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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4337330 No.4337330 [Reply] [Original]

why does it take more and more retro junk to make me feel good? I used to be able to buy one retro game every now and then and it'd make me happy, now I find myself buying 20+ at a time and I feel like garbage.

How do you maintain a healthy interest in video games?

>> No.4337340

>How do you maintain a healthy interest in video games?
By maintaining a healthy life all around.
Video games are not your problem. Some kind of depression is. Seek professional help.

>> No.4337341

I have been, I dunno if it's working. Thanks though.

>> No.4337345

start jogging

>> No.4337346

It's almost as if material possessions don't cause happiness on their own...?

Could be that you're a bit burned out, nothing wrong with it. Occupy yourself with something else for a while and see if you want to come back to it.

>> No.4337361

I go to the gym semi-regularly, I might start jogging again.

Yeah you're probably right. I always wanted a Twin Famicom and now that I have one I'm feeling pretty underwhelmed.

>> No.4337367

You could just be tired of video games in general. Try taking a break from vidya for a few months and start reading more or take up a new hobby; the brain enjoys new challenges.

>> No.4337372

You don't need something.

You need someone.

>> No.4337381


I'd take a shitty emulation setup with friends to play with over all the hardware and games in the world if I had to enjoy it alone.

>> No.4337407
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maybe you should consider broadening your interests outside of simple video games. What's the last major work of western philosophy you've read, anon?

>> No.4337410

You shouldn't be looking at it to make you happy. Ypu should look at it as something to do when you are happy. If you're struggling with feeling shitty, video games won't really help and if you keep using them to try and cover up your problems it'll just make you hate them in the end.

>> No.4337496

The hardest one, Machiavelli. Don't know what all the fuss is about, understood it perfectly.

>> No.4337503

Diversify your interests. I like to break up video game sessions by masturbating or watching anime, for example.

>> No.4337508

you need a productive hobby, that takes skill and time to learn.

Woodworking, Photography, 3D modelling etc. Stuff that has lots of things you need to learn to get good and can potentially be used to earn money even if they require some money investment to get started.

>> No.4337510

Thats the point, we don't understand things perfectly and thats the autism of philosophy: you cant reach a consensus. Its like 4chan, the shitpost never ends.

Regarding the original post: consumism isnt everything. There are things money cant buy and games alone cant achieve. I cant tell your problem with precision because everyody has their own circumstances, but you can find a conclusion thinking about what we've said and how its related to your life.

>> No.4337537

There is no solution stop taking advice from nu-males on cuqchan

>> No.4337542

I would say that outside of food and shelter, most of what you can buy with money has very little impact on your overall mental happiness.

>> No.4337547

False-flagging emulation user detected.

>> No.4337559

>How do you maintain a healthy interest in video games?

I actually sit down and play a game after purchasing it. I usually won't go out of my way to pick up any other games until I finish (rather, master) my last purchase. Who needs backlogs?

I'm strict on my purchases, as well. Since I don't collect, I don't see any incentive to buy a game that doesn't have a ton of replay value or wouldn't otherwise have long-term appeal to me.

>> No.4337561


>> No.4337570

Everyone that's telling you that you need a job or wife or whatever, that's fine, but it only solves the issue by simply preventing you from playing games, and what you want is not to stop playing them, but to actually enjoy them, right? The key is found in moderation. See, I used to be like you, I'd buy tons of games at a time and have this huge backlog of shit I never touched. What I realized is that I was just buying games to fulfill some latent OCD or desire that really meant nothing to me. So, I started only buying games that I actually wanted to play. You get so much more satisfaction from having a very small library of games, because you devote more time to each one and can really explore them to their fullest. It's liking walking into an art gallery and just running past all of the paintings instead of taking the time to soak in each one. You'll never get true enjoyment from that. Just sell your collection, start over from scratch and only buy games that you are itching to play. Simple as that.

>> No.4337594
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I don't buy "new" retro games often, as a rule. I'll buy a game I tried at a friend's house years ago if I can remember it 15 years later (now), but almost never do blind buys.
The key to playing retro and enjoying it is to play the games you remember from your youth that really stuck with you. Then you are getting some real nostalgia. It doesn't matter if its some game you love that no one will ever talk about, its not about that unfortunately. Its about playing a game that you remember young you would think about all day at school then run home to play, or the game you woke up to on saturday morning in your jammies and ran to the console to play it, or that game you had that you could never beat and your ego never let it go.
To play some rando game you heard was cool or rare, but you didn't touch it in your youth, just won't do what you want it to. You can still find and play those games and love them, but it won't give you that feeling of childhood wonder that we all know we are looking for.

None of this advice will be worth it if you are a self hating sack of shit though. If you hate yourself or what your life turned out to be, you are already on your death spiral and games have already stopped being your stopgap measure. If you continue like this you will permenantly sour yourself on gaming entirely. No niche of it will help you.
Fix your life, sort yourself out. You'll realize you like gaming again, or won't, but you'll be happier. I hope you can pull thru tired anon.

>> No.4337597

>The key to playing retro and enjoying it is to play the games you remember from your youth that really stuck with you. Then you are getting some real nostalgia.
No, the key to retro gaming just like the key to modern gaming: play things that actually interest you and don't go spending your entire paycheck on 20 games at a time.

>> No.4337616

Personally, I also try out "new" retro stuff. Usually if I hear about a title that interests me, I watch some gameplay by randomly skipping into a longplay. If it looks nice, I buy it.

Never played SotN as a child and I loved this game when I first played it 2 years ago. Same thing with Arx Fatalis, Post Mortem, etc...

>> No.4337618

Quit trying to enjoy shit just because it's retro. There are games you like, there are games you don't like. There are games you liked but you don't like anymore. There are games you want to like but you won't. There are games you like but have no replay value. A lot of stuff I rented back in the day didn't even take 30 minutes for the regret to kick in.

Nowadays I mostly enjoy games that make me very busy all the fucking time. Shit like tetris (yeah I can't fucking believe it), run and gun and shmups.

>> No.4337679

Law of diminishing returns.

Could also be a quantity issue. You buy one game, you only have that one game so you have to play it. Some part of you must connect with it because it's all you've got.

Add 300 games and your attention is then poured over the entire lot and you are forced to decide which one you want to play. After a few minutes you grow bored of it, and in the back of your mind you realize there are 299 other games you could be playing.

Basically works like drugs. You develop a tolerance and need more to get the same fix.

>> No.4337681

This is more or less where I'm at right now, and I'm taking a break from buying anything until I actually play through some of my backlog.

>> No.4337694

List 10 games you own that you feel like you should play. I'll choose 2 and you'll play it for a week.

>> No.4337750

its like being a crackhead. first you just smoke a little crack but the more you smoke it the more you find that you cant escape the urge to smoke it and it doesnt work as well so you have to smoke more, and smoke more to get the same euphoria that you got when you first smoked it. you'll be chasing that first feeling your entire life unless you give it up.

>> No.4338171
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>"addiction IS a disease. you don't have to go it alone"
Maybe diversify and find another interest for a while to occupy your time. You can come back to retro gaming later on and see if the novelty comes back.

>> No.4338191

>that pic
Damn, I see this jewbag on TV every day and now I even have to see him on 4chan.

>> No.4338307

I'm OP, here's 10:

Rocket Knight Adventures
Alien Soldier
Batman NES
Zelda 1
Zelda II
Castlevania Bloodlines
Castlevania 3
Secret of Mana
Super Mario RPG
Alisia Dragoon

>> No.4338318

Rocket Knight Adventures and Secret of Mana.

>> No.4338368

try cocaine :^)

>> No.4338635

this. myself, ive been playing guitar for 25 years now. i also like to write

>> No.4339505

This man.

I love games & music. So I make music about games. It's about finding a purpose on what you do, so you don't feel like you're self-absorbed in the game, but you are searching inspiration for working for others. It's a bit fucked up but it works.

>> No.4339527

Collecting is a cancer. I've stopped for the forseeable future and am actively working down my backlog of games.

I found that video games wasn't satisfying a creative outlet, so I started a faggy game review channel, and took up painting.

I think you should seriously assess what you want out of games anon. I was like you a few years ago, just buying buying buying but never actually playing. I spent more time at garage sales, and trolling craigslist/facebook/ebay for deals than actually playing games. I started with a favorite: Mega Man Zero. Then I tried something I never played before, and I liked it. THen I tried something I hated, and then an old favorite I didn't like anymore.

Bottom line: Video games are meant to be entertainment, not your life.

>> No.4339531

Because you're sick frogposting garbage. Nothing can cure you except the bony embrace of the grim reaper.

>> No.4339592

I sometimes feel the same way, maybe you are spoiled by choice? Try not buying games for a while, just focus on enjoying the ones you already have, when you actually feel like it.

Also try to get into new hobbies, like some other anons have said, or work on some project.

Sit down for a moment and really think what it is you want to do right now, any game? Any book? Any subject? Any project? Any interest?
And if you don't feel like doing anything, maybe just sit there by yourself doing nothing, and relax for a bit, think on the world and on your life, either in silence or with some music you like.

Or well, that's what I do anyway, hope it helps.

>> No.4341537

Buy a couple games and actually play them you fuck

>> No.4342485

Thanks anon, if I'm not studying I'm usually laying in bed doing just that, nothing. Feels good in a way.

>> No.4344165

Stop piracy

>> No.4344240


>> No.4344284

Buy only thing you love not everything you want.

>> No.4344305

>I usually won't go out of my way to pick up any other games until I finish (rather, master) my last purchase

This. If the game isn't fun enough for you to complete it, then it's not worth buying anyway.