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4352159 No.4352159 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4352162

Congratulations, I'm triggered

>> No.4352165 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 487x366, amber-lynn-bach-forced-to-have-intercourse-with-her-stepson[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thinking-mans position oh holding

>> No.4352178

My aunt played Mario kart 64 like that

>> No.4352278

Let's be honest with ourselves.

The N64 controller's design is terrible.

>> No.4352283

Only the stick's quality is bad, it never gave me issues to me neither my friends and cousins

>> No.4352290
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>> No.4352291

>play FPS requiring use of the d-pad
>only have two hands

>> No.4352293

I don't think there's anything wrong with the design, but the build quality is terrible.

>> No.4352296
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Big hands represent.

>> No.4352301
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big hands reporting in

>> No.4352308

Xbox Duke user reporting for roll call

>> No.4352312

nice manicure queer

>> No.4352314

>playing FPS on console
found your problem

FPS was meant to be played with KBM, like how driving games need wheels.

>> No.4352317

What others besides Duke64? In Turok is only used to toggle run.

>> No.4352319

>clean nails means a manicure
try some hygiene sometime friend

>> No.4352334
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Hell yea

>> No.4352341

but u realize you're naturally less precise on the analog stick that way right?

>> No.4352349

I was good enough to do okay in SSB64 tourneys. Playing casually with friends I always win. I dunno, accurate enough. If it is worse, I adapted.

It doesn't matter much now anyhow, I've become too old to be competitive.

>> No.4352353

Name a game on the 64 that requires precise analog control.


My right hand always cramped because the space over in the C area was too small. Giant hands rep.

>> No.4352354

not that guy but i have more tactile control when my thumb has to reach for the stick. putting my thumb directly over the stick makes me clunky and imprecise

>> No.4352358
File: 42 KB, 727x600, 727px-N64-Controller-in-Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underage, get ye gone

>> No.4352371

The controller was designed for conjointed twins.

>> No.4352421

No, in fact, it was and is so great that all the game companies copied it, albeit rearranged. Most people just don't know how to hold the dang things.

>> No.4352423


>> No.4352427

Wrong. Sony copied SNES controller and Xbox copied Sega's. Literally nobody uses the N64 design.

>> No.4352434

>t. 3-armed faggot revisionist

>> No.4352448

>all the game companies copied it
I don't see any company using the 3 handles. The only thing close was plugging in the memory card in the back of the controller, which Sega used. But they were smart enough to have two slots, one for memory card and the other a rumble pack. There's just one big difference with their memory card. The Dreamcast one had a screen on it. Another difference was that the Dreamcast rumble pack didn't require batteries.

>> No.4352451

HAHA! Uh no. Sony copied the N64 controller hands down and everyone who knows their games knows that. Nintendo pioneered the analogue stick (that was worth a fuck) during the fifth generation. Everyone is now using a warped N64 controller.

>> No.4352457

Get good.

>> No.4352465

Jesus Christ look at this youngling who doesn't remember joysticks and flightsticks.

>> No.4352467

All of the people in the picture are holding the controller wrong, is the thing that OP was going for, I think.

>> No.4352469

The analog stick has been around long before N64 came around. Vectrex is proof of that.

>> No.4352473

how bad will my games be if i get a GC style replacement stick? I know the sensitivity is off but if i just get it for my 4th player controller will it matter that much?

>> No.4352476

I'm just speaking to consoles of course. It would be better stated as:"Nintendo pioneered the built-in analogue stick in tandem with its directional cross and requisite buttons."

>> No.4352483

Remember I posted:"(that was worth a fuck)? The Vectrex was garbage and so was its controller. How can you honestly compare that junk to the sensitive and responsive N64 stick? Goldeneye and that stick turned the gaming world upside down and was the hottest game at the time around the world.

>> No.4352489

I'd agree it wouldn't matter so much, but it's awkward at times.

>> No.4352494

Doesn't matter what you think of the Vectrex. The fact of the matter is that the Vectrex beat Nintendo to the punch with the analog stick. Also there's nothing wrong with the Vectrex, it's an amazing console.

>> No.4352508
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some guy on pawn stars tried to sell a working vectrex for 200 bucks

>> No.4352510

That controller was a joke and the system itself was a sad gimmick. I know its history. Yay buzzing sound that wont' go away. Hooray. Overlays. Stupendous! Nintendo beat everyone to the punch of offering a truly sensitive analogue stick in tandem with its standard directional cross; now all companies follow the big N's example.

>> No.4352519

Oh there's no doubt it's a collector's item and working units in good shape ought to command a premium price of course, within reason. Vector displays are neat and it's too bad that manufacturers stopped making them, as the old arcade games like Asteroids really shined with them and can't be emulated with a straight face.

>> No.4352524


Holding the thing like this would be a godsend for your palms in Mario Party though

>> No.4352530

Crikey, I hate Nintendildos.

>> No.4352543

The prices for Vectrex is ridiculous. The cheapest ones are up for bids. But as far as the Buy It Now option goes, it's $425 for the cheapest.

Like I said earlier. It doesn't matter what you think of the Vectrex, it doesn't change the fact Vectrex beat Nintendo to the punch The Vectrex was the first to invent the analog stick. Plus the analog stick is just the ancestor of the joystick. So in the end, it's not an original idea invented by Nintendo.

>> No.4352562

I honestly don't blame anyone playing this way. This is how i've played with those damn controlers all my life. I was 7 when i got my N64 for christmas and i had no fucking idea how to hold those things.

>> No.4352565

Which, to be fair, goes hand-in-hand with his "I'm such a nurd LOL XD" post. I'd be surprised if many people who played N64 when it was modern employed the Cherrypicker Control Style for normal gameplay. That being said, maybe it would be useful for some Mario Party minigame or something.

>> No.4352572

except i let my palm rest on the controller with my thumb and pointing finger holding the joystick and pressing the Z button with my middle finger.

>> No.4352573

Ah ah ah..you're changing parameters. Anyway, the analogue stick came out in 1978 in the 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System predating the Vectrex by several years. The 'trex simply ganked the same design as one can plainly see. My point stands, Nintendo pioneered the true home console analogue stick with backup digital pad.

>> No.4352580

Oh I know. In fact, it's harder to hold it wrong, so I wonder why people do it. There's a picture up thread showing the correct way and the controllers came packed with guides, so I guess the younger set is at fault. *ducks*

>> No.4352953

I kek'd

>> No.4352968

>chad strides in
>hey babe lets get some pizza and play Mario kart in your dorm room
>shows the qt you're sweating to hold controller like >>4352358
>goes two hole on your oneitis

>> No.4352974

Nah we had forklifts doing that in the 80s AT LEAST. But I'm being pedantic.

>> No.4352997

The Duke is legitimately one of the most comfortable controllers in existence, handlets and Japs can't appreciate its beauty.

>> No.4353006

Always just grip the middle handle with a thumb on the stick and a finger on the Z trigger.

Why even have the L button or D pad? No worthwhile games used them.

>> No.4353008
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are those women or "women"?

>> No.4353069

The best way to play Golden Eye safe space hug mode.

>> No.4353330

>bony hands
>poor fashion sense
>even dumber than real women
yep, it's trannies

>> No.4353336


>> No.4353509
File: 1.48 MB, 1940x2220, nights3dpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first home console controller with analog stick and D-pad
Umm, no sweetie, the Saturn had Nintendo beat in Japan by two months.

>> No.4353516

fuck right off to hell with you fagfucker.

>> No.4353523

Umm, sweetie, I'm afraid I really like that meme and I'm gonna continue using it.

>> No.4353527

>Angry Nintendildo detected

>> No.4353530

Not everyone's a shade.

>> No.4353538

It looks like they're playing Mario Party, which commands strange ways to hold the controller.

>> No.4353667

I like it, pretty cold on the N64 overall but the controller is good.

>> No.4353745


>> No.4353846
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>I've never used a Saturn 3d controller

>> No.4353909
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>> No.4353946

How did you take the picture?

>> No.4354016


I do this to hold B to run and move the camera at the same time in dark souls.

>> No.4354042

seems like this guy actually can use the n64 controller the intended 3 hand way

>> No.4354050


The goddamn manuals even contain an illustration showing this. Every single fucking one ever published.

>> No.4354054

I'm playing games so I don't have to read, duh.

>> No.4354072


You don't even know *how* to read, do you?

>> No.4354074

I got cortana/alexa/siri to read and write for me, HA.

>> No.4354075


Then why not just replace you with Alexa/Cortana/Siri?

>> No.4354173

>wah, you're not optimally holding one of the most retarded controllers in history to play a casual game

Cute boots though.

>> No.4354214

Long nails aint clean, cut that shit

>> No.4354257

oh god an autistic fanboy upset over video games

>> No.4354262

I think when they design, they only think how to make analog stick has zero resistance,
But they don't think about lifetime of product.

>> No.4354271

I think most gamer who read game magazine must know how to hold it.

>> No.4354352

That better be a Mario Party game and they're spinning it in their own way.

Everyone had their own technique.

>> No.4354450

Those are digital, not analog.

>> No.4354461

yeah i do that do move the camera and repair windows at the same time in call of duty zombies. Since the controller is bigger on the xbox its not as comfortable with a playstation controller, its the one thing that makes it a better controller

>> No.4354939

I know a guy who grew up with an n64, and he beat whiz pig holding the stick like that

>> No.4354957
File: 80 KB, 1280x955, analog-sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony always wins, baby.

>> No.4355428

Dual shock good for every game because most of game design for Dual shock.
If you use converter to use dual shock on N64 DC GC XBOX. you will know. This controller not great then you think.

>> No.4355438


Actually there were flightsticks that were analog, but the retard you're replying to is still just a contrarian.

>> No.4356354

It's honestly retarded to use your middle or third finger for Z rather than your index though. Or are your hands so big you can't hold it that way.

>> No.4356360

I had one of these. No idea why my parents got it for me, I think it was my dad that brought it home one day. I only ever played Jet Moto with it but I just went back to a regular controller because I was much better that way. Honestly no idea why I have one.

>> No.4356702

that's exactly how I used to play

>> No.4357057
File: 201 KB, 1600x1200, official-genuine-green-nintendo-64-n64-controller-box-only-c240-bea648201d7b5f559978258090856f10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the box tells you how to use the joystick

>> No.4357274

Gotta say, my favorite part of the L and R buttons on the N64 controller was always the increased realism they brought to 3D games.

>> No.4357284

That's exactly how most non-damaged individuals played and how it was intended to be held when the analogue stick was in use.

>> No.4357558

I used it always like this when I was a little kid. I remember my left hand always hurt after a couple of hours

>> No.4357596

I used madcatz controller. It still good until this day.

>> No.4357597

hey, it's cool guy!

>> No.4357876


I never really thought about it

But is it really that hard for younger generations to acclimate to the n64 controls or was it always that way ?

I remember being a kid and my friends getting upset that i used the c buttons in golden eye

>> No.4358218
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