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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.18 MB, 1364x768, croc 2017-10-22 00-31-29-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4371482 No.4371482 [Reply] [Original]

I love this game

>> No.4371486

I love you

>> No.4371494

Shit game, shit thread.
Why even post it? Why even raise the spectre of its memory in peoples minds? No one cares about your bullshit game. I passed it over many times back in the day and I am glad for each of those times. Now you come along shoving it in my face. What's the point of this?

>> No.4371495

Fuck off croc is a good game

>> No.4371497


>> No.4371506

Wrong. Babby trash. Low poly shit, not hand drawn.
Fuck you.

>> No.4371519

>platformer with tank controls
Yeah, nah. It's shit.

>> No.4371535

Croc is a lot better and more enjoyable than Spyro.

>> No.4371537
File: 997 KB, 1364x768, croc 2017-10-22 01-21-20-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry me a river, I still like it

>> No.4371542

You can like a shit game all you want. More power to you. That doesn't make it not shit.

>> No.4371565
File: 213 KB, 349x523, Croc_character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, cry me a river

>> No.4371569 [DELETED] 


This sort of shit is why we should move to a strictly audited list of games that are allowed for discussion on this board. No one want's anything to do with croc. It's not nostalgic for anybody and only useful for fuckheads like the OP who are trying to start a meme.

>> No.4371572

Lmao he tryinna be /vr/ hitler.

>> No.4371579

I played the shit out of this game.

>> No.4371583

Croc ain't terrible. Hell, give me a few drinks and I'd say it's slightly above mediocre

>> No.4371593

>start a meme

>> No.4371613

OP is probably livestreaming his thread with the title of 'how to start a meme'. He's probably flipping out and blocking viewers since his bullshit 'croc' meme didn't instantly become the next battletoads.

>> No.4371619

Just goes to show you: Don't talk the talk if you can't Croc the Croc

>> No.4371621

hitler did nothing wrong stop this meme

>> No.4371632

I loved Croc as a kid and I still like him as a mascot
But fuck me he controls terribly

>> No.4371651

Didnt know about that Game.
Just orderd it for my ps1 and will give feedback here, I guess.

>> No.4371684


>> No.4371686


>> No.4371694


>> No.4371709


>> No.4371724


>> No.4371783

It's cool. I love the music.

>> No.4371789

Got it for my Saturn, it seems fun enough for the little I played of it. I had to get used to the controls, but I'll take any chance I can get to use the SS 3d controller.

>> No.4371901

I liked it a lot as a kid, even got all the jigsaw pieces.

No way I could objectively judge it now.

>> No.4371968

this was one of the very few games i had for ps1, actually, so i have pretty fond memories of it
there definitely was a part i got stuck at and never completed it, i dont remember where it was

>> No.4372234

It was the fish boss, wasn't it.

>> No.4372325

It's neat that it used to Yoshi.

>> No.4372341

I didn't hate Croc, as far as reptilian platformers go I preferred it to Spyro but not to Gex. Playing it is sort of like going to the store and buying "Bran Flakes" instead of Raisin Bran, though.

>> No.4372361

I don't think it was a boss, I think i just got lost at some point

>> No.4372374

Then why do you mangle the aspect ratio bro

>> No.4372389

You have to be literal turbo autist to hate Croc

>> No.4372403

3D controller won't change anything because the controls are tanklike.

This, Croc isn't a game that deserves hate, but not praise either. If anything the little backstory about it supposedly starting as a Yoshi game but Nintendo rejecting it is kind of interesting. I think it was the Star Fox devs (or same company, Argonaut), but not sure if I'm remembering right.

>> No.4372415

It's probably the PC version.

>> No.4372442

Yup it was Argonaut. They gave Ninty the keys to legacy 3d gaming and afterward Miyaomoto's bitch ass claimed to invent polys.

>> No.4372654

I replayed for the first time reaching 100% a few years back. I enjoyed it but I feel like I wouldn't have without nostalgia goggles

>> No.4372678

Why don't you like Spyro?

>> No.4372715
File: 19 KB, 243x257, g09b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight me.

>> No.4372736


Wrong, both the 3D Saturn controller and the PS1 Analog controller support Croc and change the controls, adding things like camera control. The movement is still kind of tank-like but a hell of a lot easier to maneuver.

>> No.4372763

The best thing about croc is the OST.

The game is clunky and not amazing overall, especially compared to spyro 2 for example, but it has charm and the soundtrack makes me think of it fondly.

>> No.4372774

>Wanting to limit topics on an already limited subject
How about no?

>> No.4372805

They fixed it in Croc 2 but it didn't feel as precise there

>> No.4372807

>Sold over 3,000,000 copies
>Not nostalgic for anybody

Holy fuck please genuinely pull the trigger nigger I literally played and loved this game as a kiddo, remember beating all the posses with ease and being pissed about not getting the secret world

>> No.4372812

pol is that way dumb cunt

>> No.4372865

Asterix is kino but you're a fag

>> No.4372915

never played it, but it looks fun, OP. downloading now.

>> No.4373450


I had it for sega saturn. Bought it at a "retro game store". I noticed when I played it, the music skipped in certain spots. Got worse. Died from bit rot/delamination and won't even boot now. At least I still have the case.

This is the only case of "bit rot" I've ever had happen to me personally.

>> No.4373525

Amazing game but fuck those controls are awful. I don't know how I dealt with these games as a kid

>> No.4373528

>3,000,000 copies
The gaming forgotten successes are something interesting. Croc, Gex, Toshinden, Playstation Frogger, all sold pretty well yet were forgotten.

>> No.4373617

I love you.

>> No.4375564


Saturn Croc's model would also appear with no head unless you launched from the button on the BIOS menu, freaked me the fuck out.

>> No.4375645

You'd think a plays like /vr/ would try to remember and celebrate them.

>> No.4375659

croc 2 is better in every way

>> No.4375679

croc 2 is infested with bad minigames and it was rushed as hell.

>> No.4376510


>> No.4376545
File: 241 KB, 1078x772, 1497564048594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4376576


>> No.4376668


This guy going on an all out tirade against Croc.

If you're serious, get a life. If you're a troll, get a fucking life.

>> No.4376586
File: 307 KB, 565x424, NewASTABarea1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4376673


>> No.4376680

You can dislike a good game all you want. More power to you. That doesn't make it shit.

>> No.4376597

I wonder how Croc 2 dreamcast would have been like

>> No.4376598

probably the same shit at 480p and higher framerate

>> No.4376696

Yeah but Croc isn't good.

>> No.4376713

In your opinion.

>> No.4376958

It feels too weightless imo and the dialogue really sours the mood of the game for me. Also the minigames are pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.4377013

I unironically prefer this game to Mario 64.

>> No.4377038


>> No.4377046

All my opinions are also fact.

>> No.4377052

ually wrong

>> No.4377054

.. ually incorrect.

>> No.4377764

So every pre-reboot Tomb Raider is shit?

lmao k :^)

>> No.4377797

which reboot we talking?

Legend or 2013?

Cuz i really enjoyed Anniversa... fuck it. They are all shit, i just fapped to Lara.

>> No.4377840


>> No.4377849

You would vote for SESTA, wouldn't you?

>> No.4377957

My younger brother bought Croc from a class mate for $7 shortly after release. I remember saying something like, "Weird. Why did you get this?" and thinking that his friend had to of sold it that cheap for a reason.

We ended up having so much fun with that stupid game. It's a shame we ended up trading it in to Funcoland later to buy a Dreamcast at launch. Fuck it. I'm buying this shit off eBay. Thanks OP.

>> No.4377961


Spotted a well-informed Anon.

What the fuck are you even doing on 4chan, broseph?

>> No.4378189
File: 681 KB, 1364x768, croc 2017-11-05 18-06-01-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the lighting effects

>> No.4378248

I have nostalgia for this game but it always felt hugely inferior to Spyro and Crash. Even as a kid I wondered how Spyro managed to have every level be a huge world while Croc levels were divided into rooms seperated by loading doors.

>> No.4380126

Man you're better off using the d-pad. The 3D controller just makes it 3x harder to control imo

>> No.4380261


Croc 2 is a good game buried under every bit of dumb bullshit from the time - hokey dialogue, gibberish, hub worlds, collectable nicnaks. They also got rid of some of the more useful aspects of the originals controls like side-stepping, drifting and U-turning. They're not replaced with anything, the buttons just do nothing instead.

It's a shame there isn't a mod to add a level select to bring it more in-line with the original. The story is also pure nonsense, the original was simple but had immediate stakes and 2 starts with the Gobbo King's sandwich getting stolen.

>> No.4381095
File: 175 KB, 1280x1024, Croc psone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're killing me with these awesome screenshots. Now I wanna play Croc again so bad. I wonder if emulation for the game is any good.

Game was never perfect and always had its flaws. Though I suppose every game is and that's part of Croc's charm.

>> No.4381130
File: 395 KB, 1364x768, croc 2017-11-05 18-25-31-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ps1 version emulates fine, if you have a good PC, you might try PGXP to enhance the graphics
I'm playing the PC Version with the music patch and using nglide, works good enough.
I heard the saturn version can't be emulated

>> No.4381152

I heard you can't be emulated cause you're one of a kind.

>> No.4381156
File: 1.23 MB, 1364x768, croc 2017-11-06 21-34-26-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4381403

Good for you pal, good for you.

>> No.4381418

>So every pre-reboot Tomb Raider is shit?
Yes. I have no idea why faggots have romanticized such a shit franchise.

>> No.4381452

>I heard the saturn version can't be emulated

Psuedo Saturn exists for this purpose.

>> No.4381643

I'm curious about what exactly you find charming when playing Croc. I've tried the game a few times and it's not clicked yet for me.

Specifically, I find the gameplay to be very erratic: there's good speed and maneuverability on Croc, yet I'm constantly being forced into making precision jumps that break up the action. Is it meant to be more slow paced than it seems or am I just shit at the game?

>> No.4381683

When I was a kid I always thought the thing on the gong was a smiling guy with a mustache and little tufts of hair on the sides of his head. I still see it.

>> No.4381696

not him, but Croc is a slow-paced platformer, a lot of the jumps requires you to rotate Croc at a good angle to make the jumps, but luckily, the platforming isn't quick like Mario 64 for example.
Adding that you need to have patience in some of the levels and learn about using the quick turn and sidestep buttons, they're really useful, jumping to move to left or right is also very helpful.
As for charm, I like Croc mostly because every other mascot-platformer was trying to be hip or cool like Sonic, and Croc was just a cute game with cute characters.

>> No.4381974

fuck u

>> No.4381989
File: 339 KB, 1920x1440, Croc2 2013-11-09 21-18-51-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a thing called AA.

>> No.4382108

It’s okay, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how shit and worthless it is.

>> No.4382132
File: 677 KB, 160x160, 13705079_1749652795306789_1752990070_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most challenging part is pushing through the boredom.

>> No.4383364

People complain about the controls but I honestly think the low enemy variety and the constant enemy respawn hurt the replay value for me.

>> No.4383612