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File: 131 KB, 711x622, Zelda2_Wosu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4349620 No.4349620 [Reply] [Original]

So, I was playing Zelda 2 for the first time on an emulator today (I've always played it on original hardware before) and I noticed a thing I had never seen before. These red guys (who are apparently called Wosu) have a small red pixel under the knife. Apparently it's supposed to be a drop of blood, not just a random pixel.

Who's gonna notice such a small detail with all the blurriness on a CRT? Is there even a point? Did you ever notice that before? Are there any other details that you never noticed in a game, and you found out much later?

>> No.4349626
File: 2 KB, 138x264, Zelda II The Adventure of Link sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a kid i thought that links sword was part of his arm and that he was holding some kind of rod with it

>> No.4349629

I know everyone says that pixel artists drew their sprites with CRTs in mind, but they clearly knew how it looked unfiltered. Whether it was zoomed in or on graph paper.

>> No.4349632
File: 8 KB, 138x264, Zelda II The Adventure of Link sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4349637
File: 168 KB, 768x1050, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the pixels, right there on the cartridge art

>> No.4349726
File: 15 KB, 341x290, C7IMqQ-WkAILR0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appears to be a misinterpretation
That's putting it lightly.
How do you see that thing in that sprite??

>> No.4349785

Not this shit again.

>> No.4350174

really? i thought it was only me kek

>> No.4350252
File: 514 KB, 1000x1200, calendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread >>/vr/thread/S4027793 had multiple instances of other people expressing the same notion. Even this god-awful calendar gets it wrong.

It is beyond me how one's senses and judgement of the world around one could be so utterly warped and misguided.

>> No.4350271

That's clearly some kind of eagle with human tits

>> No.4350287


>> No.4350302

At the time CRT tvs were the only way to see it. Of course they designed it for such things in mind. Just like today artists cn only design things for display methods that actually exist. They can't magically know what the display method will be 20 years in the future and design the game with that in mind

Artists like to add detail. That's why the blood is there, because the artist wanted it. My friends an artist. He does the same thing, adds detail that almost no one will ever see.

>> No.4350327

>yfw links arm mutated into a penis

>> No.4350354

Dude's got the longest forearms in Hyrule

>> No.4350359

The most powerful fap arm in hyrule.

>> No.4350560

You think that's deliberate and not just an errant pixel? What is 'apparent' about that conclusion?
Your addled brain searching hard for meaning in the black sheep Zelda that breaks the formula is more likely.

>> No.4350597

>breaks the formula
There was no established formula at that time, Zelda 2 was exactly that... Zelda 2 Electric Boogaloo. Obviously they realized it sucked though thank god.

>> No.4350602

It doesn't matter what was going on at the time. If you look at the series as a whole, 2 is a break in the formula.
You don't have to apply lineal chronology to it.

2 is also one of the classic bad games and In have no idea how or why scum like the OP keep insisting its acceptable.

>> No.4350605

Wow whats so bad about it?

>> No.4350609

its a good game
you just need to git gud

>> No.4350612

It's poor qualities are self-evident. What's so interesting is that this used to be a common opinion. 'Zelda 2' was an almost universal punchline. Then contrarians apparently wrested control of common thought and suddenly it went from famous failure to hidden gem to undisputed classic in the common imagination.

>> No.4350620

>I don't have an argument but lemme try and disguise that with unwarranted condescension

>> No.4350637

Why should I argue? Zelda 2 was hated for almost two decades before the new wave of hipster decided it was 'secretly' a brilliant game all along. Those two decades of revilement and derision didn't come about by accident - they were brought about by the game itself.

Same with Mario 2. Nearly two decades of people everywhere agreeing it was the bad mario game and then all of a sudden it's #2 or #1 in 'top 5 bad games that are actually great' clickbait lists. And people came to *beleive* it, ignoring the wisdom of the preceding years.

There is no point listing Zelda 2's flaws. They are self-evident. If you cannot see them then there is a strong chance that you have been duped or born so late that you were actually raised with the opinion that Zelda 2 is a 'classic' or in nay way worthy of play or preservation.

>> No.4350640

that dude isn't even trying

>> No.4350685

>isn't even trying
otoh mandela effect-anon is trying way too hard

>> No.4350746

Most Zelda games after LA kinda follow the format of Zelda 2 tho....
Just from a slightly diff perspective.

>> No.4350751

Jaded, much?

>> No.4350758

>a drop of blood permanently suspended in mid air

>> No.4350764

Yeah this exactly. All of the 3D games are far more like 2 than 1 or LttP.

>> No.4350770

I'm not sure why more people haven't noticed it desu.

>> No.4350775

80's boy here. As per usual with these kinds of arguments regarding early franchise sequels, context is key. Everyone thought they were rad back in the day, and that goes for Super Mario Bros. 2, The Adventure of Link, Metroid II: The Return of Samus, etc.

Zelda II isn't a bad game. Oddball for the series, sure, but there wasn't a legacy at that point of time, and I would hazard to say that if this wasn't a Zelda franchise game, people would be much more forgiving about it, even the contrarians among us.

>> No.4350776

Thank you.

>> No.4350782

I grew up with Zelda II and loved and played other Zelda games. I always wished that other games had leveling, and I always recognized II as the most challenging Zelda game. I never disliked it, and as an adult I've considered it and WW the only "good" LoZ games, for different reasons.

The fact is, it's the most challenging LoZ game and that triggers a lot of people who are used to walking through games with their strategy guides. You can't get reflexes and engine control from a strategy guide, so due to dissonance people prefer to call the game bad instead of themselves bad at the game. I've never beaten the final temple myself. Even with maxed stats I usually end up losing a life or two on the way there and then I get my ass kicked.

>> No.4350785

Quick somebody post the calendar.

>> No.4350790

You're too late.

Additionally back then, at that point of the NES life cycle (1987), there wasn't a huge library for the NES at that point, so you had to actually sit down and invest in the games you played. For any info on a game, you had to resort to Nintendo Power, call a tip line, or ask your friends on the school playground. It was fun to explore, to wonder what was around every corner, forge your own path like in the original Metroid.

>> No.4350794

>The original Metroid
I had to draw out maps on graph paper to beat it. There was no internet.

>> No.4350805


It's the same effect as someone being around as a car driver in the days before automatic transmission or power steering, versus someone who has grown up in the complete modern age. There's a lot of people out there that feel that driving was a more active, and enjoyable thing to do, versus the rest of us that are more accustomed to modern conveniences and look at those people like "Huh?"

>> No.4350836

No you didn’t.

>> No.4351057

>You think that's deliberate and not just an errant pixel? What is 'apparent' about that conclusion?

I never thought it was deliberate, but apparently "experts" do.

>Wosu have a small drop of blood dripping from their blade, the first appearance of blood in the series.

>> No.4351059

>It's poor qualities are self-evident.
List them bitch.

>Most challenging Zelda
>Best combat in the series by a mile
>Action RPG where the RPG part doesn't spoil the action part
>Superb enemy design that starts out engaging and constantly gets better
>Life system is well-suited for one credit play and the experience penalty gives everyone else a good reason to play cautiously
>Nice brisk pacing, every area has a purpose and there's very little time wasted

The level design is middling and that's the closest thing there is to a serious flaw.

>> No.4351072

That design is rad as fuck

>> No.4351094

I like how they would leap backwards through hoops to frame it as historically significant to Zelda rather than admit a Nintendo artist left a pixel out in the open by accident.

>Most challenging Zelda
Challenge does not equal quality.
>Best combat in the series by a mile
Jump attack repeatedly to get around high/low blocking? Yeah that's great.
>Action RPG where the RPG part doesn't spoil the action part
There is no RPG part in Zelda 2. You think experience points and levels mean role-playing?
>Superb enemy design that starts out engaging and constantly gets better
'Human but with animal head' got old in Egypt, let alone the NES era.
>Life system is well-suited for one credit play and the experience penalty gives everyone else a good reason to play cautiously
I agree with that overall. I like that stuff too.
>Nice brisk pacing, every area has a purpose and there's very little time wasted
Are you claiming that the game is impossible to sequence break? Any game where that is possible cannot claim good pacing.

>> No.4351143

>Challenge does not equal quality.
Of course not, but an action game with no challenge is fatally flawed. Combat in every Zelda after 2 is a huge waste of time where the result is a foregone conclusion.
>Jump attack repeatedly to get around high/low blocking? Yeah that's great.
That cripples ironknuckles not much else. It can also be ignored if one finds those enemies more fun without the exploit. I won't deny that it's a flaw, but even with it, Zelda 2 enemies demand far more care and attention than the rest of the series.
>There is no RPG part in Zelda 2. You think experience points and levels mean role-playing?
You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pretend to be more stupid than you are. I don't care about your autistic quibbling over definitions.
>'Human but with animal head' got old in Egypt, let alone the NES era.
I am, of course, referring to mechanical design. The enemies are varied and challenging. There are no hand-holding tutorial enemies to waste your time.
>Are you claiming that the game is impossible to sequence break? Any game where that is possible cannot claim good pacing.
This is retarded.

>> No.4351208

Could also be that the drawing was the original design but at some point in development they decided it didn't read well as a sprite so they redesigned it into a gryphon thing.

>> No.4351213

>What's so interesting is that this used to be a common opinion. 'Zelda 2' was an almost universal punchline.
Horse shit. ACE magazine gave it 9/10, Mean Machines gave it 95/100 and heaps of non English (french and german mostly) magazines gave it the equivalent of 8 or 9/10. All at the time it was released.

>> No.4351214

Your USA is showing.

>> No.4351221

>Best combat in the series by a mile

>> No.4351223

I have not been part of this discussion so far but I want to add that you >>4351094 are a moron and I completely agree with >>4351143 in every aspect.

The main argument is always "it's different from the Zelda games I like, which are good. But somehow I don't like this Zelda II, therefore, it must be bad.". Grow some taste buds.

>> No.4351230

>Of course not, but an action game with no challenge is fatally flawed. Combat in every Zelda after 2 is a huge waste of time where the result is a foregone conclusion.
>That cripples ironknuckles not much else. It can also be ignored if one finds those enemies more fun without the exploit.
The high/low fights are the only truly challenging foes. Everything else you might run afoul of once but then you know the trick. Even bosses are this way. I don't agree with this mad philosophy about ignoring effective tactics and calling them 'expoits' that some folk (not you nessescarily) cling to. Like those two former world record Berserk players who say the current records shouldn't count because modern strategies violate some imaginary 'spirit of the game'. You mention fun only though, which is fine. I just wanted to get that off my chest while I had the chance.
>quibbling over definitions.
If we don't quibble over what things mean then we run the risk of terminology losing meaning by being applied too broadly. I was indeed being autistic about it though and you were right in the point you made in general. I do take issue with experience being a collectable object but I suppose that's a question of aesthetics.
>referring to mechanical design
I'll just have to disagree with you, I guess. I like some of the bosses but 'spider that goes up and down' doesn't exactly set my world on fire.
>This is retarded.
If the pacing is compromised, there is no pacing. I suppose if one finds it more fun to not use the most effective tactics then sure, enjoy your pacing.

>> No.4351232


>> No.4351235

mmhm. And Skyrim was rated highly at the time of its release. Can you find anyone who will admit they like it without heavy alteration? Unlikely. Zelda 2 was the same. Rated hightly becasue 'it's Zelda 1 omg!' then the actual prevailing opinion was 'ehhh shit.'

>> No.4351238

Disqualified. Bad filter.

>> No.4351241

>If the pacing is compromised, there is no pacing. I suppose if one finds it more fun to not use the most effective tactics then sure, enjoy your pacing.

By that logic, you're a filthy casual unless you find an arbitrary code execution exploit and immediately perform a credits warp.

>> No.4351245

If one exists and you either can't or don't do it, then you have not mastered the game and do not love it. If non-mastery and lack of love is what a filthy casual is, then yes.

>> No.4351248

Speaking as someone who was alive at the time, it was usually enjoyed by anyone who owned it. It wasn't until Nintendo internet forums that you started to see common dislike for it, and this was after there was a larger context of LoZ games to compare it to, and most people generally disliked it because it was different from later titles which all had consistencies with each other.

I've always defended it, personally. RPG elements improve the game, highest skill curve, most intense combat. Only LoZ game I've ever played and not beaten, and I grew up with the damned game on cart.

>> No.4351254

You're giving him the attention he craves. He's not fooling anyone who actually lived through the era, which I doubt he himself did.

>> No.4351269
File: 46 KB, 647x340, clarksonprime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda II > Original

It just is. I'm sorry Hammond. It JUST is.

>> No.4351301

>The high/low fights are the only truly challenging foes. Everything else you might run afoul of once but then you know the trick. Even bosses are this way. I don't agree with this mad philosophy about ignoring effective tactics and calling them 'expoits' that some folk (not you nessescarily) cling to.
Reasonable, and agreed other than that the high/low fights are the only challenging enemies. It's been a few months since I last played Zelda 2, but I do remember death mountain (especially the axe lizardmen) and most of the finale being enjoyably perilous. The section about 3/4 of the way through with the lizardmen who throw rocks was another highlight. They might not do enough damage to end your credit on their own, but they were a fresh type of obstacle, and I always like it when games ask you to juggle multiple threats at once.
>If we don't quibble over what things mean then we run the risk of terminology losing meaning by being applied too broadly.
That ship sailed a long time ago for the term "RPG." At this point it'd be more sensible to devise a new term for "real" roleplaying games.
>I'll just have to disagree with you, I guess.
It's not going to match the same level of depth or difficulty you'd find in, say, a Psikyo or Cave 2-ALL, but it does compare favorably to the rest of the Zelda series as well as the great majority of platformers. It's one thing to have high standards and another to let perfect be the enemy of good.
>If the pacing is compromised, there is no pacing.
If you play Zelda 2 without sequence breaks, the game introduces new enemies, abilities, etc. at a fairly high frequency. Before an idea gets stale, a new one is introduced. Once the game is out of ideas, it ends rather than dragging on. That's essentially what I mean by good pacing. The ability to sequence break is really only a positive. If you can keep up with the game at a faster pace, so much the better. If you can't, the intended sequence is still there.

>> No.4351483

>zelda 2
>famous failure
This is how everyone in the thread knows you weren't even alive when the game came out.

>> No.4351561

Actually Zelda 2 is a textbook example of a successful game that is nothing like its predecessor so a vocal minority pretend it was "hated". Kinda like Hitman: Absolution.

>> No.4352498

>sequence break Zelda 2
Where? Not leveling certain spells?
Skipping certain parts in the temples?
It's been some years since I played, but I don't recall any skipable elements unless you consider underleveling a break.

>> No.4352502

Maybe not getting the candle, but that's just masochism imho.

>> No.4352506

What kind of retard drives an automatic?

>> No.4352642

Obvious clit monster

>> No.4352678

Game journalists then played games. Now they just write about them from second hand experience that's why gaming is in the state it's in.

>> No.4352715

Someone post the video of that poser asswipe who wrote the Xbox book and always sucks Microsoft dick laying a fucking egg on the controller demo and first level of Cuphead.

>> No.4352793

Go straight for life, downstab, and fairy, and then beat the shit out of the early game whole only leveling attack and then immediately 8/8/8ing before the game gets difficult.

>> No.4352826

Fuck that guy. He is a wannabe.

>> No.4352862

We aren't talking about Skyrim, we're talking about Zelda 2 and it has always been well received critically. EGM ranked it 72nd in 1997, 95th in 2001 and 40th in 2006 in their Top Video Games lists. Other publications gave it high marks on release as others have mentioned.

And as for anecdotal evidence I loaned it to several friends back in the 80s and though we agreed it was much more difficult than 1, we all enjoyed it. You obviously don't have to accept that as I'm certainly not accepting your similarly baseless claim that everyone hated it but the critics.

>> No.4353131

people see it in your portfolio and when you exhibit. Places that are important for an artist.

>> No.4353240

Games journalists have never been worth listening to about anything.

>> No.4353274

fuk yu man sushi-x and nick rox were my jam

>> No.4353317

Just admit you only read game journalism in the last 5-10 years and didn't grow up in the 90s.

>> No.4353338

90s Nintendo Power was life.

>> No.4353343

and at what point was Skyrim ever not also critically praised?
Skyrim and Zelda 2 have that in common: critical darling that were actually reviled by most. The only difference is that Skyrim can be modded.

Love for Zelda 2 fell off just as quickly as love for unmodded Skyrim. It was very popular and sold well but within a year of its release it was hated. You could either play Zelda or you could play 'that other one', which was Zelda 2.

People have heavy nostalgia blinders on about Zelda 2 becasue it is now en vogue to like it, claim you always liked it, and have been defending it 'for years' when the fact is that it was and is the least of all Zeldas.
This is especially true since Link to the Past's release (which was only a couple of years after Zelda 2) which was hailed critically as a return to form. Go and check out old reviews of Link to the past and see for yourself how glad they all are to not see the return of Zelda 2 style.

Miyamoto himself regrets Zelda 2. You think you know better than him?

>> No.4353346

>And Skyrim was rated highly at the time of its release. Can you find anyone who will admit they like it without heavy alteration?
Yes, fucking millions and millions of normie gamers who mostly played it on consoles. Goddamn, how fucking out of touch are you?

>> No.4353489

I read them and believed them and now I realize that they weren't any more knowledgeable than the average person, and sometimes considerably less so.

>> No.4353529

don't you mean the manhandla effect?

>> No.4353687

Zelda II's experience penalty is the one thing I'd change about it. It's one of my favorite games in the series, but losing XP for being hit is just BS.

>> No.4353703

What no one seems to realise is that Zelda 1 is the real odd game out of the series. It does not adhere to a strict sequence of events that players progress through, it has no narrative or story to speak of. The most major things it has in common with core Zelda games are iconographical (hearts, certain enemies, tones, icons, etc).

This was true right up until breath of the wild but mark my words, in a few years botw will be regarded with the same disdain that experienced gamers reserve for skyrim and when the series returned to the tradition of Link to the Past and Occarina (and it will) it will be hailed by critics, players, and YOU as a return to form.

>> No.4353712

I'd add checkpoints to the town and dungeon entrances personally.

>> No.4353735

>Kinda like Hitman: Absolution.

Absolutely no one said it was a terrible game and insult to the series. Merely a step backwards and overall inferior to Blood Money, which it most definitely is. Most of the hate originated from demos of the game which demonstrated lots of unnecessary hand holding. Thankfully, because fans complained about the features during development they added in the ability to turn all that shit off saving the game from a poor fate.

>> No.4353810

Checkpoints would be nice, but really, it doesn't take long to get back to a dungeon if you game over.

The real gamechanger would be having a map for the dungeons.

>> No.4353812

Just print them out maybe?
It's not a fucking roguelike.

>> No.4353819

I mean an in-game map, genious.
Of course I can just look 'em up online if I want.
That's not the point.

Besides, I've played this game so many times by now that I don't even need a map.
But I bet it would be much appreciated by a first time player.

>> No.4353821


Are you serious? The sprites are all handmade. Why in the world would somebody leave in a random red pixel without meaning to? Or if you thought a bug produced it--haven't you played the game? The enemy is simple and has no apparent special features in its animation to produce unusual behavior like that.

The red pixel obviously fits with the creature's design, and it doesn't obviously flicker or otherwise act weirdly. Assuming it's an error is much stranger than the alternative is. You are the strange one here.

>> No.4353829

Why isn't the red pixel animated to simulate dripping? The sprite has an animation.
What sense does a single hovering red pixel make?

>> No.4353834

This kind of delusional shit really irks me. You can't imagine that someone at Nintendo made a technical error on a sprite so you try to spin it into high art.

It being a mistake is actual perfectly congruous with the rest of the game. It is the low point of the Zelda series and has the most bugs and bullshit so why would an errant pixel be out of place? Interpreting mistakes and genius is a sure sign of a rabid fanboy or mindless drone.

>> No.4353860 [SPOILER] 
File: 238 KB, 840x394, 1509010216168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is the low point of the Zelda series

>> No.4353864

You're right. The true low point is all these superfats and their 'b, but I liked it all along! I al- always thought it was the best, honest!' bullshit.

>> No.4353865

>Miyamoto himself regrets Zelda 2
Just like how he hates Donkey Kong Country? Go away Kent, your rumor has been debunked several times already. Otherwise, at least give a citation or source to make your claim at least a little believable.

>check out old reviews of Link to the past and see for yourself how glad they all are to not see the return of Zelda 2 style
Not even looking at the hyperbolic nature of this statement, I'd like you to at least give some examples of reviewers stating explicitly how they like that they don't see elements from 2 in LttP. If anything, the second game was the one with NPCs you could talk with and the one that introduced "tit-for-that" quests, not to talk about the introduction of magic. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that most people love the magic system in LttP, they like how you can upgrade weapons or items by doing sidequests and having characters who feel more like people than the obligatory shop keeper or old wise man from Zelda 1.

As for your second sentence, do you seriously believe Zelda 2 has been hated by most since then when Nintendo re-released the same game SEVERAL times, each time selling quite well I might wanna add, without seeing any negative bias in reviews? The worst they wrote about those re-releases was about the fact that they were re-released and the exact same thing happened with Super Mario Bros. Are you implying that everyone actually hated Super Mario Bros. since the beginning as well?

Oh and about that Skyrim thing: it was pushed heavily marketing wise but players were critical of it since the release and so were critics once it got released. Also, comparing a AAA bug infested mess for personal computers with an 80s console game that barely had any gamebreaking bugs is a pretty loose comparison.

Look, I don't care if you don't like Zelda 2 as much as I do but if you're gonna make an argument about how bad it's always been then at least use some verifiable arguments.

>> No.4353871

That's pretty much what most Zelda fans and videogame fans in general are to you. There's always gonna be bunch who's going to dislike it just for the sake of acting differently. Never played BotW and I'm fine with the games that are more inspired by LttP and OoT but I'll leave my judgement for that game for when I actually have played it instead of being biased against it just because it's different.

On the other hand, Nintendo and other companies don't feel like re-inventing the wheel as much anymore and at this point franchises like Zelda have become a staple where people simply expect the same things or else it will disappoint them. It would be like going to Mc Donalds, ordering a big mac and getting a subway sandwich instead. Sure it might be tasty or even better than a big mac but it's not why you'd go to a Mc Donalds. INB4 "lol food analogy, you fat bro?".

>> No.4353884

Sure, let me look through my archive and I'll get some sources for you.

And yes I believe Zelda 2 has been hated because my experience has always been that it was the outsider of the series both in its day and in times beyond up until very recently when the trend became to love it and sing its praises.

>> No.4353895

In issue 2 of Super Play, they published an interview with Miyamoto. I don;t have scans but here is some of the text.

"Superplay: The sequel, Zelda II: Adventures of Link was a very different game. Why was this? And why have you never done anything like it again?

Shigeru Miyamoto: It was my idea, but the actual game was developed by another team, different people to those that made the first game. Compared to Legend of Zelda, Zelda II went exactly what we expected… All games I make usually gets better in the development process, since good ideas keep coming, but Zelda II was sort of a failure…

Superplay: So that’s why the third game looked like the first one?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Exactly. We actually see A link to the Past as the real sequel to Legend of Zelda."

I also know for certain I have old reviews of link to the past that spoke out against Zelda 2. I'm looking but off the top of my head I think CVG was the most vocal.

>> No.4353916

>giving it (you)s

>> No.4353964

It's because they haven't really played it, they've just gone off of the old parroted notion of it not being worth it, or they've tried and quickly given up for its high difficulty compared to other games in the series.

>> No.4354056

Come on guy, your taste back them are not the same now. You know full well some reviewers played preferred diff types of games and you always looked for the ones who's gaming type aligned with yours and checked their reveiws.

>> No.4354061

For you to say Zelda 2 is the buggiest means you probably haven't played much Zelda.

>> No.4354062

It's true.
The best Zelda games are Zelda II and Twilight Princess.

>> No.4354071


I can't agree.

>> No.4354079

>sperging out this hard over other people having an acquired taste
Come on now

That's quite alright.

>> No.4354081
File: 31 KB, 260x257, ZIIIMi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Miyamoto thinks you're are too incompetent for non-linearity.
>He also thinks you are too dense to get through ALttP in fewer than 40 hours.

>> No.4354090
File: 46 KB, 501x230, ZIIIMii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also apparently thinks he innovated saving the game and buying items in 1987.

>> No.4354094

He's talking about mainstream game players, we're more like connoisseurs.
Unfortunately if you want to sell your game to the widest audience possible, you have to dumb it down.

>> No.4354098


He'd had to deal with Burgers too damn long by that point. You can't blame him.

>> No.4354102

Replace TP with WW and this statement is correct.

>> No.4354106


That on the other hand is pure delusion talking. Pretty sure tons of other games had "buying something in a virtual shop" as part of their gameplay. Can't really comment that extensively on battery-backed saves, but I remember Zelda being *one of* the first (as opposed to *the first*) console games to support such a thing. So even there you have a distinct difference between what Miyamoto wishes he was the first ever to think of, and what reality actually says occurred.

>> No.4354107


Replace WW with OOT and this statement is correct.

>> No.4354108

Ultima for a start.

On another note, has anyone ever seen those wee link figures before? They're cute!

>> No.4354110


so static

>> No.4354128
File: 215 KB, 800x481, zelda2_conceptart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never noticed as a kid that the game only looked like this on promotional artworks, and scenes close to this were not found in the game. As a kid my trust in humanity and childish unlimited naivity really thought there is a boss fight exactly like this, just a bit less colorful maybe in the game...

>> No.4354129

Great aren't they? As I recall those were never for sale though. I'd love to have one on my bookshelf or something

>> No.4354132

God damnit...

>> No.4354140
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's this guy, then?

>> No.4354148

I doubt that interview was conducted in English. You see where I'm going with this?

>Can't really comment that extensively on battery-backed saves
He, the interviewer, and/or the translator may be focusing on battery-backed carts in the US release (since they mention 1987), but LoZ was originally a Disk System game.

>> No.4354150

>I doubt that interview was conducted in English. You see where I'm going with this?
Maybe. But its what we've got. Keep going down that path and it becomes 'you can't prove he said that its a mistranslation or they quoted it wrong ablooo' nonsense.

>> No.4354160

We can at least be sensible about interpreting ridiculous extremes at face value. Does anybody honestly think Miyamoto himself believes he invented game saves and in-game shopping in 1987 (the release year of the US, not Japanese, version of LoZ)?

>> No.4354168


You act like a developer can't be ridiculously delusional....John Romero would beg to differ.

>> No.4354174

I'm sure that even in 1991 he was constantly surrounded by yes-men telling him what a genius he was all day. It's certainly possible that he thinks 'Yeah, I DID invent that stuff didn't I?'

>> No.4354179
File: 1022 KB, 308x240, 1423675832239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4354192
File: 240 KB, 767x740, Zelda Interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha, the full thing!

I want those figures god damnit!

>> No.4354195
File: 145 KB, 600x413, zelda2_conceptart_VRqvV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I saw the Zelda 2 concept art by Katsuya Terada, that's when this game really clicked for me.
I wish this style would've been properly implemented in subsequent games.

>> No.4354198

Just applying the old noggin, friends. Life is less fun that way, I know I know, but I can't help it.

>> No.4354202

Damn, is there more of that? I've got an insatiable hunger for good vidya concept art.

So far nothing I've seen has been able to rival the concepts from Metroid Prime.

>> No.4354204
File: 203 KB, 800x1174, 17im5uqhkxc7ljpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just search "katsuya terada zelda", you'll find a lot of 'em. For various zelda titles.
The atmosphere in those drawings is magnificent.

>> No.4354207

Has the man done much else in the same genre, do you know?

>> No.4354279

>What kind of retard drives an automatic?
95% of America. You have to custom order manuals here

>> No.4354286

>custom order
don't u have car lots

>> No.4354301

It's not concept art, it's just art they paid him to make for a strategy guide.

>> No.4354323

I wish it was then.
Following that would makee for a kick ass game.

>> No.4354356

underrated post

>> No.4355093

It's pretty common for spriters to overlook errant pixels. I see it all the time in SS13

>> No.4355364

Zelda II only became the "bad Zelda" in the 2000s when it was the odd game out and people were use to the easier Zelda games.

>> No.4355483

This is a meme. Zelda II became the "bad" one when Zelda III came out.

>> No.4355686

Exactly; the easy Zelda start with LttP. It wasn't until OoT that it was established that the sidescrolling, rgp-style level system was permenant ddropped from thr series.

>> No.4355718

Zelda II became the "bad Zelda" when some goofy doofus decided he could get a little bit of attention on this board if he picked a random great game and called it bad.