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4384902 No.4384902 [Reply] [Original]

So, does anyone else use self-imposed challenges to keep retro games fresh? e.g. Beating Zelda with only three hearts, or playing all the way up to Ganon without ever collecting the sword.

>> No.4384912

yeah, it's fun and takes away the collect-a-thon aspect many games.

Something I do in Mega Man games is beat all bosses wth mbuster and not use any E tanks or in the X series, no energy upgrades.

In final Fantasy 3(VI) I try to beat Kefka with Umaru. I don't remember whether I was successful, though.

>> No.4384916

Did 3 hearts swordless oot. It's a trip. Using the bottle to fight phantom dorf and real was awesome.But it makes the dark link fight piss easy since his health is your health.

>> No.4384917

I did a cave story bloody hell low % run

If fucking nailed it and it was awesome

>> No.4384946

>But it makes the dark link fight piss easy since his health is your health.

No, he has a set amount of health. I've done the 3-heart challenge a few times and Dark Link always took several blows to defeat.

>> No.4384948

There's a surprising number of challenges you can do with Adventure of Link, given the experience level system. I've done 8-1-1 a couple of times. That's where you level your attack power up to 8, but leave your life and magic levels at their initial values. You could also do item-less challenges, like beating the game without ever collecting the candle.

>> No.4384949

Beat Mario 64 with half an A press

>> No.4384973

Go away TJ "Henry" Yoshi

>> No.4384982


attack is the only modifyer that really matters in AoL, both magic and life can be augmented by pickups

>> No.4384985

I don't need to. I'm shit at video games and it's a crapshoot whether I even make it to the final boss or not every time

>> No.4384991

>both magic and life can be augmented by pickups

They can be doubled by pick-ups, but you're still going to take a lot of damage and use a lot of MP since you aren't leveling up your defense power or your magic efficiency. The final stretch of the game gets pretty difficult when you can cast LIFE on yourself approximately once before you run out of MP.

>> No.4385010

I can find three sources that say it's tied to the amount of heart containers.

>> No.4385012

Please post them?

>> No.4385019





>> No.4385101

I used to do it with Tenchu
>beat the game using no items (except grappling hook)
>no items on hard mode
>no items on hard mode without being ever seen
>no items on hard mode without being seen and taking no damage (from bosses)
Then I stopped there.

>> No.4385210

Anyone here use Zelda Randomizer with zHelper? Had a few questions about zHelper, if anyone here knows it.

>> No.4385234

Now im intrigued and like to try this. I even have the gold cartridge with all the glitches.

On a side note didnt the 3ds remake keep the glitches too?

>> No.4385237

This is for emulating the original LoZ; should've clarified that.

>> No.4385249

For the most part. There's some fixes here and there. You'd have to look up exactly what though.

>> No.4385258

Never collecting any weapons in Contra and resetting at a death and never stopping until the game is beaten without dying. I do collect the speed up item, though.

>> No.4385260

Swordless is babby mode. If you're talking no Z-targeting then you're hardcore. You will run into some situations that seem next to impossible, but they can be done.

>> No.4385263

>speed up item
You mean rapid fire?

>> No.4385269

You don't need to collect the Key or the Cross. To do the game without the Key, you're going to need to strategically kill off Link at the right places to avoid opening doors and using keys, but it works. In the beginning of the game, start hoarding keys and if you're super careful and don't waste keys, you'll have just enough left over to do it.

>> No.4385274

Yeah, it's been a while since I've played it. The "R" item. Funny thing about that item, it keeps leveling up faster and faster. I'm not sure, but I think it goes at least four times faster if you recollect it consecutively without a death.

>> No.4385284

I feel sorry for anyone that imposes challenges on themselves for something as unfulfilling to play as Legend of Zelda games.

>> No.4385287

Are we talking about the Lion Key?

>> No.4385310
File: 613 KB, 295x221, 3XiKMch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for those who can't see such challenges have been a mainstay in Legend of Zelda from the beginning when the manual asks you if you can beat the game again without the sword.

That's one thing. But to be unable to contain your egoism about this that you enter a thread to complain? ...Wew. Maybe playing games is unfulfilling depending on who you ask, but at least we're not living unfulfilled lives.

>> No.4385323

Yeah. I almost thought it was the "Magic Key" but that's the first one, but I knew you'd know what I meant.

>> No.4385328

Nah. You're right. I'm wrong. They're both Magical Key, but Lion Key is only the first one's. Zelda II's just generic. Cool tip though. Thanks! I'm gonna play through AoL right now.

>> No.4385331

Senpai how tf do you beat OOT without collecting the sword when you need it to get to the Deku Tree?

>> No.4385334

Here's one I've never tried: Mega Man II without using E-tanks. Towards to the end I can see that being a problem, unless I play the game over and over and over.

>> No.4385337
File: 24 KB, 400x264, vintage-1982-12-donkey-kong-plush-toy-doll-by-antics-nintendo-dk-1901ebf4f6d3054f02ccf50a5c4cc228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might start attempting the "cranky challenge" on DKC.

>> No.4385338

Cool. Good luck! You'll get a nice warm feeling once you've beaten it with the bare amount of items.

>> No.4385351
File: 158 KB, 1024x768, zelda_2_the_adventures_of_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What everyone means is never USING the sword. The only time in OoT that you have to is to kill Dead Hands and Ganon.

To be clear, you can confront Dead Hand without slicing your way free or having to get hit by him, but this takes bombs and the Hammer is too weak/slow to get the job done.

Thanks. I'm sure I will.

>> No.4385354

Dead hand can be killed with the hammer, It's just really particular about when it can be hit. As a kid deku sticks works just fine on it too.

>> No.4385360

To really make my retro runs fun and different from when I was younger I apply one(1) rule:
>beat the fucking game
And I let myself down way too often.

>> No.4385364

Can you really hit him enough times as an adult without having to resort to getting damaged though? I think he takes a heart so that's really pushing your Containers in Master Quest 3D.

>> No.4385374

It's been a long time since i've done it and I may have gambled the damage, but I seem to recall doing it by making use of the crouch stab after a Z+A since the crouch stab uses the damage of the last move.

>> No.4385383

Ah. I see. I just know getting him with a jump attack straight on would be next to if not impossible.

>> No.4385410

Wow, I used to stream and I remembered I made a clip of it.


>> No.4385425

Uh... I don't.

>> No.4385427


>> No.4385442

Ah. Looks like we were both wrong and he's only vulnerable from the crouch exploit then. Going off your other video. https://go.__.tv/videos/47084997

>> No.4385449

I guess so yeah, and now I'm curious if that was one of the things they tweaked in mq3d

>> No.4385547

beat dragon warrior 3 gbc version with hero only(with 1 dealer for yellow orb). toughest boss is trollking in samano due to twinhits. zoma became a cakewalk after i found out he is weak to healall. divinegon rewards unobtainable because if yoy take more than 50(?) turns he basically says you suck, come back with a better party.

>> No.4385558

i havent played OoT in ages, but isnt it a very simple task to clip past that kokiri kid blocking the path to the tree?

>> No.4385605
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 44473-Fire_Emblem_(U)(Venom)-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fire emblem games are one of my favorite franchises so I do a lot of self imposed challenges based on who I can pick on my team or what weapons they can do whenever I replay them.

Aside from the typical "female only" or "take the first/early troops to endgame" runs my favorite is a no "fantasy" units run. Basically, sticking to a "realistic" army. Meaning no flying units, no mages or clerics, no beast races and sometimes I go no myrmidons/swordmasters too. Vulnerary/base healing only.

>> No.4385629

no items, fox only, dreamland

>> No.4385638

I enjoy taking part in the games as intended to be played.

My backlog is so huge that playing Zelda dozens of times doesn't fucking appeal to me.

>> No.4385667

I do weapon only runs in Mega Man games.

Not the meme buster only ones. After I collect the first weapon (or two depending on the game), I'm not allowed to use buster shots at all. Maneuvering and ammo conservation and weapon management becomes a big part of the game at that point.

I never understood why people found buster only runs fun or even considered it challenging. It's unlimited ammo, takes care of a majority of the situations and from Mega Man 4 and on, becomes over powered with the charge shot.

>> No.4385672


>> No.4385687
File: 58 KB, 512x448, ch21.mkv_snapshot_09.38_[2017.07.14_22.23.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do lots of self-imposed challenges, such as low level games in RPGs, 3-heart runs for zelda games, low% runs for various others. In particular I do a lot of self-imposed challenges for FE games. Most recently, I did a fire emblem thracia 776 0% growths warpless low turn count run.

"0% growths" isn't quite a self-imposed challenge because I need to use an edited ROM to remove level-up bonuses, but the idea is the same. I like 0% growths because it eliminates the randomness that growths cause and improves the game's balance by reducing player strength relative to the enemy; in a normal run, characters become too powerful and diminish the need for tactical maneuvers. Likewise I think restricting warp use makes for more interesting and varied tactics, plus I've played the game with warp many times already. Low turn count is a good addition to most FE games because it's always more entertaining to plan out complex tactics to complete chapters as quickly as possible, it makes simple movement across a map more interesting and restricts the use of a lot of simple ways to trivialize the game.
Another common challenge I do in FE games is the 'ironman' run, i.e. playing from start to finish without resetting. Playing this way changes the risk/reward valuation, e.g. rather than trying a 80% reliable tactic that could win in one turn and then resetting if things go wrong, you actually have to plan for all contingencies or alter your tactics to be completely reliable. Even when I'm not doing an ironman run I like this sort of tactic best because I don't feel like I've really "won" if I rely on luck to overcome obstacles.
If anyone is planning on replaying FE5 or any other FE game I highly recommend adding some or all of these restrictions to make your playthrough more interesting.

>> No.4385794
File: 1.82 MB, 1008x1200, 33862557_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently took it on myself to do that, but only for games I've replayed a sickening amount.

Did a lot of those three heart only challenges in the Zelda games, plus Zelda 1 and ALTTP without dying.

Most recently, I was replaying Super Mario RPG and decided that whatever button Bowyer locks, I would no longer use that button in battle for the rest of the game, so since the item button was locked, I couldn't do my usual "just use normal attacks and buy only pick-me-ups" tactic

>> No.4385810

This wasn't a self-imposed challenge, more of a "I didn't know" thing.
I thought that Egress in Shining Force 1 and Shining Force CD reset everything, no exp earned, so I played through the entirety of SF1 and the first 2 chapters of SF CD without ever using Egress to level up characters.
I planned everything out very carefully to make sure each member of my party got sufficient experience. I had plenty of looooooong battles, i'll tell you. Restarting when someone dies and I wanted them to gain a level. Holy fuck.
I'm amazed I beat Dark Dragon in one go without anyone dying.

>> No.4385879

That's just playing the game normally

>> No.4386375

Buster runs are the only way i've been playing Megaman for years

>> No.4386379

Man I wanna try this real bad

>> No.4386382

Ten Zelda threads at any given moment on this board is fatiguing when it's not even an interesting series.

>> No.4386395
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It wasn't really a challenge per se, but I leveled my characters in BoF2 to 99 and beat the end boss on auto attack just to see if it's possible.
It doesn't work every time, but pretty much if Katt can last for a decent amount of time it will

>> No.4386434

It's not that it isn't interesting, it's that it's been discussed to death. After that there's nothing left but shitposting. Same goes for MegaMan and Castlevania threads.

>> No.4386443

>Funny thing about that item, it keeps leveling up faster and faster.
I'm almost 100% sure that it doesn't.

>> No.4386469

>use self-imposed challenges to keep retro games fresh
Yes, I try to 1CC arcade games.

>> No.4386485

I thought of playing SMB3 with nothing but frog suits, I don´t know if it´s possible though

>> No.4386491

That sounds terrible.

>> No.4386569

it is, however some tricks needed are bordeline TAS. sadly you cant do the same with the boot

>> No.4386575

This isn't really exclusive to retro, I have a friend who did these types of runs with every game he liked. Minimum Heart Twilight Princess, Knife Only RE4. It's just something almost everyone does.

>> No.4386583

Yes, In most Zeldas' I deliberately limit my fast travel options and the number of potions/fairies I may have at any given time.

I also try not to go out of my way to pick shit up as soon as it becomes available.

>> No.4387228

I keep hearing the term 1CC when people talk about retro games, can someone explain what it means? Sorry for being retarded.

>> No.4387232

1 credit clear. It comes from the arcade days where a credit was the the money you spent on one play. So to beat a game on one credit, you can't get a game over and if you do, you restart it from the very beginning and not from a check point.

>> No.4387243

>Basically a cavs only run in FE
That's no self imposed challenge, lad

>> No.4387248

Thanks! That makes sense. I don't think I'm good enough to do that in any game.

>> No.4387318

I don't remember cavs being that great in the GBA games. They didn't get Canto after an attack or a self healing skill like in the Tellius games. No healers makes for a fun run regardless. Granted not having a healer means you don't really have to protect any paper units so it's kind of less challenging. I wonder if a no staves, bow/cleric/mage/dancer only run is possible in any of the games.

>> No.4387342

Oh, no healers sure is a challenge, specially considering how useful torch staves, warp, Barrier and rescue staves can be, outside the restore/physic
I'm actually an awakeningbabby, but I've been playing older titles. On 6 currently(chapter 10), and Marcus is really good, so are Lance and Noah on my run. My Alen got really shit, but pretty much every cav I got is at least decent on a game filled with literal whos and shit tier units (what the fuck were they thinking when they made Wendy?). On 7 Marcus is even better thanks to that game having shit tier enemies even on later chapters. Kent and Sain are usually really good too, javelins for days nigga. Haven't played 8 but I heard it's Seth emblem

>> No.4387345


I'm not sure where they're getting this information from. Based on my own playthroughs, Dark Link's health didn't seem at all proportionate to mine. I had to whack him with the megaton hammer and unleash Din's Fire several times to make him go down.

>> No.4387347

>Senpai how tf do you beat OOT without collecting the sword

I was referring to the original Zelda. OoT was just a random pic I found.

>> No.4387351

Btw you can Canto after using vulneraries on GBA. Canto after an attack sounds ridiculous , but it's still extremely useful on those games as you can ferry foot units pretty much across the map in one turn, and also do some hit and run shenanigans on bosses and some other units too

>> No.4387361

I also have a clip of that fight too. It takes exactly 3 din's fires. What may be happening here is a discrepancy in damage. All hits in the game have a damage number like we were discussing earlier in the thread. Megaton's normal swing may have lets say half heart of damage and din's fire a 1.

>> No.4387459

Megaman and Castlevania aren't interesting to discuss either. There's no individual experience with these games, unlike RPGs, sims, and strategy games. They are more or less the same for everyone who plays them. The discussion capable of being had about them fits in an umbrella thread about "adventure" games or something similar. But instead we always have ten threads talking about literally nothing.

>> No.4389410

whatre some pro-tips for swordless? Im running out of deku sticks too quickly and I cant break plants because sticks just pass through them