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4318782 No.4318782 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much disgust for this game? I mean I get if you don't think it's the greatest of all time or your tired of hearing people say it's a masterpiece but it feels most people hate it because it's popular. Are people trying that hard to be hipsters?

>> No.4318796

Why are FF shitters so offended when someone doesn't like their particular favorite game of the franchise? It's incredible how almost every mainline game has its own flavor of defensive flag-wavers

>> No.4318805

I could careless if you don't like my favorite game. If the reasoning is because it's popular then go kys for being a hipster faggot who cares about how people perceive you.

>> No.4318806

Because FF6 and FF7 fanboys are among the most thin-skinned people on Planet Earth. And it's funny too, because each fanbase will agree with you about the other but they can never possibly imagine that their own shit stinks, too.

Also 7 has the same problem I have with every Final fantasy past 3 (except for 5). The first playthrough is amazing, fun, awe-inspiring. But the readability just isn't there once you've experienced it once (MAYBE twice). I've tried replaying 4, 6, 7, and 9 several times and could never get more than a few hours in before getting bored. Whereas 1, 2, 3, and 5 have weaker first impressions due to weaker stories, they have far more replayability from a gameplay perspective which is what makes fun to me in the first place. Just my two cents, though. I have no doubt that the fanboys of those games lack to have fun replaying them but it's just a chore for me to relive the same stories.

>> No.4318812

*But the replayability isn't there
Not sure how I screwed up typing so badly.

>> No.4318824

If a game is amazing the first time you play it, why not leave it there? Why would you insist on playing a game again if you don't otherwise feel like it? There are a lot of other games to go for instead.

>> No.4318829

My point is that true gems can be played more than once without feeling boring. FF7 is a good, not great, game the first time through. A game either needs to be extremely replayable or extremely excellent on its first playthrough to truly be "elite". FF7 is a 7, maybe even 8 out of 10 when you first play it but subsequent playthroughs it falls to 2 or 3.

>> No.4318831

Not going to argue about that. I see a lot 6 and 7 fans cry of some one doesn't like the game because of the story, mechanics, characters, etc. they're just as bad as some one who shits on it because it's popular.

Thats a valid point. I don't have that problem but I can understand how after the first play through it's just not the same.

>> No.4318836
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>it's only a 2 out of 3
>gives anecdotal bull shit reason

>> No.4318841


Am I supposed to cite a scientific study that demonstrates that FFVII is a substantially worse game the second time through?

>> No.4318846

Angry Nintendo fanboys that can't accept Square's and Sony's success.

Remember Nintendo fucked over Square on many occasions.

>> No.4318847

The disgust is directed to the game's fanbase not the game itself.

>> No.4318882

>thread asks why some people don't like FF7 that much
>reason is given
If you wanted a circlejerk/crying thread go start one

>> No.4318886

>Angry Nintendo fanboys that can't accept Square's and Sony's success.
This is always the reason stated but 9 and 10 are my favorite Final Fantasy games whereas 7 is tied for my least favorite with 2 and 8. Clearly I am a Nintendo fanboy for liking different PlayStation games.

>> No.4318896

Except 9 is an homage to the SNES games.

>> No.4318903

While I don't disagree, that's reaching pretty hard to maintain the "WAAAAAH NINTENDO FANBOYS ARE BULLYING ME" point

>> No.4318928

i just don't think it fits the final fantasy setting. its far to sci-fi for my taste.

>> No.4318947

People are contrarians. Most people on /vr/ recognize this in broader threads but since you made this the subject of the thread people will disagree with you. That is 4chan. Make a thread, people say "no"

>> No.4318963

we live in an era where gamers are expected to play and love every game. An era where 8/10 can be seen as a bad score, and where gameplay is similar across many genres.

So an older game that is hyped up as being amazing, but has none of what a modern gamer likes in it is bound to be seen as bad on a superficial level and that is sadly where most judgments happen.

So there's your answer.

>> No.4318967

>it feels most people hate it because it's popular. Are people trying that hard to be hipsters?

DING DING DING DING DING! We have a winner!

>> No.4318970

>but it's just a chore for me to relive the same stories.

So playing the same game with white mages instead of monks makes the story different for you?

>> No.4318987

>So playing the same game with white mages instead of monks makes the story different for you?
I never said that. In fact, I said that 1 has a very weak story. The GAMEPLAY changes by using different classes. I just finished playing through with two white mages and two black mages and it was fun coming up with different strats for gameplay. Same with 2 and any SaGa style game. Same with 3 and 5 and any "jobs" game.
4 your players' styles are set in stone.
6 they *mostly* are. The game is fun if you do a "natural magic" challenge, but if you're playing through normally since everyone can learn magic and magic is phenomenal in 6, it feels the same each time.
7 is the same concept with materia. Yes, each of the characters are different, but your strategy doesn't really change on subsequent playthroughs.

Either you're putting words in my mouth or you have zero reading comprehension.

>> No.4318997

>Are people trying that hard to be hipsters?

Yes. Yes, they are.

Bunch of lameasses, really. I was an edgy contrarian before it was mainstream.

>> No.4319026

VII is objectively the best FF game.

It had the best characters, the best battle system, the best story, the best backgrounds, the best summons, the best Cid, the best cross-dressing, the best hidden bosses, the best roller coaster, the best waifus, the best weapons, the best hair, the best cat, and the best fart jokes.

>> No.4319076

>could care less
Off (You)rself.

>> No.4319087

There really isn't. Most people would agree that it's one of the more well-rounded FF games. You're more often to see people asking "Why do so many people hate this game?" than anything else lately.

As for the FF6 vs FF7 nonsense, that's just a self-fulfilling meme.

>> No.4319093

I don't hate the game itself - I hate the legacy it left behind. I hate it because it drastically changed what Final Fantasy would become for years to come. Aside from the MMOs, every Final Fantasy since then has attempted to be this huge, cinematic experience with mindless (and in XIII's case, non-existent) gameplay. I also didn't care for the sci-fi elements, as I personally prefer high fantasy, but that's just me.

The older games aren't perfect, for sure (I really hate 4 and 6's narratives and 4's stupidly simple gameplay), but Final Fantasy 7 started a trend in the series that I didn't like.

>> No.4319101

Hey man, you're the one who said it was a chore to relive the same stories. I'm just trying to work out what your illiterate rambling was supposed to mean.

>> No.4319262

>I'm going to read one line and ignore the paragraph of context/explanation before it
Did you make it out of fifth grade?

>> No.4319474
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Rpg's have always had their haters, it's just now that a wider video game audience has been established that number has grown that much more. Rpg's are an aquired taste and not many vg "fans" take the time to enjoy them. They'd rather eat fast food with elements of rpg. Personally I like most genres, though there are some I just won't ever touch.
Pic not related.

>> No.4319617

It's partially because they're so different from each other.

Same goes with remakes.

>> No.4319623

>in XIII's case, non-existent) gameplay

Maybe you should actually play it sometime, it's actually the hardest Final Fantasy game.

>> No.4319670

>hates the narratives and the cinematic experiences
Oh boy, it's another teen who plays JRPGs for the "gameplay"

>> No.4319686

Retrospectively it's pretty silly and dumb, there's a talking dog and a ninja for some reason and an edgelord with a gun who turns into jason from friday the 13th and frankenstein's monster

When it came out it was new and actually was pretty cool, but with the perspective of an adult it sure is a dark and edgey for a story that is essentially played out by what looks like a bunch of wooden marionettes on 2-dimensional backdrop

as always, my favorite thing is the bizarre enemy designs of early polygonal rpgs

>> No.4320006

>I could careless

Yeah this explains a lot.

>> No.4320040
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It's boring, plot sucks. Cloud is a manlet.

Sephiroth is cool, but you can't play him so what's the point?

>> No.4320075

So what game do you approve of?
Planescape: Torment?

>> No.4320084

only if it was your first FF

>> No.4320142

Ive replayed 7 ever since i was a child literally maybe 30 times or more. Never finished it each time but i still replayed it a bunch. I just love it for some reason. I love all the final fantasies for the most part. I like all jrpgs but im so biased for it. Ita a feeling not logic.

Not every series is for everyone. I love sonic adventure but hate the old school sonics. Not hate but i am not really a fan tbqh.

>> No.4320182

Look at the giant wall of garbage this fat faggot just spewed out on the internet. He's so buttmad that people enjoy video games that he does this pathetic shit.
Haha FAG

>> No.4320248

I don't hate VII by any means but the gameplay is such a huge waste of potential that it's hard to not be disappointed in it.

At least it has a solid mod.

>> No.4320720

God damn this thread reeks of /v/ermin.

>> No.4321959

He could. If he didn't he wouldn't have replied to in the first place. ESL please stay gone

>> No.4321961

Is it? It was my first and I had no real trouble with it. I just thought people hated it because it felt claustrophobic.

>> No.4322030

People only like 7 and 9 because they didn't git gud and play FFT.

>> No.4322065
File: 550 KB, 284x220, 15666ced114d347c620dce55bbff17ef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the fanbase of EVERY game has a small cohort of loud, defensive, spastic shitlords who end up being the lightning rod of any external attention paid to that fanbase.

Never played an FF game, just offering a theory

>> No.4322075

That's probably true.

>> No.4322161

Because it is often touted as being one of the greatest rpgs of all time while other entries in the franchise are objectively better. Yes, it is a great game and yes, it brought attention to rpgs in the us and europe. But just because a game was great doesnt discount the flaws in gameplay and story. Personally, i enjoyed this game alot, but if im looking for a final fantasy fix, im playing 9

>> No.4322176
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>Retrospectively it's pretty silly and dumb, there's a talking dog and a ninja for some reason and an edgelord with a gun who turns into jason from friday the 13th and frankenstein's monster
dunno 'bout anyone else, but THAT'S the reason why I got into video games in the first place, all that tasty rediculousness. Aw yea.

>> No.4322642
File: 10 KB, 250x154, 1488987755155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cloud is a manlet.


>> No.4322649

Yeah, it's almost as if they just played 7 and 9 THIS year and have to throw in the tired old hate again like they're being original or sumthin...

>> No.4323491

I think longer, story heavy RPGs like the Final Fantasy series, in general can only replayed once or twice every two years at most.

>> No.4324394

I dont know I replay DQ games all the time

>> No.4324469

>Japan makes Cloud average height for a Japanese male as the protagonist so other characters are either short or tall compared to his baseline
>5'7 is manlet tier virtually everywhere else
He's a giant in Mexico though. Men there average 5'4.