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4322795 No.4322795 [Reply] [Original]

Not a huge rpg guy but I really want to give PS2 a shot. Any advice?

>> No.4322797 [DELETED] 

>but I really want to give PS2 a shot

The PS2 isn't retro. Fuck off.

>> No.4322810

It's a very straightforward RPG
Just note that it does feel closer to a third gen game

>> No.4322819

If you don't like a lot of grinding, there are romhacks that can remedy that.

>> No.4322827

The dungeons are merciless from Climatrol forward. Plan accordingly and prepare for a story that is far better than expected for an RPG of it's time.

>> No.4322830

Oh and get Shir to lvl 10 asap and visit the baggage area in Paseo.

>> No.4322832

I mostly want to play because I like the aesthetics. Sci-fi fantasy > fantasy. Tried it once years ago for a couple hours on my DC smash hits cd and all I can remember is the look of it.

>you don't like a lot of grinding
I don't. It's actually why I can't finish most rpgs

>there are romhacks that can remedy that.
I'm an original hardware fag ;_;

>> No.4322837

Get a cheap Everdrive MD, you can play on OG hardware.

>> No.4322862

Play PSIV instead if you haven't.

>> No.4322872

I'm playing PS1 on original-ish hardware (Genesis + flashcart). I refuse to give up but this is the slowest game ever.

>> No.4322874

Phantasy Star IV is definitely a better game, but I feel like playing at least II first improves the experience. III can be safely skipped, it's far shittier than II and IV

>> No.4322881

It's strange that 1, 2, and 3 are all pretty slow games, then 4 is probably one of the speediest JRPGs of the gen

>> No.4322904

>Any advice?
Pick a better JRPG to play. Also, this game's English localization was raped by censors.

>> No.4323017

In that case you should try Phantasy Star 4, similar aesthetic but far less grinding.

>> No.4323072

Why does everybody hate III

>> No.4323124

Have you played it? It's a boring mess. The characters are empty ciphers and the gameplay is incredibly bland for the time it was made

>> No.4323963

>Have you played it?

that's the thing, everything about it sounds interesting except everybody says it sucks

>> No.4323996


Phantasy Star II is a great game that feels like a total chore to play. Play it with a guide honestly.

>> No.4324019

Every single one of the interesting and innovative ideas in Phantasy Star 3 is poorly implemented, and it's the weakest game in the series by pretty much every metric. It really feels like the developers ran out of time/money and had to scramble to slap together a functional game at the last minute.

>> No.4324056

>Not a huge rpg guy
Then I'm not sure PS2 is a wise choice. It can be pretty hardcore. Put simply, you are not a bad enough dude. PS4 is a much more accessible game and overall much more polished experience.

>> No.4324076

Very poor choice, my friend. I am usually a hardwarefag myself but the FM sound is worth using an emulator for.

>> No.4324079


>> No.4324081

The generations are all revisiting the same maps with different people in different rooms. If you took all the people in the game from all generations put them into one room you wouldn't have as many people as are in an ff4 town.

The game was so empty it's obvious they ran out of money. Maybe it would be worth turning on in an emu to see what I'm talking about but I wouldn't call it fun.

>> No.4324098

play the Phantasy Star II text adventures when you get the chance. They are great and have extra lore. you can find roms on pscave. there is also a fan translated english rom for psII there that corrects some things that were wrong in the official english translation and makes it more accurate to the japanese version. also after completing psII I recommend playing the playstation 2 remake phantasy star generation 2. It has additional dialog and even more lore. Also there is a special Nei ending in the remake but dont look up how to unlock it unless you have finished the original game because its rather spoiler heavy.

>> No.4324105

can someone repost the new phanta cosplay book scans with the english developer interviews? i missed it last thread.

>> No.4324247
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get ready for grinding and convoluted as fuck dungeons

>> No.4325194

>get ready for grinding and convoluted as fuck dungeons
Yeah, I'll definitely be unashamedly using maps and guides. I'm going to give it a shot tho starting tonight.

>> No.4325212


Some advice:
- it has a great story, avoid all spoilers including this thread
- avoid remakes, e.g. the PS2 version.Just play the Genesis original
- Phantasy Star 3 is not quite as bad as people say, and the music was composed by the Archangel Gabriel, who punctured his own eardrums after finishing it because he knew he would never hear anything as beautiful again
-AVOID SPOILERS but it is OK to refer to maps, Christ some of the maps take several minutes to trace through with a pencil

>> No.4325834

1 took me two years to finish back in 1990. I even had to call the SEGA hotline to figure out how to get Maya to eat his nuts.

>> No.4326040

Either make complex flowcharts to get through the dungeons or don't bother playing it at all

>> No.4326082
File: 26 KB, 148x148, shir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get best girl (about a third of the way through the game), level her up to 10 and visit the central tower a couple of times. Then leave her at home (unless you really like a challenge, I guess).

Some items cast techs when you use them (some only in battle, some all the time) - there are 4 that cast Gires, and they'll make the rest of the game much easier once you have them.

Get ready to grind a lot. Look up maps of the dungeons or map them out yourself with paper.

2 and 3 feel rushed because they were - I think 2 had an absurd development time of like 6 months or something. 3 had a different team from the other games, and Sega didn't really give them the time to do all the ambitious stuff they had planned.

>Why does everybody hate III
I don't hate 3 - it's a favorite of mine (all of the phantasy star games are), for replayability if nothing else (and it's got other things going for it, like semi-meaningful weapon choice and the challenge of doing a solo run, among other things). It's a pretty linear game, but because there are multiple routes to the end, there's still a few different ways to go about things.

>green dam
Come on, that's not even all that bad. Ikuto's the fun one.

>> No.4326154
File: 662 KB, 3102x3588, ikuto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like space baby in space cot, yes? Try this on for size.

>Yeah, I'll definitely be unashamedly using maps and guides.
You're not going to have a good time. If you know exactly where to go you will be underlevelled and jhave no money. You'll join the 'this game is grindy' memesters. The game only becomes grindy when you cheat withh out of game knowledge and need to catch up on all the fighting you didn't do by exploring.

>> No.4326170

Play IV instead. If you insist on playing 2, the actual game came with guides/maps so download them.

>> No.4326213

> the actual game came with guides/maps
The American game did. That doesn't mean the game is supposed to be played with such a crutch, that means your local publishers thought you lot were too stupid to play the game right.

Don't play like this.

>> No.4326784

Been playing most of the morning. Currently my MC is lvl 7 while Nei is lvl 14. Having a fun time so far although still on the first dungeon. Haven't had too many issues with enemies aside from those fucking Armorants. Currently rocking out the sword while Nei dual weilds steel bars. Probably pick it back up later on tonight and try to finish the dungeon.

>> No.4326794
File: 36 KB, 360x240, albion-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sci-fi fantasy > fantasy

You should try Albion.

>> No.4326804

Sure thing, if I want eye cancer.

>> No.4326813
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Well, I think it looks charming.

>> No.4326841

Thanks! I'll take a look at it maybe later this upcoming winter.

>> No.4326852

I wanted to love this game, seriously, but I couldn't get over the dungeons looking the same at every floor and from each other.
I still had a very good impresion of the game, but seriously, the dungeons were just boring

>> No.4326914
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>> No.4326919
File: 422 KB, 577x346, the fuck is this bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the official Sega guide, it doesn't spoil the story and I wouldn't have been able to figure out this shit without it

>> No.4326928

3 is boring as fuck but I remember the dungeons being more fair (yet boring)

>> No.4326931
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Given that they're supposed to be aliens, aren't they supposed to look ugly and weird?

>> No.4328791

Found Rudo on accident which was nice. Not sure how early on I could have snagged him but he was a big help to finally finishing that first dungeon. Oddly enough I breezed thru the 2nd to find that guys daughter. Must of got lucky. I'm still having a good time but I can see why people complain about the dungeons. Haven't used any maps yet and only have used guides to look up what certain techniques do. I'm going to see how long I can go without "cheating".

>> No.4328795

No you silly, they should look like sexy blue bimbos.

>> No.4328806

Almost forgot.. can I not sell weapons back anywhere? I keep putting my old weapons in baggage because I'm not sure what else to do with them. Would hate to drop them only to find out I could of sold them later.

>> No.4329356

go into any item shop. not a weapons or armor shop. and you can sell anything in your inventory.

>> No.4329483

Good to hear. Thanks!

>> No.4330247

Oh yeah, every time you reach a new town you should teleport back home to see if anyone new has shown up.