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4309347 No.4309347 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Villains who are more sympathetic than the main character

Pic related, Eggman is basically an ambitious, utopian industrialist opposed by a bunch of savage animals. I can't see anything that makes him a hateful villain in the early games.

>> No.4309353

He had a PINGAS machine

>> No.4309360
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>opposed by a bunch of savage animals.
Yeah, those bunnies, turtles and baby birds are so threatening.

>> No.4309406

Underage faggot

>> No.4309413

>The English instruction manual for his debut game Sonic the Hedgehog described the character's full name as "Doctor Ivo Robotnik", while the original Japanese version's instruction manual for the same game called him "Doctor Eggman".
Gaijin faggot

>> No.4309438
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real talk

>> No.4309439

Are you american? Hes Robotnik Are you Nip? Hes Eggman

Youre as bad as american people who say shit like Mum and chap

>> No.4309486

Sonic/Tails/Knux are not savages in any way (Sonic is a celebrity), and I fail to see how Eggman is nothing short of a clownish, selfish megalomaniac genius. He uses industrial advancements as a means to stroke his own ego and reach his selfish ends.

Now, Robotnik on the other hand and the american edgy post-apocaliptic canon rings more true with what you're describing.

>> No.4309876

I disagree. Robotnik/Eggman/Let's be honest, it's really Super Mario. is harming animals and turning them into robots.

>> No.4309909

Weirly enough, I could have swear my old European manual called it Doctor Egg in a really broken, google translate tier French, but all the scans I can find say Robotnik and now I don't know where the fuck I got that from.

>> No.4309927

Nothing in the game suggests Eggman is anything other than a crazy megalomaniac out to turn every innocent animal into robots. OP's premise is shitty unverified fanfiction.

>> No.4309993

>turn every innocent animal into robots

He's just trapping them inside the robots as an energy source, they're not actually said robots.

>> No.4309995
