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4335257 No.4335257 [Reply] [Original]

Genesis's Sonic 2 lets you play simultaneously with a friend, while every popular SNES platformer's "2 player" (SMW, DKC, All stars) makes you take turns.
Dare I say it?
Sega does what Nintendont

>> No.4335261

Contra III says otherwise.

>> No.4335281

>not playing alone

>> No.4335284

I could only bare playing 1 level like this in the 90's before shutting it off.

Split screen was never ever good.

Thank you westwood games on ps1 for using the link cable to have a lan party with televisions

>> No.4335285

>contra 3

>> No.4335417

what about super mario kart? that has fun splitscreen

>> No.4335454

Sega managed to include a 480i mode on the Genesis but it only doubles the VERTICAL resolution. Horizontally it's still 320.
This could have been used to display cool menus and artwork instead it's useless.
What were they thinking?

>> No.4335456

I'm sorry, it's actually 320x448i. If only they managed real 480i

>> No.4335486

yeah smk was bearable, at least in battle mode

>> No.4336746

448i is a garbage term, individual lines are always 480, even if they get into overscan territory, and going by that logic no 60hz console game ever output 480i, with the exception of Soul Blade for some reason.

PAL games could technically reach 480 non-overscan lines on the Mega Drive, but no game ever tried it. Their mode though is referred to as 576i, and most PAL games during 6th gen pushed up to 512 rows, although with clever hacks could draw into the entirety of the screen output.

>> No.4336762
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 56728-toejam-earl-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be another game that switches to splitscreen when players move too far away from each other

Is there a single other game that does this?

>> No.4336832

damn that's another classic. a little bit wonky but the game had character

>> No.4336843
File: 94 KB, 256x182, Bronkie_the_Bronchiasaurus_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears.

>> No.4336871

>smoosh screen
>relegated to 4 levels only
Oh come on, let's not pretend that was anything more than a gimmick afterthought.

>> No.4336885

Did...did no one know this? Me and my friends always use to play 2 players. That was the only way I ever beat the game the first time.

>> No.4336905

It's right on the title screen. We all knew this and OP was just baiting.

>> No.4336923

ive always wanted to see a hack pull this off in every level

>> No.4336926

you can do it in the beta by loading a level while holding one of the buttons in stage select, hill zone glitches out at the earthquake section, half of the metropolis tiles are garbled and you can't load levels with water

>> No.4336930

correction, you hold the B button and press start in the level select

>> No.4337048

Yeah, the Lego Star Wars/Superhero/etc. games all do this, at least as far as the last 10 years or so. It's very smooth and dynamic too.

>> No.4337057


Reminder that Naka-San hold several patents just for the split screen in this game. Including how that teleport box works.

>> No.4337064

Yeah, and it ran at a barely playable framerate, and everything was squashed and looked like ass.

>> No.4337231


No it didn't. Still better than the competing platform too

>> No.4337293

Asterix and Obelix
BS Shockman

>> No.4337610

Wait? you could both play at once? what the fucking fuck! My brother told me it was single player and I had to wait hours for my turn and then it was time for bed after I got maybe 20 minutes!

>> No.4337727

>Is there a single other game that does this?

A lot of the Dragon Ball fighting games did that.

>> No.4337743

Only for 3 levels and that terrible 3D stage.

>> No.4338253

Kirby Super Star and DL3

Checkmate, OP.

>> No.4338257

oh man if only they announced it as a major feature on the back of the box and there was an option right in the title screen called competition and the attract demonstration mode screen specifically showed you 2 player mode

>> No.4338274
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are trolling, you can't fucking miss it. It's the first thing you see upon loading the game.

>> No.4338291

I never got to see the box or the start of the game. My brother was a fucking douche

>> No.4338491

Interlaced means it skips every other line, so it's really the same 240 lines as the normal mode

>> No.4338498

yeah but those games suck ass
and the screen doesn't split and the games are slow as shit

>> No.4338505
File: 28 KB, 342x350, 200108_interlace_graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, interlaced video shimmers odd lines in one frame and even lines in the next while taking advantage of the frame blending delay in phosphor screens creates the illusion of higher resolution.

>> No.4338524

I mean, I only bring it up because shitposters love reposting that image macro that says the Super Nintendo was capable of 512x480i as if every game used that mode when in reality only a few RPGs used it for displaying kanji and for menu screens.
Sega got this close to implementing a high res mode but then they shat the bed and forgot to also increase the horizontal res so the result is an useless awkward 320x480i that nobody ever used.

>> No.4338607

Yeah, I'm just saying increasing vertical resolution this way is a trick they were able to do for free by taking advantage of the common CRT technology of the day. Increasing horizontal resolution would have required changes to the vdp, and I'm pretty sure everyone would agree the system needs more and/or larger color palettes more than it needs a higher resolution mode.

>> No.4339061

Naka doesn't deserve honorifics, anon.

>> No.4339986


He really does though. He was a god like programmer.