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/vr/ - Retro Games

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433878 No.433878 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.433886

Super Mario World.

>> No.433887

They're both great games.

>> No.433891

I choose Donkey Donkey Picnic.

>> No.433893

Both great, but SMB3

>> No.433896

I only wanted to kill my brother in 3. Stupid battle game.

>> No.433902


>> No.433907

No, this is not /v/ we will not argue, we will compare and contrast the differences and respect each others opinions.

In my opinion Super Mario Bros. 3 was a better game.
It had some really sweet powerups and the little menu for keeping extra items was awesome.

>> No.433912

Mario World had the better world map and some great mechanics like the cape and Yoshi. The fortress levels I found to be better than what were in Mario 3.
The controls in World are too stiff and fast, Mario 3 feels like he has momentum, in World you just stop on a dime and Mario controls like a brick.

Mario 3 had far better level design and music, and the controls actually felt like Mario unlike World. There are secrets in pretty much every fucking level and you have those awesome battleship/convoy levels.

Bosses in both games are relatively the same.

That said, going by the OP, World wins because why the hell would anyone play the NES version of Mario 3 over All Stars?

>> No.433921

I loved what SMB3 brought to the series: flight, more power-ups, Koopalings, even the world map.

I enjoyed how SMW expanded on the aforementioned points.

>> No.433927

Oh, and another thing.

While the cape was fucking awesome and is one of the best Mario powerups ever, you rarely got to honestly use it.
I want to like the cape more than the Tanooki Suit/Leaf but the raccoon tail just has far more functionality than the cape due to the level design. Not to mention how many secrets can only be found with the tail.

>> No.433937

Super Mario World was somewhat overwhelming. It seemed like too much at one time. I grew up with Super Mario Bros. 3 and it was amazing, but I never beat it. I couldn't make it past the ice world.

>> No.433940
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Pic related is my surprise combatant, my favorite despite not being designed as a Mario game originally.
But they're all great games.
If we'd go by importance to the genre and gaming in general, the original Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario 64 would win easily though.

>> No.433947
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Powerups - SMB3
Collection - SMW
Overworld - SMW
Art style - SMAS:SMB3

>> No.433951

World. Why the fuck would you take an NES game over an SNES game? It was so similar to 3 but it expanded on it.

>> No.433956

Where can I play this masterpiece?

>> No.433961

....wtf, please tell me that's not just a ruse.

>> No.433964

I'd really like someone explain to me why they think Yoshi is a good thing. I can't fucking stand SMW but still run through SMB3 once every year or so.

>> No.433965

3 wins hands down, fuck Worl-
>NES version

Guess we're going with SMW

>> No.433967

SMB3 but they're both good games.

SMB3 is better though but that's just my opinion.

>> No.433968

it's not real, but there are similar real fan projects

>> No.433969

What the fuck is that?? :O
I own Mario 3, Mario World, and All Star and I've never seen a co-op version of 3...

>> No.433978
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SMB3 hands down. All day, every day.

>> No.433982

Why does everyone here seem to like the All Stars version of SMB3 so much?
I don't like the change in graphics, I prefer how the original graphics kinda "pop" I can't think of a better word to describe it.
It just feels washed out in All Stars.

>> No.433985


Got any links?

>> No.433983

I like the overall visual styles of SMW, how clean it felt.

>> No.433986

When I was a kid I always played the All Stars version of 3 instead of World.

World is boring as fuck, Mario moves extremely slow and controls like a tank, feels too clunky and mechanical.
Mario should be able to go fast, and should be a little slippery, so that he has a sense of momentum and it takes more skill to play the game.

>> No.433994

3, I just can't like World for some reason, it lacks magic.

>> No.433995

It has better music and better controls.
And yes the visuals are improved.

>> No.434008

OP here. I own SMB3 and All Stars, but I chose to take a picture of the NES version because it shows contrast. It's obvious that its SMB3. The picture wouldn't make much sense if it was Mario World vs. All Stars because All Stars could be 4 different games.
>As far as the argument goes:
I don't care which version. They're both SMB3 and that's what this is about. SMB3 vs. SMW

>> No.434015

In 3 every single level feels like tons of time and effort was put into it.
I just can't say the same for World. It lacks both the complexity and amount of content that the levels in 3 had.

>> No.434029

>SMW lacking in content and complexity
No. Maybe effort and emotion, but it had plenty of content and it was extremely complex.
It had TOO much complexity and content in my opinion. It was overwhelming.

>> No.434041

Bull, "better music" is a matter of opinion and the controls remain the same.

>> No.434045

Yes, this. SMB3 seemed daunting, but completable, World just always seemed way too complicated and convoluted.

>> No.434054
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Anyone here play Super Mario 3D Land?

I know it's not /vr/ material but I feel like the game captures the essence of SMB3 in 3D. Short but sweet, well designed levels especially which SMB3 has and is known for other than Power-Ups.

>> No.434056

SMB3 - took 3 years to make

SMW - took 1 year to make

Says it all really.

>> No.434058

Quite the scandal indeed

>> No.434069


I remember an old ass magazine or news article about SMB3 where in the development of the game, they hand drew every single level of the game. Don't even remember where I saw it since it was so long ago but maybe someone here knows about it.

>> No.434076

I played it and I have to say it was kind of fun, but it was so short that I was disgusted at the end.

>> No.434094

I'll do it if you first give me your critical view of why "can't fucking stand" world in relation to Bros 3. Is it just Yoshi hatred?

>> No.434108

I choose SMB3. World didn't really feel like a Mario game that much, it really did lack the charm of SMB3. IN 3 you get to go to all kinds of cool locations like a giant world, a frozen world, a piranha plant world, a beach, and more. What are the World locations based around? Vanilla dome? Donut Plains? Chocolate Island?

I thought 3 had better platforming, running, and use of mario tactics like throwing turtle shells, hitting enemies from below, and jumping on heads.

This song pretty much reminds me of everything wrong with World. Going through slow caves, hitting football players on the head 3 times, the boring cave backgrounds, waiting slowly for platforms to rise and fall through lava.

>> No.434120

I guess that explains why World's levels feel so empty and hastily made.

>> No.434123

I was playing 3 just the other day and come to the conclusion that it had the simpler levels, often extremely short too.

>> No.434132

Simpler maybe, but they had far more thought and effort put into them.

>> No.434147

Not him but I can't stand the way Mario controls in World. Too slow and in a way too responsive. I don't like how he can just stop on a dime or how simple it is to control him in midair, makes the game not fun to play and lacks all the challenge the previous games had.

>> No.434179

Super Mario World is certainly the better game to me, but it still feels "empty" for two reasons.

1) The incredible amount of depth to the system was only briefly touched upon in the original game and eventually addressed with the advent of SNES ROM hacks, which took full advantage of the spread-too-thin list of obstacles and techniques. Basically, there was too much to do and little of it was adequately explored because the game was too short. SMB3 on the other hand felt more complete because every piece of content stuck around just long enough to be used in a challenging or unique scenario.

2) Despite being built on a deeper system, the game is easier and more forgiving than SMB3, meaning you could finish the game without really mastering it.

My opinion is:
SMW was a great set-up for a theoretical sequel comparable to SMB2J (Lost Levels) but instead was the last game of its kind until NSMB.

Oh and fucking Luigi. What the fuck, Tezuka?

>> No.434182

I can't say I would completely agree on that, but it's been a while since I saw the worlds 5-7. Maybe I'll go over it again, but saying it was 'far more' thought sounds a bit drastic to me. It could be the whole Star World thing and alternate routes took some focus off World's levels, but I can't really agree since they are still good and SMB3 still has quite a lot of levels, and they aren't all so excuisitely hand-crafted as some people maybe suggest.

>> No.434183

I thought the 3 levels were so much more memorable than the world levels. Off the top of my head I can remember so many levels that define 3, like the angry sun level, the kuriboh boot level, the big bertha levels, the pyramid, the very difficult sky levels and the auto scrolling levels.

World didn't have many level designs that I found very memorable. I don't really remember much outside of the haunted houses and the bridge levels. It even had fewer auto scroll levels than 3 did, and those were some of the toughest stages in the game.

>> No.434186

Doesn't matter, SMW2 is better than both.

>> No.434195

Mario 3 has much better music and feels more like an adventure.

SMW has some levels that give me disgusting and generally unwelcome feels (cave levels anyone?)

>> No.434203

SM3 has more varied worlds.

>> No.434214

I guess if the challenge aspect is a major draw than that's a good point, World doesn't have much of a challenge except for the Star World, which is easier than Lost Levels, and finding the secret routes, which are more of a one time find-me kind of thing than a platforming challenge.

>> No.434213

While I overall prefer 3, World had some concepts I really liked like the Boo Mansions or the secret levels.

>> No.434224
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>> No.434279

>What are the World locations based around?

The castles (and bosses) at the end.

>> No.434313

Great game, controls took some getting used to.

>> No.434316

There is a reason why a lot of mario rom hacks use SMW.
>Better mechanics
>Better controls
>Nice mix of enemies (even though a lot only appear in one or two levels in the base game)
SMB3 did have a lot of power ups I will give you that. Most were useless however.
>raccoon suit (turn into statue. Really?)
>boot that only shows up in one level
>frog suit lel
However the P-wing and the hammer suit were just simply amazing!

>> No.434327

>better controls
Wow, what a faggot. The controls in World are fucking terrible. The reason to many idiots do stupid awful Mario World romhacks is because it takes almost no effort to do stupid Mario World Romhacks.

>> No.434367

What do lazy romhacks have to do with the controls in SMW?

>> No.434389


>better controls

Tighter controls aren't always better. Momentum in pre-SMW games Made the games more deep. People just like it because it makes it easier.

>> No.434390
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>> No.434420

Sorry they were unrelated, should have separated them more.

The controls in World are too tight and responsive compared to previous games, removes everything that made the original games so entertaining and fun to play.

>> No.434425
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>Still invoking this term

>> No.434485

This here. No VS, I like them both.

>> No.434492

SMW is arguably the greatest game of all time. SMB3 is not.

>> No.434502

It has to be SMW.
It's god damn close, but in the end it always has to be SMW.

>> No.434520

World had a way better... world.

Map design was awesome

>> No.434523

>in World you just stop on a dime
The fact that you could stop on a dime was awesome.

He was easy to control

>> No.434527


No it's not. Neither are. relax.

>> No.434564
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Is this better

>> No.434614

Dude what, the cape is fucking everywhere.

>> No.434664

Making the game easier doesnt make it better. The game would also be easier if there were no enemies in it, but it sure would be boring.

>> No.434673

That was a disappointment and you know it.

The only reason it eventually got pulled was because they smoked. I shitteth thee not.

>> No.434696


That's hardly a hipster opinion, you moron. SMW2 is almost unanimously praised. It's one of the most popular SNES games.

I don't even like the game that much and I think you're fucktarded.

>> No.434706


Fosters home got pulled because of a smoking scene?

>> No.434720

>brother will kill brother

spilling blood across the land
killing for religion
something i don't understand

>> No.434723

Something tells me that's the case, yeah. Smoking is unanimously seen as a no-no in children's media. Had there been no smoking, it probably would've stayed.

>> No.434745

I hated Yoshi's island. Incredibly easy and bland.

>> No.434746
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So um, and uh, like so on, Dave. Can we, like, burrow that uh, riff for a minute? You know, and uh, like, so on, like back in the day?

>> No.434739


Yeah, but its not 'better' than both SMB3 and SMW, dumbass. That makes it little more than an elitist, (read hipster) opinion. You must be an idiot not to understand simple reasoning and logic in order to grasp that concept, imbecile.

Go back to /v/, pleb.

>> No.434749


Super Mario World for me. No question. SMB3 is slightly more difficult but SMW took all of the new gameplay mechanics introduced in 3 and refines and improves on them. Plus, it's still a gorgeous looking game.

>> No.434975


You guys know that's from a pornographic Zone flash, right? It was pulled from Newgrounds because people think Frankie is underage (she's says in the show she's 24) and it was great

>> No.434986

It's funny because the original creator pulled the porn flash off of newgrounds because it was way too fucking close to the official product, so for a second I thought you were talking about THAT smoking scene.

God damn, Flash is flattening the market.

>> No.435003
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>> No.435023

>caring about underage

That's his entire schtick.

Not sure if that's supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing. Fosters was a lazily animated show using flash and nothing but tweens. Zone animates exclusively with tweens. It's like thinking your random stick figure was drawn by the same person who makes all those /v/ themed strawman comics.

>> No.435034

>Fosters was a lazily animated show


And he's not referring to Zone. He's referring to the creator of the show.

>> No.435040


Foster's looked okay for flash, and lots of cartoons do (or flash-like programs like Toon-Boom). Phineas and Ferb looks great; it's interesting to note that there's pretty much no re-used frames unless they're present for comedic effect and the perspectives portrayed are pretty dynamic. Kick Buttowski, while not being very funny or memorable, does look really nice, what with its liberal use of motion blur.

>> No.435045

>not lel Elder God Master Race

>> No.435061
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All about SMW. The whole secret level thing really pushed it over the top.

>> No.435065

And yet it remains by far the most difficult Mario game to 100% sans Lost Levels, and definitely the highest skill ceiling in you consider things like speedruns.

>> No.435092

* More levels and enemies
* Better power-ups
* You're forced to continue playing until you get it right (versus SMW where you can simply go around the problem)

(apart from better graphics)
* Larger levels and the ability to replay them
* Yoshi and the Cape (FINALLY we can fly for reals)
* Multiple secrets and forks in the road

Ultimately, I'd say they're equal.

>> No.435102

Also, it had some of the best graphics on the SNES imo

>> No.435109

A lot of games are hard to 100%. People just don't bother doing it.

Yoshi's island is boring to 100% anyway. It's as bad as Yoshi's story.

>> No.435115

If you say so, bro.

>> No.435123

Yoshi and the cape would be considered power-ups, so SMW wins that gategory

>> No.435149

They're both great.

If I had to choose? Super Mario Bros. 3

It's got the Frog Suit and Kuribo's Shoe. Come on.

>> No.435156

Also I'm not sure if SMB 3 had more enemy types than SMW.

>> No.435159

Yeah but... while Yoshi and the Cape were awesome, just the fact that we lost the Frog Suit, Tanooki Suit and Hammer Suit really sucked.

>> No.435181

If we could have the gameplay of World with the art style of All-Stars Mario 3 (plus the power-ups that don't have equivalents in World), we'd be in Mario heaven.

>> No.435182

Both are great but world was too easy.

>> No.435184

They were so rare though that I didn't miss them.

>> No.435187

I'm pretty sure SMB3 had more enemies, but I really don't have the actual numbers to back this up.

>> No.435202

They were fun at the time sure, but they weren't very common so no big loss

>> No.435204

I'm too lazy right now too.

>> No.435208
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>> No.435228
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Quality over quantity either way

>> No.435232
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>> No.435502

>raccoon suit (turn into statue. Really?)
You are hopefully aware that the statue form allowed you to stomp many enemies that couldn't be stomped otherwise.

>> No.435629

it's not even JUST a secret level. it's a secret level hidden within the already secret level that was the star zone. seriously, it's awesome. SMW definitely wins over SMB3 for me even though they are both amazing games for their respective gens

>> No.435634

this movie was fucking adorable

>> No.435663

you're the only one spouting /v/ like tendencies calling people hipster and elitist. pls >>>/v/

>> No.435706

SMB3 is superior.

More and better power ups, more secrets, Yoshi in SMW is nothing but a penalty-free hit that you could re-acquire at any time, the ability to replay levels in SMW meant you could cheese the game by going into a level just for a power up or lives, and the cape in SMW was ridiculously broken.

Love both games, but SMB3 is the better of the two.

>> No.436035

SMW is more fun but SMB3 is more challenging. I prefer SMW

>> No.436053

They're both excellent games.

>> No.436063

just because you prefer one over the other doesn't make that statement untrue. they ARE both excellent games but given the decision to play either which will you pick

>> No.436085

Probably SMW because that's the one I've played the most and have the most nostalgia for.

I was attempting to speedrun it a while ago and never got bored either, which is saying something because trying to speedrun Doom bored the shit out of me.

>> No.436105

SMB 3 is my least favorite of the first 4 games.

SMB > SMW > SMB 2(usa) > SMB3

>> No.436160

Any particular reason why?