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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.41 MB, 2083x1000, battlestationz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4332494 No.4332494 [Reply] [Original]

Post your set ups. Just revamped mine. Only thing missing now is a taller shelf with more rows. Might one day upgrade to a 20" PVM to replace my 24 inch WEGA. TV stand has wheels for ease of switching consoles between PVM and WEGA. PVM is 1344Q.

All 9 consoles are hooked up, power/video ready via a Component switch and Composite/S-Video switch. Saturn/Genesis require simple cable swap to switch between.

AV Fami- Composite
NES- Composite
N64- S-Video
Wii- YPbPr
Genny- YPbPr
Saturn- YPbPr
DC- S-Video
PS2- YPbPr

Note- HD Retrovision cables used for hassle-free RGB to Component.


>> No.4332807
File: 454 KB, 830x1000, Light Gaming Rapid Response Unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>placing your CRT on TOP of your EXPEDIT shelving unit

>falling for the inferior KALLAX meme

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.4332814

Your setup is really similar to mine, but I have mine set up in a different way. I run my SCART consoles through an SCART switcher, into an SCART to Component transcoder, into a passive component switcher, into my PVM. PVM's outputs go out into my 20" Wega.

The Wega's IC's are dying, sadly, so I mostly just use the PVM these days. I also plan on replacing mine with a 20" PVM if I can ever find one that's affordable.

>> No.4332846

>5 inches CRT
I seriously hope YOU don't do this.

>> No.4332850

It's 10 inches, thankyouverymuch, and I'll have you know that it plays quite nicely from where I sit in my beanbag chair.

>> No.4332853

10 centimeters like your donger you dicklet.

>> No.4332870
File: 130 KB, 315x330, Smug Mike Matinee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah 10"

>> No.4333029
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It's uh... just an entertainment stand.

I don't fuck with those ugly boxes.

>> No.4333082

Really like this setup. How's the screen look with the Wii input? What cables do you use? How is it for wii/gamecube games?

>> No.4333153

Thanks. I use a cheap S-Video cable that also features an additional composite video jack. The way I have it set up, Line A gets Composite and one of the Audio jacks (Monitor is mono anyway) and line B gets S-Video and the other audio jack. I have it like this so I can quickly switch to line A for PAL games, as the Wii doesn't output S-Video in that video mode.

I like the image quality, it's crisp and sharp. There's a noticeable difference in quality switching the two lines. The monitor has nor RGB in, but at this size, I doubt it'd make a difference anyway.

I play GB/GBC at 480i with 3x integer scaling, which is a bit flickery at times. However, turning down contrast a little makes it barely noticeable while also making it look more faithful to the original Game Boy/Color LCDs. I feel like especially GBC games look way too over-saturated on modern displays.

Everything 240p looks flawless. Nothing to add.

Have played no Wii games so far (I dislike the sensor bar and have it disconnected) and only an occasional round of Melee, which feels somewhat unusual due to the small screen area, but it's still very playable. I plan on using it mostly for emulation, raphnet adapters came only a week ago. So far, I'm loving it.

>> No.4333165

That's really cool, I need to find one of these little screens for cheap somehow.

>> No.4333180
File: 65 KB, 956x414, Fat_Albert_Pushing_Bill_Fat_Into_The_Tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat TVs

You know it's 2017, right?

>> No.4333185
File: 151 KB, 1600x900, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got fourteen 9" Multiformat BVMs sitting in my garage lol

>> No.4333189

Indeed. Flat panels are increasingly feature-stripped and unsuitable for retro gaming.

Your point?

>> No.4333202


How about the feature of the massive amount of space saved? How about the feature of better contrast ratios? Pretty good features bruh.

>unsuitable for retro gaming

Yeah, you need to substantiate a claim for anyone to give a shit. I can play retro games on my LCD tv just fine.

>> No.4333226

>what is a light gun

>> No.4333231

How come?

>> No.4333232

>How about the feature of the massive amount of space saved?
>living in a broom cupboard

>How about the feature of better contrast ratios?
Enjoy your washed-out blacks and backlight bleed.

Anyhow I was referring more to lack of legacy inputs and enforced image processing. But you already knew that didn't you?

>I can play retro games just fine
Easily pleased I see. Good for you, anon.

>> No.4333239

Because I bought them for <$20 a piece from a company which stripped down an OB truck.

>> No.4333271

I'm a raspberry jelly, the best jelly.

>> No.4333393

Mind you that at this size, you won't really see any discernible scanlines (at least I can't really see them on my 10" set). Personally I don't mind, as I haven't fetishized them to the degree that some people over in the CRT thread have.

>> No.4334015
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>> No.4334021
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>> No.4334025
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>> No.4334104

Looks like you're ready to get down to business

>> No.4334291

I'm trying to emulate but the game is running too fast, can anyone help me?

EPSX, 32 bit because I wasn't able to find a 64 bit download.

Running it from Windows 10, but then tried XP-SP2 compatibility mode.

Have tried limiting frames.

>> No.4334891

>better contrast ratios
LOL fuck no
worse contrast ratios

>> No.4334914

what kind of games do you have for that thing?

tell me you have commander keen 2

>> No.4334919

hows the quality of the raphnet adapter? from the pics i've seen it looks like it'd break if it fell from a feet into a tile floor

>> No.4334947

tight and organized. well done

>> No.4334957
File: 1.09 MB, 2016x1512, retroroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saving up for a snes and then im set for consoles. luckily the few games i want for it aren't expensive and the ones that are are just the classics like starfox and super mario world/rpg.

>> No.4334959

I wouldn't call it "sturdy", but it sure isn't frail either. Pretty much what you'd expect for the price. Fall damage should be a non-issue as they weigh next to nothing.

>> No.4334960
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>> No.4334961
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>> No.4334962
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>> No.4334964
File: 958 KB, 2016x1512, retroroom4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse the mess, im still reorganizing the back of the room and the closets so shits just everywhere at the moment.

but this is what im working with

>> No.4334986
File: 303 KB, 2500x1576, DSC00416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Setup from the past, probably around 1988.
That is an Amstrad Schneider CPC 664, my sole gaming device until I got a used Gameboy with a collection of sports games.

>> No.4334987
File: 99 KB, 1000x750, 2004_1019Bild0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was in 2004, the N64 is stored away in the desc.

>> No.4334991
File: 1.34 MB, 2016x1512, DSCF7213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from 2012.

>> No.4334994

Something tells me you really like Resident Evil, anon. Also is that small TV on the left an Emerson with the VCR built in? If so, neat, I have the exact same one.

>> No.4335005

Resident Evil is alright :)))) CV is actually my favorite

but the small tv is a symphonic with built in vcr. really great quality too but the video hookup is wonky and needs a weight on the av cables to stabilize the picture. besides that the thing is a beast for its size. sound is good too

>> No.4335017

now THIS is a battlestation!

>> No.4335021
File: 7 KB, 225x225, s-l225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, alright. They look similar from a distance. I quite like the smaller televisions with the built in VCRs. I've had mine for as long as I can remember and they are just comfy to me. Although I don't think the VCR bit works anymore.
Very cool game room you've got though, looks cozy. I'd post my battlestation but it's quite literally just my TV sitting on a storage tote and a Gamecube hooked up. Coincidentally with REmake in it for spooptober.

>> No.4335517

Please post this whenever somebody whines "I don't have room for a CRT".

>> No.4337089

I should really post but most of my stuff isn't set up yet.

>> No.4337308

Show me the music you're making bro.

>> No.4337675 [DELETED] 
File: 1.59 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-sometimes I emulate

>> No.4337684

You're gonna get shat on for DUDE WEED LMAO, but that is a cozy setup. How much did you pay for your Hori Pad?

Personally I'd say the leaf goes great with retro games, but let's not start this discussion here lest the thread be derailed.

>> No.4337732
File: 913 KB, 732x726, crt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks! :3 just reposting with proper rotation. I paid too much for the hori, I don't remember exactly but over 100 dollars, complete in box though which is neat

>> No.4337854
File: 2.48 MB, 4096x3040, IMG_20171019_133604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4337856


>> No.4337868
File: 55 KB, 598x450, 2ca91c3457188765cb18dbc045bf97f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The polar opposite of comfortable.

Seriously my fingertips are going blue just looking at that.

>> No.4337880

Some people don't get how comfy a basement can be. It looks like you have a lot of room to grow, so I hope you'll bring more stuff in which will probably make it a bit more cozy.

I think I have that same projection TV, the picture is sadly quite dim. I bet it is easier to see in a dark basement though, and I assume you only hook that up to non-retro consoles. Get some old PCs or whatever it is those extra monitors are meant to connect to!

>> No.4337887
File: 3.25 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20171019_135035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big screen is for watching animu and sometimes playing dreamcast since it has VGA. I have a viewsonic CRT I use for emulating up to ps2 on my shitty pc

>> No.4337893

I'm sure they CAN be.

It's just that particular one isn't. In any way. It looks like a fucking prison storage room or something, striplight and all.

>> No.4337905

Any room i put all this shit in is going to look like crap anyway. Like i want a CRT in my living room

>> No.4337912

don't listen to that other person, I would kill for a setup with this much room and flexibility. maybe add some warmer lighting, I would suggest incandescent bulbs for a more comfy feel, but your collection and space is impressive!

>> No.4337914

It looks very sparse in the photo, but I'm sure there's a couch or something behind that coffee table. Add some lamps and a few more pieces of carpet, maybe some shit on the walls, and it would not look prison-like anymore.

>> No.4337940

Have to agree with the others that this looks like a storage room. Not comfy at all.

Yeah, I thought so, that's what they usually go for. I'd love to have one, but I don't think I'll need it anymore since I bought NES and SNES raphnet adapters for my Wii (the wired kind). Liking them so far.

>> No.4337970
File: 1.26 MB, 2288x1256, NewBack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of basements

>> No.4337978


This is next level. Nice one.

>> No.4338007

some games work better on the horipad than others. The dpad is significantly harder to press than a snes dpad, and the A button has a lot more travel than the others for some reason. The button placement is a bit odd too. For stuff like mario world and other platformers you're better off with a classic controller or raphnet adapters, even though they add a bit more lag cause through wiimote.

That being said, the horipad is excellent for shmups and fighting games, the way you can just sit your thumb in the middle of the dpad and rotate it

>> No.4338040
File: 7 KB, 219x277, 2a0f365536bb5f6b223f4f720ece2910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your games looking like complete shit anon

>> No.4338047
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4338053

>you're better off with a classic controller or raphnet adapters, even though they add a bit more lag cause through wiimote.
My raphnet adapters plug directly into the GC ports of the Wii, no wireless bogus or Wiimote juggling required (I hate that thing). I can't perceive any lag with them. There's numbers online about their input delay, but I can't make any sense of them. Somebody wrote it translates to less than a single frame of delay.

>> No.4338069

>My raphnet adapters plug directly into the GC ports of the Wii,
nice, sounds like the best possible emulation station right there

>> No.4338167
File: 1.14 MB, 4272x2856, 1499024063937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank jeebus I'm finalising the purchase of a bigger house.

A small part of my collection, daily use shit. Rest is in storage.

>> No.4338181

Invest in better carpet for your new house.

>> No.4338231

bitter jealous faggot detected

>> No.4338464

That guy knows he has a killer setup and doesn't need me to tell him. Not bitter but definitely jelly as fuck, especially about the stuff in the middle.

>> No.4338502

someones insecure about their expensive toys

>> No.4338581
File: 1.34 MB, 392x400, 1481151230621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really comfy.
really comfy w/ light edition
Noice Blands
Comfy tight
>Was not socially aware of life yet, was a wee child.
Where is couch? Posters? Bean bag?
To each there own
>Using Nike box
Shelf matches the systems, pleasing to my eye. I only have one :(
It's like mini "super computer towers" as stupid and cool as it sounds.

>> No.4338665

First thought that came to my mind was "hacker"

>> No.4338786

I'm flattered

>> No.4338794

I never got why earl sweatpants is smelling a frozen pizza what is the meaning behind this

Also, thank you for your kind words

>> No.4339270

No images, potato phone. But I been working on setting up my battlestations. I own no retro consoles, unless you want to count the snes classic as one. But the oldest consoles I have is a GameCube, PS2, and a Game Boy Advance. Now for computers, well thats another story.

Older Systems.

Power Macintosh G4 400, 433, or 450 MHz. Havent gotten around to working on it, but it works.
Power Macintosh G5, think its one of the 1.8GHz model. Needing to work on it, but it works.
2x Dell OptiPlex GX280. Just got done rebuilding both of them. Need to load up an OS on them.
Dell Dimension XPS r400. Need to rebuild and testing.
SGI Indy. Need testing and get IRIX for it.
Dell Inspiron 2600. Just rebuilt last week.

Newer Systems

Custom Built i5 7th Gen, main Windows PC
Custom Built i5, first gen. Rebuilt it a few weeks ago. Needs an OS.
Custom Built AMD Phenom II x4 925. In parts, waiting to be rebuilt.
Lenovo ThinkCentre A62. Needs an OS.
Raspberry PI 2
Raspberry PI 3
2 Raspberry PI Zero. Got them for 99 cents each at Micro Center.

Most of this stuff I got for free or cheap. Some of it might have to go to make room for other retro stuff that I want.

>> No.4339271

how did you go about getting old PC/DOS games back in the day like commander keen, raptor: call of the shadows, secret agent, or monster bash?