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4364441 No.4364441 [Reply] [Original]

>Common for the PC to receive a weak conversion.


Do people actually think the PC was even capable close to Amiga level of sound and video back then?
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.4364486

Unlike Amiga, IBM compatibles were primarily business and productivity machines not an overpriced gaming console

>> No.4364515

Then why talk of them like they were even remotely capable of the same multimedia?

>IBM compatibles were primarily business and productivity machines
They were dedicated typewriters and spreadsheet machines, don't lie to yourself.

>Amiga and related machines from the time
>compared to the IBM PC and compatibles
Yeah. No.

>> No.4364725

>Do people actually think the PC was even capable close to Amiga level of sound and video back then?
I would hope not, PCs were always behind the tech curve in some fashion (esp when video is concerned) up until the 2000s. You needed very fast and expensive CPU to brute-force all those fancy effects like side-scrolling, polygonal 3D graphics, and multi-channel digital audio.

What with the limited sound capabilities (even still today), you had to do all your audio mixing in software which used a lot of CPU power, or do it Genesis/MD style and only play one digital sample at a time. Software mixing only became feasible by the mid '90s.

For video, up until the mid '90s PC video cards were nothing more than just a dumb text generator (with characters you can't change), framebuffer and a DAC. Even with 3D accelerators coming out (eg the Voodoo) the N64 was ahead of PCs in some fashion up until around 2000 when video cards started to finally get hardware T&L. It must have been really embarrassing for PC users when the Dreamcast was visually more advanced than all the PC video cards available in 1998.

>> No.4364729

>I would hope not, PCs were always behind the tech curve in some fashion (esp when video is concerned) up until the 2000s. You needed very fast and expensive CPU to brute-force all those fancy effects like side-scrolling, polygonal 3D graphics, and multi-channel digital audio.
But GPUs where already a thing in the mid/late 90's for PCs.

>> No.4364739

Did you read entire post, esp. the third paragraph? I could also be that guy and say a "GPU" with no hardware T&L is not a real GPU.

>> No.4364746

>I could also be that guy and say a "GPU" with no hardware T&L is not a real GPU
Anything that processes graphics is a GPU.
Even basic Blitter is a GPU. It offloads graphics drawing off the CPU.

>> No.4364749


>> No.4364750

>>IBM compatibles were primarily business and productivity machines
>They were dedicated typewriters and spreadsheet machines, don't lie to yourself

Are you a retard?

>> No.4364757
File: 544 KB, 3000x1687, 18468797168_b525e321d9_o.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people actually think the PC was even capable close to Amiga level of sound and video back then?
No, LGR/Clint is just a dumbass making videos based on fake nostalgia. He just does not know better, don't listen to him as it's fact. He was not even alive when that game came out.

>> No.4364761

No. Just that everything you could do on a PC that was dedicated typewriter/spreadsheet machine at the time, you could also do on a Amiga, Atari ST, Macintosh. Etc.
They weren't productivity machines in a big name, they were office machines to be used by dummies who used to use typewriters before PCs came on the market.

>> No.4364851

>multiple floppy disks
>Point & click adventure games
Of course the PC is a weak conversion. At least consoles required 1 cartridge and the graphics & games are much better, SNES is proof of that.

>> No.4364860

Cartridge space was severely limited though. You shouldn't pull of PCM samples like that or have actual cutscenes.

>> No.4365303

>they were office machines to be used by dummies who used to use typewriters before PCs came on the market.

I guess /new/ fags like you who only shitpost on touchscreen phones must be apple geniuses!

>> No.4365543

amigafags are such a joke
>implying VGA didn't blow that shit out of the water

>> No.4366436

We are talking about a time before the SNES

>> No.4366440

It's the truth though.
Try harder, you're not triggering anyone with your obvious butthurt.

>> No.4366442

>>implying VGA didn't blow that shit out of the water
It didn't tough. I didn't do anything better than AGA did and it took years for PC cards with 2D acceleration to come out that was native to the Amiga.
Tech illiterates are such a joke (You).

>> No.4366537

Don't try to understand why the Brits thought the ZX Spectrum/amiga were anything other than weak, under-powered garbage consoles with trash ports that barely resembled their arcade counterparts.

Those consoles have massive fanbases in Europe but EVERY game looks and plays like dog shit I don't get it either

>> No.4366539

when amiga had 64 colors and multi channel music the PC was stuck with 4 or 16 colors and beep beep bops

>> No.4366564

Is this bait?
I'm quite confused, the person seems to put the ZX Spectrum that's a budget home micro for kids and the much later Amiga into the same category and also thinks Amiga was popular in Britain?

>> No.4366575

And then PC got 256 colors, HDD, CD, various sound cards and faster processors while Amigas remained stuck at the most basic configuration.

>> No.4366584

>then PC got 256 colors, HDD, CD, various sound cards and faster processors
Yeah, in the 90's.

>Amigas remained stuck at the most basic configuration.
You're one of those persons who has only ever seen or heard about an Amiga 500, uh?

>> No.4366587

>And then PC got 256 colors, HDD, CD, various sound cards and faster processors while
Funny you say that, it's just like the Amiga!

>> No.4366591

The vast majority of Amiga games were made for the 500. AGA games are almost as irrelevant as CD32 games.

>> No.4366596

The difference is that developers weren't afraid to push the system requirements out of fear to fracture the consumers.

>> No.4366610

Yeah. No.
Half of them where. Sure. Rest of the 90's the Amiga got more AGA games and ports.
Not to mention, being a better computer in general, but that's irrelevant on /vr/.

Plenty of Amiga games that leave Amiga 500 owners in the dust.
Plenty of games that even needed high end big-boxes to run properly.

Keep up with your dumb tech illiterate arguments and barely working wikipedia knowledge of the topic. It makes for a shit bait.

>> No.4366631

>The vast majority of Amiga games were made for the 500.
5600 to be exact. I didn't count how many of them needed extra RAM, half probably.
Half of those are also shitty games just like the NES/SNES had and AVGN bitches about.
You where talking about specs and games, the Amiga 500 was far ahead of the PC at the time.

>AGA games are almost as irrelevant as CD32 games.
220 CD32 games.
500 AGA games.
4000 ECS games.
Not to mention, latter ports and games with no commercial release that aren't counted in this list.
Talking about specs, still blows away VGA graphics and OPL sound.

>> No.4366714

The C64 was ahead when it originally came out, particularly when you factor the price.

>> No.4366723 [DELETED] 

Nope. How do you even come up with such shit bait/bullshit?
We aren't talking price in the first place, PCs costed way more at the time.

>> No.4366743

pretty much every system was ahead when compared to the PC
until the early/mid 90's

>> No.4366924

...and then God created VGA and it was good

>> No.4366940

Big Blue*

>> No.4367757

then he also gave us the adlib and eventually the soundblaster which is better than 4 hard panned channels of low quality samples where you need a bunch of software tricks to get by

>> No.4368015

cause nobody gives a shit about 80s and very early 90s pc or amiga gaming, so when comparing the two its always the doom era pc benchmarks and amigas were way behind by then

>> No.4368939

Great, isn't it? Even games started to actually use them on the PC, years after Amiga already had proper music and sounds.
Oh, I also had a sound card in my Amiga latter.

Yet I still played Doom in '96 and Quake in '97 (still /vr/ territory).
Don't tell me you didn't have a sound card and graphics card in your PC to play them? I had in my Amiga. No real difference.
But at least I also had over a decade of other colorful and nice sounding games on the same machine, when my PC could only play the CGA ports with PC beeper tunes.

>> No.4368952

>there's actually a thing called PC fanboys on /vr/
>they are actually this much in denial

>> No.4368990

I'm really sad about this. It seemed like if commadore hadn't made such poor business decisions the Amiga would have been THE platform for games.

>> No.4368998

Maybe for slightly longer, in the end it would have just been another platform like the PC and Mac.

>> No.4369090

>limited sound capabilities (even still today)
Explain this.

>> No.4369097

I guess he's talking about hardware acceleration and mixing, there is no native support and only high end gear has it, with it's own drivers/software.

We briefly had pretty good hardware accelerated sound options on PC with Creative cards and related in the early 2000's, somehow we trashed them because "muh CPU can do it anyways".

>> No.4369886
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, Amiga Skunk Waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liking Amiga

>> No.4369897

Not even about the Amiga in particular, but that almost every other platform was better at the time and it's not a "shit conversion" but just as good as it can be.

Also Sabrina/10 waifu.

>> No.4370019
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, wendy-pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls himself a computer gamer
>only sticks to IBM PC

>> No.4370029

LGR is hipster tier shit

>> No.4371919

>overpriced gaming console
Nothing was overpriced compared to the PC.

>> No.4371924

Please go say the same thing you said here in his video, or are you afraid of him?

>> No.4371984

but it's already said

>> No.4372007

He's saying the Amiga is overpriced compared to consoles.

>> No.4372012

That would be a dumb thing to say considering the Amiga was a computer that could do everything the PC could and still have console level graphics and sound while still costing less than a PC.

>> No.4372021

Clint reviewed the game on DOS because thats what he would of played it on as a kid.

>> No.4372028

does not change the dumb shit he says

>> No.4372034

The guy has reviewed Amiga and Commodore 64 games before

>> No.4372239

I agree the 512KB Ram extension was a must have

>> No.4372775

he also acts like he was working in a office with an IBM AT in the 80's
it's obnoxious

>> No.4374454

He gets criticised all the time
He just stopped responding because he made himself look like an idiot with retarded and just plain wrong arguments he used to say

>> No.4374459

>console level graphics
Is that a good thing? I prefer more mature, high-res graphics.

>> No.4374463

Underage much?
We aren't talking about Nvidia/AMD GPUs and PlayStation 3's.

>> No.4374468

>I prefer more mature, high-res graphics.
not that the PC could do that with it's 4 color low res CGA and 16 color EGA or even early VGA

>> No.4374475

Good thing there were alternatives to IBM and Amiga.

>> No.4374532

Unless you're talking high end workstations that had no games or PC-98, or even the more niche and less spread X68k, then there wasn't anything "high res".
Those also sacrificed colors for resolution. Amiga was pretty high up as far as resolution and color go, even when not taking into account the high resolution HAM modes, together with other graphics like sprite count, etc.

"Console level graphics" at the time was the high end frontier of computer generated graphics in the consumer market.
Most microcomputers where on par with that, when comparing things that came out at the same time, as they where built not much different than consoles with their custom chipsets.
PC's where still lagging behind consoles till the PS2 came out.

>> No.4374742

Pixels are more important than color.
Colors are just a visual gimmick while resolution improves gameplay by conveying more information.

>> No.4374870

We know, hence why Amiga had all those awesome high res screen modes.

>> No.4374882

Did any (strategy) games actually use them?

>> No.4374914

almost every console has had low res colorful graphics
don't tell me NES, SNES, Genesis, etc are not popular consoles that did well?

>> No.4374929

I'm sure they did, as games like SimCity used high resolution modes.
Also many other genres of games, from the top of my head, like dungeon crawlers, point and click and pinball games.

I'm no expert on strategy games, but as resolution is more important there then color there, I see why there wouldn't be.
I'll look into it later, you got me interested too.

>> No.4375168

For children easily distracted by flashy colors. They also used shitty TVs as displays instead of superior computer monitors.

>> No.4375190

>shitting on nintendo on /vr/

>> No.4375213


>> No.4375224


>> No.4375235

Nudity was pretty common on microcomputers. As was blood and strong language
This might be a surprise for Nintendo kids.