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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 141 KB, 459x453, NostalgiaGoggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4360617 No.4360617 [Reply] [Original]

What are some red flags that let you know when a gamer or reviewer has nostalgia goggles on?

>> No.4360621

Aside from maybe Saturn and Dreamcast, why would anyone read a review of a retro game at this point? Just try it yourself and see what you think.

Reviewers aren't useful in this age.

>> No.4360627

When OP reads a review he doesn't agree with.

>> No.4360628

My willingness to not agree with him or her mainly

>> No.4360630

when they forgive flaws or like a game

>> No.4360631

Only 11 year-olds take them seriously anyway.

>> No.4360634


This. Even if you find an honest one, they're just gonna get bought the second they come to the attention of some asshole corporation.

Not worth the hassle.

>> No.4360636

When they go on about how modern games are "casualized", "dumbed down", "older games were harder", "more value for money etc etc etc"

And he has absolutely no videos of him playing aforementioned older games.

>> No.4360638

When the game is being judged on comparisons to future/past entries instead of on its own merits.

>> No.4360640

I swear they just read them so they can disagree and try to feel superior about it. I'd rather just play games than waste my time with someone else's idiot opinion.

>> No.4360641

"modern games are casual and easy" is the calling card of people who don't play them.

>> No.4360650

The hilarious thing is, if you ask them to prove their skill at said game, they will clam up and start sniveling like Gollum about how you're a faggot.

>> No.4360651


...What's wrong with AAA batteries, you strapon-fucking little fudgepacker?

>> No.4360660

They're the red-headed stepchild of batteries and only around because there is one thing in the house that needs them. AA or shut up.

>> No.4360668


Better than Li-ion where you have to throw the whole fucking device half the time.

>> No.4360685


To draw attention to obscure games that people haven't heard about.

I don't see much of a point in reviewing something like Super Mario Bros. at this point.

>> No.4360698

dunno, but when i see nostalgia, ironically or unironcially, i aviod all contact. it just ain't someone who should be talking bout vidya.

>> No.4360718
File: 70 KB, 540x614, Untitled-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just look through lists of games until you see one you don't recognize or know much about and then play it to experience what it's like?

>> No.4360724

Every Zelda and Mario getting a 10.

>> No.4360727

They deserve it though.

>> No.4360728


This is what I do. Granted, I use /v/'s Recommended Games wiki, but I really don't have a better source at the moment.

>> No.4360734
File: 5 KB, 320x303, biomotor-sc01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have folders full of ROMs so I just use those. Whatever works for you though

>> No.4360740

What kinds of modern games are difficult? I don't really follow them that closely anymore.

>> No.4360798

They unironically suggest buying a Sega Saturn in 2017 for all the arcade ports.

>> No.4360808
File: 52 KB, 446x320, 1433323524241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing on /vr/ then?

>> No.4360810

Sounds like a good plan
>good ports, many of them arcade perfect when it comes to frame animation
>more options
>play them using saturn pad


>> No.4360817

Also you can play alone and feel like you're cool fighting the computer and don't have to deal with the disappointment of losing to brazilians all day.

>> No.4360826

The only title I ever hear of that is hard is Dark Souls, but that's meme status and it wasn't the most difficult thing I ever played.
Not hard.
Not hard, but sometimes a chore to play.
I haven't played Halo since 4, but I highly doubt the new game is so tough.
>GTA/Saints Row
Alpha Simulator 9000, the missions aren't that hard, but they can be annoying.
>Watchdogs 1
It wasn't all that hard, it just required you to play GTA in a non-retarded way.
Sure, hard if you don't know how to gather resources and run away from certain encounters.

My point being most of the big name productions that come out anymore aren't all that tough. Now I'm also going to say that Mario, Sonic, Metal Gear Solid, Doom1/2, Quake1/2, Master of Magic, Earthworm Jim, etc also aren't all that tough either, but I do find them more enjoyable. Doom 4 is great fun and all, but if it's a toss-up between Doom 4 and Doom 2, I'm probably going to pick Doom 2 because I like it more. As nice and flashy as Doom 4 is, Doom 2 has a modding community and I like those games. Quake hasn't released anything good in awhile and Quake Champions is "Smooth shooter clone #69" so I don't care about it. The real problem exists with modern games only following trends instead of trying to do their own thing. Sonic and Mario were two incredibly different takes on platforming, which is why I like both.

>> No.4360828
File: 97 KB, 640x448, BakuBaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all arcade ports are fighters though

>> No.4360832

Acting like all old games are inherently better than all modern games is a very cancerous mindset

>> No.4360839 [DELETED] 

fuck off to /v/
reported for off-topic discussion

>> No.4360840

Not him, but I keep a full set of working controllers for each of my consoles because I have friends that come over and play with me. Every Tuesday we plug up something different and toss a game in. Yeah, we're all in our late 20's/early 30's, but we still enjoy the games and we like to play with each other. Granted, I doubt most people are as lucky as I am, seeing as I grew up with some of them and went to high school with some of the others and we somehow made it work in our little town.
One of our gaming traditions is we all search for games we haven't played yet and I'll go get the game (We do this so no one gets super pissy and ditches with part of the collection, if it ever happens, heres to hoping it never does) while everyone else tosses in on the booze and food for game night. Last month we picked up 5 copies of the Harry Potter games on GBC, so everyone came over with their GBC and we started up with some fresh batteries and played together. True, separate games, not multiplayer, but whatever. We had fun with it. I always thought they'd be doofy and stupid, but they're surprisingly good.

>> No.4360843

It's not offtopic you triggered nostalgiafaggot.

>> No.4360856

An extension of that mindset - one that's common enough here on /vr/ - is that ALL modern games are bad.

>> No.4360858

>GBA will never be retro

>> No.4360862

Then why do journalists spend more time shitting on the "git gud" mantra?

>> No.4360897

What nightmare is that? Ecstatica 3?

>> No.4360920
File: 26 KB, 318x313, shenmue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Pretending Shenmue 1 or 2 were ever good games
2. Pretending Doom 2 is a worthy sequel and not just an expansion pack sold as a sequel
3. Pretending that Final Fantasy 1-3 have aged gracefully and are worth playing now

>> No.4360937
File: 84 KB, 425x435, bakumonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baku Baku Animal

>> No.4360951
File: 134 KB, 438x599, 438px-Sonichu_Adventure_for_Gamecube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4. Pretending Sonic Adventure 1 or 2 aren't total dog shit and that the Chao garden isn't for children (it is)
5. Pretending RE3 is as good as RE1 or RE2
6. Pretending Commander Keen was ever a good platforming series (seriously what the fuck these games were awful)

>> No.4360968

>le chrischan
You just went full reddit.

>> No.4360970
File: 56 KB, 640x443, secret of evermore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7. Pretending Mana is better than Evermore (other than the 2 player)
8. Pretending DKC3 isn't a great game just because of a stupid baby
9. Pretending fighting games were ever worth paying money for during the SNES era (I can't believe we justified paying for copies of SF2 or Mortal Kombat back then. Fucking awful. PS1 era fighting games like Tekken 3 were worth full price though)

>> No.4360987

Praising an older game in a series that has aged poorly, like Pokemon Red/Blue

>> No.4360991


I unironically would play Sonichu Adventure.

>> No.4361006

download game maker and make a short game called that and show it to your reddit buddies for sweet karma

>> No.4361046
File: 27 KB, 362x362, jeanluc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0s and 1s
Also, I never really see that much praise for gen 1, and most of the time people say gen 2 is better technically, but many have more nostalgia for gen 1.
That's mostly it, I don't think people actually waste their time arguing with /vp/fags about why their nostalgia for gen1 is objectivelly better than whatever other gen is considered the best.
On the other hand, I see gen1 getting more hate than it deserves, simply because a lot of /vp/fags can't stand people being fond of the "Old and shitty" first entry in the series.

>> No.4361053



>> No.4361063

Ff2 is my favorite in the series.

>> No.4361069

Yeah gen1 was awesome for it's time but is horribly balanced, partly due to special attack and defense being the same stat.

It's still a great game, but gen2 was such a massive improvement it makes the flaws in first games really stand out.

>> No.4361813

>Not hard.
Play it on Nightmare. It becomes extremely punishing

>> No.4361823

Why would you read/watch a review instead of playing a game. Childish behavior.

>but I need to know if it's good before playing it
Then you can't believe in things like "nostalgia goggles" or else reviewers would have no merit.

>> No.4361829

>Why would you read/watch a review instead of playing a game.
crippling depression makes it easier to sit and watch something non-interactive

>> No.4361831

>Nostalgia glasses
There's another phrase for guaranteed replies on /vr/ I guess

>> No.4361836

/v/tards do it literally all the time

there have been like 10 straight threads about wolf 2 and odyssey's metascores

>> No.4362068

Wish mods were cheeky cunts and wordfiltered "aged poorly" into something amusing.

>> No.4362082

I could see that, but I don't think it would be "extremely punishing". Splinter Cell better fits that description in my experience.

>> No.4362102

Pokemon Yellow aged just fine. The sprite artwork makes all the difference.

>> No.4362127

>nostalgia goggles is a new term
Not as new as you are, apparently.

>> No.4362240

I finished it on Ultra Nightmare.
It's not that hard.

>> No.4362260

gen2 came shortly after gen1 and gave more of what gen1 provided (let alone all the references to gen1) so it is easy to forget it existed.

>> No.4362305

mana has better music too, but i agree evermore is better in every other way

>> No.4362886

They use the term "hidden gem"

>> No.4362912
File: 42 KB, 640x427, 1507569861612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If readers found out that they can't even play video games then they would be out of the only "journalism" position they could land, so they shit on the skill requirements of certain games as "elitism" and "needlessly exclusionary", then they drag up GG when they get called out for being shit at video games, journalism, and just life in general.

>> No.4365029

>being judged on comparisons to future/past entries
this makes sense for purely repetitive games, or multiplayer games, that is games without a campaign or levels to go thru.

someone might try arguing that in respect to multiplayer matches, you don't need to waste time with homeworld 1 remaster and either play h1 multiplayer with friends or just jump to hw2complexmod such and such online matchmaking irc cause its the most fun spatial rts.

>> No.4367607

When you know he hates the genre but keeps drooling over THAT one overrated as fuck meme game "everyone" loves and keeps spouting "ahead of its time"

>> No.4367610

the term "meme game" is a major red flag as well, just so you know

>> No.4367705

I fucking hate when anyone uses that term. It's just the laziest, intellectually bankrupt way of dismissing a game which has popularity behind it.

>> No.4367721

What even is a "meme game"?

>> No.4367741

Genuine meme games are the things that become a craze around /v/, reddit, or whatever for about two weeks and then are dropped, never heard from again. Stuff like the Pooh Bear baseball game, Robot Unicorn Attack, SpongeBob Boat-o-cross, or Goat Simulator for a slightly more mainstream example.
But as I said >>4367705 too many people will misapply it towards actual, mainstream games with real popularity.

>> No.4367746


It's literally a term for "game I don't like" at this point.