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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 123 KB, 600x409, zelda ugly bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
438608 No.438608 [Reply] [Original]

The original Legend of Zelda. I love the game, it is one of the games I played a lot as a child. A game I played to completion more than any other, yet looking back on it, it was ugly as shit. I mean, who would want to save Hyrule if it is all brown and shit? Why are the colors the way they are? It seems so arbitrary, like they just didn't have any colors to work with. Yet, it still has a charm to it. The tiles in the game, especially rocks and bushes take on new forms that the developers probably didn't see us seeing them as.

We know the NES is capable of much better visuals, so why is it that a game, especially a first party game looks so poor on the system?

Not that I am saying it is a bad game, it is just one ugly bitch.

>> No.438634
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>> No.438648

Exactly. Why is Hyrule the plains of Africa in Zelda 1, and a lush Euro-Japanese dreamland in the rest of the games?

>> No.438652

Not implying your pic is Africa.

>> No.438656
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>> No.438669
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>> No.438680

zelda is more of an amalgam of many different regions across many continents

>> No.438683

It's a fairly early game. Most early games on a console will look shitty compared to later efforts.

>> No.438693
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>> No.438704

>who would want to save Hyrule if it is all brown and shit?
I don't know how to explain this, but
Zelda 1 was set post-apocalypse
Thus everything was supposed to be a wasteland
Which is why everyone just lived in caves
Which is why the spot Kakariko Village is supposed to stand is instead a mass graveyard
Which is why they explain in Zelda II how cities are still trying to reform
etc, etc

Tell me, does the fact that there is so much sand in Fallout also keep you awake at night?

>> No.438741

I'd love to see Nintendo make a new Zelda game in the spirit of the first one. They did it when they made TP (it was basically OoT without time travel).

>> No.438764

It's old, even for an NES game. People cite Kirby's Adventure and Mega Man 3-6 as examples of good NES graphics but those came out in the 90s. Zelda was released in the same year as Dragon Quest and a year after SMB, both of which also looked like butt. It was the NES standard.

I also don't think they gave a shit. Like they either had programmers do the art or they brought in one artist to cobble together most of the tiles at the last minute in a tool they weren't familiar with. Things looked vaguely like what they were supposed to represent, and that was enough.

>> No.438773

Sure, games would look better in time. However, if you look at the games that were released along with LoZ, this one is typical of the quality of the time. Look at the games released earlier - on average, they look worse.

To explain this trend, you have to understand that the original Famicom/NES hardware was extremely modest. If you know about what mappers are, you understand that game developers had engaged in an iterative process to "hack" out the most utility of the limited hardware by using clever tricks on the cartridge. Of course, better looking games led gamers to react to better looking games, which in turn motivated designers to find new and better ways to make games look more impressive.

That trend you're seeing is not coincidence or laziness, but rather an indication of the growing skill of the developers to overcome the limitations of the hardware.

>> No.438780

Nahhh. It's not an apocalypse. The populace and royal family just up and moved elsewhere, building several villages named after the Sages of legend (and apparently that Kokiri brat Mido and someone named "Kasuto").

>> No.438795


>Zelda 1 was set post-apocalypse

Do you have any official source for that?

>> No.438801

This is part of it, but simple graphical rom hacks demonstrate that Zelda could have been much prettier if Nintendo had the time and inclination.

>> No.438818

IIRC, the original Zelda games was set when Ganon had taken over, so Hyrule would be incredible dull and wasteland-like.

>> No.438840

Metroid came out in 1986, the same year as LoZ, and it looked a lot fucking better than LoZ.

>> No.438843

Ignoring the impact of hardware and mappers, can we just say that over time gamers began to expect more from the graphical presentation of games?

And for the record, I don't think LoZ looks bad - it's a very typical (if not actually relatively good) representation of the quality of games at the time.

>> No.438863

Metroid was 6 months later, which is a HUGE ammount of time given what was happening in the industry at that time. I'd hardly say it is leaps and bounds better than LoZ graphically,\ considering:
Different scale and perspective
Extensive use of black backgrounds
"Busy," incomprehensible or overly simplistic sprites for some enemies

And again, I'm not saying it sucks, but Metroid also a product of it's time.

>> No.438870

I think that if that is true, I have skimmed the historia, but don't remember anything like that, that it was retconned in. The original Zelda was just a fun adventure inspired by Shiggy's childhood antics.

>> No.438876

This. Zelda didn't look the way it "should" have. It was very brown and had arbitrary color schemes in dungeons and in certain places on the map.

>> No.438882

Doesn't it /seem/ right though? I'd love to see it proven with a source though.

>> No.438885

And heck, LoZ came out six months after SMB. Again you can see how much more advanced of a game it is.

>> No.438890

NES didn't exactly have the most amazing color palette

>> No.438892

>NES has no yellow

>> No.438905
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>> No.438907

Its in the timeline where ganon wins.

>> No.438912

That explains a lot.

FYI: it's shit

>> No.438920

But it's also post-LttP where Ganon gets "totally destroyed".

>> No.438939

yeah and something like 25 of those colors chould be displayed at time

>> No.438946

Yes but 13 are reserved for the background and 12 for the sprites. Also each block of four tiles has to share the same colors.

>> No.438949

Holy crap, it really doesn't. I've been playing games missing a primary color for 20 years.

>> No.438959
File: 4 KB, 320x200, International Karate_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that's nothing compared to PCs at the time

>> No.438972


Look, none of that was planned okay?

>> No.438974

It fits the "official timeline" pretty well, but I am literally 100% sure that Shiggy didn't intend for that to be the case in '86

>> No.438980
File: 16 KB, 512x448, bslink000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a remake on super famicom

>> No.438987

Huh. You learn something new every day. Why no yellow? What was stopping it? They would have to sacrifice another color? Yellow is important (obviously it isn't or we would have noticed)

>> No.438989
File: 5 KB, 768x528, how the fuck are you supposed to find this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Zelda looked a bit bland as a direct result of it being so big. The game world is really huge.

The real problem with Zelda (the first quest anyway) is the two bullshit container hearts. If you can't find them without a guide, why are they in the game?

>> No.438995

That's like asking why IBM thought these colors >>438959 were a good idea

>> No.439010
File: 421 KB, 796x559, uy43bn65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I find kind of interesting? People say MM is the darkest or the most surreal in the series.

If you think about the setting and some of the things that happen and exist in Zelda 1 then that could easily be the strangest by far. I mean, just the old men scattered around the world that give you single texts of messages, or they trap you and take your life/money, they give you pieces of advice that don't make much sense due to bad translations. Some guy at the beginning just gives you a sword for seemingly no reason, and I think it comes form the limitations of not being able to explain why but doesn't it seem odd? Some old man who just hangs out in a cave with the light sword and tells you to get more experienced first (which somehow means get 5 heart containers). Impa, who doesn't say anything but merely stands there with that smiling sprite between 2 fires and doesn't say a thing until you give her the message form the old man. Another old guy lives in a graveyard and gives you a heart container, which almost makes me wonder if he "created" a heart from various dead bodies, all for you? That's a stretch but why else would he live their and have a heart container for you?

So yeah if you analyze stuff this way you can find many games to be creepy, but I generally found Zelda 1 to be a much darker and strange world than MM. Just food for thought and opinions here fellas, not trying to start shit.

>> No.439013


If you hook in an actual CGA monitor, it's more earth-tone than... that.

DosBox emulates this, if you want to see what I mean -- find a CGA game, edit your dosbox .conf file's "machine=" line to read "machine=cga", and run it.

It won't be that ugly bright-pastel shit anymore; it'll be a mix of subtle green, subtle brown, subtle red, subtle blue...

>> No.439017

That one's kinda hard to miss, though. I mean, if I booted up my Game Boy and noticed everything was green it wouldn't exactly blow my mind.

>> No.439020


Yellow is actually a shitty color and they made the right decision leaving it out for other better colors.

>> No.439029


Not really, it's a pure gameplay game. Story in the NES days and before were very neglected due to limitations. There were very few games that actually focused on storytelling.

>> No.439028

If you used the composite output, the colors look more pastel while RGB monitors produce those strong, unpleasant ones.

>> No.439031

The game rewarded people who explored everything.

My first playthrough I burned a secret entrance on accident and found a medicine seller. After that I bombed and burned every pixel of that game looking for shit.

>> No.439032
File: 40 KB, 500x301, terada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you're a kid and you pop open that shiny golden cartridge, pop it into your NES, and then... that theme song... that inspiring, heroic theme song, /vr/...

That was the first time my gelatinous kid-brain comprehended just how amazing fantasy and adventure can be.

>> No.439047

>Impa, who doesn't say anything but merely stands there with that smiling sprite between 2 fires and doesn't say a thing until you give her the message form the old man.
That's not Impa, bro.

And Majora's Mask is still more surreal; pretty much everything you claimed was creepy about Z1 is just a matter of it being a shittily translated NES game.

>> No.439048

But that would take forever. It would drastically increase the length of the game in what amounts to a slow and unfun grind, especially since you can carry only a few bombs.

>> No.439053

I'd say Zelda II is closer to MM in terms of darkness and surreality and whatnot. Its one of the few games in the series that gives of that drab, overbearing feeling of hopelessness and potential defeat at every corner, with Ganon just waiting to rise up and laugh over your decaying corpse.

>> No.439057


A lot of games back then was designed around playground rumours though. All it would take was one kid.

>> No.439061

Same with me. I still thought it was a bit ugly. But my imagination was better then, and now it is a bit harder to see past the super duper flat art direction.

>> No.439065
File: 360 KB, 1556x1082, manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were very few games that actually focused on storytelling.
Most old games had the story in the manual only. Huge sprawling epics of story, at times.

The games themselves didn't concern themselves with any of that.

>> No.439071

Hell, Shigesato Itoi appeared in a commercial for Mother to encourage kids to do exactly that.

>> No.439084
File: 18 KB, 299x383, Chimpanzee_thinking_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know the NES is capable of much better visuals, so why is it that a game, especially a first party game looks so poor on the system?

Simple- because it's an earlier NES Game.

The games that looked really good-Kirby's Adventure for example- came late in the system's life

Developers didn't know how to push the system, programming tricks etc.

Compare Antarctic Adventure, an early NES game by Konami


and Gyromite, another early NES game


In the beginning this is what they could push out of the system

As time progressed so did what they were able to do with its power. Before you complain about an NES Game's visuals first look at the release date.

Zelda 1 was released in 1986, Gyromite in 1985

I'd say compared to its contemporaries looking at Zelda 1 was like looking at a PS3 game in the PS2 era; beautiful colorful backgrounds in a videogame era when some games still had flat black backgrounds. Super Mario Bros. 1 also had the same effect. I lived during that time and played games, and when Zelda and Mario 1 came out they blew everything out of the water.

I was used to flat black backgrounds and to see the colorful beautiful lands of the Mushroom Kingdom and Hyrule was a shock to me

>> No.439086


I remember some colors in the NES, if filling enough of my screen, would make my TV distort and make a buzzing sound a little bit.

I imagine a true yellow would do something like that.

>> No.439092

>I lived during that time and played games

does being 2 years old and drooling on your older brother's controller count?

>> No.439105


Pretty much.

>> No.439116

Zelda is certainly drastically easier if you know its secrets ahead of time, which isn't exactly a good thing. Consider this:

>You need 12 of the 16 container hearts to get the magic sword
>You start with 3
>The first 8 levels each have one at the end
>There are 3 in obvious or suspicious locations around the overworld
>There are 2 in bullshit locations impossible to find without a guide
>Levels 6 and 8 are by far the hardest and 7 is impossible to find without either a guide or talking to the old man deep in level 6

So, if you don't have a guide, you'll hit a brick wall after finishing levels 1 through 5. You only have 11 hearts at this point. You need to complete either level 6 or level 8 without the magic sword, and both are balls hard. Pick your poison, because this is the toughest part of the game.

Or, you can just get a guide and find the bullshit container hearts, or get advice from someone who's finished the game already for the secret to level 7. Easy mode either way.

>> No.439125
File: 26 KB, 796x411, commodore_64-games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the early games on a system look incredibly shitty compared to the ones at the end of its life

>> No.439126
File: 83 KB, 840x625, chimpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also let me point out that making the jump from Urban Champion (1984), Mario Bros (1983) 10-Yard Fight, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Donkey Kong Jr. Math, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Golf, Gyromite, Hogan’s Alley, Ice Climber, Kung Fu, Pinball, Stack-Up, Tennis, Wild Gunman, Wrecking Crew, Mach Rider (launch titles) to the Legend Of Zelda in the course of a couple of years was an amazing feat.

>> No.439135

The solid ground it Mario was just red rock, with only the the background having hills indicating that there was grass somewhere. In Zelda, I'm guessing the green rocks are meant to sort of resemble cliffs or steep hills covered in crass or something, since otherwise why would there even be so many green rocks? Most likely, I'd say they probably made what looks to be bare dirt for some area where it was more appropriate, then allowed it to be used for many other areas for the same reason players often didn't notice it: Because it looked fairly pleasing despite not making any sense. Though I actually ended up getting confused when I got the the desert area until my brother pointed out it was sand, since to me it was just like "the regular ground" but with dots on it for some reason.

>> No.439149

>Easy mode either way.
This. If you already know the game beforehand, you can grind yourself up to the white sword + blue ring + red medicine with two extra hearts before you even enter the first dungeon.

A big part of LoZ was the secrets/exploring aspect. Knowing everything in advance drastically decreased the difficulty of the first quest.

>> No.439184

That was after they began using bank switching and the FDS to exceed the console's 40k ROM limit.

>> No.439220

>I also don't think they gave a shit. Like they either had programmers do the art or they brought in one artist to cobble together most of the tiles at the last minute in a tool they weren't familiar with

Obviously they didn't know how to push everything out of the system yet. It happens every generation. Early PS1 games look like ass compared to the later games. Early SNES games don't look as good as the later ones with mode 7 graphics and all.

>> No.439287

do we also forget that the development tools available in the 80s were not exactly advanced in of themselves?

>> No.439320


so what I'm trying to say is that, with the limited tech of the time and limited knowledge of the system and how it could be pushed, to me Zelda 1 was a wonder of ingenuity

For fuck's sake, at the time NES games didn't even save, you just started back at the beginning of the game every time you turned off the system.

>> No.439339

LoZ 1985 concept arts + interview


>> No.439352

You are looking at this solely from the NA point of view. This was long enough into the Famicom's life that the disc system had been added on, and memory tapes were already a thing for gamesaves. But yeah, I can understand having limited tools to develop with.

>> No.439384

> hand drawn the whole tiled map on a paper
80's at finest

>> No.439392

this is awesome thanks anon

>> No.439436


that is only assuming of course that the kid who helped you had actually found every single secret in the game. chances are he'd maybe only discovered one or two. it's all a big puzzle for you and your friends

>> No.439440

Well shit that was a good read.

>> No.439458

Just the location of level 7 is enough to skip the hardest part of the game

>> No.439463


People in the 80's didn't have access to Gamefaqs. Everyone who plays Zelda today always goes "ugh wtf no quest markers game is bullshit, who's supposed to beat this without using a guide?!"

Casuals who never played King's Quest, Zork, or Ultima expect an adventure game from the 80's to be as hand-holdy as Ocarina of Time, and they never seem to realize, these games were designed with the expectation that players would be asking eachother for tips.

>> No.439484


MM is the most surreal, but it's not all that dark. people who say that, IMO are rather naive

>> No.439490

Why is the ground brown? What does that imply? Dirt? Rocks? Dead grass?

>> No.439494


>> No.439501


Essentially, hard earth with hardly any vegetation. It may resemble being rocky but it's not rocks.

>> No.439503

I beat Zelda on my own and assumed there was more to be found after 100% (I was an only child, and I lived out in unincorporated county land. I had lots of time to kill.) Replay value was all in the no-internet zone. Only after my family got internet did I realize I had completely milked my favorite game. It wasn't really fun after that.

>> No.439506


These pics are fucking cool. Any more?

>> No.439519

I remember finding out about the Silver Arrows in LoZ because of a Doogie Howser episode.

>> No.439520
File: 847 KB, 1280x785, Hyrule_field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See those dirt paths? Basically that over the entirety of the land.

>> No.439553


Better question: what the fuck are those green borders? Green mountains?

>> No.439564

What else would they be?

>> No.439590

what's the problem, never seen a green mountain before?

>> No.439603

are they green rocks or just covered in vegetation?

>> No.439615


games from 1985 to 1987 were all ugly as shit mang. It wasn't until 1988-1990 that games started having more complex visuals.

>> No.439616

Probably the latter, but it might be both.

>> No.439626

Not true. It could have been a different Mido. Back in the Wind Waker, there was a male Kokiri Sage by the name Fado who was slain by Ganon's minion Molgera.

Kosuto could be some random person we don't know yet. Perhaps in a future Zelda title? It's weird to see how the adult timeline has two branches now. the bad one and good one.

>> No.439653
File: 452 KB, 1280x960, thousandmencave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just knocking them together to show a few IRL places that looked like Zelda I locations.

>> No.439678


So the ground is totally barren, but the mountains are covered in vegetation? That doesn't makea lot of sense.

>> No.439695

Maybe the rocks absorb moisture well but the ground is covered in light dust that isn't good for planting?

>> No.439696


This is true.. on the playground at school near every single day all the boys were talking video games, sharing mega man passwords, giving secrets, telling each other which bosses are weak to what, where to find hidden items in Zelda, you go over to each other's houses and figure this shit out together.

>> No.439712
File: 196 KB, 750x533, mirrorlake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be autumn with mossy rocks. Or near a beach or floodplain. The rocks might be high in copper content.

>> No.439727

Did you go in there?

>> No.439741


This picture makes me hella comfy. I imagine Link would just lay back on one of those rocks, gathering his thoughts before tackling another dungeon.

>> No.439747

Only via google images. I've only been to >>438656 and I see places like >>438634 all over.

>> No.439758


Ever lay on moss? Feels weird, but it is kind of comfy when you get used to it.

>> No.439767

>There are 2 in bullshit locations impossible to find without a guide
not really "impossible without a guide". Once players learned about bombing rock walls and burning trees(which was explained in the manual) it only because second nature to comb the world for secrets.

>7 is impossible to find without either a guide or talking to the old man deep in level 6
Not true. Upon obtaining the recorder you can use to to warp to the entrances of all the dungeons you've been to(the order seems random at first but it eventually resets and takes you in numerical order). Using it at Level 6's entrance after beating Level 6 takes you to the pond where Level 7 is. The player's instinct normally is to blow the recorder again to warp more, but instead of warping it drains the pond.

>> No.439773


Moss: Nature's Couches

>> No.439794

>combing the world for secrets
As discussed above, combing through the whole overworld burning all the trees and bombing all the walls would be an absolute chore and I seriously hope none of you guys did this
>after beating Level 6

>> No.439798

But then it sticks onto you and you go "gross"

>> No.439819

>As discussed above, combing through the whole overworld burning all the trees and bombing all the walls would be an absolute chore and I seriously hope none of you guys did this
Many people did, and they took advantage of doing things like planting a bomb/using the candle between tiles to maximize the range covered. Not to mention such tactics are practically required for 2nd Quest where Levels are hidden in the most ridiculous places

I merely stated that it was a force of habit to use the recorder to see where you could go and that using it was second nature after beating level 6. The statement I was replying to suggested that it was physically impossible to find Level 7 UNLESS you talked to the old man in Level 6, which is an entirely optional thing.

>> No.439829


That's fine for adventurers. I bet Link has way nastier and stickier stuff on that tunic of his.

>> No.439871


>moblin semen

>> No.439896

So you have six options at that point in the game:
>Tear apart the overworld until you find one of the bullshit container hearts
>Go through most of level 6 with just the white sword until the guy tells you about where fairies don't live
>Beat level 6 with just the white sword without fully exploring it and meeting the guy
>Beat level 8 with just the white sword
>Just use a guide to find one of the bullshit container hearts without searching
>Just use a guide to find level 7 early

The first option is tedious, the next three options are hard as balls, and the last two are sort of cheating. The point here is that having extra knowledge of the game makes it much easier.

>> No.439939


I was thinking more Like-Like saliva.

And those balls octorocks spit at you probably have all sorts of nasty octopus goop on them.

>> No.439949

a bit OT, but:
>be playing LoZ first time w/out walkthroughs
>whre the hell is the magical sword
>i'm blocked in dungeon 7

>> No.439960

Yes it makes it easier, but claiming that something is impossible or "bullshit" just because it's not painfully obvious doesn't make much sense considering the fact that plenty of people figured it out on their own.

>> No.439987

If I played through the first LoZ using an overworld map, would that be unforgivable?

>> No.440006


Do whatever the fuck you want and stop trying to appease people on 4chan.


>implying loads of players didn't already have maps thanks to Nintendo Power

>> No.440010

The manual came with a map and a guide on reaching the first few levels, no.

Make sure it's a map that doesn't reveal the secrets, though

>> No.440082

BS Zelda is much different.

The overworld is smaller, the dungeons aren't all in the same relative places, the dungeons have different layouts, and the timer had various effects.

>> No.440114
File: 8 KB, 750x420, The-NES-That-Never-Was.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NES didn't exactly have the most amazing color palette

If you remove the limitations on how many colors could be displayed at a time, you'd actually be surprised at how good the NES color palette was.

Check out this article: http://www.duelinganalogs.com/article/the-nes-that-never-was/

>> No.440165


This is cool but to be honest I like the way Mario looks in 3 for some reason. I think all the black sort of brings out the features around him. The rest do look much better imo.

>> No.440194

>Story in the NES days and before were very neglected due to limitations.
On consoles, yes. Computer games were a different matter.

>> No.440252

Game came with a map.

>> No.440273

As opposed to most modern games, that neglect gameplay in favor of a hackneyed story and top-of-the-line visuals.

There are very few modern games that actually focus on gameplay.

>> No.440305

I'd like to develop an NES game, but the sprite limitation is making me wary. Eight sprites per scanline and 64 onscreen at once really limits what you can do. What are some games with lots of sprites in a single scanline without slowdown or flickering?

>> No.440307

>tfw you realize that in 1993, guys said gameplay died with Atari and SNES had nothing but over-the-top visuals

>> No.440315

oh that's nothing. C64 not only had 8 sprites per scanline, but you couldn't get more than that without raster tricks

>> No.440354

Anyone have that screencap of Usenet posts whining about how gaming was dead?

>> No.440362

Why do you think his tunic is green?

>> No.440369

I don't remember that. However, you could argue that visuals were already being pushed as a big selling point in the 16-bit generation. I suppose they always were. But you didn't see games with subpar gameplay get lauded as life-changing, GOTY material simply because gamers were impressed by the story and/or the visuals. But you see that today, such as with Bioshock Infinite.

>> No.440397 [DELETED] 

>I don't remember that
Of course you don't. You're a totally uneducated nostalgiafaggot.
>But you didn't see games with subpar gameplay get lauded as life-changing, GOTY material simply because gamers were impressed by the story and/or the visuals

What is every Squaresoft game ever?

>> No.440425

>Nintendo still have all the original drawings for Zeldas overworld, dungeon design.

Fucking compile it all into a book and fashion it as a religious text

>> No.440439

It was an early MMC1 game in a time where nobody gave a shit about graphical fidelity.

>> No.440447

Take the personal attacks back to /v/. I was only pointing out that I didn't remember talk of gameplay dying with the Atari. Then again, I was only 11 in 1993. How old were you then?

I also admitted that games have always used visuals as a selling point.

>What is every Squaresoft game ever?
Actually, no, that started with FFVII, or arguably FFVI. Although the stories in FFs have always been silly (barring FFI and FFIII which didn't have much story, and FFII which actually had a decent story), the focus on visuals to draw in people that were more interested in watching the game than actually playing it didn't reach crescendo until FMVs were added on the PS1.

>> No.440460

Summer Carnival '92: Recca.
Jesus fucking christ it's crazy

>> No.440524

>Hyrule historia
>all the interesting games only have one page of concept art

>> No.440542


This game is from 1986. For that time it looks pretty good.
It's also a fairly big game for it's time and cartridge capacity was very limited.


>> No.440602


This. I never found MM to be dark at all.

Very strange? Yeah.

>> No.441001

>It's also a fairly big game for it's time and cartridge capacity was very limited

That was at the time when 128k ROMs first became available

>> No.441013

>Then again, I was only 11 in 1993
>being 30
>still using 4chan
Art thou a wizard?

>> No.441041

yeah one of the original raisons d'etre for the Famicom Disk System was that cartridge ROMs in 1985 maxed out at 64k. however they managed to break that barrier in only a year.

>> No.441060

>who would want to save Hyrule if it is all brown and shit?
I guess you don't play fps

>> No.441102


Reported for underage

>> No.441106 [DELETED] 

>Ofcourse you don't remember faget git rekt
>You remember? Wow ur old git of teh internetz lolz

Get back to le/v/

>> No.441131

Actually, not really. Human Revolution was the last FPS I played. And before that, it was... Halo 3 I think. I'm not much into FPS genre.

>> No.441141

>caring about the opinion of a tripfag

>> No.441142

>like they just didn't have any colors to work with
they didn't.

>> No.441147

>a primary color
Pick 1.

>> No.441159

It was already covered earlier ITT that the NES had a shit color palette

>> No.441232

And it was pointed out that the NES actually had a decent color palette, but was limitations on how many colors could be used on each sprite is actually what limited the art so much.

Check out this article: http://www.duelinganalogs.com/article/the-nes-that-never-was/

>> No.441282

Fact: The C64 could also have had 128 colors as the VIC-II was capable of it, but the design team locked the chip to 16 arbitrary hues. This feature did appear on the C16/Plus-4

>> No.441697

It seems that the environment has changed now, huh? I mean, with people in their 20s now having started with the hand-holdy games, they now feel a sense of superiority for having beaten a 'tough game' without the use of others for assistance, and lord it upon others who try to play games. It's sort of caused a 'No help, I'll do it on my own' mentality that's turned players against each other instead of encouraging cooperation.

I wonder if there's a good way to make players of a tough adventure game more encouraged to work together, instead of jealously playing alone and expecting others to figure their own solution.

>> No.441729

Well, Recca has some flickering, but goddamn.

>> No.445320
File: 28 KB, 646x508, Zelda Classic BS 1st quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda Classic has custom quests that are Zelda 1 with better looking tilesets.

>> No.445567
File: 84 KB, 200x204, moojuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that Link sprite

>> No.446141

I like the sprite, it's everything else I hate
It just doesn't look wasteland-y

>> No.446182

If you try to imagine what Zelda would resemble in real life, I'm not sure it would seem all that barren. Yes the ground is mostly dry, but look at all those mountains with greenery, plus some areas of the game have lots of trees.

When I think about it, it almost seems like the map is on the edge of a sea or ocean. Like, you're on the coast, so naturally as the land gets closer to the ocean it becomes more rocky.

But then, it's odd to imagine the great kingdom of Hyrule just being a coastal place with not a lot of elegance.

>> No.446498

not a sprite of link, get ur fact right plz.

>> No.446524

>Mach Rider

Let's be honest though, Mach Rider was pretty god damn impressive for an NES launch title.

>> No.446528

I liked BS quest because you could play as Zelda.
Didn't like the timer thing it had.

>> No.446664
File: 965 KB, 498x266, 1354064446012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same here. I developed some pretty OCD habits from bombing and burning every possible thing in this game. Damn if I didn't try burning the trees too.

Speaking of which, who here actually tried burning all of the dead trees in this game?? Not bushes, the actual trees.

>> No.448513

The manual actually specifically says you're on an island. There's water to the south and east and it's presumed that there's water somewhere to the north and west as well, beyond where you can explore.

>> No.448631

>Link is travelling through the land of Hyrule
>having journeyed far he sits down to take a rest
>notices something feels wet on his hand
>lifts his hand to find a white gooey substance on it
>looks to his left and sees a naked moblin in some bushes just watching him

>> No.448642

But it is a primary colour...

Red, blue and yellow.

>> No.448667

Never really liked this game. Zelda II was much better and the Zelda clones like Golden Axe Warrior, Golvellius and Crystalis were much better than the original Zelda 1.

Only because Nintendo did that game ever became really popular, the same reason as why Mario 3 is recognized as the best 8 bit games of all times even though Wonder Boy III is better.

>> No.448678


It has been deprecated for CMYK (subtractive) and RGB (additive).

>> No.448693


yeah, nah. Yellow is still considered a primary color for art the same way a tomato is considered a vegetable in a culinary sense.

You can't derive yellow from mixing other colors. That's the base definition of primary color.

>> No.448703

Yes, for paint mixing (subtractive), yellow is a primary color, but red and blue are not. You can derive red and blue from mixing other (CMYK) colors.

>> No.448719


I've never even heard of Wonder Boy 3.

>> No.448727
File: 30 KB, 250x347, wb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best non-sonic game on the Master System. Totally give it a try. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonder_Boy_III:_The_Dragon%27s_Trap

>> No.448910

>Best non-sonic game on the Master System.

thats not exactly a high bar, and phantasy star is better.

>> No.448975


I was using a black and white TV back then and I still enjoyed the game.

>> No.449015


>Looks like Sega Master System
>That feel when all of this was already available at the time
>That feel when we Amerifats mostly missed out on the SMS
>That feel that there would never be a Mario game on such an awesome console

>> No.449514

>he thinks a lot of us aren't pushing late 20's early 30's

The problem is we don't care about our ages. Once you hit 25 or so you won't either.

>> No.449594 [DELETED] 

The average age of the posters on 4chan is about 17, so it seems unlikely that people that old are more than 5-10% of the entire userbase.

>> No.449607

>That feel when we Amerifats mostly missed out on the SMS

Too bad Sega fucked up the SMS bigtime, but Nintendo's licensing practices would have prevented them from succeeding anyway.

>> No.449640 [DELETED] 

>I only hang around /b/, /v/, and /soc/

Good for you, kiddo.

>> No.449664 [DELETED] 

This site suffers from Projection Syndrome (TM), meaning that anon assumes whatever he is, so everyone else is also.

16 yo /b/tard is convinced all others are 16 yo /b/tards while 30 yo virgin manchild thinks all others are 30 yo virgin manchild

>> No.449686 [DELETED] 

>using the term "kid" or "kiddo"


>> No.451895

The manual. The world is teeming with monsters, how could anyone live there peacefully?

>> No.451925 [DELETED] 

>getting mad because somebody on the internet is using a word you don't like


>> No.451942 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 500x375, 1354389311I came to laugh at you500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pull statistics out of my ass
Sure, the average on "popular" boards may be, but this website has unimaginable depths of wizard debauchery.

>> No.451985


This is one of my favorite games of all time. The graphics weren't great, true, but as someone said earlier, look at games like Ice Climber and Baseball. Effing horrendous.

Also, while the gfx might have been sub-par compared to, say, Little Nemo several years later, the music was practically John Williams quality.

>> No.452020
File: 105 KB, 1698x995, ISAAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, for all you people who have been saying you wish there were a game in the spirit of the original Zelda, you must play The Binding of Isaac. It's important.

>> No.452056

Psst: I think most of them want the overworld more than the dungeons.

Also BoI never really seemed in "the spirit" of Zelda 1, even if it blatantly copied how it handles dungeons.

>> No.452063 [DELETED] 

Go back to /v/, faggot

>> No.452990


I dunno, I thought it was very Zelda-esque, but naturally there are pretty big differences

>> No.453076

I love BoI, but no, it isn't, and no it doesn't feel anything like zelda.

>> No.453131

Is there any overworld exploration or items which help you along the way a la Zelda? The game's style puts me off quite a lot.

>> No.453164

I can believe that, like a medievil madmax

>> No.453215

first zelda's world would be more terrifying to live in than, majora's
the bareness and desolateness would drive any man insane.
theres literally almost nothing in the entire world.
post apocalyptic as fuck.

>> No.454982

This thread is stupid. The original Zelda is simply limited by being an early NES game. Not only was it early, it was made by a handful of guys in a back room of Nintendo at the same exact time as Super Mario Bros. Considering they were making 2 games at the same time, with about 6 guys working on the game and did both games in under a year, the results are fucking phenomenal.

And Zelda 1 is still my second favorite Zelda. Just like Metroid 2 is still my favorite Metroid. No matter how much you can't stand the graphics, this will never change for me.

>> No.455326

I managed to beat this on GBA of all things, without the guide, when I was around 14. Managed to complete it all. Missed those two aformentioned hearts though.

>> No.455967

A feature of NES Nintendo-titles is that they are graphically-inferior to other nes titles at the time.

Nintendo focused less on graphical artistry back then, and worked more on economical, recognizable graphics/tile-sets and tight gameplay.

I don't think Nintendo's artists got 'good' until the SNES.

>> No.455990

Age is no excuse. SMB1 is still a fun game today, Zelda 1 is not.

>> No.456008
File: 65 KB, 248x354, Kirby_adventure_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't think Nintendo's artists got 'good' until the SNES.

Mario 2/Doki Doki Panic
Mario 3
Kirby's Adventure
NES Open Tournament Golf

Nintendo themselves pushed out some fo the best looking games on the NES. You can claim the earlier NES games were 'economical', but don't claim they didn't try until the SNES.

>> No.456015


>what I think is fun is fun
>what I think isn't fun isn't fun

Please make a list of every game you have played and your opinion of it. SO I know what games I'm allowed to think is fun.

>> No.456057

I'm not saying they didn't try. And hey, didn't Kirby's Adventure come out after the NES? Or am I mistaken?

>> No.456063


I want a new Zelda with more free roaming exploration and less forced story. Binding of Issac is just a complete clone of Zelda with a new atmosphere and a projectile weapon.

Most of us don't want a clone of Zelda. We want a new Zelda. Just a new Zelda that isn't bogged down by timelines and hand holding.

Same reason I couldn't get into 3D Dot Game Heroes despite being a huge Zelda and Dragon Quest fan. It wasn't an original game with inspiration from classic games. It was just a game trying to copy those games.

>> No.456068


Kirby's Adventure was on the NES. It was just one of the last games on the NES, like Wario's Woods. Basically, it came out in the same year as the SNES.

>> No.456071

SMB3 looks very sparse by 1988 standards (the game's original Japan release date)

>> No.456095


>SMB3 looks very sparse by 1988 standards

And what are you comparing it to? Other NES games or some PC game?

>> No.456125

Consider Mega Man 2 or Bad Dudes or Double Dragon or Castlevania, all of which have much more detailed graphics

>> No.456154

SNES was already in its 4th year when Kirby's Adventure came out

>> No.456183


More like 2 1/2 years. But yes, it was pretty far in. Considering Kirby's Adventure looked as good as many early SNES games, I think it was a good decision.


There's more to graphics than pushing more stuff on screen than other games. I'm a huge fan of Castlevania (especially III), but most people stil lthink Mario 3 had better graphics simply because the designs were able to come out more in the cleaner and bright looking Mario 3. Whereas in Castlevania I and III, the games had so much 'detail' as you put it, they looked blurred together and dirty.

>> No.456198

>but most people stil lthink Mario 3 had better graphics simply because the designs were able to come out more in the cleaner and bright looking Mario 3.

The biggest change is in how bright and sharp the graphics look compared to the muddy SMB. Especially in how they learned to outline everything with black to prevent NTSC artifacting.

>> No.456402

Those images convince me even more that I'd like to see a Zelda world made in an engine similar to JC2. The vast size and the interesting environments they could throw in would make for a great and great looking Zelda game.

The picture is nice and all, but it doesn't match the screenshot other than assuming that some rocks can get mossy.

>> No.456475

>Especially in how they learned to outline everything with black to prevent NTSC artifacting.

This so very much. NES graphics looked so much better when they started doing that.

>> No.456480

You dont want to save world becouse its brown and ugly one more reson to dont play Call of Duty

>> No.456507

Dot crawl is a pretty bad NES problem and programmers tried various ways of getting around it such as scrolling in 2-3 pixel increments (for example, in Bad Dudes). Doing completely smooth 1-pixel increments (eg. Castlevania) causes horrible dot crawl.