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4364313 No.4364313 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody on here have experience with reproduction carts? Really want to play musha but don't want to emulate it on a computer.

>> No.4364349

They work fine. Just be careful with buying games that need battery saves, you'll have to make sure the cart you're buying indeed has a battery, because the chinks are dumb enough to put a game that needs a battery into a normal non-battery cart.

You might be disapointed with the print quality on the label, but other than that they work fine as if it was the real thing.

>> No.4364351

>Really want to play musha but don't want to play it

>> No.4364354

Exactly, autism in action.

>> No.4364361
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>implying wanting physical copies makes you autistic.
You know you are on a retro gaming board right spergo?

>> No.4364368
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>I don't want to emulate it but I want to emulate it with this repro

>> No.4364516
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>repro carts are emulation

>> No.4364558

Flash cart

>> No.4364573

If you're going to buy a repro, just buy a cheap Mega Everdrive clone. I got one for like $28, and I've only found 1 game it doesn't work with (and it's possible I just have a bad dump).

Totally worth in my opinion.

>Fuck this guy for wanting to get the better game experience heueheuehehue

Repro carts are not emulation you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.4364612

If you absolutely feel the need to own repro carts of a couple specific games, I recommend a seller like this:


They use genuine donor carts and print high quality labels that clearly mark them as reproduction. The cheapo aliexpress carts use horrible labels, plastics, and have PCBs that are thicker and not beveled, so you run the risk of damaging your cart slot. Call me a shill if you want, but if all you want are one or two repros, and don't care for Everdrives, you could certainly do worse. I bought MUSHA from him and it works perfectly

>> No.4364656
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>repros are just the roms pulled off the net
>repros aren't emulation

>> No.4364675

I don't think you understand what emulation is.

Did you know that official cartridges are just roms put on a chip? whether the rom comes from the developer or it comes from the internet, its the exact same thing

>> No.4364780
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>> No.4364784
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>wanting chink plastic to fuse to your console

>> No.4364840

Emulate it on a PC anyways. It's better.

>> No.4364964
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ABout mega drive chinaman repros. i use currently two variations, brown pcb and green pcb. The green pcb's seem to stink. Some of these games stop working completely after a short while. The brown pcb's, seem to more stable. Luck of the draw.

Also whats with all those retards that desperately grasp every opportunity to point out that emulation is superior to real hardware. You mongoloids are delusional or just stupid?

>> No.4365180

>but don't want to emulate it on a computer.

You should. You would realize it's nothing special like some hipsters want you to believe and you would save your money for a better and longer game.

>> No.4365192

ROM != Emulation, anon

One uses the other but they aren't mutually bound. A repro is just replacing a ROM on cartridge with another ROM. Emulation is replacing the whole console and cartridge hardware with software. Let's hope you learnt something today, kid.

>> No.4365474

What happened to chipmasters.us? Guy used to have great prices but the domain is gone now.

>> No.4365489

No. No one on here, or anywhere else, has any experience with "reproduction carts". Many people here have overpaid for bootlegs because they were called that though.

>> No.4365626


That's right. A retro GAMING board not a collection board.

>> No.4365668


>> No.4365685


> a better and longer game

get the fuck outta here and don't forget your retarded castlevania carts on the way out

>> No.4365909

this game is a piece of shit and so are you.

>> No.4366285

>triggered etsyfag detected

>> No.4366314

>better game experience
You actually get the better experience through emulation because Genesis emulation is 110% accurate now and you can play it in the best quality possible on top. Don't even dare bring up input lag because Musha is piss easy it won't prevent you from enjoying it at all because it's so minuscule.

>> No.4366432

>Dare to bring up input lag
>Who dares wins
>If you don't win you lose
You lose emufag

>> No.4366451

Cry out as much as you want, that game is nothing special, very short/repetitive and you know it. Don't forget your hipster tainted glasses when you leave, we don't need more 'ohmygodnessmushaiszebestgameintheworldandihaveit' faggots...

>> No.4366836
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>donor carts
>destroying perfectly functional games

>> No.4366870

>110% accurate
Nah. Genesis emulation is great, but it's not 100% accurate. It also requires more setup and configuration then a Genesis.

Emulation is a great option for those without real hardware, and a CRT or good upscaler. But for those who own the console and have an upscaler or CRT, it's undeniably a better experience.

>Pop in catridge
>Plug in controller
>Turn on console
>Sit down and play
>100% compatibility


>Download emulator
>Download ROM
>Configure emulator settings
>Plug in a controller not designed for that console
>Have to configure controller inputs
>Launch ROM
>Sit down and play
>99% compatibility

>> No.4366872 [DELETED] 

more like

>give the jews all your money


>play the games for free

>> No.4366876

Maybe 10-15 years ago I would have said the same thing.
But if I had to start my collection now, there would be no way I could afford it. Emulation has gotten way better, faster and easier, while retro game prices have gotten out of hand.

>> No.4366898

Luckily everdrives and other flash carts are readily available, and have pretty good compatibility for the most part. Even the cheap chink made Everdrive clones for the Genesis/MD play pretty much everything you throw a them, with maybe a few oddball exceptions.

If you have no interest in spending the money or using a CRT, I still think emulation is a great option. I've played tons of games in emulators myself.

If I have the option of playing on my original hardware and an emulator, though, I'm picking the original hardware whenever possible.

>> No.4366921

Genesis aint even expensive

>> No.4366923


>> No.4366936
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Honestly I think you're better off just emulating, speaking as an original hardware fag even. Think of it as trying before buying, if that helps.

My own experience with bootleg carts is that the Big Chink Pcb is far too thick and stretches out my poor little Mega Drive's boypussy to a point where it's too wide for anything else.
Sure there's your fucking etsy cunts with their artesanal fucking video game bootlegs, but even those don't really deserve their hype. I also don't like the idea of destroying original cartridges to make them. I don't give a shit if it was just some shovelware sports game. That kind of attitude destroys too much of this dumb hobby I love.

>> No.4366945
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ROM means Read on Memory, it's the name of the chip the file was pulled from, you just put it back in the exact same chip instead of emulating the chip and hardware, retard.

>> No.4366951

Read only Memory*

>> No.4366982
File: 32 KB, 680x383, delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The danger isn't the chink plastic but the voltage difference, you output 5v into a 3.3 input, it causes overheating and will possibly damage both your system and the cartridge in the long run.

Some versions of the Everdrive also have this problem.

OP, if you so wish to play MUSHA you will have to buy the Everdrive MD X5, no more no less, as it is the only ED on the MD with a proper level translation

YM2612 soundchip emulation will also never be as good as the real deal, even without an amp.

>> No.4366998

Let's be frank, the real ym2612 sound like wet farts.

>> No.4367017

I admit, the phrase "artisanal bootleg" gave me a good chuckle.

But honestly, a well crafted repro from a garbage or nonfunctional game is the best way to go. Honestly nobody cares about Grass Simulator 93, Eternal Champions, or whatever number of shitty games that can be had for a buck at any retro game store/eBay. And there's a number of games out there that have dead ROM chips for whatever reason. Whether it's static electricity, or a faulty chip, no reason to just throw them out if another chip can be programmed to fill its place.

>> No.4367018

Your ears are just too close to your own arse.

>> No.4367039

Well if it's busted then that's another issue entirely
fuck off I like EC

>> No.4367142


Been playing "that game" while you were still shitting in your kirby diapers, son.

>> No.4367170 [DELETED] 

>>4366982 >as it is the only ED on the MD with a proper level translation What do you mean by "proper level translation"? >YM2612 soundchip emulation will also never be as good as the real deal, even without an amp. You're talking about the DAC overflow glitch aren't you anon? I agree that makes the original hardware irreplaceable to me, but a dude who made a YM2612 VST replicated the effect pretty accurately with a high-level implementation and even documented it. I don't know what in the fuck is stopping emulator devs to just credit the guy or write their own routine and put it to rest, other than "NOT MUH LOW LEVEL DECAPPED WAY OF KNOWING HOW THE CHIP WORKS EVEN THOUGH IT WAS REVERSE-ENGINEERED".

http://alyjameslab.blog spot.com/2013/06/ym2612-ladder-effect-suite.html

>> No.4367180

>as it is the only ED on the MD with a proper level translation

What do you mean by "proper level translation"?

>YM2612 soundchip emulation will also never be as good as the real deal, even without an amp.

You're talking about the DAC overflow glitch aren't you anon? I agree that makes the original hardware irreplaceable to me, but a dude who made a YM2612 VST replicated the effect pretty accurately with a high-level implementation and even documented it. I don't know what in the fuck is stopping emulator devs to just credit the guy or write their own routine and put it to rest, other than "NOT MUH LOW LEVEL DECAPPED WAY OF KNOWING HOW THE CHIP WORKS EVEN THOUGH IT WAS REVERSE-ENGINEERED".


>> No.4367186

I bought a korean bootleg musha for 15 bucks the only thing is the plastic shell of the cart is kind of weak and I snapped a little piece off popping it open to see the PCB (just a globtop btw) the build quality was good enough though and you wouldnt be breaking it through normal use anyway

>> No.4367294

Fuck the second hand market for video games. This shouldn't even be a problem...

>> No.4367328

He's abbreviating the dbelectronics article regarding voltage levels in flashcarts.


>> No.4369693

It is accurately emulated in Retroarch through Genesis Plus GX with a new cycle accurate FM core as bonus


>> No.4369721

You mean while I was playing really original shmup games on my Genesis instead of some boring and overrated anim-based game?

In my school, only bullied manga fanboys and sheeps with zero personality loved that game. Does not surprise me that you become so nervous when someone does not like this game, they all reacted the same, as if the world had collapsed.

>> No.4371102


A.) Get a cheap clone off etsy / that chinese shop site / or ebay if you don't want to shell out for a cool repro of the game.

B.) Get an everdrive. There is a cheap sega one that has sonic on the cover looking like a chinese trash cart but I have a few friends that own it and they said it works just like their everdrive by Krikzz

Apparently Gen games aren't that hard to repro either so they tend to be cheap.

>> No.4371146

They work fine man.

I would warn you a little bit about Genesis repros. If you're really anal about the quality of cart like me, unless they're made with a real Genesis, they're almost nothing like a real cart. Even the ones that look right, the plastic is all different and weirdly heavy. There are guys out there that make repros from donor carts, so keep an eye out for those.

>> No.4371350

Not OP, but the topic of reproduction carts, are there any concerns I should have if I get an snes Earthbound repro cart?
I see a lot on eBay for $25-$30 and I'm sorta tempted since I recently got Mother 1+2 & 3 for the GBA, but Mother 2's English translation on the GBA was never completed, and being technically inferior in regards to sound as well as having lots of glitches apparently.
The only reason I ask is that I remember hearing Earthbound having some pretty wacky anti piracy measures, with the most heartbreaking being your game crashing at the final boss and then deleting your save.
I'm just curious if I have to be careful what sort of cart I should be on the look out for and not get a really cheap quality repro, or should I not be all too concerned?
Is it worth getting my hands on the "uncut" reproduction cart that has a slightly more faithful translation of the Japanese original while also adding elements that were censored in the US release?

>> No.4371379

Hot damn, the absolute madman actually went and did it. Not only that, he also nailed OPL2/OPL3 emulation. I suddenly feel very weird. I'm happy people who don't own real hardware and know what they're doing will finally be able to experience FM music the grandiose and surreal way it was meant to sound.

>> No.4371705

Go away filthy reseller scum you're not allowed on my board.

>> No.4371850

There actually is good YM2612 sound emulation, it just wasn't implemented on an emulator yet.

See Rycast


>> No.4371892

I have never seen anyone who has ever claimed that Musha is the best game ever, or even the best game on Genesis, or even the bust shooter on Genesis. It's just a well made game that's part of a large collection of Genesis shooters.

The reason it's so expensive is because it had an exceptionally low production run, unlike games like Truxton and the Thunder Force games. Aero Fighters on SNES is the same situation.

>> No.4373564

We're not not your board. This board is for people old enough to have a job and make enough money to buy toys.