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File: 33 KB, 512x512, FF2PS_Japan_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
435143 No.435143 [Reply] [Original]

About to try another attempt at this bad boy.

Any tips? I seem to always fuck up my characters really badly.

PSP version, btw

>> No.435163

I just downloaded a save with everything boosted really high at the very beginning and saved myself the trouble of playing this turd legit.

>> No.435169

Do things to level those things up. If you need HP, beat yourself up.

>> No.435174

Specialize in spells and weapons. Make a dedicated mage, then split support spells among your characters.

>> No.435212

Also Guy has shit tier magic abilities so if you put some spells that buff expect him to miss with them more so than the others.

>> No.435235

Don't bother leveling Gordon, if he dies let him stay dead. Layla and Richard are worth leveling a bit once you get them.

>> No.435294

As boring and broken as that is, I find it's literally impossible to play this without doing it.

>> No.435309

It is 100% possible to beat the GBA and PSP versions without resorting to that. I have yet to try to NES version though, but it interests me since you have stat gains and stat decreases as well.

>> No.435329
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Pretend it's Skyrim: Final Fantasy edition. You level up jumping by doing it, you level up attacks by attacking, you level up 'getting hittitude' by getting hit.

Basically, to level up, find a level 1 beaver, kill his friends, and then beat the shit out of your own party and heal it up. Do this until you get bored of it, then go do more story.

A lot of people hate this game for being what it is, but I find personal character progression just as entertaining as story progression, so to each their own.

>> No.435441

What are the differences between the original, and the GBA version? I only played the GBA version, but I really liked it. I liked how you leveled up by doing stuff. I liked how you could just decide you didn't want this character to use the weapons he was meant to, and train him to use daggers instead. Like at some point near the end of the game I just completely retrained one of my characters because I found a cool dagger I wanted to use, and it actually went really fast since I was fighting strong enemies.

Though I think it's really dumb that your defensive stats work the same way, so if you do well in the game, and don't get hit you get rewarded by having your characters underpowered. I also thought it was really dumb that you got ultima as a major plot point, but you had to level it up a bunch before it stopped being a gigantic pile of shit, and even then it wasn't that great.

Oh looking it up apparently its damage is determined based on how many spells the character you teach it knows, so I guess that's why it sucked so much for me. Did they give any warning about that, or did they just expect everyone to give it to a dedicated mage?

>> No.435503

>Play PS1 version
>Make it to final boss
>All characters doing 1-5 damage.
>aw shit
>Boss lashes out, two characters dead
>aw shit
>mage down
>last resort
>Blood sword, maybe I can regen some health or something
>retarded desperation move
>thosand+ damage
>character full health and then some
>murder final boss with one character in a handful of turns

I guess it bypasses DEF or something. I don't care. Game was dumb.

>> No.435546

Ignore all magic except Cure, Life, and Teleport. Get the Blood Sword, and go nuts.

Blood Sword deals damage based on the target's maximum HP, there is no excuse for not using it.

Also, don't dual-wield. It will fuck you over bigtime in the endgame as many of the bosses have a blood sword effect and very high defense.

>> No.435558

Magic is plain shit in this game except for a few instant death spells.

>> No.435681

I only played the original for a little bit, but there are stat decreases in it as well. I remember my Guy gained strength and lost magic. I eventually want to play the NES version sometime but I have another JRPG on the line at the moment.

I disagree. You can make quick work of enemies that have crazy defense since they normally have magical weaknesses that allow you to one shot them, like the turtles.

>> No.438131

Just keep one character in the front row at all times to maximize the amount of hits that are aimed at them. Since you level up evasion by evading attacks, you want to turn that one character into an evasion tank.

This is because defense is worthless. Because HP-draining attacks, like the ones used by all undead monsters, drain 1/16th of your maximum HP per hit (and in the final dungeons, these hit strings can reach 7 or 8 possible hits, killing even characters with 9999 HP in two attack rounds) you need evasion to stand a chance.

Physical attacks can only target people in the front row, so if your front-row character never dies, the others are free to heal or cast offensive magic or shoot bows. Or just equip two shields and jump around like retards.

Defense is worthless because you should be dodging everything.

Armor is worthless because it only adds defense, unless it's something like a Gold Hairpin or a Thief's Glove that raises your evasion.

Armor is also worthless because it lowers your chance of successfully casting a spell.

Extra easy mode: When you have Minwu in the beginning, level up the Teleport spell by repeatedly using it to exit a town. Once it's level 4 or so, go use it kill the Captain enemies in Fynn until you have the amount of Flame Bows and Curse/Toad Tomes that you want.

>> No.438175

I remember that you can actually get to Mysidia way earlier than you should be able to with the Canoe. It let's you get some great weapons and spells early on. It's probably pretty feasible by the time you need to infiltrate the Dreadnought.

>> No.440328

so, if one character is in the front row, I want all the others to be using magic?

>> No.440764

Those final dungeon enemies whose attacks drain hp and hit like a truck function like that because their attacks are just like they were using blood swords, meaning they bypass defense and the more hp you have, the more it hurts.

Also, armor doesnt decrease your chance of casting a spell, it decreases their effectiveness.

Actually, what people dont get is that playing this game normally without ever resorting to the cheap stuff is perfectly viable, with minimal grinding. But its understandable, since when your HP limit is 9999 you will always want to reach 9999, while in this game by playing normally your biggest tanks will usually end with 2k HP or so.

I played the PSX version by the way, though I heard its basically the same thing as the NES version but with prettier visuals.

>> No.440785

Back row chars can also use bows if you like, but doing so will lower their magic attack, so you if you want a pure caster, be sure to have him/her equipped with either nothing or a staff/wand, and NO ARMOR, only armors named robes or the sort will not lower your magic attack, and Mysidia's Black Robes will actually increase it.

But armor for back row characters is useless anyway because physical attacks will never reach them, and every attack skill hits for fixed damage, unless blocked by the "Wall" spell, which will mitigate the damage.

>> No.440949

i love this game. it really is not too different from other ffs save for the character building freedom. Magic sucks as usual, dual wielding is top shelf, new weapons make all the difference in the world. My only irritant was the fact that there was no middle ground for bosses. They would be impossible so you level up some attack power and hp, then you cross some arbitrary line and they can't fuckin touch you. Game just becomes too easy at a certain point.

>> No.443360


Yeah, the mechanics haven't changed a lot. Which is a pity, because I like a few of the underpinning mechanics, like how weapon accuracy and evasion work. Just not how you actually raise the statistics in question.

For reference, using the Blood Sword for the entirety of the game is probably not advised on the player's part because it has shit for accuracy and undead enemies exist. If a boss turns up? Sure, break it out and curbstomp them. Especially the final boss. Everything else? Just do whatever.

Grinding for HP is really the only thing that can be detrimental to you, because of blood sword attacks. Really as long as you go 'one front row character, everyone else in back' you can likely be fine without doing anything stupid.

>> No.443805

Hey, anyone have any tips on raising a character's MP?

Maria, my mage, has shit for MP, meanwhile she has more HP than my tank somehow.

>> No.444613

You can raise cure or some white magic outside of battle so it will cost more mana. Casting high cost spells quicker is the way to go. MP growth starts slow but snowballs quickly once you get to triple digits. Also there's an enemy called 'Sucker' or something that has mana drain attacks, you can get mp and magic power up just by being drained.

>> No.444642

This. This game is shit, you'd have to be some kind of masochist to enjoy going through getting better stats by doing the same thing over and over again for a good 20 hours.

>> No.444693

Does the PSP version have the after-game in heaven, or is that just GBA?

>> No.444726

Yeah, it does.

>> No.444748

Don't listen to all those faggots who say this game is shit. If you are playing the PSP version just do all of the arcane labyrinth quests and you literally won't have to grind the entire game.

>> No.445172

This game rocks. How to level up on the NES version ( it's probably the hardest but it's still quite easy...

Get Minh. Get into fights. Beat the fuck out of your characters. Cast anti on your characters to raise MP.
Do it until you don't have any more money to heal up ( both hitting your characters and anti-ing your magic)
Here you go in less than 5-10 minutes you are MORE than ready for dungeon 1.

Buy Cure and Bolt. Level them up by using them every single time during fights ( Guy will hits enemies with a sword every turns) Minh should give his cane to Maria and be barehanded)

Firion should equip spears. All characters shoud equip shield at the beginning of the game and absolutely NO HEAVY ARMORS EVER. Evade is more important than defense in this game. Which means put Minh's copper armor on Guy. Even without armors your guys will survive just fine.

The only real complain I have about the gameplay ( which is damn awesome) is that you can't fucking run in this game whereas running in FF1 was easy as hell. In here you won't run. Still damn fun but a little too easy, I had like 200 hps before the first dungeon without even trying that hard. Minh makes the beginning of the game super easy.

Oh and instead of a peninsula of power THE ENTIRE FUCKING CONTINENT is a CONTINENT OF POWER. And you can get kickass spells really early in the game.

>> No.447318


Why would you do this? Fire for slimes, ice for turtles, but nothing is weak against bolt that you can't easily kill with physical attacks.

>you can't fucking run in this game

Any enemy group that is ever used as a miniboss or a monster-in-a-box can't be run from, period. These enemy groups will also never ambush you or be ambushed. About 1/3 of the enemy groups in the game fall into this category, and there's no easy way to recognize them (there are runnable and non-runnable groups that contain the exact same enemy types, just in different numbers or a different order)

If you're not facing a non-runnable enemy group, running is based on your Evasion stat. Yes, equipping shields makes it easier to run (or better yet, dual shields). The strength of the enemies plays no role at all, a character with 10% evasion has a 10% chance to run from anything and a character with 90% evasion has a 90% chance to run from anything that can be run from.

>> No.448646

It's because you find Fire in the very first dungeon and Fire lvl 1 one shots slimes even when you multi target them.

Later on you also find Ice in a dungeon. I know you also find a staff that does bolt 5 anyway so it's kinda a waste but I like bolt. It kills baloons just as fast as fire.

I never really bothered with running. I tried it twice and it took me two turns to run from GOBLINS ! Which means it's faster to kill everything than attempt to run away. And evasion isn't super high at the beginning of the game anyway.

>> No.449287

Also when you find ice in the Snow cave it does 80-100 dmgs to the boss at level 1(if you have a good int stat) ! That's plenty enough time to level it up.