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4392902 No.4392902 [Reply] [Original]

>all arcade ports
>50 bucks games instead of 300 dollar cartridge
why did it fail?

>> No.4392904

It failed bc SNK cheaped out and used a crappy single speed drive in the machine.

I actually like the controller more than the AES.

You can find cart to CD conversions online and I like playing those. Or, better yet, play it on your Dreamcast thru VGA on a CRT.

>> No.4392905


Because the loading times where long as fuck and as much as I love it Neo Geo is niche as fuck and the average gamer isn't going to notice when games aren't arcade perfect.

>> No.4392909

Really not that bad except for some games that came at the end

>> No.4392910

>You can find cart to CD conversions online and I like playing those
why would you do that?

>> No.4392916

That controller felt SO NICE, it's such a shame nobody else adopted micro-switch technology for d-pads.

>> No.4392920

Because I actually had an NGCD in the mid 90s and there's no piracy check on it.

Or at least on mine, idk about the NGCDZ

>> No.4392924

I would totally buy a USB version of that controller even though I don't need another one.

>> No.4392925
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cursed monkey

>> No.4392927

Because the console is significantly cheaper than the AES, and you can just burn them to a CD-R.

I've thought about importing a Japanese NGCD, I've seen them on eBay lately for less than $200, sometimes as low as $150.

>> No.4393014

>sell overpriced carts
>cheap on optical drive
who does this shit?!

>> No.4393016

needs cd to cart conversions, for glorious flashcart

>> No.4393080

Load times

>> No.4393082


>> No.4393160

1x cd read.

>> No.4393179

In 2001 my girlfriend offered to buy me one with her dead-grandma money but I told her she should spend it on herself so she bought a parrot instead. Less than a year later we were broken up, I was running FBAX on my Xbox and the trade center was in ruins. Eventful year.

>> No.4393181 [DELETED] 


The pad is shit. Its almost impossible to play fighting games with this. The CD rom drive is shit. Loading takes forever. Consoles that rely on optical media are crap anyway.

>> No.4393215
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>The pad is shit. Its almost impossible to play fighting games with this

>> No.4393347

Because electronics require power

>less than $200
bandwagoners lol

>make cheap things cheap. who does this shit?!?!!11!1?1

>> No.4393349

Is there any hope for an optical drive emulator for this system?

>> No.4393353

The loading times on the fighting games are absolutely fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4393362

Stop being a fag and just use CD-Rs you whiney homo

>> No.4394054

>FBAX on xbox

>> No.4394081
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>> No.4394107


>> No.4396025

$399 was expensive for a console at the time and many gamers were still happy with the SNES and Genesis. It also had terrible reviews:

"Criticism of the system's generally long loading times began even before launch; a report in Electronic Gaming Monthly on the Neo Geo CD's unveiling noted, "At the show, they were showing a demo of Fatal Fury 2. The prototype of the machine that they showed was single speed, and the load time was 14-28 seconds between rounds. You can see that the screen[shot] on the right is a load screen."

Reviewing the Neo Geo CD in late 1995, Next Generation noted SNK's reputation for fun-to-play games but argued that their failure to upgrade the Neo Geo system with 3D capabilities would keep them from producing any truly "cutting edge" games, and limit the console to the same small cult following as the Neo Geo AES system in spite of its less expensive games. They gave it 1 1/2 out of 5 stars.

It had 0 capability to do anything other than 2-d games; even 3d0 and Jaguar could do that.

>all arcade ports

Ports of games that most gamers stopped giving a shit about when the 3-d games came out. Also it didn't help that SNK released near-perfect ports to the Sega Saturn and competent ports to PS1.

>50 bux for games compared to $300 cart
Again, many of the ports for the best games at the time could be found on Sega Saturn.

The load times were the final nail in the coffin that kept this from achieving any type of success.

>> No.4396041

>near-perfect ports to the Sega Saturn

lol, far from it. They too had load times, and very often missing frames, or required unique ROM carts and later the ram expansion (and weren't perfect even with those...).

Sure, for the time they were great, but they are a far cry from being near perfect.

>> No.4396126

Ridiculously long load times, expensive compared to the PlayStation/N64/Saturn, and had the misfortune of being released at a time where 2D games were considered old hat by the average consumer.

>> No.4396138
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i like mine.

>> No.4396930

neoragex was the shit back then

I was playing all the games on a shitty pentium II

You could get the games as soon as they were released in the arcades for free

those were some good times

>> No.4397262

the top loader looks good in pictures but it's bulky as fuck in person. Should've gotten the front loader

>> No.4397276

also, the biggest problem with neocd load times is that games with cool arranged sound tracks like the king of fighters series get butchered because the loading causes the music to be segmented into different parts and not continuous. You can never hear the tracks in their entirety, they are even like that on the cd itself.

>> No.4397601

Neo geo cd versions are not the real thng. Both last blade cd games have missing frames of animation. Ninja masters has shorter backgrounds for example. Full list of cut stuff can be found on gamefaqs.

>> No.4397663

Well, apparently this thing was released in the US in 1996. Doesn't seem like a great time to release 4th gen hardware. Basically releasing outdated hardware (it plays worse than the original NEO GEO, too) at a time when the N64 is being released. I honestly didn't even know about the NEO-GEO CD back in the day, I never saw one in stores. And I remember seeing the CD-i, 3D0, and Jaguar for sale.

>> No.4397667
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>> No.4397669

The front loader was the very first release, and exclusive to Japan. If history with the Sega CD is any indicator, it was likely to succumb to more issues, dealing with the mechanical tray. Not worth the hassle which is why every other release since had the top loader

>> No.4397723
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>go to retro game convention
>see pile of NGCD games at a vendor
>priced as if they were AES games

Are people really this stupid?
I feel like this is merely a glimpse into the future

>> No.4397740

Art of Fighting 3 got its sprites shrunk