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432347 No.432347 [Reply] [Original]

Was Mega Man 4-6 really as subpar as people claim, or were people just tired of Mega Man at that point?

>> No.432641
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In my opinion, 4-6 just tried to add too much crap to the game, with more and more clusterfuck robot masters. Not that I dislike them.

I'm only missing 1 and 5 from my NES Megaman collection.

>> No.433329
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>> No.433345

Mega Man 4-6

where boss order is like getting a degree from an online university

>> No.433353

After 4, the games didn't add anything to the formula like the previous titles had been doing up until that point.
>fight eight RMs, go through fake-nemesis fortress, Wily fortress

>> No.433365

They're excellent games, they just didn't stretch the format at all in the way the previous games did.

They're still fun as hell, still challenging and still classic.

>> No.433361

Absolutely critical if you want to get any farther in life?

>> No.433363

MM7 is the best Classic MM game

>> No.433368

Like every other MM serious, after 3 or 4 games it's meant to be over and something new come along. But then Capcom whores it out for more too long

>> No.433371

4 is my favourite due to nostalgia, but my main issue is that introduced the mega buster. I liked it better when firing the pea shooter did as much damage to bosses as charged shots

>> No.433385

b8 m8

I never had any issues out of any of the classic games. It was X6 that really killed it for me.

>> No.433426
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4-6 may not be as classic as 2/3, but they are certainly worthwhile games to have in your collection. Most of the criticism these games stem from the chargeable Mega buster, which made some enemies easier to beat than they should have been. However, they did introduce some interesting new features, like the Rush Jet/Power Adapter in MM6.

Fun fact: Capcom didn't want to publish MM6 in the US, because it was 1993 by this point,(MMX has already been released) and the NES was a dying system at this point. Nintendo stepped in and published it instead. They probably did this because of the Robot Master design contest in Nintendo Power.

>> No.433429

MM 1-4 are golden
5 is subpar and 6 is sad.

>> No.433442

Charge shot broke the flow of the games and made them too easy.

They aren't bad at all, just different.

>> No.433445

Boy you couldn't be any further from right. 4 and 5 are subpar but 6 is amazing. I'm not sure how one person could be so wrong.

>> No.433487

I really want to like classic but I just can't appreciate it on emulators without a proper controller

>> No.433493

im glad to know i have better taste in megaman games than plebs

>> No.433510


6 is pretty bad. Not like 8 bad, but still pretty bad.
The first half, the robot master stages, are okay, but the castles are shit because they force you into the stupid armors all the time. Also, the boss fights were mind-numbingly simplistic and the physics were screwed up (ie collision detection on Plant Man's springs, or how you can't jump out of a slide).

>> No.433515


>> No.433521

>one person


good thing about 6 is flame man. God that theme is classy.

>> No.433525

The case of the over-developed sense of superiority in the head of a 4chan poster

Back to /v/ with you

>> No.433526

>stupid armors

Man, the armors are like the only reason to play MM6.

At least the punching armor, anyway.

>> No.433560

is this accurate?

>> No.433578

Of course not, it's an opinion.

>> No.433587


>> No.433597

If by "accurate" you mean that that person's opinion is accurate, I would assume so. Why would that anon lie about his opinions?

>> No.433610

megaman was the cod of that gen

>> No.433660

>6 is amazing
What, because of the adapters? I just played through it a few weeks ago and it was underwhelming. The jet adapter handled much worse than I remembered and the power adapter was generally a downgrade from the buster.

>> No.433673

And Nintendo, despite being draconian assholes, cared about their fellow companies. They also published Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior themselves in the US, and guess what happens to Nintendo?

They suffer a fate worse than bankruptcy. Oh no, something far worse. Nintendo home consoles become irrelevant.




>> No.433689

>Was Mega Man 4-6 really as subpar as people claim, or were people just tired of Mega Man at that point?

Megaman 4-6 were solid games and would have been awesome even if they weren't part of the megaman franchise.

I do agree that the mega buster made them way easy. I wish more megaman games would have done like Megaman Powered up, where the charge shot is awarded after finishing the game, or if it was given after beating ProtoMan or something.

Also they knew the games had gotten stale and it was evidenced by them making the main antagonists different people (Dr. Cossack, Protoman, Mr. X... what pissed me off is that they pussied out and made Dr. Wily the main boss after all

I'm just saying, don't go halfway. Go all the way or don't go at all. Chickenshit move in my opinion.

Despite this, Megaman 4-6 were too much like the predecessors and brought little new to the table other than new bosses, but were still solid awesome games.

The incremental upgrades and new bosses instead of making new games remind me of how Madden NFL and Cowaduty do things

>> No.433695
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>> No.433707

people complain about 4-6 being "easier" because of the buster, but I think all it did was add another element to the game play, I swear that 6 is harder than 1-3 ever was for example

>> No.433724

I feel like my IQ has dropped several points simply by reading this post.

>> No.433749

>I swear that 6 is harder than 1-3
You're full of shit.

Go back and play them. We'll wait.

>> No.433769

No, it wasn't.

In fact, four is my favorite of the NES games. Totally get the flaws of the charge beam, and I love the play of 1-3 almost as much, but the stage design, music, climax, and bosses of 4 are my favorites (albeit by a slim margin), with none of the broken stuff from 2 and 3.

5 I love, just less than the rest. It doesn't suck.

Even 6 doesn't suck, it's just a merely-solid entry to a great franchise.

>> No.433772

Not him, but 6 is easily harder than 2. Easily. Even on "Hard."

>> No.433774

I swear you are just taking an opinion different than mine and a combative tone to stir up shit.

Go back to /v/ until you can behave like an adult. We'll wait.

>> No.433776

oh, my, f-ing god...lol what the fuck

>> No.433780

Don't even try it.
5 had godawful stage design, bosses, and weapons, and 6 was even worse. In no prior game could you strap your thumb to the dpad, occaisinally fire, and destroy everything in your path ON THE FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. I had to force myself to finish 5 (much more tolerable if you play with no charge-shot, but this just highlights the crappiness of the weapons even more.) 6 got dropped before I even beat the first eight bosses.

6 has the worst music, too.

>> No.433784

>Harder than any other Mega Man

I think you need to go back and play that one.

>> No.433789

The Cossack-to-Wily bait-and-switch was actually really fucking awesome when it was new.

The next two games are where I have the problem.

>> No.433806

what is hard about the megaman games were never the enemies or bosses though, the bosses were always easily, honestly, it's timing your jumps and movements.

>> No.433809


>> No.433818

5 and 6 and hella easy. Lotta people here saying it's the buster that made them so, but I disagree. Look at 4, and 7-10. The robot master fights in those games were simply balanced better. You could beat the masters with the buster, but it was a challenge most of the time. In 5 and 6, they take a ton of damage from a charged buster shot, and their patterns were much easier to adapt to. They actually overcompensated a little in 7 by reducing the damage a charged buster shot did to to everything, regular enemies AND robot masters.

>> No.433839

see >>433806
the bosses in EVERY megaman game were easy... except for maybe 3

>> No.433863

1/10 because I replied.
Now I know /vr/ is dead.

>> No.433862
File: 1.01 MB, 1366x768, megaman_5_wallpaper_16_9_by_tam6231990-d31l5gm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having played trough 1-6 recently, I feel as it was a mixture of the formula staying to same-y and Mega Man fans being sick and tired of waiting for the series to make the jump to a 16-bit console.
Because seriously, they're all fun games.
4 is great if you want an added challenge after 3, 5 is one of the most fun games in the series and while 6 is perhaps weaker than the 4 games that preceded it (it's better than the original), it's still far from being the black sheep of the main series (that's either 7 or 8, depending on who you ask).
Pic related, because it's fun.

>> No.433880 [DELETED] 

what? but I don't think he was even trolling...

>> No.433895


I'll give you 3 for sure. I managed to successfully buster every boss in that one except for Gemini Man.

>> No.433897

The fuck are you even talking about?
>Now I know /vr/ is dead.
Good, then you can leave.

>> No.433898

I'll give you a hint: what would the game be like with no enemies?

>> No.433909

oh come on, stop trolling, it's pretty obvious that wasn't my point at all

>> No.433948


>> No.433970

I've only played 1-3. My opinion is 1>2>3

>> No.433979

/v/ pls go

>> No.433981

4-6 are better than 1-2 at least. 3 is kind of a tossup. The suits in 6 are kind of lame, but honestly they're just like Rush in that you really only use them to get to areas you need them for.

The only thing I don't like about them is that I compulsively keep a shot charged while I'm going through the level so it jacks up the music with the REREREREERERERERERER sound until I shoot something.

>> No.433993

X>Zero>Classic>ZX>The Krion Conquest>Legends

>> No.434005

4-6 are fine. They were just seen as being more of the same.

>> No.434013

Rockman & Forte is more of a black sheep

>> No.434018
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>> No.434026
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Classic>X>Legends>Zero>ZX>SF Not played BN yet :c

>> No.434038

What makes any of the games a black sheep? All of them are pretty good.

>> No.434040

BN will probably go between Legends and Zero, at least, on your ranking, it would. Your taste are spot-on with mine.

>> No.434057

Aside from classic ranking.

9 = 10 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 1

>> No.434065

Saging during an on-topic argument is among the highest forms of faggotry. Stop abusing the sage function.

>> No.434068

Fuck no. It's damage control after 8 and much better than the somewhat misguided nostalgiafests that were 9 and 10.

>> No.434074

Abusing something that does nothing?

>> No.434075
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I should probably get on playing Battle Network soon, but I'm just so unmotivated and lazy.

>> No.434084

I like 'em all

>> No.434081

I liked ZX better than Zero... and possibly better than X, but I never liked X much out of the older series, but anyhow I think the combination of a metroidvania type with the gameplay of X was a brilliant idea and exicuted pretty well. Though I'm not sure why I made a serious response to that section since it's pretty obvious all you did was put the different series in order by when they came out with no thought behind it to get people angry

>> No.434104
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>Though I'm not sure why I made a serious response to that section since it's pretty obvious all you did was put the different series in order by when they came out with no thought behind it to get people angry

I actually did not mean to do that at all. huh. That's actually strange. I guess Mega Man just really did get worse as time went on. And I only have X so close to the front because X1 is my favorite game of all time. I don't really like the others.

>> No.434117

all he did was order them when they came out, also BN is pure garbage, well the first 3 are kinda tolerable, but as far as RPGs go, they aren't very good games

>> No.434121

9 and 10 both felt like they were hard for the sake of being hard. Not because they were well thought out with their level design for the difficulty. Felt more cheap than fair.

>> No.434145
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>all he did was order them when they came out

Why did everyone but me notice that. And I've held this opinion for years.

>> No.434198
File: 515 KB, 2048x1536, 20120507032241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is Megaman 4 my absolute favorite Megaman of all time... but it actually sits atop my Top 15 of All Time list as my absolute favorite game of all time. So I dunno if I'm allowed to answer OP's question, as I'm obviously biased..

>> No.434210

Newcomer to the series here, only played 1-3. How is 4? Probably going to start it later tonight.

>> No.434249
File: 1005 KB, 1775x1170, L-let's Roll Oniichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Mega Man has the best Roll?

>> No.434253

4 is not the beginning of the end, as some people may have you believe. It did try to freshen up the formula a little, but by the time it came out it did not feel like a huge step compared to 2 or 3

>> No.434282
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Still the best 1987

>> No.434297

I literally had NEVER heard EVER of anyone having an issue/problem with the "mega buster" and it's charge ability until I started visiting /v/. Serious. In my 24+ years of gaming, never, not once, had I ever heard of people talking shit about 4, 5, or 6. Some people complained about 7 and yeah blah blah everyone did about 8. But seriously, i never knew how ridiculously nitpicky people could be until /v/.

Oh and the reason they complain about the M-buster? "It makes things too easy". Seriously!!?? THEN DON'T USE IT! When I was a kid and I graduated from 3 to 4 and I saw the M-buster for the first time, I was so excited and blown away. I swear people just salt it up just to do it. They HAVE to find some small, nitpicky reason to salt on something.

>> No.434323

>i never knew how ridiculously nitpicky people could be until /v/.
its just /v/, dont worry. most of the internet is not that bad

>> No.434328
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>having an issue/problem with the "mega buster"

Tell me either
you're joking
they were trolling you

>> No.434339

Why the hell would anyone complain about the mega buster when every human alive just loves the charge and super charge from X?

>> No.434352
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>> No.434372

Magical Doropie goes over classic, and Legends goes over all. No stage select, starting with all your powers (and stages designed around them), hard as balls difficulty, crouching and aiming... all of these massive improvements over the original.

>> No.434386

I must just love Mega Man games too much. Because I'm hard pressed to pick out ones I dislike. I liked every one from 1-10, I enjoyed X-X4, I had mild complaints about X5 and X6, X7 was too much a departure for me to finish, but X8 got it right. I enjoyed all the GB games, the Zero saga, and the Networks. Didn't play Soccer because I don't enjoy sports much, and the racing game was meh-tier.

My point is, people seem to act like MM1-3 are the only good ones, but as a die-hard fan I live them ALL, damn near. OP, MM4-6 are very good, worth a play, and I'd venture to guess you'll enjoy them.

>> No.434395

What was wrong with 9? They clearly dropped the ball with 10, so no need to explain that one.

>> No.434398

4 was good, but it was too easy. It didn't help that the charge shot was overpowered. Even without using it, though, the game isn't as challenging as the previous ones and that's disappointing. Otherwise, good.

5 is bad. Even easier than 4 and the bosses are pathetic. Almost all the robot masters have the same kind of easy jumping pattern.

6 is an improvement on 5, but it got fucked up for one reason. They fucked up the controls. They fucked them up bad. You can no longer jump-cancel out of a slide and turning around makes you pause for about a second. During that pause you can't move, shoot, or jump. If you try to turn around and jump away from something, you'll just stand there and it's awful.

Of course, the earlier games had problems too. 1 had glitchy footholders, 2 had the worst Wily Machine in the series, 3 was rushed and had those awful Doc Robot portions and some really bad Wily Stages/bosses (thankfully, it picked up and it has one of the best Wily Machines).

Best games in the series are 9 and 10.

>> No.434403

Somewhat irrelevant, but I have read on various places that Splash Woman's sprite is impossible on an NES. Well, believe it or not, it IS possible. Only downside is that she'll flicker when Mega Man (or anything else really) comes near her, but what NES Mega Man game doesn't flicker non-stop? I would draw an image illustrating this, but there's one problem. Most sprite rips of hers are made using transparency, and when you plop it into paint or Gimp, it autofills with black. If anyone can give me a clean, non-transparent spriterip of Splash Woman's sprites, I'll be happy.

But the general gist of it is, she uses two exclusive palettes, since two of them are already occupied by Mega Man. The first palette of hers is white/blue/black, and the second one would be yellow/light blue/red. What you do is literally overlay those graphics over her normal sprite.

Just wanted to share, is all. Sage for offtopic.

>> No.434405

>Capcom kicked us out can we stay with you?

>> No.434406

Did you like Rock Board and Super Rockman Adventure?

>> No.434414

How is the Wily Machine in 2 worse than in 7?

>> No.434431

Haven't played those. Give me some info, please =D

>> No.434432


It's almost impossible to do without taking damage.

The first phase is ridiculously easy. The second phase is bullshit. The hitboxes on the balls it fires are absolutely retarded. The general consensus amongst all no-damage/buster-only runners is that it is impossible to beat the second phase without taking damage using only the buster. You just have to out-DPS it.

The only way to get past it without taking damage is to use the 'Single Crash Bomb Trick', in which you fire a single Crash Bomb at a very, very specific spot at a very specific time and it'll destroy the machine a single hit.

It's a poorly designed boss. There's no real strategy to the second phase. All you can really do is either the crash bomb exploit or just fire as fast as you can without caring about getting hit.

>> No.434451



>> No.434462

The random firing rate of the bouncing balls combined with the forward and backwards movement of the craft and the insane hitbox gives you an undodgeable pattern.

4 is worse than 7. The floor is halfway up the screen and he spends half his time appearing in unreachable positions. Also pharoah shot glitch.

>> No.434467

10 > 9 > 2 > 1 > 3 > Mega Man and Bass > 7 = 8 > 4 > 6 > 5

>> No.434494

Mega man 10's music sounded really forgettable to me. I liked Nitro, Strike and Wily theme 1. That's it.

9's soundtrack was glorious however

>> No.434505

I just cannot play 4. It doesnt feel well for some reason.
Love all the others, with 6 probably ranking the lowest.

>> No.434506


9's was more ear-wormy.

10's ventured out of the game's typical safe zone and used multiple composers. You get a lot of music that's more atmospheric than catchy.

I liked 10's soundtrack. A lot. Chill Man's is one of my favorite themes, and all of the Wily Stages had good music.

>> No.434531

I dunno OP, I liked them all back when I was a kid and I still like and replay each one every now and then.

I think the robot master designs were ridiculous right from the start, so I never felt any of the newer ones out of place.

I felt the megabuster actually made the games harder, because as a kid I could just cheese 2 and 3 by turning on the turbo on my Advantage.

I liked the double castle and collectible mechanics introduced since 4, and just generally speaking, each one has his own charm in terms of level design and music enough to keep the series from getting stale.

I think people that got bored after 3 just were expecting too much from Megaman. I liked the formula and never felt like it needed massive changes, then again, I'm one of the few people that were perfectly okay with Megaman 9 and 10.

>> No.434632


I felt the megabuster made the games harder because I never used turbo buttons.

>> No.434670
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>tfw 6 is my favorite NES Mega Man game by far
>tfw 2 is my least favorite by far
>tfw seeing one of these threads

>> No.434692

6 is G Gundam meets Megaman.

>> No.434774

are you sure you aren't thinking of mega man X6?

>> No.434806


>> No.438087

I sage often when I make a reply that really isn't worth bumping a thread to see.