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File: 57 KB, 480x542, StarFox-Snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
430172 No.430172 [Reply] [Original]

Star Fox thread?

>> No.430190

I dunno why, but I've always dug those puppet versions.

Someday, I should have replicas made.

>> No.430196

Playing Star Fox 64 is hard as shit on an emulator, with a keyboard. Pretty much unplayable. Ah well.

>> No.430198

Star Fox had god tier music.

>> No.430201

>Creepy Fox Doll

>> No.430215
File: 180 KB, 575x400, Star-Fox-2-Box-Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they would have kept the puppets if they decided to release Star Fox 2.

They probably would, since it's in the same style.

By the way, did they actually plan to use this cover or was it a fanmade thing?

>> No.430219

Has anyone ever beaten Expert Mode on 64?

>> No.430228


i can see the pixels

>> No.430229

>that feel when the Area 6 boss breaks your wings

>> No.430245

It only dawned on me a few months ago that this game was a blatant rip off of Star Wars...

Even the 2 names STAR fox and lylat WARS. Everything. I am not an intelligent person.

>> No.430248
File: 50 KB, 288x281, starfox2_wces95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a poorly vectorized render, but yeah, that's essentially what the cover looked like in its beta form. Likely would've changed for the final release, though.

>> No.430249


ITT, taking place in space means you rip off of Star Wars.

>> No.430250

Area 6 makes you feel like a badass altogether. Holy fuck, it's intense.

>> No.430252

Why are planes in space? Shouldn't they be rockets?

>> No.430254



>> No.430272

Seriously. Look at the crew, the ships, the lasers... everything.

Corneria is so close to Coruscant.

The way the crew talk to each other.

It's almost hard to see because of Star Wars kinda becoming proto-sci fi but it was obviously a very strong and direct influence on the game.

>> No.430274

Technically speaking, spacecrafts can be shaped like anything and it wouldn't affect anything.

But the ships in Starfox alternate between on and off-planet flight, so the plane look makes sense.

>> No.430283


>> No.430289

The constant use by Peppy and James of the phrase "trust your instincts" is likely a reference to the line "Trust your feelings" and derivatives of.
The roles and personalities of the main characters can be quite closely compared with original trilogy characters: Fox (Luke), Peppy (Obi-Wan), Slippy (C-3PO), Falco (Han) and Rob (C-3PO/R2-D2).
During the final battle with Andross, the main villain in Star Fox 64 , speaks the line "I've been waiting for you, Star Fox"; this is likely to be a reference to Darth Vader's line to Obi-Wan Kenobi just before their duel in Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope. The difference being that Vader's line was "I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan." Andross also says, at one point, "You will die just like your father!"; Darth Sidious taunted Galen Marek with similar words during their epic clash aboard the first Death Star in The Force Unleashed.
There is a character named Pigma Dengar in the game, who shares his name with Dengar, a bounty hunter. In addition, Pigma Dengar's backstory is also similar to that of Obi-Wan's rendition of Darth Vader's backstory in A New Hope, including betraying the group he worked with as well as being implied to have murdered the protagonist's father: In this case, however, Pigma and James McCloud are clearly separate individuals.
The opening music sounds very similar to the opening music from Star Wars, composed by John Williams.
One of Peppy's lines, "I have a bad feeling about this", is a line commonly used in all of the Star Wars movies. He also shouts "It's a trap!" in a similar tone to Admiral Ackbar.
The mission Bolse in Star Fox 64 is very similar to the Battle of Yavin, where Star Fox destroys energy towers in order to take out a satellite.
The ending sequence of Star Fox 64 is cinematically very similar to the ending of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. (An award ceremony thanking the heroes where troops stand at attention on the sides)

>> No.430293

Anyone else watched that promo for Star Fox 64?

>> No.430303

There are a lot of similarities?...

>> No.430309


>> No.430312

Would you believe that my local Blockbuster had that for rental?

and I rented it fucking TWICE

>> No.430323

So I never realized the huge influence it had?... Which is what I said in the first place...

Acting like the only similarity is that they take place in space was retarded.

>> No.430330

Man, Fox used to look badass.

>> No.430332

Wow. Never realized that. However, there are many games that draw interpretations from movies...Star Fox is just a popular one.

>> No.430343

To be fair, Star Wars took a lot of elements from old adventure/western movies as well. There is a difference between a ripoff and a homage.

>> No.430352

Well nearly all ideas and culture are filtered down.

I just never realized how strong the Star Wars influence was.

>> No.430354

Hell yeah. I used to have the VHS. I would watch it all the time as a kid. I wonder if my dad still has it.

>> No.430363

You mean this?

>> No.430369

>Andross also says, at one point, "You will die just like your father!"; Darth Sidious taunted Galen Marek with similar words during their epic clash aboard the first Death Star in The Force Unleashed.
This is the only thing that should be taken out.

>> No.430380

I fucking love Star Fox

>> No.430382

Yeah I pulled the list from the star wars wiki and didn't notice. They had a bunch of other stuff I left out too.

I feel like the whole tone of the game is very similar to the X-Wing parts of star wars. It was weird how it struck and me and how obvious it seemed all of a sudden.

>> No.430405

The puppet versions creep me out so much.

>> No.430415


This shit is the bomb, holy fuck.

>> No.430425

It's based on a lot of things. Katina is heavily inspired from Independence Day believe it or not

>> No.430435

I could only get into the first starwing myself.

>> No.430445
File: 46 KB, 422x305, starfoxvirtualboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Star Fox was planned for the Virtual Boy.

>> No.430456

Yeah I definitely got that vibe as a kid.

>> No.430470


That "Zelda 64" preview at 8:26. It looks so awesome!

>> No.430479

>Star Fox thread

>Most of the thread is full of talk of ripping off Star Wars

>No mention of the mind blowing fruit machine boss
>No mention of the black hole shortcut

What the fuck is wrong with you all? TALK ABOUT THIS FUCKING GAME!

I did the compo weekend here in the UK (we called it Starwing here). The day it came out, my father brought it. We put a massive chair in front of the big downstairs TV and played it, between me, my dad and my brother until 1am. On a school night. Fucking awesome.

>> No.430493

Shame Star Fox 64 was so disappointing compared to the original.

I still liked it though

>> No.430504


Did you put on fox ears and suck each other off after?

>> No.430508

The chain of progression is Sonic -> Star Fox -> Furcadia

>> No.430524


I never had a Genesis, so this is just wrong right off the bat.

>> No.430528

And I'm the only one who liked Assault?

Sure, it's very flawed and it has shit like Krystal in it, but I still had fun with it.

>> No.430539


>hating on Krystal for no reason

Assault was alright outside of all those fucking onfoot portions.

>> No.430542
File: 28 KB, 596x394, Complete_lylat_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only just now realized that the different paths correspond with difficulty level
>tfw I've only ever beaten easy and medium difficulty

My life is over.

>> No.430552

The black hole shortcut that takes you to Sector Z was literally the only way I could get the medal there. The concept of dying in a black hole as a kid was fucking horrifying, though

>> No.430558

That map is so wrong

>> No.430559


I've known this since I was 8. It's kinda obvious.

>> No.430564

Doesn't the instruction manual tell you that straight up, or even the game itself?

>> No.430562

I was not a clever child.

>> No.430563


the only issue i really see is that bolse should be medium

>> No.430572


I don't think the game tells you, but come on. One of those routes has AREA 6 AND SECTOR Z ON IT. That's not exactly easy-modo

>> No.430574

>reading as a child

Shit nigga, I can't remember reading shit at home until I was in like fifth grade, and even then I'd just keep pressing A out of habit to skip dialogue.

>> No.430583

Any way to properly emulate Starfox SNES on Wii? No glitches, no slowdowns?

>> No.430587

Goddamn it, I've never been to Aquas. Was the submarine cool guys? Might fire up Project 64 and see if my skills have improved.

>> No.430589

>My life is over.
No. It's only beginning. No go, play your game and beat the underwater level!

I prefer the Landmaster mission, myself.

>> No.430593

I've been reading since I was like five, and I still didn't know how the routes worked.

Probably because I never had the manual.

>> No.430598


Yeah, you can buy it on the Virtual Co--wait, what the hell, Nintendo?

>> No.430606

It's pretty cool, and the only way to get to Zoness.

>> No.430618

It's a pain in the ass. Also dark.

>> No.430634

Exactly. And now it's not coming out ever, unless on the Wii U, which I don't plan on buying for at least another year.

>> No.430650

All these years and I still never quite got why Sony and Sega were working together.

>> No.430654


this, aquas sucks.

>> No.430660


Enemy of my enemy.

It's kinda like how when you get a bad guy boss to join your party in an RPG.

>> No.430894

Sorry, unlike you, we didn't play "patch mommy up after being beat in the face with the whisky bottle", we spent time together without the police involved.

>> No.430936

Many times. I needed to in order to get on fiit characters in vs. mode. I only wish they had vocals, it would have been hilarious to hear Slippy scream as he gets blasted with a bomb.

>> No.432869
File: 32 KB, 290x211, Star_Fox_SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is the best emulator for this game? Tried doing on Zsnes but that ends up with a lot of problems.

>> No.432878

ZSNES is still your best option. It runs too fast, making a few cutscenes like the title screen and "Emergency" intros cut off too early but the game runs fine aside those very small issues. Much, much better than it does on the actual hardware. I'd say it's one of the few games that actually benefits from ZSNES' speed inaccuracy. EarthBound's another one.

>> No.432917

When I run it I will make some things disappear such as the planet in the background during the opening cutscene and the ground during planet missions. Anyway of fixing that?

>> No.432963

until this day i can't get the technique right to unlock expert mode. no matter in which intervals or how i'm shooting it counts single. feels bad man.

>> No.433025


itt star fox ripped off a movie from 1999

>> No.433078

Dunno. Never ran into that issue, myself. Could be a bad ROM dump or maybe the version. Star Fox - Version 1.0 (US) is the rom I downloaded ages ago and I usually use ZSNES 1.42 (versions 1.5 and forward "fixed" the speed issue and I don't recommend it. It's more accurate, but in Star Fox's case, accuracy isn't what you want.)

I just tried it out and I'm not running into any disappearing issues.

>> No.433109

>tfw he was like Han Solo, but a fox
>tfw now he's just some cartoon faggot
The SNES Star Fox is literally the only SF game I care about. The music alone makes it the superior game in the franchise.

>> No.433130

How did you manage to leave out
>The opening scene of the original Star Fox (when you turn it on) is practically identical to the opening of Star Wars

>small, good guy ships fly into view
>lasers coming from off screen hit good guys
>larger bad guy ship flies in to frame from above and behind the camera, is shown to be firing the lasers
>camera pans downward to show a planet

>> No.433132

I know right? It was too cheesy and cartoony (and easy). The original was really genuine and felt like a space adventure, and there was just enough dialogue to form a basic plot, but it didn't get in the way.

For some reason Star Fox always reminds me of the original Conan: The Barbarian movie. Subtle, adventurous, and ultimately perfect.

>> No.433135

Hmm, Will try downloading a different rom to see it fixes it.

>> No.433752

I guess they can't properly emulate the FX chip or they're a bunch of lazy cunts
>dat Sector Y music
I think that SF1/SF2 SNES had a more space like BGM while 64 has a more Dramatic/Epic feel to it

>> No.433760
File: 687 KB, 700x500, 2nrm1ab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.434295

Speaking of VC, Yoshi's Island never got released on the VC either.

The Virtual Console has been such a dissapointment. I guess Nintendo basically dropped it because most of us use emulators anyway.

>> No.438493

Which Andross form do you like better?

>> No.438501

What was 90's videogame box art so bad?

>> No.438523

Also the music in the first one was one of the best for snes , while sf64 was conpletely forgettable.

>> No.438530

That gif is fucking creepy

>> No.438541


Well, it's still bad depending on where you live. But let's not get into that.

>> No.438651
File: 204 KB, 404x416, 1361538731934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sector Y
>Area 6
>Venom 2

Master Race Path, has use of every vehicle and is FUN AS FUCK to go through that route

>best way to take the Train out

best Star Fox 64 Lets Play ever..

>> No.438658



wasn't that first mentioned in the prequels though?

I think Starfox borrowed from more than just Star Wars. the Katina/ Independence Day level for example

>> No.438725


Star Wars ripped off Buck Rodgers ripped off John Carter of Mars ripped off War of the Worlds ripped off British Imperialism. There's no such thing as completely original entertainment.

>> No.438779

I don't even know how to get medals on all the planets. I got a few by accident. I'd love to unlock expert mode.
Also I was pretty sure you could play Star Fox on your Wii if you just pirated it using a WAD installer.

>> No.439738

>tfw he was like Han Solo, but a fox

I really want Fox to go back to being like this. He was one of my favorite characters growing because of this. He actually showed minor elements of this in Adventures. And then Krystal happened.

>> No.439889

So everybody says "give it to Kamiya"
But how would a Star Fox by Kamiya actually be like?

>> No.441260

Something like 64 since Kamiya is a huge fan of it.

>> No.442832
File: 31 KB, 480x360, melee_fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Fox looked pretty badass in Melee.

>> No.443461
File: 367 KB, 607x452, 1368242-goras06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'd say it's disappointing, even though I prefer the original Star Fox.

Obviously the technical advancements were nice. Higher draw distance, consistent 60 fps, could have more shit on screen at a time, and so on.
Undeniably good stuff, and it allowed for more intense levels like Area 6 and....

...I liked how scoring worked in 64, the charge shots on groups of enemies earning you more 'hits' than shooting them down normally, how it was based on 'hits' and not some weird percentage, how you could get medals for high scoring runs, and how scores were actually saved.
That was some good shit, and did a lot to make the game much more replayable.
Pepper's reaction to your invoice after the credits was a nice touch as well.

I also liked the different vehicles. Even though they were hardly used, it feels like as much care and effort was put into making the Landmaster and Blue Marine feel as satisfying and intuitive to use as the Arwing. They brought some decent changes to the formula as well. I thought they were a great way to mix up the gameplay.
Also, Titania in 64 is one of my favorite levels of the entire Star Fox series.

But yeah, the original had the better music, greater challenge, more levels and bosses, and in my opinion did a better job of making me feel like an ace pilot.
Didn't much care for 64's voice acting, either, so there's that too.

>> No.443472

I know it's not retro, but I find the Star Fox for the DS stupidly underrated.

Not bothering with saging because it's bumping a legitimately retro topic.

>> No.443495

>Give it to Kamiya

Need I remind you what happened the last time we took an established Nintendo franchise and had a third party renowned for action games develop it?

>> No.443528

Disappointing? What the fuck?

>> No.443549

>better music

No. And I love the original.

>> No.443631

>Dat feeling when you accidentally got to Aquas for the first time

Star Fox 64 impacted me a lot as a kid. There was something about that game that just blew me away and still does today. The story, the characters, the atmosphere of the different planets, the music...gnarly. Retroboner.

Games like that aren't made anymore. Star Fox, Panzer Dragoon, etc. Its a shame.

>> No.443714
File: 6 KB, 224x190, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found Command very disappointing.
It feels to me like Star Fox 2 except with most of the things that made Star Fox 2 good stripped away.

>preferring this:

>to this:


>> No.443748

Shit, I really wish that Starfox stayed with the puppet style.It gives at least something unigue and memorable to the Supermarionation show.

>> No.444117
File: 364 KB, 677x434, father.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part of the game gave me huge feels. It was just so sad, yet also wonderful, to see Fox's dad and him guiding Fox.

>> No.444492

>I think that SF1/SF2 SNES had a more space like BGM while 64 has a more Dramatic/Epic feel to it
64 sounds like JRPG music to me... specially some of the boss BGMs and Starwolf's theme.

>> No.444554
File: 46 KB, 540x369, StarFox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this had been an early PS game it could probably had cutscenes made with puppets lol.

>> No.444595
File: 1.02 MB, 1536x1920, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Fox 64 its such a perfeclty designed game:
-Colorful characters with very distinctive voices and personalities
-Awesome team design, their clothes, weaponry and vehicles are very iconic
-Simple but effective story, easily expandable for future games
-Very action oriented gameplay, all levels are dangerous situations were the team is pushed to the limit of their skills and integrity

Yet Nintendo doesnt know what to do with it. The game is very anime-like, Im surprised that Nintendo is having a hard time creating a good game with all those cliched personalities and story. Just look at Adventures... its like they stopped caring before even beginning to work with the franchise.

>> No.444619


What I like about 64 is that each level seems to have a different type of concept or goal you're supposed to do. They're not just shooting through space. One you have to survive hot temperature. Another you have to drive a tank. Another you have to defend the ship, etc.

Also the different paths was great.

>> No.444721
File: 51 KB, 450x543, StarFox_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.444739
File: 58 KB, 256x392, starfox_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.444737
File: 414 KB, 1024x768, starfox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The puppets are cool but I really like the 64 models, particularly Fox and Falco.

>> No.444750
File: 92 KB, 468x640, wf6ivl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In promotional materials for the original SNES game, the entire team had what appeared to be metallic-looking feet and ankles rather than boots. It was theorized that the Star Fox team had their legs amputated and replaced with futuristic prosthetics to prevent loss of consciousness while flying, as gravity tends to force blood away from the brain and toward the lower extremities.

>> No.444881

What happened to Slippy's necklace?

>> No.444925

Imagine a Saturday morning show with the Star Fox crew as puppets.
Yes that's the guy who made Alf

>> No.444938


Left in on the bunny's grave.

>> No.444968
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x872, 1365059928.melangetic_starfox64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wet dream has always been a Star Fox anime, if F Zero got one why cant Star Fox?

>> No.445248
File: 64 KB, 640x480, oh muh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes sense

>> No.445316

Reminds me of that film "Fantastic Mr. Fox" that came out a few years ago

>> No.446820

>Starts with Fox forming the team
>Fara enters the team as the mandatory female member
>SF SNES/SF64 happens
>Kicks Andross' ass
>Filler episodes concentrating in side character stories
>Oh shit! Andross is Alive!
>Enter Miyu and Fay
>SF2 Happens
>Fara dies in combat, giving Fox a severe breakdown
>"No Fox You've gotta keep it together" episode
>Kick Andross' ass once again and for good
>More filler episodes
>Farewell Beloved Falco Adaptation
>Adventures happens
>Krystal pls put on more clothes and get a personality
>Fox and Krystal working together ala Dinosaur Plant original Gameplay ideas
>General Scales actually being the main villain
>Kick Dino Butt
>lol no Command pls