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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4380762 No.4380762 [Reply] [Original]

Most of these games have been around for almost 20 years. Which is your favorite? Which one could you not stand?

Feel free to answer the poll as well. Just kind of curious what the world thinks

>> No.4380773

I can't decide between FF7 and 8. I've put tons of hours into them both.

>> No.4380776

I liked 8 a ton when I first played it earlier this year. But my second play through is not as enjoyable.

>> No.4380784


It was exactly the opposite for me. On the second playthrough I saw all of those little details I missed the first time around.

>> No.4380791

I like them all to some degree.

FFVII I was crazy over hyped for so it could never live up to my expectation.

FFVIII has so many neat ideas, but I hate all the characters so much

FFIX doesn't do anything extra special, but everything it does feels wonderful. My favorite of the 3.

>> No.4380807

Favorite is 7, couldn't stand 9.

>> No.4380817

They're all great games.
Yoshinori Kitase should never have stopped directing. Why Square decided to hand their biggest projects to their clothing designer is beyond me.

>> No.4380835

9 > 7 > 8

>> No.4381668

8 because it was my first. I like all 3 about the same. All of them tickled my OCD when it came to collecting and grinding. Materia, magic/cards, equipment abilities.

>> No.4381868

I loved 8 and 9, couldn't stomach 7, but still finished it. The combat was enjoyable, at least. I loved 8 and 9 so much i sacrificed a copy of each by constantly lending them to kids in school to spread the gospel.

>> No.4381873

I like all 3.

9 is the best

>> No.4381876

IX is the best Final Fantasy

>> No.4381893

FFVII was my first Final Fantasy as well, but I seriously wish the nostalgia fagging for it would die out already. VIII is better than both VII and IX in my opinion. IX being the worst.

>> No.4381898

I like IX because it is simple and prepping for the Ozma bull always takes me back, but 8 is probably the best overall.

>> No.4381953


This was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. I bought a game magazine that had the walkthrough through the Fire Cavern and I thought it seemed really cool. I think it was one of the first games I ever actually played all the way through so I know i can't fairly judge it. I thought GF's were one of the coolest things ever and I could mostly follow the whole story on the first go round.

As a child I could never really grasp the whole Cloud/Zack concept but i still ended up playing through to the North Crater until my disc 3 would no longer load and I could never finish it until I was an adult.

To this day i still haven't finished it. Every play through I make it somewhere on disc 3 and just run out of steam.

>> No.4382004

VIII's battle system did nothing for me and I couldn't stand the characters except for Laguna, Kiros and Ward.

>> No.4382057

Battle Arena VS Chocograph Hunting


It would be really cool if someone modded FF7 to have a card game system

>> No.4382060

Battle Arena, obviously. Is this a serious question?

>> No.4382061

Are you implying implications that chocograph hunting isn't fun as fugg? (guide users need to reply)

>> No.4382246

FFVII - Pretty decent, story a bit on the ridiculous side but I liked the atmosphere, team building was flexible but characters were hardly unique given how the materia system worked. Also the sidequests are a bit on the painful side

FFVIII - Ridiculous in more aspects than the story, gameplay was affected too. It's a weird one and I won't disrespect people who love it but it's not my style at all

FFIX - Love the story, love the sidequests, love the gameplay, my only issue is slow loading times

I'm thinking of either replaying IX or VI. Which one should I go for /vr/?

>> No.4382263

That is indeed the inference you should be inferring.

>> No.4382268

I loved the fuck out of chocobos in FFIX. I couldn't really get much into the FFVII chocobos.

>> No.4382285

Pish posh!

the most fun I had with chocobo's in FFVII was trying to figure out a "system" for cheating the gambling game for shit I wanted.

I gave up after writing down like 40 patterns :(
the rare rewards on that shit were hard s fuck to get

>> No.4382287

Whichever one you havent played in the longest period.

I can't play FFIX again for about 10 years since I've been replaying it every 5 years since 2000

FFVI I only beat once and love but I still dont feel the need to go back to it.

I grew out of random battles at some point and cant stomach them much anymore

>> No.4382304

I'm probably the only person in the world who owned a psx and never played any mainline FF for that console. Is VII the best one to start with?

>> No.4382306

7 all day every day
Its quite possibly the greatest game ever made

>> No.4382307

If you're in the mood for BAD-ASS shit, play FFVII

If you want some medevil whimsical fun adventures while making new friends along the way, play IX first

>> No.4382308

>Is VII the best one to start with?
That's where everyone else started

>> No.4382309

To be honest the only reason I like some FF games, just as some other JRPGs is because of shit like exploration, the characters and the sidequests. Eventually I cannot stomach the random encounters either but I push further to get to the other parts.

>> No.4382310

I used to hate a lot on FVII and even expressed some of that here but lately I've been feeling like actually playing the game to give it a fair chance.

I've been told Cloud here isn't the linkin park angst teen that's been shown on the movie and the other media and that the game is actually decent plot wise.
Can't keep hating on the game forever without beating it.

>> No.4382316

Cloud is a weird fucking character because of his past. You figure that out by playing the game and I'm not exactly sure why they decided to portray him like that in Advent Children (which I disliked quite a bit). I would say the game is like a rollercoaster in that sense.

>> No.4382453

I've beaten all the old FF games (1 through 10), but 8 is the only one I couldn't finish because it was so boring.

>> No.4382478

ff8 story was absolute shit

>> No.4382547

It might be, but the character chemistry was pretty sweet.
I like FF8, but it is very different from the other games..

>> No.4382574

The #1 complaint about FF8 was that Squall was a whiny emo kid and not a badass like Cloud was

>> No.4382594

IX is my favorite of the three, and my favorite FF in general. Then VII, and then VIII. I really enjoy all of these games though, so it's hard to say which one I can't stand. Each one has something though. In VII it's the slow start in Midgard that I don't care for and Cait Sith. In VIII I don't care for the draw system in regards to actually using magic. In this game is seemed like magic only served to augment stats and had no use for actually casting it. In IX my only complaint is Necron, but an otherwise perfect fantasy game. Really love IX

>> No.4382602

8's story starts out pretty good with the political strife and drama, turns to shit after disc 1, but picks up again, briefly when you go to space, but then turns back into shit

>> No.4382605

So is IXs if you actually have any taste. Hamfisted plot points taken wholesale from FF4 sewn on the end with no regard to how tonally jarring it is with random final boss battle straight outta FF3 is laughable

>> No.4382614

IX by a decent margin, then VII, then VIII waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off somewhere in a corner

>> No.4382631

7 was the first game I ever preordered and I played it to death. It's a very important game to me but I think I wore myself out.
8 was initially a disappointment because I went in expecting another 7 and it wasn't that. But time has been good to it and I think it's a much better game than I gave it credit for at least.
9 was fun and probably has the best boss battles of the three, but it's clear the devs only gave a shit about half of the cast.

>> No.4382636

Hating cait sith is the most normie shit that comes out of ffvii discussion.

>dude I hate a robotic Mog being ridden by a robot cat, will you suck my dick now miss?

>> No.4382663

>stop not liking things i like. The post.
Grow up, the character is not fun to play and the gamble mechanic is a useless gimmick that gets boring quick.

>> No.4382670

Give me a screencap of Cait Sith's shitty slot limit break doing anything useful for you

I'll wait

That said, props for putting yourself above the vast majority of this cancer site by not calling it a meme to hate Cait Sith

>> No.4382672

Triple Triad > Chocobo Hot & Cold > Chocobo Breeding/Racing > Tetra Master > Chocobo Forests

>> No.4382708

To be fair, limits are generally for plebs in any of the games.
Unless you're talking about Ozma

PS: Tantarian > Ozma >>>> Ruby > Emerald >>>>>>>> Omega

>> No.4382729

I like tetra master a lot compared to
triple triad.

Its probably because I actually give a fuck about the world of IX

FF8 is bleak garbo

>> No.4382767

VII = still great, despite what any numale faggots say
VIII = still garbage, despite what any numale faggots say
IX = good, but it's an incredibly slow game. It takes fucking forever just to start a battle because the camera spins around for 10 minutes

>> No.4382884


>> No.4382910

VII is "Edgy, the FF". They put together things that they knew would impress teens at the time. That's why it barely feels like a FF and is full of wtf moments.

VIII is more of a cinematic experience than a jrpg, but was well put together

>> No.4382914


>> No.4382924

this must be bait

>> No.4383041

No, it must be my opinion. Deal with it faggot.

>> No.4383137

VII is the only JRpg I ever finished and I finished it twice. I think I liked 8 & 9 but gave up on their last discs to play something else.

I've been thinking of trying them again since I still have them but I've heard 8 was completely rewritten for the English version and the Japanese script is better so I don't know

>> No.4383153

I like 8 the most, but think all of the PS1 FF games were great. I just found that 8, even with its flaws, was the most replayable because of how easy it was to break the game right from the start, and that the game is, for the most part, really well paced, even moreso than 7 and 9, though 8 does fall off in that department around disc 3, i suppose.

>> No.4383195
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FFVII - First played this in 2003. Charming, has a nice feel, and materia is awesome. Good limit system but I mostly used those to get more of them, not to fight with. Enemies are typical WTF jrpg fare. Characters were good and ranged, though most fall short of Cloud/Cid(or Barret)/Yuffie. But I still used them. Even built up Aeris while knowing she was going to die because it wasn't a chore.
Notable thing - Materia

FFVIII - My first FF since my NES days. Awesome feel. Especially the Garden and Esthar. The techy clean and bright look was awesome. Also, Deling City with its French stylings, and the city's theme song were good. Character-wise, I latched onto Squall+Zell+Selphie, though now I'd swap out Zell either Quistis or Irvine. I can't hate any character.Rinoa is my least favorite. Refining was great, and I don't abuse it. GFs I abused first playthrough, these days I rarely call them. Notable thing - Game is easily broken or can be crushingly difficult. Your choice.


>> No.4383214

>replay 8 recently
>don't level up much
>refine stuff and junction hard like /vr/ said
>first two discs
>wreck everything in sight with ease
>disc three
>back from day trip in orbit
>finish up card collection and side quests
>go to underwater research station
>ruby dragons seem stronger than they should be, but whatever
>onto bahamut
>whole party dead with practically one spell

Up until that point it was plain sailing but all of a sudden it completely spiked in difficulty. Are those encounters all fixed levels or did I mess up somehow?

>> No.4383246
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Now for Final Fantasy IX("FFIX" doesn't do it justice for me).
Loved the hell out of this, it's my favorite jrpg. I find no character useless or bad. In a bad party setup, you can ruin a character. But that's your own fucking fault. The card game is a bit too random to match TT, so that sucks. On the plus-side, collecting a whole set is easy, so it's not a big deal. Take it or leave it. Not useful for the game.

The limit system here, trance, sucks, but then again trancing isn't that big of a power boost anyway since trances are single-attacks(except for Vivi and Eiko, but Vivi bouncing spells off a party under reflect tends to be way more powerful and awesome).
What makes the game my favorite is the theme and the world. You can find little hints of Terra as you play through, particularly in the Gulug symbol and treasure chests(the blue ones). Lindblum is the comfiest city in FF. Though Alexandria is also a great city of the series.
The music lends itself perfectly to the game. The greatest soundtrack of the series? Can't honestly say, but it's better music than most symphonies I've heard.
Overall the game's feeling seems more genuine to me, and for a game without voices, it tells a better tail than the vast majority of TV, and movies.

Also wanna give a shout to FFTactics. How good IS FFTactics? Well, A Song of Ice and Fire is a poor-man's FFTactics.
Seriously, bad translation and all.

>> No.4383254

Yes, some enemies, particularly in the Deep Sea station and the islands closest to heaven/hell have fixed high levels.

Don't do what /vr/ memesters say. They're fags. Believe it or not.
Getting your level higher can give you a stronger base to build from. The extra 20-50 points on stats and extra HP can make a difference in harder areas.

>> No.4383282

>Fuck: 9
>Marry: 7
>Kill: 8

>> No.4383495

I've wanted to play VII for ages now, but I can never manage to go beyond 3 hours or so. I recall a tunnel area which was just repetitive as fuck with no indication of where to go or any sense of position, having no map and not even knowing where I was able to go or not because of the pre-rendered backgrounds.

I've never been into early 3D titles because of how awkward they were, but FFVII takes the cake at being unintuitive, even though I grew up with a PS1. Not being able to tell where I was or where I was going in the current dungeon, plus slow movement really irked me for some reason, whereas I don't have the problem in 2D or more modern games as much.

>> No.4383512

Y-you know you can just press select (I think) and it'll bring up markers for entry and exit points in each area, right?

>> No.4383576

I actually didn't. That really gives me motivation to try again, thanks anon. Do you know if there's somewhere I can look up the maps? Or would that spoil the game too much?

>> No.4383587

Jesus, anon. I think they mentioned those markers in the game's manual, so I'm guessing you didn't read it. As for the maps, there's obviously places such as gamefaqs, and I'm sure there's a pdf of the strategy guide floating around somewhere; it'll probably have the maps. Spoiling things is up to your taste, IMO. If you wanna go in blind and figure things out with the help of the markers, cool. If you wanna use the guide(s), cool. Just depends on what kind of experience you wanna have with the game. In any case, enjoy!

>> No.4383671

>can't talk about deus ex
>but ff9 is okay

>> No.4383684

>I CUNT READ THE RUUUUUUUUUUULES biblethump biblethump biblethump biblethump biblethump

>> No.4383732
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>can't talk about Sonny and Cher
>but The Four Tops are okay
Stop playing shitty games you fag.

>> No.4383771

PC gaming should just get its own containment board desu.

>> No.4383781

>stop playing shitty games
>posts anime reaction picture
You probably don't even know what a good video game is

Yeah I'm not saying I want to talk about either, just pointing out a double standard.

>> No.4383901

>iX has more votes than viii

I hate IXfags so fucking much. IX is the most generic and unisnpired JRPG ever made.

>> No.4383935

haha 8fag blown the FUCK out
nobody likes your shitty emo protagonist BITCH

VIVI the motha fuckin gangsta in this piece

>> No.4384485

It seems wrong to not have a Gilgamutt in that pic.

>> No.4384653

Better to do good "uninspired and generic" than the awful "experiment" or let's say abomination that FFVIII is.

Hell what would inspire a single person to create the world in FFVIII?

>> No.4384664

You do have the right to be retarded

>> No.4384689
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>> No.4384896

Chocobo Hot and Cold gives me fucking AIDS just thinking about it. I hated that minigame so goddamn much, but being able to fly around on Chocobo and fight Ozma was great once the headache of Hot and Cold was over.

>> No.4384932

Am I the only person on the planet who didn't find hot and cold, or the FFX chocobo race difficult?

>> No.4384936

Experimenting is how you get innovation

>> No.4384963

I never said Hot and Cold was difficult (though the RNG is infuriating), I just thought it was a colossal waste of time that could have been better. Like, I see the appeal, but it definitely was not and is not for me.

>> No.4386217

It is bait, ignore him

>> No.4386219

I like VII the most. VIII was such a peculiar fuck but in my old age I've come to appreciate it and understand it better.

>> No.4386226

>In VII it's the slow start in Midgard that I don't care for
That was my favorite part of the game desu. Usually rpg games start much slower.

>> No.4386227

stop saying midgard faggots
this isnt middle earth

>> No.4386229

7 > > > 8 > > > > > > > > > > > 9

>> No.4386246

Proper spelling > Game of telephone between the nips turning Norse into kana and some ESL turning it into Engrish

>> No.4386628

Please tell me you are only pretending to be this retarded.

>> No.4386676

Yeah, everyone loves motion based controls now, right?

>> No.4386686

I can't hear you over the Wii and DS sales

>> No.4387026

How many games utilize them well other than 1st party games? The wii is buried under shovel ware and the console will fade with like 5 games even worth a damn.

>> No.4388248

>hype was a bitch in this one for me. Thought the game would be the second cumming of christ. It's was just...yeah...it's good, but...
>Those Polygonal graphics aged like sour milk
>Hated that faggot Cloud. Obviously the game should've de about Sepiroth.
>Tried really hard to like this shit, made 30 hours into it so that my buddy wouldn't feel hurt because I thought his favorite game was just meh.
>That Vampire predated the gay vampire trope by 10 years or more.

>That intro tho
>I was a dumb high school kid and that begining, when you are wandering around in a school made the game very relatable to me. I liked to pretend my school was a garden. I am a moron, I know.
>Fucking Shiva man. Frozen pubes! Fapped to her.
>That hot blonde with a wip tho
>Renzokuken was rad.
>Card game was cozy as fuck
>The only flaw is that fucking faggot Squall and that dumb bitch Rinoa. Actually, the only character that is good is Quistis. The game should've be about her. Squall is a faggot. So is Seifer.
>My head hurts if I think about that stoopid plot.

>> No.4388367

>Which is your favorite?
>Which one could you not stand?
I liked all 3 of them. 8 the least.

>> No.4388394
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I played 8 right around the prime nostalgia ages of 11-13 so it holds a special place in my heart

>> No.4390458

My first was 8, so it has a special place in my heart. But generally in terms of the games themselves 7>8>9

>> No.4390463


I would go drinking with you, Anon. You seem cool.

>> No.4390984

8 is cozy, 9 is difficult to like for me