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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4359009 No.4359009 [Reply] [Original]

Why weren't more games as great as Tribes?

>> No.4359113

Because the very high skill ceiling makes it very niche when you compare how easy it is for the average person to get into something like Quake or Unreal.

>> No.4359456

Proper movement in Quake 1 or 2 CTF has a much steeper learning curve than T1 or T2.

>> No.4359589

Steep curve doesn't matter when it's shallow.

>> No.4359601

Except it's deeper than T1 or T2. I've played both. Holding down spacebar and jetting when you need to is not hard to do. The only challenging aspect in Tribes that is not present in Quake is having to compensate for projectile inheritance.

>> No.4359603

Plenty of garbage games.
>high skill ceiling
There's not even bunny hops or weapon glitches to exploit in the game... Plays like a shit Unreal.

>> No.4359604

It does not play like Unreal in the slightest. Skiing is an exploit anyways.

>> No.4359608

Is a nonskill and you're joking if you say otherwise. Only people that praise Tribes trash are slavs. Do explain how "sking" requires skill. I could use a laugh. CSS surf maps require more skill and that's saying something.

>> No.4359616

Tribes was really big in the US and while skiing is far easier to learn mechanically than strafe jumps or bhopping it's still something you have to master for proper flag caps and escaping enemies. It's funny going from defending Quake's skill ceiling to Tribes just because you are such a reactionary retard that hates Tribes.

>> No.4359625

Like I said, it plays like a really shit unreal mod.
>reactionary retard
Tribes has been in my top 5 worse games for a long time. A long ass time. That game started the whole slavshitters playing and ruining FPSes. And a lessor reason is the fanbase that does speak English is insane saying shit like you with this skiing shit being a high skill movement to master.

>> No.4359628

I can't be bothered to debate this with an ESL retard that has most likely never played Tribes or Unreal. I wouldn't be surprised if you are slavic yourself based on your broken English.

>> No.4359638

This is 4chan. I’m not looking for complete and proper sentences. What gets the point across gets it across. You’re talking about modern internet here. Gamers like you gobble garbage up. I played the shit out of all the Quakes and Unreals. Consoles ports, console exclusives, and of course the PC games. Tribes games were the first online games I played where I frequently ran into non Americans. It was the strangest thing to me at the time. It became terrible by the mid 2000s.

Typical of a Tribes slavtard. The second you mention that a movement system like “skiing” that just automatically works isn’t very high skill they start making their only argument name calling and accusation like I never played the games.

>> No.4359641

Sking is one very minor aspect of Tribes. Are you sure you played it for more than five minutes?

No shitty exploits is good though. What kind of argument is that?

>> No.4359647

Skiing more or less defines Tribes and how you flag cap. While the base element is interesting, destroying a generator is not all that different from denying weapons or techs. It's just on a much larger scale with huge maps.

>> No.4359648

>No shitty exploits is good though.
Except it defined these games. Like Bunny hopping, rocket glitches, map bugs, etc.

>> No.4359663

Only people who see it from rhe outside would say it defines it. To me if anything, disk launcher jousting is much more the definition of Tribes.

What was said earlier is true, skiing is almost a non-skill. It's really only a tiny aspect of the whole game of flag caping while base attacking/defending. A well organized team with no skiers will whoop a mishmash of high skilled twitchy supet skiers. It's a team strategy game and there are whole layers that Quake doesn't even come close to.

>> No.4359693

It was hard to get programmers to design games that poorly. Everyone had seen superior games and wanted to improve on that instead of go backwards.

>> No.4359712

Shazbot I had no idea the awesomeness of this game was such triggering subject for you. I will place abundant spoilers next time to save your delicate feelings.

>> No.4360106

>Holding down spacebar and jetting when you need to is not hard to do
Holding down A or D and jumping when you need to is not hard to do either my dude.

>> No.4361807

>It's a team strategy game and there are whole layers that Quake doesn't even come close to.
how is it so different from quake ctf or tdm?