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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 105 KB, 419x337, 436C6A5F-198B-4938-AEEC-8AD580FF22AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4359042 No.4359042 [Reply] [Original]

>she’s in Mario Odsessy

My memories.

>> No.4359067

Mario Odyssey is cool and all but can't you see those cheap cameos are playing on your nostalgia? Most of the Nintendo games rehash shit from the NES era now for no reason, it feels a bit lazy and hamfisted.

>> No.4359078

Does she look like that or they use the stupid-ass redesign from DS?

>> No.4359087


Oh Anon, I think you know the answer to that.

>> No.4359092
File: 1.06 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4359097


>> No.4359103


>> No.4359110

Though the 8-bit parts are the best parts of the game too. That's more than just cheap nostalgia pandering.

>> No.4359119

RLM is not that funny reddit

>> No.4359126

Yeah I'm being too harsh on the game, I do love the Pauline came and how her song references Donkey Kong and a bunch of Nintendo stuff and I love how the 2D sections reflect the costume Mario is wearing in the original SMB style.

>> No.4359160

If you have a Mario 64 nostalgia boner for Dorry just wait until you beat the game, you're in for a treat

>> No.4359195


>> No.4359379

I smiled like a little bitch when DK showed up.

>> No.4359421

She does :(
Which sucks since she now looks too much in the SMW style instead of the unique bizarre SM64 style which if this game was about putting Mario in bizarre situations rather than the usual mushroom kingdom then they did wrong.
Odyssey is nostalgia done right which Nintendo doesn't usually do.

>> No.4359447
File: 8 KB, 256x224, tessie[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted her in Earthbound this morning too

>> No.4359526
File: 134 KB, 242x210, 752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't start, please.

>> No.4359530

I enjoy nostalgic nods, but this is an incredibly awkward gif.

>> No.4359592
File: 15 KB, 270x262, 1506287732518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat game
>unlock Mario N64 Mushroom Kingdom and Yoshi's home from SNES Mario including sign and fireplace

D-damn you Nitnendo I oon't want to cry.

>> No.4359607

Please tell this isn’t a troll.

>> No.4359924


>> No.4359932

not retro, but odyssey is so fucking good that i'll give you a bump. it blows the shit out of m64

>> No.4360032

Was I the only one who got nightmares from this thing?

>> No.4360035


>> No.4360040

fuck off

>> No.4360148


>> No.4360151


>> No.4360189

>implying Nintendo would ever do the effort to faithfully recreate such cameos
I'm a huge Nintendo fan but you're simply looking for a miracle anon.

>> No.4360319

About what? I wasn't addressing any of the core changes and mistakes that completely ruined the remake or anything

>> No.4360327

Nobody bothered or had the unnecessary nerve to identify such a small minor change of artstyle until some faggot named as "4" began to spam this a year ago on /v/. He was trying to bait and get (you)s.

>> No.4361340

>the 64 bit costume

Damn you Nintendo.

>> No.4361791

>come to /vr/
>see nu-nintendo trash plague the catalog
Mario Galaxy is better.

You really need to tell /vr/ that?

>> No.4361943

Whether or not it's the best, Mario 64 is the last 3D Mario I actually completed. It's weird to think that the crappy post-N64 version of Nintendo is all /v/ kids know, and they salivate for every new Nintendo console just the same.

>> No.4362691

It's just not a 3d game. Levels are square, platforms are square. I just hate that when coming to /vr/ I get to see spoilers for casual 3d games. Nintendo peaked during the gamecube though. Most n64 games were unfinished tech demos. Just going to put it out there.

>> No.4364707

>He doesn’t know

Also Odysswey is great, perfect mix of new and old. The entire game isn’t a nostalgia grab.

>> No.4365002

>Also Odysswey is great
It's this type of insecurity I come to /vr/ for.

>> No.4365440

People can't like a new game on /vr/?

>> No.4365495

You're clearly new here. According to /vr/ there hasn't been a single good, enjoyable game made since 2005.

>> No.4366228

>It's weird to think that the crappy post-N64 version of Nintendo is all /v/ kids know
/v/ is even more anti-Nintendo than /vr/ is. It's the "hip" thing to hate Nintendo right now

>> No.4367314

This is the type of insecurity I come to /vr/ for!

>> No.4367495


No it's not. It's shameless pandering to get a reaction out of people who treat NES memories like major moments in their lives

>> No.4367624

>No it's not
i disagree

>> No.4367714

It isn't.

>> No.4367725

Spoken like someone who hasn't actually played it and just wants to shit on anything new.

>> No.4367726

Too bad she doesn't do anything.

Also I feel like this game is good, but not as good people are making it out to be. But then I felt the same about Mario 64.

>> No.4368323

Why are you here if your taste in video games is terrible?

>> No.4368329

I notice you're not refuting the point about you not having played the game yet.

>> No.4368356

It IS shameless pandering.

>> No.4368367

Okay so you haven't played the game then. Your opinion is worthless.

>> No.4369190

I never gave my opinion

>> No.4369297

>My memories.
So, in all those year you enver played Mario 64 again? Because I can't understand how people get nostalgic about something they never stopped playing.

>> No.4369318

define Nostalgia

>> No.4370336

I'll be waiting for the inevitable 64-bit remake of Odyssey called Super Mario Iliad.

>> No.4370665


I feel this, I replay my favorites all the time, so "nostalgia" feels like an empty buzzword to me.

>> No.4371558

galaxy is the best 3d platformer ever made. i thought this was common knowledge until odyssey came out and "we finally got the true sequel to m64 we've been waiting for."

ironic that so many people who play retro vidya have such shitty memories.

>> No.4372031

I won't argue that Galaxy isn't a great game, because it most definitely is. But come on, there is absolutely no denying that Odyssey feels significantly more like Mario 64 than the galaxies do.

>> No.4372065

I generally don't replay things unless they get a new port/remaster. Too many things coming out and too big a backlog to replay anything