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4305687 No.4305687 [Reply] [Original]

You didn't forget who's birthday it was, did you /vr/? How about an FF8 thread?

Did anyone actually use blue magic? I usually forgot all about it, but recently I've been attempting to learn some more useful spells to see how great it is.

>> No.4305696

I haven't used Blue Magic past VII just because of how shit accessing and/or learning it is.

>> No.4305701
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>> No.4305706


>> No.4305713

Mighty guard saved my ass on more than one occasion. Degenerator's good for quickly dispatching foos, when it works. Laser eye and loopy waves or w/e are good standbys. and the others I cannae 'member. Been awhile.
Happy bday ff8. Good stuff

>> No.4305724
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I noticed it after I solved the capcha and forgot to correct it, but it was too late to delete the thread.

>> No.4305732
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I know that feel, fellow /vr/trooper.

>> No.4305736

Shockwave Pulsar was helpful for Omega Weapon, Degenerator based for leveling to 100.

>> No.4305823

Micro Missiles. It's gravity based damage so it won't kill anything. Great for using Card and Devour.

>> No.4305884

correct op image for
>it's all downhill from here

>> No.4305914
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I didn't forget. I just don't see the reason for celebrating the birth of utter shit.

>> No.4305967

FF8 is hot garbage, but yeah, I'd spunk in Quistis's face.

>> No.4306053

So you don't celebrate your own birth day either?

>> No.4306109

homing laser is the best ability for no junction

>> No.4306153

So I'm replaying this in part due to the last thread. I'm nearing the end of disc 1 and General Carraway is in the process of explaining the mission and the roles for the sniper team and gateway team. The gateway team shuts the gate, the the sniper team shoots and then attack head on if shooting fails.

My question is why is it the sniper team who are supposed to perform the secondary attack considering there are only supposed to be two people in said party and the gateway team is already there anyway?

>> No.4306162

The sorceress is too powerful to fight head on. Hence the sniper team will try to assassinate her with a surprise attack in the hopes that that will be enough. If that attack fails then gate team and sniper teams converge and attack in a pincer to try and flank her.

>> No.4306234

Challenge Carraway to a card battle and lose Ifrit so he'll pull out Rinoa, then win 'em both back. If you want a new card , that is.

>> No.4306243

What's the best way to play FF8 nowadays

>> No.4306250

Every version is nearly identical to the original release, unlike most FF games. It honestly doesn't matter, but technically the PC releases come with the pocketstation chocobo game so if that's something you desperately have to have go for those.

>> No.4307053

>"hey guys GF make you forget things! That's why we all know each other but didn't!"
>proceed to have perfect memory the rest of the game.

How can anyone tell me this story is good with a straight face.

>> No.4307450

You're not going deep enough.
G.F.s were memories. A concept that is further elaborated on in FF9 Eidolons. And in FFX pyreflies. When G.F.'s are junctioned they displace other memories. It's not something like Alzheimer's were their brains are atrophying.

Griever was created from Squall's mind, formed from his memories. The fact that Ultimecia junctioned herself into those memories speaks of her abilities to manipulate time.

This is conjecture, but suppose during the final battle, imposing herself unto Squall's memories is in-fact the means she manifested in Squall's timeline. She could only travel back as far as Squall's memories could take her.
Think of it as the entirety of the game happening in parallel to the final battle.
Her final transformation is the point when Ellone casts Ultimecia beyond Squall's memories into another Sorceress, where she performs Time Compression. Squall goes to the future, but at a time before Ultimecia is aware of him. Thus, a time loop and a self fulfilling prophecy.

Alternatively, the Ultimecia we see at the end of the game, her castle and everything, is actually in the past. She's possessing the Sorceress that originally gave her powers to Edea. It could be inferred that Ellone was at the orphanage to witness this power exchange, which lets Ellone send Ultimecia to her.
So when Ultimecia transfers her power to Edea, she's receiving power that she already has and nothing changes. A time clone merging with itself. But I digress.

I like to think of the G.F. as shielding or preserving their memories. Which explains why Ultimecia only possessed sorceress. And why Rinoa wasn't as easily manipulated as Edea or Adel.

>> No.4307895
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I regret nothing

>> No.4307901
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>> No.4308626

that's a really nice crt anon. what's the brand? sylvania?

>> No.4308875
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>battles are generally fast paced
>junctions are very flexible and allow a myriad of play styles
>scaling enemies seem bad at first but mixed with junctions can allow you to tailor the difficulty to your liking
>can break the game in the opening hours due to triple triad and early card refine access
>dope af soundtrack, arguably best in the series generally speaking
>great set pieces like the garden battle
>first 2 discs have the best pacing of any final fantasy game
>early parts of the story is pretty unique focusing on military academy and missions that goes against hero saving the world trope most RPGs fall into
>triple triad

>story turns to absolute dog shit around disc 3 and on-wards
>orphanage scene
>turns out to be just another hero saving the world story in the end
>main villain is built up to be adel, but the encounter with her is a joke and she gets almost no screen time and then ultimecia shows up out of nowhere
>garbage forced romance with rinoa that feels unnatural

Why do people hate this game again? Yeah the story is trash but this might be the perfect example of gameplay coming out on top and still making it worth your time. I guess some people just hated the junctions? I liked the customization personally.

The only argument besides story that I see repeated is "muh drawing magic" which is easily avoided with the broke as fuck card system and item refines.