit. The characters were the worst part. I never gave the slightest shit about any of the main characters. It should have centered around Laguna.

>> No.4395893
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why won't they make a seperate blitzball game? i don't care if it's just a phone game. damn that was fun.

>> No.4396021

>Only games he's played are Tactics and X
>Thinks he can honestly say X was good without comparing to the rest of the series
Do you see the issue I'm having taking your word for it?

>> No.4396034

two different people, lad

>> No.4396049

Seriously, I played that way more than the rest of the game.

>> No.4396108

Junction system shouldn't have been based off the amount you had for a certain spell. Like if you have curaga junctioned to your HP, you would lose max HP if you ever used curaga. It should have just been you junctioned curaga, and as long as you don't use it all it would keep the stat boost. I honestly kinda liked the system besides that aspect of it, which resulted in you never using your strongest magic since it was more beneficial to junction it to your stats.

Also enemy scaling was a mistake. It arguably doesn't matter because of how the junction system worked, and it only contributes to making it more complicated to loot enemies (might have to level up or down the enemies to get them item youre trying to loot).

Side characters shoulda gotten more development and focus.

Overall it wasn't the best FF, but I still enjoyed it (especially more than anything after FFIX)

>> No.4396117

Actually that kind of sums up the game. It ALMOST does everything well but fails to perfect anything. So, the flow is a little unwelcoming, albeit being very advanced and in depth for its time.

To this date there is still no game quite like this one.

>> No.4396326

I decided to give 8 a fair chance because of these threads. I just fought Fujin and Raijin in Balamb in Disc 2 and my thoughts so far are:

I really like the cast. Even Squall. I like that other characters are sort of in on the joke that Squall is "Squall" and make fun of him. Selphie has a "Can't count on Squall for that" line and it was hilarious. Squall's character feels very tongue-in-cheek and I don't get why he gets so much hate. Rinoa started off annoying and immature but she's growing on me the same way she's growing onto Squall and I want to see how their relationship progresses. Everyone else I like, save for Zell who seems kind of one-note so far.

The graphics and world are really beautiful. Though the world map is the definition of drab with music to match (on that note, the music is largely forgettable save for a couple of tracks).

My only real problems with FF8 so far is that it switches your party members more often than fucking FF6 and with the amount of potential micromanagement the Junction system can ask for, it gets annoying fast. Speaking of, breaking the game is fucking fun.

>> No.4396348

Yeah. They expect you to explore and talk to everyone, but most people aren't going to do that. Even if it were more obvious, the twist on a whole still begs belief.

By Disc 2 it still got foreshadowed quite a bit though. Squall's computer under the GF entry mentions memory loss, one of the Raidens in Balamb says to ignore all GF criticism, Selphie mentions memory loss outright in one of her diary entries and that one guy you graduated with mentions that you forgot his name already.

>> No.4396356

its the shittest part of the game,the ai is shit

>> No.4396360

7 to 10 was good but yeah i think 8 was the weakest

>> No.4396404

i sometimes call it "pause menu" the game

>> No.4396416


No Im harsh on it because it's retarded.

>> No.4396437

There are bits and pieces that I do love. I really like how the GF system works in terms of gaining new abilities and stat buffs. I also like the Junction system on paper, but it also makes it way too easy to break the game. There are some genuinely good boss battles, and I do like some of the characters (emphasis on some).

But there are way too many flaws. Ignoring the awful story, which is a subjective opinion, game play wise there's a lot wrong. Scaling enemies to your level made leveling up seem pointless. It also makes the later half of the game far too easy. I also don't like the limit break system, or the synthesis system to get new weapons/limit breaks. It makes it feel like a chore to get a new weapon. Also as I recall there weren't that many weapons to get which limits the variety I feel. I also dislike the way obtaining magic works. It makes sense for summons I guess, but I hated having to draw from enemies/draw points before I was able to use the magic refine abilities from GFs.

Overall, the parts of the game that are good I do genuinely enjoy. But there's too many flaws for me to get past, the main one for me being the dogshit awful story.

>> No.4396483
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>ai is shit
>coming from a time when all ai was shit in general

Don't get pissy because game was ramming it up your pussy

>> No.4396502
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love it :D

>> No.4396561

It'd be one thing if the world map theme was decent at least. FF2's was great, but you'd get into a battle before it got to the best part.

>> No.4396570

Was the orphanage crap part of the brain damage or were they really all from there?

>> No.4396574

I like it. But there's a lot of flaws and the MC is a douche

>> No.4396623
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I'm not harsh on it. Or FFX for that matter.
My least favorite game in the series is FFVI. Too abysmal and gloomy.

>> No.4396737

I was enjoying it then started enjoying the card game then all this random lmao has activated throughout the land now i really hate this game and never want to play it again

>> No.4396760

My father died and left me the three discs of FF7.

I played through the first disc, but the second was too scratched to load.

I never cared enough to follow up on it, and this is coming from someone who's beaten the first 6. Repeatedly. Guess I never got into the 3d era.

>> No.4396761

exactly. FF2 also does a very good job leading the player to the next area. FFVIII gets you lost. And the world map in FFVIII is only really great once you get the Ragnarock. Anybody dissing it who hasn't played past disc 3 is missing the best part of the game which is disc 4 where you prepare for your fight with Ultimicia and finish up all your side quests, with the exception of the card club since Joker is conveniently aboard your ship

>> No.4396763

You should play 9, anon. It fits right in with the first six.

>> No.4396824

You should finish VII in his honor
It's a good game and you'll have a nice story associated with the game.

>> No.4396834
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The game gets better in Disc-2.
Your materia becomes much more varied and the items and attacks and enemies all get pretty hardcore.

>> No.4396849

Really all from there, the entire game was an orchestrated event with the end goal of defeating Ultimecia

>> No.4396858
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Yeah, FF8 relies heavily on foreshadowing and implications. Problem is that you don't think back to them and the game has a very, very bad habit of "changing the subject" to where it throws away entire plot points. This broadcast on the monitor for instance foreshadows Adel, but you completely forget about it an hour later.

Or maybe, things just seem to vanish because Squall forgets about the times of peace between the insanity, his mind constantly focused on battle. It's possible there are timeskips happening throughout the game but Squall's memory loss means he doesn't even realize they're happening. Or it could just be shitty writing.

I honestly wouldn't mind an FF8 remake by the FF13 team. Like I said, it's a good story with a terrible narrator.

>> No.4396892

I've never played FF before. Should I play this one?

>> No.4396898

Not as your first. Go for 4, 6, if 1 if you're feeling hardcore.

>> No.4397020

I feel that FFX is the most accessible to newcomers. Simplistic battle system, yet extremely fun throughout game with one of the best stories of the series

>> No.4397039

FF8 is ok. But it is bloated and has too many tedious sections for me to ever replay it. The story is garbage, but the setting is certainly novel.

I don't honestly think it looks better than 7. The textures are ugly and the colors are washed out compared to 7's vibrant shades. But it has an unusual look for an RPG of this type and it is memorable.

Overall I do not hate it, and recommend that people give it a shot.

>> No.4397584

It's bullshit. I like grinding and being able to blunt power my way through enemies if I haven't strategized effectively. It's a r o l e playing game and I should be able to play how I want.

>> No.4397585

>It's a r o l e playing game and I should be able to play how I want.
Retards like that are the reason why games have become so dumbed down for millennial kids.

>> No.4397594

ff8 isn't intelligent, it's full of artificial difficulty and artificial length to justify it being on 4 discs. if they removed all the fmv's and took out a few backtracking segments it'd be a very short game. but EPIC. there's no reason for a bat in cave to scale it's ability to a sEEd member from any logical perspective.

>> No.4397595

>artificial difficulty
Well meme'd, kiddo. At least now I know you're trolling.

>> No.4397605

why is Rinoa so deathly pale on the cover

>> No.4397684

I love the look of it and the potential.

>> No.4397706

Squandered potential.

>> No.4397707

squalldered potential.

>> No.4397720

squallderp potato

>> No.4397725

So you're implying that Squall is an unreliable narrator? That would excuse a lot of the game's faults and more questionable moments.

I finally got to the amnesia reveal scene and it really wasn't that bad. I've seen people claim to have dropped the game at that point so I guess the outrage at the "twist" is just a meme. Don't get me wrong, the reveal feels amateurish, like something an 8 year old would think up, but if you're familiar with Japanese dramas you'd realize that kind of shitty, ham-fisted writing is common in Japan.

The camera is terrible. Which is strange since I don't remember 7 and 9's being as annoying to control as 8's.

>> No.4397745

>Retards like that are the reason why games have become so dumbed down for millennial kids.

Every old RPG I've seen has at least one way to completely obliterate all semblance of balance the game has (Maxing Agility in Fallout), can be speedran in moments (Daggerfall), or have the entire game be completely ignored and go straight for the endgame (Jagged Alliance 2). Don't think they were anything special in difficulty or depth.

>> No.4397791

I keep seeing Betrayal at Krondor on JRPG lists. What's up with that?

>> No.4398889
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I think Squall is a great MC (everyone else sucks though) and it has the best music and FMV of the series. Everything else, meh.

>> No.4398903
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I love it because it was my first. And as a kid who love to swing sticks around outside, renzokukens were the bee's knees.

>> No.4398912

That's true in a big way. If only a little more time of development happened, things would much better on the gameplay front.

>> No.4398918

nothing can save the story

maybe r=u but probably not

>> No.4398927

Well, no. But we could've been able to break the game into tatters from the very start less.

>> No.4398945

This. First time I saw Lionheart I about shit my pants. I was a huge DBZ fan at the time too.
Still am. Crazy attacks are just awesome.
Laguna's Desperado is awesome as fuck too.

>> No.4400402 [DELETED] 


>> No.4401349

she looks like my older sister's friend (or at least how I remember her from nearly 20 years ago).... fuck, I'm off to facebook to stalk again.

>> No.4401396

gameplay is fun the graphics are gorgeous, the soundtrack is divine, and it has the worst plot to any game I have ever played in my life.

>> No.4401398

Thanks for these, Selphieposter.

>> No.4401447

>(on that note, the music is largely forgettable save for a couple of tracks).

You're kidding, right? A good chunk of Uematsu's best work is in there. Although I can see why you might think that way if slow-paced and atmospheric music bores you.

>> No.4401451


>those titts
>that itty bitty panty shot


>> No.4401518

I'll be honest.

I unironically enjoyed this game from start to finish. The only thing that bothered me somewhat was compulsory [Draw]ing, but otherwise I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

>> No.4401542

The aesthetic of this game is still top notch almost 20 years later, and the webm is the gross pc version/emulator. Today with mocap animations, higher poly count, higher texture res, much easier tools to use in general nothing comes close to being this visually cool. Even FF15, which shares a lot of its aesthetic design thanks to nomura doesn't look as captivating or solid in most cases. Squall's running motion and footwork during some of these attacks is a serious work of art and even his sudden impossible jump backwards into his starting position at the end of the attack (a mainstay of FF battles) is still more acceptable than Noctis' teleportation, sliding on the floor independent of footing while locked-on. Not to say FF15's animation integration isn't top-notch or even superior to FF8's, but FF8 does not have the additional issues and anti-immersive behavior the more advanced battle of system of 15 introduced.

>> No.4402024

This game is awesome. I dont get what is so fag about it

>> No.4402157

The story and characters are the weakest part of the game. That and drawing are my real gripes. The game has great music and visuals, but not much else for me.

>> No.4402463

how come 7 and 9 were literally 10/10 when 8 was like 6/10


>> No.4402795
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The card game made me hate it. I understand that card game shit was becoming popular then, but I was old and cynical then, (even older now) and could not get into it.